826 research outputs found

    Infrared Observations of novae in the SOFIA era

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    Classical novae inject chemically enriched gas and dust into the local inter-stellar medium (ISM). Abundances in the ejecta can be deduced from infrared (IR) forbidden line emission. IR spectroscopy can determine the mineralogy of grains that grow in nova ejecta. We anticipate the impact that NASA's new Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) will have on future IR studies of novae.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of "Physics of Evolved Stars 2015 - A conference dedicated to the memory of Olivier Chesneau

    The circumstellar dust of "Born-Again" stars

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    We describe the evolution of the carbon dust shells around Very Late Thermal Pulse (VLTP) objects as seen at infrared wavelengths. This includes a 20-year overview of the evolution of the dust around Sakurai's object (to which Olivier made a seminal contribution) and FG Sge. VLTPs may occur during the endpoint of as many as 25% of solar mass stars, and may therefore provide a glimpse of the possible fate of the Sun.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of "Physics of Evolved Stars 2015 - A conference dedicated to the memory of Olivier Chesneau

    Spinal cord injuries

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    O trauma raquimedular é uma lesão que predomina em adultos jovens do sexo masculino e, pelas características da sua etiologia, sua prevenção pode ser muito efetiva, por meio de campanhas de esclarecimentos junto à população e adoção de medidas de segurança individuais ou coletivas. A abordagem terapêutica do TRM deve ser multidisciplinar, desde o momento do resgate e remoção dos pacientes até a sua fase final de reabilitação. Até o momento, não existe nenhum tratamento efetivo capaz de restaurar as funções da medula espinhal lesada. O tratamento é realizado para a reabilitação dos pacientes, de modo que todos os esforços devem ser realizados na prevenção desse tipo irreversível de lesão.Rachimedullary trauma (RMT) is a lesion that predominates among young adult males. Because of the characteristics of its etiology, it can be effectively prevented by means of educational campaigns directed at the population and by the adoption of individual or collective safety measures. The therapeutic approach to RMT should be multidisciplinary from the time of patient’s rescue and removal to the final rehabilitation phase. Thus far there is no effective treatment capable of restoring the functions of the injured spinal cord. Treatment consists of patient rehabilitation and therefore all efforts should be directed at preventing this irreversible type of injury

    The Neon Abundance in the Ejecta of QU Vul From Late-Epoch IR Spectra

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    We present ground-based SpectroCam-10 mid-infrared, MMT optical, and Spitzer Space Telescope IRS mid-infrared spectra taken 7.62, 18.75, and 19.38 years respectively after the outburst of the old classical nova QU Vulpeculae (Nova Vul 1984 #2). The spectra of the ejecta are dominated by forbidden line emission from neon and oxygen. Our analysis shows that neon was, at the first and last epochs respectively, more than 76 and 168 times overabundant by number with respect to hydrogen compared to the solar value. These high lower limits to the neon abundance confirm that QU Vul involved a thermonuclear runaway on an ONeMg white dwarf and approach the yields predicted by models of the nucleosynthesis in such events.Comment: ApJ 2007 accepted, 18 pages, including 5 figures, 1 tabl

    A very luminous, highly extinguished, very fast nova - V1721 Aquilae

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    Fast novae are primarily located within the plane of the Galaxy, slow novae are found within its bulge. Because of high interstellar extinction along the line of sight many novae lying close to the plane are missed and only the brightest seen. One nova lying very close to the Galactic plane is V1721 Aquilae, discovered in outburst on 2008 September 22. Spectra obtained 2.69 days after outburst revealed very high expansion velocities (FWHM ~6450 km/s). In this paper we have used available pre- and post-outburst photometry and post-outburst spectroscopy to conclude that the object is a very fast, luminous, and highly extinguished A_V=11.6+/-0.2) nova system with an average ejection velocity of ~3400 km/s. Pre-outburst near-IR colours from 2MASS indicate that at quiescence the object is similar to many quiescent CNe and appears to have a main sequence/sub-giant secondary rather than a giant. Based on the speed of decline of the nova and its emission line profiles we hypothesise that the axis ratio of the nova ejecta is ~1.4 and that its inclination is such that the central binary accretion disc is face-on to the observer. The accretion disc's blue contribution to the system's near-IR quiescent colours may be significant. Simple models of the nova ejecta have been constructed using the morphological modelling code XS5, and the results support the above hypothesis. Spectral classification of this object has been difficult owing to low S/N levels and high extinction, which has eliminated all evidence of any He/N or FeII emission within the spectra. We suggest two possibilities for the nature of V1721 Aql: that it is a U Sco type RN with a sub-giant secondary or, less likely, that it is a highly energetic bright and fast classical nova with a main sequence secondary. Future monitoring of the object for possible RN episodes may be worthwhile, as would archival searches for previous outbursts.Comment: 9 pages 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&A. Abstract has been slightly shortened from published versio

    Developing an Injury Severity to Yield Loss Relationship for Soybean Gall Midge (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae)

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    Soybean gall midge, Resseliella maxima Gagné (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), is a newly identified pest confirmed on soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr. (Fabales: Fabaceae). To date, soybean gall midge has been found in Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, Minnesota, and Missouri, and has caused severe economic loss to commercial fields since 2018. Much is still unknown about this pest, so research efforts have been focused on biology and management. Larvae feed on the inside of the stem just above the soil line and are difficult to access and time-consuming to sample. In order to accelerate nondestructive sampling efforts, we developed an injury rating system to quantify the severity of plant injury from soybean gall midge larvae. Research plots from 2019 and 2020 in Iowa and Nebraska were evaluated for injury throughout the growing season and yield was measured. Our objective was to describe the relationship between injury severity and yield loss caused from soybean gall midge. A nonlinear regression model was developed to validate our injury rating system and to express the relationship between season long injury severity and yield loss. Results from our analysis indicate the injury rating system we developed correlates well with yield loss caused by larvae and may be an important tool for understanding the economic impact of this emergent pest of soybeans

    Solid-phase C60 in the peculiar binary XX Oph?

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    We present infrared spectra of the binary XX Oph obtained with the Infrared Spectrograph on the Spitzer Space Telescope. The data show some evidence for the presence of solid C60– the first detection of C60 in the solid phase – together with the well-known ‘unidentified infrared’ emission features. We suggest that, in the case of XX Oph, the C60 is located close to the hot component, and that in general it is preferentially excited by stars having effective temperatures in the range 15 000–30 000 K. C60 may be common in circumstellar environments, but unnoticed in the absence of a suitable exciting source

    Response of Soil Respiration to Changes in Soil temperature and water table level in Drained and Restored Peatlands of the Southeastern United States

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    Background Extensive drainage of peatlands in the southeastern United States coastal plain for the purposes of agriculture and timber harvesting has led to large releases of soil carbon as carbon dioxide (CO2) due to enhanced peat decomposition. Growth in mechanisms that provide financial incentives for reducing emissions from land use and land-use change could increase funding for hydrological restoration that reduces peat CO2 emissions from these ecosystems. Measuring soil respiration and physical drivers across a range of site characteristics and land use histories is valuable for understanding how CO2 emissions from peat decomposition may respond to raising water table levels. We combined measurements of total soil respiration, depth to water table from soil surface, and soil temperature from drained and restored peatlands at three locations in eastern North Carolina and one location in southeastern Virginia to investigate relationships among total soil respiration and physical drivers, and to develop models relating total soil respiration to parameters that can be easily measured and monitored in the field. Results Total soil respiration increased with deeper water tables and warmer soil temperatures in both drained and hydrologically restored peatlands. Variation in soil respiration was more strongly linked to soil temperature at drained (R2 = 0.57, p \u3c 0.0001) than restored sites (R2 = 0.28, p \u3c 0.0001). Conclusions The results suggest that drainage amplifies the impact of warming temperatures on peat decomposition. Proxy measurements for estimation of CO2 emissions from peat decomposition represent a considerable cost reduction compared to direct soil flux measurements for land managers contemplating the potential climate impact of restoring drained peatland sites. Research can help to increase understanding of factors influencing variation in soil respiration in addition to physical variables such as depth to water table and soil temperature. Backgroun
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