26 research outputs found

    Interactions of the Bacillus subtilis DnaE polymerase with replisomal proteins modulate its activity and fidelity

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    During Bacillus subtilis replication two replicative polymerases function at the replisome to collectively carry out genome replication. In a reconstituted in vitro replication assay, PolC is the main polymerase while the lagging strand DnaE polymerase briefly extends RNA primers synthesized by the primase DnaG prior to handing-off DNA synthesis to PolC. Here, we show in vivo that (i) the polymerase activity of DnaE is essential for both the initiation and elongation stages of DNA replication, (ii) its error rate varies inversely with PolC concentration, and (iii) its misincorporations are corrected by the mismatch repair system post-replication. We also found that the error rates in cells encoding mutator forms of both PolC and DnaE are significantly higher (up to 15-fold) than in PolC mutants. In vitro, we showed that (i) the polymerase activity of DnaE is considerably stimulated by DnaN, SSB and PolC, (ii) its error-prone activity is strongly inhibited by DnaN, and (iii) its errors are proofread by the 30 . 50 exonuclease activity of PolC in a stable template-DnaE –PolC complex. Collectively our data show that protein –protein interactions within the replisome modulate the activity and fidelity of DnaE, and confirm the prominent role of DnaE during B. subtilis replication

    Growth-Rate Dependence Reveals Design Principles of Plasmid Copy Number Control

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    Genetic circuits in bacteria are intimately coupled to the cellular growth rate as many parameters of gene expression are growth-rate dependent. Growth-rate dependence can be particularly pronounced for genes on plasmids; therefore the native regulatory systems of a plasmid such as its replication control system are characterized by growth-rate dependent parameters and regulator concentrations. This natural growth-rate dependent variation of regulator concentrations can be used for a quantitative analysis of the design of such regulatory systems. Here we analyze the growth-rate dependence of parameters of the copy number control system of ColE1-type plasmids in E. coli. This analysis allows us to infer the form of the control function and suggests that the Rom protein increases the sensitivity of control

    Actinomycete integrative and conjugative elements

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    This paper reviews current knowledge on actinomycete integrative and conjugative elements (AICEs). The best characterised AICEs, pSAM2 of Streptomyces ambofaciens (10.9 kb), SLP1 (17.3 kb) of Streptomyces coelicolor and pMEA300 of Amycolatopsis methanolica (13.3 kb), are present as integrative elements in specific tRNA genes, and are capable of conjugative transfer. These AICEs have a highly conserved structural organisation, with functional modules for excision/integration, replication, conjugative transfer, and regulation. Recently, it has been shown that pMEA300 and the related elements pMEA100 of Amycolatopsis mediterranei and pSE211 of Saccharopolyspora erythraea form a novel group of AICEs, the pMEA-elements, based on the unique characteristics of their replication initiator protein RepAM. Evaluation of a large collection of Amycolatopsis isolates has allowed identification of multiple pMEA-like elements. Our data show that, as AICEs, they mainly coevolved with their natural host in an integrated form, rather than being dispersed via horizontal gene transfer. The pMEA-like elements could be separated into two distinct populations from different geographical origins. One group was most closely related to pMEA300 and was found in isolates from Australia and Asia and pMEA100-related sequences were present in European isolates. Genome sequence data have enormously contributed to the recent insight that AICEs are present in many actinomycete genera. The sequence data also provide more insight into their evolutionary relationships, revealing their modular composition and their likely combined descent from bacterial plasmids and bacteriophages. Evidence is accumulating that AICEs act as modulators of host genome diversity and are also involved in the acquisition of secondary metabolite clusters and foreign DNA via horizontal gene transfer. Although still speculative, these AICEs may play a role in the spread of antibiotic resistance factors into pathogenic bacteria. The novel insights on AICE characteristics presented in this review may be used for the effective construction of new vectors that allows us to engineer and optimise strains for the production of commercially and medically interesting secondary metabolites, and bioactive proteins

    Multiple Length DNA Molecules of Bacteriophage φX174

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    Rush and Warner have suggested that circular double length DNA molecules of bacteriophage S13 arise during genetic recombination, presumably in a single reciprocal recombination event between two monomeric circles. In other systems, however, circular molecules of multiple length are produced by errors in replication. We now demonstrate that most circular multiple length DNA molecules of bacteriophage φX174 arise by replication and that, moreover, some catenated DNA molecules contain interlocked rings of two different parental types