1,141 research outputs found

    État des stocks pĂ©lagiques cĂŽtiers en CĂŽte d'Ivoire

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    Evolution of catch and catch by unit effort of the sardine fishing boats (purse seiners) has been examined from 1966 to 1975. The effort data has been calculated with a new computer programme: Crosardi (Soisson et Barbe, 1974). The analysis has been done on the whole stock and in more detail on the east and west stocks of CĂŽte d'Ivoire. The Sardinella eba stock has been analysed separately. Those analyses were done using the general production model (Prodfit; Fox, 1974). The stock of the eastern area of the CĂŽte d'Ivoire seems to be exploited at its maximum level. Nevertheless, the western area stock could be able to support a progressive increase of fishing effort

    Les acadjas traditionnels dans le sud-est du BĂ©nin

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    This study mission on acadja, the traditional way of fishing in the lagoons of the South-East part of Benin, permits us to understand how well-established this fishing practice is, in terms of time and spatial extention. The exploitation of acadja has a great profitability but it also represents the source of some problems as deterioration of branches, deforestation and social conflits. However, when acadjas are rationally exploited, they constitute a hope for waters which are in the process of losing their biological richness

    Bioconversion of palm kernel meal for aquaculture: Experiences from the forest region (Republic of Guinea)

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    Proteins and fats locked in palm kernel meal cannot be used directly by fishes. Enzyme from maggots (Hermetia illucens larvae) lyses and extracts those nutrients which are consumed as food. Biomasses of maggots produced can be used to feed fishes. This innovation opens a new hope for many African countries where so much agro-industry by-products exist such as palm kernel meal, groundnut meal, cotton seed meal. The different aspects involved in this discovery are explained before the sequence ofprocesses up to final discovery is described

    Penggunaan Bungkil Inti Kelapa Sawit Hasil Biokonversi Sebagai Substrat Pertumbuhan Larva Hermetia Illucens L (Maggot)

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang Palm Kernel Meal (PKM) yang difermentasi selama 7 hari secara alami tanpa penambahan inokulum yang hasil fermentasi disebut dengan PKMK. Produk fermentasi ditambahkan telur Hermetia illucens L. (maggot) diinkubasi selama 14 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkkan adanya kenaikan berat dan panjang maggot. Analisis proksimat menunjukkan kenaikan berat kering, nitrogen total dan serat, tetapi terjadi penurunan lemak dan abu

    Hyperinsulinism in short-chain L-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency reveals the importance of beta-oxidation in insulin secretion

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    A female infant of nonconsanguineous Indian parents presented at 4 months with a hypoglycemic convulsion. Further episodes of hypoketotic hypoglycemia were associated with inappropriately elevated plasma insulin concentrations. However, unlike other children with hyperinsulinism, this patient had a persistently elevated blood spot hydroxybutyrylcarnitine concentration when fed, as well as when fasted. Measurement of the activity of L-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase in cultured skin fibroblasts with acetoacetyl-CoA substrate showed reduced activity. In fibroblast mitochondria, the activity was less than 5% that of controls. Sequencing of the short-chain L-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (SCHAD) genomic DNA from the fibroblasts showed a homozygous mutation (C773T) changing proline to leucine at amino acid 258. Analysis of blood from the parents showed they were heterozygous for this mutation. Western blot studies showed undetectable levels of immunoreactive SCHAD protein in the child's fibroblasts. Expression studies showed that the P258L enzyme had no catalytic activity. We conclude that C773T is a disease-causing SCHAD mutation. This is the first defect in fatty acid beta -oxidation that has been associated with hyperinsulinism and raises interesting questions about the ways in which changes in fatty acid and ketone body metabolism modulate insulin secretion by the beta cell. The patient's hyperinsulinism was easily controlled with diazoxide and chlorothiazide

    Correlation in the transition metal based Heusler compounds Co2_2MnSi and Co2_2FeSi

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    Half-metallic ferromagnets like the full Heusler compounds with formula X2_2YZ are supposed to show an integer value of the spin magnetic moment. Calculations reveal in certain cases of X = Co based compounds non-integer values, in contrast to experiments. In order to explain deviations of the magnetic moment calculated for such compounds, the dependency of the electronic structure on the lattice parameter was studied theoretically. In local density approximation (LDA), the minimum total energy of Co2_2FeSi is found for the experimental lattice parameter, but the calculated magnetic moment is about 12% too low. Half-metallic ferromagnetism and a magnetic moment equal to the experimental value of 6ÎŒB6\mu_B are found, however, only after increasing the lattice parameter by more than 6%. To overcome this discrepancy, the LDA+U+U scheme was used to respect on-site electron correlation in the calculations. Those calculations revealed for Co2_2FeSi that an effective Coulomb-exchange interaction Ueff=U−JU_{eff}=U-J in the range of about 2eV to 5eV leads to half-metallic ferromagnetism and the measured, integer magnetic moment at the measured lattice parameter. Finally, it is shown in the case of Co2_2MnSi that correlation may also serve to destroy the half-metallic behavior if it becomes too strong (for Co2_2MnSi above 2eV and for Co2_2FeSi above 5eV). These findings indicate that on-site correlation may play an important role in the description of Heusler compounds with localized moments.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Mature Care and Nursing in Psychiatry: Notions Regarding Reciprocity in Asymmetric Professional Relationships

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    The idea behind this article is to discuss the importance and to develop the concept of reciprocity in asymmetric professional relationships. As an empirical starting point for an examination of the possible forms of reciprocity between patients and nurses in psychiatry, we chose two qualitative in-depth interviews with two different patients. The manners in which these two patients relate to medical personnel—one is dependent, the other is independent—show that this presents challenges to nurses. The theoretical context is provided by the notion of mature care as it has been developed by feminist-oriented ethics of care, in contrast to the notion of altruistic care. In relation to the concept of mature care, we discuss how nursing can be perceived in demanding relationships with patients in psychiatry. Reciprocity implies that, in principle, the interests of the nurses also matter in a nurse-patient relationship. We show that reciprocity—in practice—is complicated and challenging in a number of different ways. Mature care—with its systematic inclusion of relationships and reciprocity—provides an alternative understanding of what takes place between patients and nurses compared with an altruistic notion of care. As such, mature care can be regarded as an useful paradigm for nurse-patient relationships in psychiatry

    Oncogenic viruses associated with vulva cancer in HIV-1 patients in Botswana

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    BACKGROUND: Oncoviruses such as HPV, KSHV, and EBV have been reported in patients with HIV infection and AIDS. How oncovirus-associated cancers rise in AIDS patients has not been fully established. The purpose of our study was to identify the viral agents in vulvar cancer and to assess their contribution to pathogenesis. METHOD: We retrospectively identified a total of 13 vulva tissue samples from HIV-1 positive and 9 vulvar samples from HIV-1 negative patients from the Botswana National Health Laboratory in Gaborone, Botswana, a Southern African country with a high incidence of HIV. We utilized PCR and IHC to identify HPV, EBV, KSHV, and JC virus in FFPE preserved tissue samples. RESULTS: Using the GP5(+)/GP6(+) primer set we detected several HPV types in tissue samples. EBV was detected in all of the positive cases (100%) and in most of the negative cases (89%). KSHV was detected in 39% of the HIV-1 positive samples and in 11% of the negative samples, and no JC virus was detected in any of the samples. Using IHC we demonstrated that LANA was expressed in 61% of the positive samples and in 44% of the negative samples. The ubiquitous EBV was more consistently expressed in negative cases (100%) than in positive cases (69%). Interestingly, the HPV-16 E6 transcript was detected in 56% of the negative samples compared to 31% of the positive samples. However, the cell cycle protein P21 used as a surrogate marker for HPV was detected in 77% of the positive samples and in 44% of the negative samples, while VEGF signals were similar in both positive (92%) and negative samples (89%). CONCLUSION: Our study, suggests that in Botswana, vulvar squamous cell carcinoma (VSCC) is associated with oncogenic viruses present in the niche but the contribution and progression may be regulated by HPV and other immunosuppressive infections that include HIV-1
