1,331 research outputs found

    Inferring offline hierarchical ties from online social networks

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    Social networks can represent many different types of relationships between actors, some explicit and some implicit. For example, email communications between users may be represented explicitly in a network, while managerial relationships may not. In this paper we focus on analyzing explicit interactions among actors in order to detect hierarchical social relationships that may be implicit. We start by employing three well-known ranking-based methods, PageRank, Degree Centrality, and Rooted-PageRank (RPR) to infer such implicit relationships from interactions between actors. Then we propose two novel approaches which take into account the time-dimension of interactions in the process of detecting hierarchical ties. We experiment on two datasets, the Enron email dataset to infer manager-subordinate relationships from email exchanges, and a scientific publication co-authorship dataset to detect PhD advisor-advisee relationships from paper co-authorships. Our experiments show that time-based methods perform considerably better than ranking-based methods. In the Enron dataset, they detect 48% of manager-subordinate ties versus 32% found by Rooted-PageRank. Similarly, in co-author dataset, they detect 62% of advisor-advisee ties compared to only 39% by Rooted-PageRank

    Estrategia educativa basada en realidad aumentada para el área de Tecnología e Informática en el grado quinto de Primaria

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    El siguiente proyecto, pretende dar a conocer el diseño y la aplicación de una estrategia educativa en el grado quinto de primaria de la Escuela Normal Superior de Pasto, donde se implementa la tecnología de realidad aumentada (RA) con fines educativos. El diseño estructural de la estrategia empieza desde la selección de un objetivo formativo, que actúa como eje hacia los demás componentes teóricos, pedagógicos y técnicos, necesarios para cualquier proceso educativo que se prevea desarrollar. Este proyecto presenta un análisis sobre las ventajas y desventajas que se encontraron con la aplicación de la estrategia educativa basada en RA, recopilando información valiosa que podría ser tomada en cuenta para el desarrollo de propuestas educativas que busquen incluir este tipo de tecnologías

    Health-related locus of control and health behaviour among university students in North Rhine Westphalia, Germany

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    Helmer SM, Krämer A, Mikolajczyk RT. Health-related locus of control and health behaviour among university students in North Rhine Westphalia, Germany. BMC Research Notes. 2012;5(1): 703

    Optimal control of circuit quantum electrodynamics in one and two dimensions

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    Optimal control can be used to significantly improve multi-qubit gates in quantum information processing hardware architectures based on superconducting circuit quantum electrodynamics. We apply this approach not only to dispersive gates of two qubits inside a cavity, but, more generally, to architectures based on two-dimensional arrays of cavities and qubits. For high-fidelity gate operations, simultaneous evolutions of controls and couplings in the two coupling dimensions of cavity grids are shown to be significantly faster than conventional sequential implementations. Even under experimentally realistic conditions speedups by a factor of three can be gained. The methods immediately scale to large grids and indirect gates between arbitrary pairs of qubits on the grid. They are anticipated to be paradigmatic for 2D arrays and lattices of controllable qubits.Comment: Published version

    T Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma 1A is essential for mouse epidermal keratinocytes proliferation promoted by insulin-like growth factor 1

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    T Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma 1A is expressed during B-cell differentiation and, when overexpressed, acts as an oncogene in mouse (Tcl1a) and human (TCL1A) B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) and T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia (T-PLL). Furthermore, in the murine system Tcl1a is expressed in the ovary, testis and in pre-implantation embryos, where it plays an important role in blastomere proliferation and in embryonic stem cell (ESC) proliferation and self-renewal. We have also observed that Tcl1-/-adult mice exhibit alopecia and deep ulcerations. This finding has led us to investigate the role of TCL1 in mouse skin and hair follicles. We have found that TCL1 is expressed in the proliferative structure (i.e.The secondary hair germ) and in the stem cell niche (i.e.The bulge) of the hair follicle during regeneration phase and it is constitutively expressed in the basal layer of epidermis where it is required for the correct proliferative-differentiation program of the keratinocytes (KCs). Taking advantage of the murine models we have generated, including the Tcl1-/-and the K14-TCL1 transgenic mouse, we have analysed the function of TCL1 in mouse KCs and the molecular pathways involved. We provide evidence that in the epidermal compartment TCL1 has a role in the regulation of KC proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. In particular, the colony-forming efficiency (CFE) and the insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1)-induced proliferation are dramatically impaired, while apoptosis is increased, in KCs from Tcl1-/-mice when compared to WT. Moreover, the expression of differentiation markers such as cytokeratin 6 (KRT6), filaggrin (FLG) and involucrin (IVL) are profoundly altered in mutant mice (Tcl1-/-). Importantly, by over-expressing TCL1A in basal KCs of the K14-TCL1 transgenic mouse model, we observed a significant rescue of cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis of the mutant phenotype. Finally, we found TCL1 to act, at least in part, via increasing phospho-ERK1/2 and decreasing phospho-P38 MAPK. Hence, our data demonstrate that regulated levels of Tcl1a are necessary for the correct proliferation and differentiation of the interfollicular KC

    Quantized spin wave modes in magnetic tunnel junction nanopillars

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    We present an experimental and theoretical study of the magnetic field dependence of the mode frequency of thermally excited spin waves in rectangular shaped nanopillars of lateral sizes 60x100, 75x150, and 105x190 nm2, patterned from MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions. The spin wave frequencies were measured using spectrally resolved electrical noise measurements. In all spectra, several independent quantized spin wave modes have been observed and could be identified as eigenexcitations of the free layer and of the synthetic antiferromagnet of the junction. Using a theoretical approach based on the diagonalization of the dynamical matrix of a system of three coupled, spatially confined magnetic layers, we have modeled the spectra for the smallest pillar and have extracted its material parameters. The magnetization and exchange stiffness constant of the CoFeB free layer are thereby found to be substantially reduced compared to the corresponding thin film values. Moreover, we could infer that the pinning of the magnetization at the lateral boundaries must be weak. Finally, the interlayer dipolar coupling between the free layer and the synthetic antiferromagnet causes mode anticrossings with gap openings up to 2 GHz. At low fields and in the larger pillars, there is clear evidence for strong non-uniformities of the layer magnetizations. In particular, at zero field the lowest mode is not the fundamental mode, but a mode most likely localized near the layer edges.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, (re)submitted to PR

    Towards structured sharing of raw and derived neuroimaging data across existing resources

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    Data sharing efforts increasingly contribute to the acceleration of scientific discovery. Neuroimaging data is accumulating in distributed domain-specific databases and there is currently no integrated access mechanism nor an accepted format for the critically important meta-data that is necessary for making use of the combined, available neuroimaging data. In this manuscript, we present work from the Derived Data Working Group, an open-access group sponsored by the Biomedical Informatics Research Network (BIRN) and the International Neuroimaging Coordinating Facility (INCF) focused on practical tools for distributed access to neuroimaging data. The working group develops models and tools facilitating the structured interchange of neuroimaging meta-data and is making progress towards a unified set of tools for such data and meta-data exchange. We report on the key components required for integrated access to raw and derived neuroimaging data as well as associated meta-data and provenance across neuroimaging resources. The components include (1) a structured terminology that provides semantic context to data, (2) a formal data model for neuroimaging with robust tracking of data provenance, (3) a web service-based application programming interface (API) that provides a consistent mechanism to access and query the data model, and (4) a provenance library that can be used for the extraction of provenance data by image analysts and imaging software developers. We believe that the framework and set of tools outlined in this manuscript have great potential for solving many of the issues the neuroimaging community faces when sharing raw and derived neuroimaging data across the various existing database systems for the purpose of accelerating scientific discovery

    Bonn Potential and Shell-Model Calculations for 206,205,204Pb

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    The structure of the nuclei 206,205,204Pb is studied interms of shell model employing a realistic effective interaction derived from the Bonn A nucleon-nucleon potential. The energy spectra, binding energies and electromagnetic properties are calculated and compared with experiment. A very good overall agreement is obtained. This evidences the reliability of our realistic effective interaction and encourages use of modern realistic potentials in shell-model calculations for heavy-mass nuclei.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Measuring surface-area-to-volume ratios in soft porous materials using laser-polarized xenon interphase exchange NMR

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    We demonstrate a minimally invasive nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technique that enables determination of the surface-area-to-volume ratio (S/V) of soft porous materials from measurements of the diffusive exchange of laser-polarized 129Xe between gas in the pore space and 129Xe dissolved in the solid phase. We apply this NMR technique to porous polymer samples and find approximate agreement with destructive stereological measurements of S/V obtained with optical confocal microscopy. Potential applications of laser-polarized xenon interphase exchange NMR include measurements of in vivo lung function in humans and characterization of gas chromatography columns.Comment: 14 pages of text, 4 figure
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