101 research outputs found

    Klamydiainfektiot ja immunologinen puolustus

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    Ulkomaalaistaustaisten nuorten seksuaali- ja lisääntymisterveystietämys Kouluterveyskyselyssä 2015

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    Seksuaali- ja lisääntymisterveys (SELI-terveys) on keskeinen osa hyvinvointia ja terveyttä. Ulkomaalaistaustaisten nuorten tietotason ja erityistarpeiden tunteminen on edellytys SELI-terveyden edistämiselle ja palvelujen toteuttamiselle tasa-arvoisesti riippumatta asiakkaan kulttuuritaustasta tai kielestä. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää ulkomaalaistaustaisten nuorten SELI-terveystietämyksen tasoa ja verrata sitä suomalaistaustaisten nuorten tietämykseen sekä tarkastella vastaajien taustatekijöiden yhteyttä SELI-terveystietämykseen. Tutkimusaineistona on valtakunnallinen vuonna 2015 toteutettu peruskoulun (12–19-vuotiaat), lukion (14–20-vuotiaat) ja ammatillisten oppilaitosten opiskelijoille (14–20-vuotiaat) suunnattu Kouluterveyskysely (N=120 400 ). Kyselyn kaksitoista väittämää SELI-terveydestä analysoitiin nuoren ulkomaalaistaustan mukaan. Ulkomaalaistaustaisuus (monikulttuurinen perhe, toisen ja ensimmäisen sukupolven maahanmuuttaja) määriteltiin nuoren oman ja hänen vanhempiensa syntymämaan perusteella. Monikulttuuristen perheiden nuoriin kuuluivat ne nuoret, joiden vanhemmista toinen oli syntynyt Suomessa ja toinen ulkomailla sekä nuoret, jotka olivat itse syntyneet ulkomailla ja joiden vanhemmista toinen oli syntynyt Suomessa ja toisen syntymämaasta puuttui tieto. Nuorista 6,1% tuli monikulttuurisista perheistä, 1,7% oli toisen ja 3,2% ensimmäisen sukupolven maahanmuuttajia ja loput suomalaistaustaisia nuoria. Logistisen regression avulla ulkomaalaistaustaisten nuorten tietämystä verrattiin suomalaistaustaisten nuorten tietämykseen ottaen huomioon sukupuoli, kouluaste ja Suomessa asuttu aika. SELI-terveystietämys vaihteli sukupuolen, kouluasteen sekä ulkomaalaistaustan mukaan. Poikien tietämys oli heikompaa kuin tyttöjen ja ulkomaalaistaustaisten nuorten heikompaa kuin suomalaistaustaisten. Lyhyt Suomessa asuttu aika selitti osittain ulkomaalaistaustaisten nuorten heikompaa SELI-tietämystä. Myös Suomessa koko ikänsä asuneiden toisen sukupolven maahanmuuttajataustaisten nuorten tietämystaso oli suomalaistaustaisia nuoria heikompi. Nuoren ulkomaalaistaustalla oli selkeä yhteys SELI-terveystietämystasoon ja yhteys säilyi eri kouluasteilla. Erinomainen SELI-terveystietämys oli kaikissa, myös suomalaistaustaisten, nuorten ryhmissä heikompaa kuin olisi tavoiteltavaa nuorten terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin edistämiseksi

    Maternal first trimester metabolic profile in pregnancies with transposition of the great arteries

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    Background: Higher maternal body mass index (BMI) and abnormal glucose metabolism during early pregnancy are associated with congenital heart defects in the offspring, but the exact mechanisms are unknown.Methods: We evaluated the association between maternal first trimester metabolic profile and transposition of the great arteries (TGA) in the offspring in a matched case-control study with 100 TGA mothers and 200 controls born in Finland during 2004-2014. Cases and controls were matched by birth year, child sex, and maternal age and BMI. Serum samples collected between 10- and 14-weeks of gestation were analyzed for 73 metabolic measures. Conditional logistic regression was used to assess the risk for TGA in the offspring, and a subgroup analysis among mothers with high BMI was conducted.Results: Higher concentrations of four subtypes of extremely large very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) particles and one of large VLDL particles were observed in TGA mothers. This finding did not reach statistical significance after multiple testing correction. The pooled odds ratio (OR) of the all metabolic variables was slightly higher in TGA mothers in the subgroup with maternal BMI over 25 (OR 1.25) and significantly higher in the subgroup with maternal BMI over 30 (OR 1.95) compared to the original population (OR 1.18).Conclusions: Our findings indicate that an abnormal maternal early pregnancy metabolic profile might be associated with TGA in the offspring, especially in obese mothers. A trend indicating altered VLDL subtype composition in TGA pregnancies warrants further research.Peer reviewe

    Smoking during pregnancy reduces vitamin D levels in a Finnish birth register cohort

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    Objective Maternal vitamin D level in pregnancy may have implications for both the mother and fetus. Deficiency of vitamin D has been linked to several pregnancy complications and fetal skeletal health. Smoking has been associated with reduced serum level of the vitamin D metabolite, 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D). Design A nested case-control study within the Finnish Maternity Cohort, a population-based cohort which includes first-trimester sera from 98 % of pregnancies in Finland since 1987. The selection consisted of women with uncomplicated pregnancies. We studied serum concentration of 25(OH)D in 313 non-smoking and forty-six self-reported smoking pregnant women. Setting We hypothesize that pregnant smokers may have an increased risk of low 25(OH)D levels especially during winter months. Participants A control group from an unpublished pregnancy complication study consisting of 359 uncomplicated pregnancies. Individuals who reported that they do not smoke were considered 'non-smokers' (n 313) and those who reported continued smoking after the first trimester of pregnancy were considered 'smokers' (n 46). Results Smokers had significantly lower levels of 25(OH)D irrespective of sampling time (PPeer reviewe

    Vitamin D Status During Pregnancy and Risk of Multiple Sclerosis in Offspring of Women in the Finnish Maternity Cohort

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    IMPORTANCE Vitamin D has been associated with a decreased risk of multiple sclerosis (MS) in adulthood; however, some, but not all, previous studies have suggested that in utero vitamin D exposure may be a risk factor forMS later in life. OBJECTIVE To examine whether serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) levels in early pregnancy are associated with risk of MS in offspring. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Prospective, nested case-control study in the Finnish Maternity Cohort conducted in May 2011.We identified 193 individuals with a diagnosis of MS before December 31, 2009, whose mothers are in the Finnish Maternity Cohort and had an available serum sample from the pregnancy with the affected child.We matched 176 cases with 326 controls on region of birth in Finland, date of maternal serum sample collection, date of mother’s birth, and date of child’s birth. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Maternal serum 25(OH)D levelswere measured using a chemiluminescence assay. The risk of MS among offspring and association with maternal 25(OH)D levels were the main outcomes. Conditional logistic regression was used and further adjusted for sex of the child, gestational age at the time of sample collection, and season of sample collection to estimate the relative risks and 95%CIs. RESULTS Of the 193 cases in the study, 163 were female. Of the 331 controls in the study, 218 were female. Seventy percent of serum samples were collected during the first trimester of pregnancy. The mean (SD) maternal vitamin D levels were in the insufficient vitamin D range, but higher in maternal control than case samples (15.02 [6.41] ng/mL vs 13.86 [5.49] ng/mL [to convert to nanomoles per liter, multiply by 2.496]). Maternal vitamin D deficiency (25[OH]D levels increased risk of MS in the offspring (relative risk, 1.90; 95%CI, 1.20-3.01; P = .006) compared with women who did not have deficient 25(OH)D levels. There was no statistically significant association between the risk of MS and increasing serum 25(OH)D levels (P = .12). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Insufficient maternal 25(OH)D during pregnancymay increase the risk of MS in offspring</p

    Predicting tubal factor infertility by using markers of humoral and cell-mediated immune response against Chlamydia trachomatis

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    Problem: The accuracy of Chlamydia trachomatis antibody test in predicting tubal factor infertility (TFI) is limited, and more accurate methods are needed. Cell-mediated immune response (CMI) is crucial in the resolution of pathogen, but it may play an important role in the pathogenesis of C trachomatis-associated tubal damage. We studied whether combining the markers of C trachomatis-induced CMI to humoral immune response improves the accuracy of serology in TFI prediction. Method of study: Our prospective study consists of 258 subfertile women, of whom 22 (8.5%) had TFI. Women with other causes for subfertility served as a reference group. Serum C trachomatis major outer membrane protein (MOMP) and chlamydial heat-shock protein 60 (cHSP60) IgG antibodies were measured by ELISA. CMI was studied by lymphocyte proliferation assay in vitro. Results: Serological markers were more prevalent in women with TFI than in other subfertile women (40.9% vs 12.3% for MOMP IgG and 27.3% vs 10.2% for cHSP60 IgG). The best test combination for TFI was C. trachomatis MOMP and cHSP60 antibody with an accuracy of 90.3%, sensitivity of 22.7% and specificity of 96.6%. Positive post-test probability of this combination was 54.2%, and negative post-test probability was 12.4%. Adding of the markers of CMI did not significantly improve the accuracy of serology in TFI prediction. Conclusion: The accuracy of TFI prediction increases when the combination of C trachomatis MOMP and cHSP60 antibody tests is used. C trachomatis-induced CMI was common in our study population, but the markers of CMI did not predict TFI.Peer reviewe
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