50 research outputs found

    The use of the Brief Child Abuse Potential Inventory in the general population in Finland

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    Correction: Volume: 37 Issue: 2 Pages: 249-255 DOI: 10.1080/02813432.2019.1608629Objective: The purpose of this research was to analyze psychometric information in the Brief Child Abuse Potential Inventory (BCAP) in a Finnish general population sample. Design: A self-report survey of parents in a primary health care setting and a hospital setting was used to evaluate the use of the BCAP. Setting: The study population consisted of parents who were visiting one of the following contexts: a primary maternity health care clinic, a child health care clinic, and the maternity outpatient clinic, various pediatric outpatient clinics, the general pediatric ward, the pediatric surgical ward, or the neonatal intensive care unit in a hospital setting. Subjects: The BCAP was given to parents at the 30-34th week of pregnancy, when the child was 5 months old or all parents depending on the context. The BCAP was delivered to 759 parents. The final size of the sample was 453 respondents. Main outcome measure: The BCAP, which consisted of 25 items to screen child abuse potential and nine items for evaluation of respondent validity. Results: The internal consistency of the Abuse Risk Scale was good (.770), and the validity scales worked well. The factor structure mirrors with the original factors structure. Conclusion: The psychometric properties of the BCAP reported in the analysis suggest that the BCAP could be a valid instrument to detect child abuse potential in the general population in Finnish health care settings. However, among Finnish respondents there is very little variation in some parts of the measure, which suggests that further research should assess the validity of the instrument in representative samples. Further analysis is also needed to evaluate the correct classification rate of the BCAP.Peer reviewe

    Health self-management of older employees: identifying critical peak experiences of a patient portal

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    Digitalization could provide efficient and cost-effective health and well-being services to the rapidly aging population. However, digital services do not always meet their needs. We investigated the experiences and service needs of older employees by collecting quantitative and qualitative data through a survey (n = 497). The results suggested a negative association between user satisfaction and age during retirement transition. Peak experiences were meaningful, explaining a 26% variation in the overall evaluation of the portal. The negative peak experiences concerned poorly functioning features, and the positive ones the ability to take care of one’s health smoothly and easily. The respondents had high expectations for functionality, efficiency, and ease of use. They wanted more support for self-managing health: controlling weight, sleeping, recovery, and exercising

    Use of oral health care services in Finnish adults - results from the cross-sectional Health 2000 and 2011 Surveys

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    Background: During the 2000s, two major legislative reforms concerning oral health care have been implemented in Finland. One entitled the whole population to subsidized care and the other regulated the timeframes of access to care. Our aim was, in a cross-sectional setting, to assess changes in and determinants of use of oral health care services before the first reform in 2000 and after both reforms in 2011. Methods: The data were part of the nationally representative Health 2000 and 2011 Surveys of adults aged >= 30 years and were gathered by interviews and questionnaires. The outcome was the use of oral health care services during the previous year. Determinants of use among the dentate were grouped according to Andersen's model: predisposing (sex, age group), enabling (education, recall, dental fear, habitual use of services, household income, barriers of access to care), and need (perceived need, self-rated oral health, denture status). Chi square tests and logistic regression analyses were used for statistical evaluation. Results: No major changes or only a minor increase in overall use of oral health care services was seen between the study years. An exception were those belonging to oldest age group who clearly increased their use of services. Also, a significant increase in visiting a public sector dentist was observed, particularly in the age groups that became entitled to subsidized care in 2000. In the private sector, use of services decreased in younger age groups. Determinants for visiting a dentist, regardless of the service sector, remained relatively stable. Being a regular dental visitor was the most significant determinant for having visited a dentist during the previous year. Enabling factors, both organizational and individual, were emphasized. They seemed to enable service utilization particularly in the private sector. Conclusions: Overall changes in the use of oral health care services were relatively small, but in line with the goals set for the reform. Older persons increased use of services in both sectors, implying growing need. Differences between public and private sectors persisted, and recall, costs of care and socioeconomic factors steered choices between the sectors, sustaining inequity in access to care.Peer reviewe

    Tulevien vanhempien alkoholinkäyttö raskausaikana

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    Tutkimuksessa kuvataan tulevien vanhempien alkoholinkäyttöä raskausaikana. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin vuoden 2012 aikana lastaan odottavilta tulevilta äideiltä ja heidän puolisoiltaan. Tutkimukseen osallistui 380 perhettä. Tutkimusaineistoa käsiteltiin ristiintaulukoinnin avulla ja kuvattiin tarkastelemalla vastausten frekvenssejä sekä prosenttiosuuksia. Yli puolet raskaana olevista tulevista äideistä käytti alkoholia raskausaikana. Suurin osa raskausaikana alkoholia käyttävistä naisista käytti alkoholia harvoin ja pieniä määriä kerralla, vaikka lähes neljännes käytti kerralla vähintään kolme alkoholiannosta. Runsaasti alkoholia raskausaikana käytti lähes viisi prosenttia tulevista äideistä. Enemmistö puolisoista käytti alkoholia kohtuullisesti. Lähes puolet käytti alkoholia korkeintaan kerran kuukaudessa ja hieman yli puolet käytti kerralla yksi–neljä alkoholiannosta. Runsaasti alkoholia käytti noin seitsemän prosenttia puolisoista ja reilu 12 prosenttia heistä oli raittiita. Tulevien vanhempien arviot toistensa alkoholin käytöstä olivat melko yhteneväiset. Vanhempien kanssa on tärkeä keskustella alkoholinkäytöstä, sen vaikutuksista lapsiin ja mahdollisista haitoista lapselle ja perheen arjelle esimerkiksi neuvolassa. Raskaana olevien naisten alkoholinkäytön yleisyyttä tulisi myös kartoittaa laajemmin Suomessa. Olisi myös mielenkiintoista selvittää, miksi suomalaiset naiset käyttävät alkoholia raskausaikana, vaikka virallisissa ohjeistuksissa tulevia äitejä ohjeistetaan pidättäytymään alkoholista raskausaikana

    Vältä pregabaliinia ja trisyklisiä masennuslääkkeitä iäkkään hoidossa

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    Amitriptyliini, nortriptyliini ja pregabaliini ovat yli 75-vuotiaiden hoidossa vältettäviä lääkeaineita. Ne saattavat lisätä kaatumisia ja murtumia sekä heikentää kognitiota ja aiheuttaa sekavuustiloja, muistuttaa Kela lääke-määräyspalautteessaan