1,071 research outputs found

    Ergonomy in laboratory animal care

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    Suitability of brackish water tilapia species from the Ivory Coast for lagoon aquaculture : 2. Growth and rearing methods

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    En élevage intensif, les deux espèces de tilapia lagunaire, #T. guineensis et #S. melanotheron, se sont avérées décevantes. En effet, même dans la situation la plus favorable, l'élevage monosexe mâle de #S. melanotheron,unevitessedecroissancemeˊdiocre(del′ordrede0.5g.j−1)etunemauvaisetransformationdesalimentsartificielsnepermettentpasdansl′eˊtatactueld′envisageruneexploitationrentable.Lesessaisd′eˊlevageextensifutilisantlatechniqueoriginaledes"acadja−enclos"ontparcontredonneˊdesreˊsultatstreˋsencourageants.Desrendementsannuelsenpoissonsdeplusde8t/ha,dont70aˋ80, une vitesse de croissance médiocre (de l'ordre de 0.5 g.j-1) et une mauvaise transformation des aliments artificiels ne permettent pas dans l'état actuel d'envisager une exploitation rentable. Les essais d'élevage extensif utilisant la technique originale des "acadja-enclos" ont par contre donné des résultats très encourageants. Des rendements annuels en poissons de plus de 8t/ha, dont 70 à 80% de #S. melanotheron de taille marchande, sont possibles sans aucun apport en aliment artificiel. (Résumé d'auteur

    Penggunaan Bungkil Inti Kelapa Sawit Hasil Biokonversi Sebagai Substrat Pertumbuhan Larva Hermetia Illucens L (Maggot)

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang Palm Kernel Meal (PKM) yang difermentasi selama 7 hari secara alami tanpa penambahan inokulum yang hasil fermentasi disebut dengan PKMK. Produk fermentasi ditambahkan telur Hermetia illucens L. (maggot) diinkubasi selama 14 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkkan adanya kenaikan berat dan panjang maggot. Analisis proksimat menunjukkan kenaikan berat kering, nitrogen total dan serat, tetapi terjadi penurunan lemak dan abu

    Hyperinsulinism in short-chain L-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency reveals the importance of beta-oxidation in insulin secretion

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    A female infant of nonconsanguineous Indian parents presented at 4 months with a hypoglycemic convulsion. Further episodes of hypoketotic hypoglycemia were associated with inappropriately elevated plasma insulin concentrations. However, unlike other children with hyperinsulinism, this patient had a persistently elevated blood spot hydroxybutyrylcarnitine concentration when fed, as well as when fasted. Measurement of the activity of L-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase in cultured skin fibroblasts with acetoacetyl-CoA substrate showed reduced activity. In fibroblast mitochondria, the activity was less than 5% that of controls. Sequencing of the short-chain L-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (SCHAD) genomic DNA from the fibroblasts showed a homozygous mutation (C773T) changing proline to leucine at amino acid 258. Analysis of blood from the parents showed they were heterozygous for this mutation. Western blot studies showed undetectable levels of immunoreactive SCHAD protein in the child's fibroblasts. Expression studies showed that the P258L enzyme had no catalytic activity. We conclude that C773T is a disease-causing SCHAD mutation. This is the first defect in fatty acid beta -oxidation that has been associated with hyperinsulinism and raises interesting questions about the ways in which changes in fatty acid and ketone body metabolism modulate insulin secretion by the beta cell. The patient's hyperinsulinism was easily controlled with diazoxide and chlorothiazide

    Sotatercept safety and effects on hemoglobin, bone, and vascular calcification

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    Introduction: Patients with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) exhibit anemia, chronic kidney disease‒mineral bone disorder (CKD-MBD), and cardiovascular disease. The REN-001 and REN-002 phase II, multicenter, randomized studies examined safety, tolerability, and effects of sotatercept, an ActRIIA-IgG1 fusion protein trap, on hemoglobin concentration; REN-001 also explored effects on bone mineral density (BMD) and abdominal aortic vascular calcification. Methods: Forty-three patients were treated in REN-001 (dose range: sotatercept 0.3‒0.7 mg/kg or placebo subcutaneously [s.c.] for 200 days) and 50 in REN-002 (dose range: 0.1‒0.4 mg/kg i.v. and 0.13‒0.5 mg/kg s.c. for 99 days). Results: In REN-001, frequency of achieving target hemoglobin response (\u3e10 g/dl [6.21 mmol/l]) with sotatercept was dose-related and greater than placebo (0.3 mg/kg: 33.3%; 0.5 mg/kg: 62.5%; 0.7 mg/kg: 77.8%; 0.7 mg/kg [doses 1 and 2]/0.4 mg/kg [doses 3‒15]: 33.3%; placebo: 27.3%). REN-002 hemoglobin findings were similar (i.v.: 16.7%-57.1%; s.c.: 11.1%‒42.9%). Dose-related achievement of ≥2% increase in femoral neck cortical BMD was seen among only REN-001 patients receiving sotatercept (0.3‒0.7 mg/kg: 20.0%‒57.1%; placebo: 0.0%). Abdominal aortic vascular calcification was slowed in a dose-related manner, with a ≤15% increase in Agatston score achieved by more REN-001 sotatercept versus placebo patients (60%‒100% vs. 16.7%). The most common adverse events during treatment were hypertension, muscle spasm, headache, arteriovenous fistula site complication, and influenza observed in both treatment and placebo groups. Conclusion: In patients with ESKD, sotatercept exhibited a favorable safety profile and was associated with trends in dose-related slowing of vascular calcification. Less-consistent trends in improved hemoglobin concentration and BMD were observed

    Influence of dietary constituents on intestinal absorption of aluminum

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    Orally-ingested aluminum compounds have been implicated in the development of dialysis encephalopathy, osteomalacic dialysis osteodystrophy and other disorders in both hemodialyzed and nonhemodialyzed patients suffering from chronic renal failure [1–10]. Both dialysate aluminum content [7, 11, 12] and aluminum-containing phosphate binding agents [12–15] have been identified as contributing to hyperaluminemia in uremic patients. The health threat from dialysate fluids has been reduced by the recommendation that the dialysate contains less than 10 µg/liter of aluminum [16]. Alternative phosphate-binding agents which do not contain aluminum are available but these agents are not free of problems [17], and uremic patients continue to ingest significant doses of aluminum-containing phosphate binding agents.Aluminum is the most common metal in the biosphere of humans but, aside from uremic patients, causes no widespread toxicity. This may be as a result of the extremely limited solubility of aluminum at the pH range of the small intestine and blood [18]. Advances in analytical chemistry have made it possible to measure picogram quantities of aluminum in body fluids, thus enabling accurate determination of plasma aluminum levels in the part per billion (µg/liter) range. These analytical techniques have shown that orally ingested aluminum-containing antacids elevate plasma aluminum levels in man [13]. Balance studies monitoring aluminum absorption and elimination revealed an average positive balance from 23 to 313mg of aluminum per day when diets were supplemented with 1 to 3g of aluminum per day [15]. These studies show that a small fraction of the ingested aluminum is absorbed. This absorption presents potential toxic effects to uremic patients whose ability to eliminate aluminum is impaired.In addition, Slanina et al [19] have shown that addition of citric acid to aluminum-supplemented dietary regimens results in blood aluminum levels that are significantly higher than those found in subjects treated with aluminum-supplemented dietary regimens alone. This result suggests that dietary factors may contribute to aluminum absorption.This study was undertaken to determine if the form of aluminum present in the intestinal lumen significantly affects the absorption of aluminum following oral ingestion

    The road to gold: Training and peaking characteristics in the year prior to a gold medal endurance performance

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    Purpose: To describe training variations across the annual cycle in Olympic and World Champion endurance athletes, and determine whether these athletes used tapering strategies in line with recommendations in the literature. Methods: Eleven elite XC skiers and biathletes (4 male; 28±1 yr, 85±5 mL. min-1. kg-1 V̇O2max, 7 female, 25±4 yr, 73±3 mL. min-1. kg-1 V̇O2max) reported one year of day-to-day training leading up to the most successful competition of their career. Training data were divided into periodization and peaking phases and distributed into training forms, intensity zones and endurance activity forms. Results: Athletes trained ∼800 h/500 sessions.year-1, including ∼500 h. year-1 of sport-specific training. Ninety-four percent of all training was executed as aerobic endurance training. Of this, ∼90% was low intensity training (LIT, below the first lactate threshold) and 10% high intensity training (HIT, above the first lactate threshold) by time. Categorically, 23% of training sessions were characterized as HIT with primary portions executed at or above the first lactate turn point. Training volume and specificity distribution conformed to a traditional periodization model, but absolute volume of HIT remained stable across phases. However, HIT training patterns tended to become more polarized in the competition phase. Training volume, frequency and intensity remained unchanged from pre-peaking to peaking period, but there was a 32±15% (P<.01) volume reduction from the preparation period to peaking phase. Conclusions: The annual training data for these Olympic and World champion XC skiers and biathletes conforms to previously reported training patterns of elite endurance athletes. During the competition phase, training became more sport-specific, with 92% performed as XC skiing. However, they did not follow suggested tapering practice derived from short-term experimental studies. Only three out of 11 athletes took a rest day during the final 5 days prior to their most successful competition

    Towards a Free-form Transformable Structure: A critical review for the attempts of developing reconfigurable structures that can deliver variable free-form geometries

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    In continuation of our previous research (Hussein, et al., 2017), this paper examines the kinetic transformable spatial-bar structures that can alter their forms from any free-form geometry to another, which can be named as Free-form transformable structures (FFTS). Since 1994, some precedents have been proposed FFTS for many applications such as controlling solar gain, providing interactive kinetic forms, and control the users' movement within architectural/urban spaces. This research includes a comparative analysis and a critical review of eight FFTS precedents, which revealed some design and technical considerations, issues, and design and evaluation challenges due to the FFTS ability to deliver infinite unpredictable form variations. Additionally, this research presents our novel algorithmic framework to design and evaluate the infinite form variations of FFTS and an actuated prototype that achieved the required movement. The findings of this study revealed some significant design and technical challenges and limitations that require further research work
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