43 research outputs found

    Interdisciplinarity under consideration of the Theoretical System of Expanded Affectivity: An essay about overcoming difficulties in learning of Mathematics through Language and Semiotics

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    This article is based on one of the authors dissertation, which general goal was to investigate the approximations between the learning of Mathematics and the formal language. The work is based on the bibliographic research on the development of Mathematics and language, both at phylogenetic as well as at ontogenetic level. It is argued that Mathematics and language are made possible to the human being by the same basic characteristic - the ability for abstract thinking. Thus, these two disciplines are searched for similarities, as well as for viable paths for a more fruitful work in the intricacies of Mathematics. The authors argument that the field of semiotic studies, which encompasses the two disciplines discussed here (Language and Mathematics), can play the role of a link between the two of them, as well as provide possibilities for an interdisciplinary work that brings fruitful results for the learning of these areas. The work’s main theoretical reference is the Theoretical System of Expanded Affectivity (TSEA), which aims to study the human being and its relation with the world in its integrality. Thus, one of the objectives is to seek the integration of knowledge, as opposed to the exacerbated fragmentation currently found in science and in school institutions. It is also intended that this work be a source of reflection on possibilities for an expanded view of the knowledge and the human being itself

    Affectfullness as the basis for the (re)formulation of the teacher´s professional identity

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    ‘Affectfullness’ is called the way of life defended by Theoretical System of Affectfullness (TSA) in which the interactions we experience in the world can become rich and meaningful. Seen in these terms, it may be understood as a method that provides parameters for analyzing our experiences and investing in our full development as human beings. As of this approach, the teaching and learning activities should also be seen from a broader perspective, since they have a relevant role in the developmental path of our species. Therefore, it is argued that in scholastic institutions, the teacher – the person in charge of ‘teaching’- needs to experience opportunities and perspectives of self-development which happens through participation in healthy interactions and appropriate conditions to carry out their work of transmitting the input of knowledge produced by humanity from generation to generation. However, unfortunately we have noticed that a large number of elementary school teachers in Brazil do not perceive themselves inserted in a context full of development possibilities, both of themselves and of their own students. Teachers experience discomfort and anxieties, which in turn result in disenchantment with their teaching activities. This paper aims to explore, based on the literature researched, some of the difficulties lived by performing teachers which were organized in seven sections that indicate how the integrity of the ‘teaching profession’ has negatively been affected. Then, it promoted a dialogue with the Theoretical System of Affectfullness (TSA) in order to elicit reflections, which contribute to the teachers arouse an “affectively expanded look” on the dimension of their daily work and their professional identity, becoming able to positively affect their work environment and help modify this reality for better

    Rhythm is a Dancer: An Essay about Affectfulness as a Parameter of Human Development

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    This essay is an invitation to consider the possibilities of dancing as a process of education and human development. The intention of this theoretical work is to bring some foundations about how human development may benefit from dancing as a reference for constructing parameters based on affectivity and the search for existential self-realization. With this ambition, we explore the notions of human development, corporeity, affectivity, interaction, playfulness, arts and dancing. The primary foundation is the Theoretical System of Affectfulness and the respective concepts of Affectfulness and Psychic Cell. Further, we dialogue with other authors in order to expand the discussion. We support dancing as an artistic expression with the potential to extend individual’s perception, balance and sensitivity. If experienced as an activity connected with the sense of harmony that gives us existential pleasure, i.e. if the dancers experience corporeity while willing to connect to the implicit needs of their bodies towards a rhythmic harmony, dancing may lead to discovery of the unfragmented essence of being, in consonance with nature and the universe. This is owed to the potential of dancing to outline affective-emotional parameters that may serve as models to be generalized to other interactional situations, contributing to nourishing a cycle of more positive and pleasant interactions

    Aprendendo a “brigar melhor”: administração de conflitos sem violência na escola

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    O propósito deste trabalho é relatar uma experiência de intervenção realizada em uma escola pública municipal de Curitiba/PR, cujo objetivo foi o treinamento de habilidades sociais e de interação interpessoal, buscando contribuir para minimizar os episódios agressivos freqüentes na escola, principalmente entre alunos. Diversas atividades lúdicas foram seqüencialmente aplicadas em cinco dias consecutivos, em sessões de duas horas diárias com cada turma, tendo participado aproximadamente 120 alunos de segundas e terceiras séries do ensino fundamental e seus respectivos professores. À equipe pedagógica ofertou-se uma oficina extra, de seis horas, com a finalidade de discutir as bases teórico-práticas do programa. As atividades foram centradas no fortalecimento das quatro competências básicas necessárias ao lidar com diferenças e conflitos: percepção, comunicação, cooperação e auto-estima. Os participantes tiveram também a oportunidade de conhecer e discernir entre a “língua do lobo” (comunicação calcada na ambigüidade e na falta de reconhecimento das necessidades reais dos indivíduos) e a “língua da girafa” (comunicação direta e empática), refletindo sobre as vantagens dessa última e treinando seu uso. Através da observação do comportamento dos alunos durante as atividades, conversas informais com a equipe pedagógica e um instrumento avaliativo escrito sobre a oficina, considera-se que a experiência apresentou resultados positivos.  Palavras-chave: conflito interpessoal; violência; comunicação não-violenta; mediação; educação escolar. The current report describes an intervention experience, the goal being to foster social skills for successful resolutions of conflicts without physical or verbal violence. The intervention was designed to minimize aggressive episodes at school, and promote a healthier atmosphere, more favorable to the development of teaching and learning. A sequence of activities were applied over five consecutive days to approximately 120 second and third grade children and their teachers in a public primary school in Curitiba (Brazil). An extra workshop was presented to the pedagogical team, in which the theoretical bases of the program were discussed. The main purpose of these activities was the strengthening of the four basic competences needed for dealing with differences and conflicts: perception, communication, cooperation and self-esteem. The participants also had the opportunity to learn and to distinguish “wolf language” – communication suffering from ambiguity and a lack of recognition for individuals' real needs, from “giraffe language” - direct empathic communication. Participants considered the advantages of the latter and were trained in its use. The school community viewed the results of the intervention positively.Keywords: interpersonal conflict; violence; non-violent communication; mediation; school education.

    Cognição, afeto e desenvolvimento humano: a emoção de viver e a razão de existir

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    Trata-se de um convite à reflexão, no sentido de fornecer elementos, provenientesda filosofia e da psicologia, na intenção de contribuir para umavisão mais crítica e produtiva da atividade científica, bem como para umresgate da amplitude da vida. Defende-se que sejam consideradas, sobretudo,as relações entre os fenômenos – sejam estes sociais ou naturais –, emlugar de uma postura fragmentada e individualista perante o mundo. Tocaquestões ligadas à atitude – como forma de ver e estar no mundo –, à ética,ao desejo, ao conhecimento, ao afeto e à consciência. Explora a visão nãoapenas dialética, mas também monista de Vygotsky acerca da construçãoe da expressão humana – a qual se inspirou em autores tais como Espinosa–, segundo a qual os processos psíquicos formam-se a partir de relações deinterdependência entre aspectos sociais, cognitivos, afetivos e do âmbito da ação. Uma perspectiva que supera o tradicional dualismo entre a razãoe a emoção, contribuindo para uma compreensão mais integrada e maisdinâmica dos indivíduos. Apresenta-se, assim, um apelo à busca da razãoe da emoção de viver na dimensão da existência humana.This article consists of an incentive towards reflection, providing elementsof philosophy and psychology to contribute to a more critic and productiveview of scientific activity, as well as recall the amplitude of life. It suggestsa position supported primarily by the connections between differentphenomena, instead of a fragmented and individualist opinion. It alsoaddresses questions related to the attitude – as a way of living –, ethic,desire, knowledge, affection, and consciousness. The authors exploreVygotsky’s monist view towards human construction and expression– which is inspired by authors like Espinosa – and according to whichthe psychological processes are created based on interdependent social,cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspects. It presents a perspectivebeyond the traditional dualism of emotion and reason, granting a moreintegrated and dynamic comprehension of individuals. As such, this textcalls for a search of reason and emotion of living in the human existence dimension

    Cognition, affectivity, and human development: the emotion of living and the reason of being

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    This article consists of an incentive towards reflection, providing elements of philosophy and psychology to contribute to a more critic and productive view of scientific activity, as well as recall the amplitude of life. It suggests a position supported primarily by the connections between different phenomena, instead of a fragmented and individualist opinion. It also addresses questions related to the attitude - as a way of living -, ethic, desire, knowledge, affection, and consciousness. The authors explore Vygotsky's monist view towards human construction and expression - which is inspired by authors like Espinosa - and according to which the psychological processes are created based on interdependent social, cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspects. It presents a perspective beyond the traditional dualism of emotion and reason, granting a more integrated and dynamic comprehension of individuals. As such, this text calls for a search of reason and emotion of living in the human existence dimension.Trata-se de um convite à reflexão, no sentido de fornecer elementos, provenientes da filosofia e da psicologia, na intenção de contribuir para uma visão mais crítica e produtiva da atividade científica, bem como para um resgate da amplitude da vida. Defende-se que sejam consideradas, sobretudo, as relações entre os fenômenos - sejam estes sociais ou naturais -, em lugar de uma postura fragmentada e individualista perante o mundo. Toca questões ligadas à atitude - como forma de ver e estar no mundo -, à ética, ao desejo, ao conhecimento, ao afeto e à consciência. Explora a visão não apenas dialética, mas também monista de Vygotsky acerca da construção e da expressão humana - a qual se inspirou em autores tais como Espinosa -, segundo a qual os processos psíquicos formam-se a partir de relações de interdependência entre aspectos sociais, cognitivos, afetivos e do âmbito da ação. Uma perspectiva que supera o tradicional dualismo entre a razão e a emoção, contribuindo para uma compreensão mais integrada e mais dinâmica dos indivíduos. Apresenta-se, assim, um apelo à busca da razão e da emoção de viver na dimensão da existência humana.16518

    Factores relacionados con deterioro cognitivo y pérdida de autonomía en una población mayor de 64 años

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    JUSTIFICACIÓN: El aumento de la esperanza de vida que se ha producido en las últimas décadas ha modificado la pirámide poblacional de forma espectacular. La media de edad en 1900 en España se situaba en 34.2 años, en la actualidad se sitúa en 82.8 años. Se estima que para el año 2050, las personas de más de 65 años representen el 27.2 % de la población española y se prevé que el número de los que tienen más de 80 años se quintuplique. El progresivo envejecimiento de la población provoca un aumento del riesgo a padecer enfermedades, provocando alteraciones importantes a nivel funcional y pérdida de capacidades. Entre las alteraciones y enfermedades presentes en las personas mayores, destacan los trastornos cognitivos conocidos según el DSM-5 (Manual de Diagnóstico y Estadístico de Trastornos Mentales) como Trastorno Neurocognitivo Mayor cuando hablamos de demencia, o bien Trastorno Neurocognitivo Menor cuando se trata de deterioro cognitivo leve. El Trastorno Neurocognitivo Mayor provoca limitación funcional, restar capacidad de realizar las actividades cotidianas, mientras que el Trastorno Neurocognitivo Menor no altera la capacidad funcional para la realización de dichas actividades. En ambos casos, hay un deterioro cognitivo (DC) definido como el conjunto de disminuciones de diferentes aptitudes intelectuales que pueden asociarse con alteraciones sensoriales, motrices y de la personalidad, atribuibles a distintas causas etiopatogénicas que incluyen, además de las de naturaleza orgánica, otra de tipo social y comportamental. Las consecuencias del envejecimiento vinculadas a los trastornos cognitivos, originan a una merma importante o incluso una pérdida total de algunas capacidades que conducen a la dependencia. La discapacidad en las personas mayores supone una reducción de la autonomía y origina un cambio de hábitos y formas de vida ligado a la imposibilidad para llevar a cabo las actividades de la vida diaria. Por este motivo, el DC constituye un importante problema de salud por su magnitud y gravedad, además de por su impacto en la calidad de vida de las personas afectadas, de sus familiares y cuidadores. Aunque la edad es el factor más determinante en la aparición del deterioro cognitivo, otros factores de corte sociodemográfico, clínico y conductual pueden acelerar dicho deterioro. OBJETIVO Identificar los factores relacionados con el DC y la dependencia para las actividades básicas de la vida diaria, en mayores de 64 años. DISEÑO Estudio transversal para describir y observar la asociación de aspectos relacionados con DC y la dependencia, en 200 personas mayores de 64 años, de las cuales 100 institucionalizadas y 100 no institucionalizadas. RESULTADOS La media de edad de los institucionalizados fue superior a los que vivían en sus domicilios, predominando en ambos grupos el sexo femenino. El 93 % de las personas institucionalizadas vivían solas sin cónyuge. El estado civil predominante en ambos grupos fue la viudedad. La prevalencia de DC en el grupo institucionalizado fue del 47 %, superior a la prevalencia del grupo no institucionalizado que fue del 8 % (p< 0,001). De las personas institucionalizadas con DC el 70.3 % presentaron dependencia funcional en las actividades básicas de la vida diaria, superior al grupo no institucionalizado, en los cuales de los que padecían DC solo el 14.6 % presentaron dependencia funcional. El grupo institucionalizado presentó un mayor número de casos de ansiedad y depresión, hallándose asociación significativa con el DC. La Dependencia y las actividades didácticas fueron las únicas variables que en ambos grupos que se asociaron con el DC. La Institucionalización (OR= 5.368), la edad (OR= 1.066) y la dependencia (OR= 5.036), se asociaron de forma negativa con el DC. Las actividades didácticas (OR= 0.227) se asoció de forma positiva. CONCLUSIONES La población institucionalizada presenta una mayor prevalencia de DC con respecto a la población general. Un número importante de personas institucionalizadas que padecen DC presentan dependencia funcional. Existen aspectos clínicos que se relacionan con el DC, así como aspectos conductuales que pueden predecir el DC. La comparación de resultados con otros estudios en centros residenciales, requiere precaución, dada la heterogeneidad entre los distintos centros, por los criterios de admisión y los niveles asistenciales. La realización de actividades didácticas puede favorecer el estado cognitivo en los mayores mediante el entrenamiento. Es importante incluir programas de estimulación cognitiva dirigidos a la población mayor, especialmente en las instituciones residenciales.JUSTIFICATION It is a proven fact that as a consequence of the increase in life expectancy in recent decades, we can observe a dramatic change in the population pyramid. The average age In Spain in 1900 stood at 34.2 years, currently it stands at 82.8 years. It is estimated that by 2050, people over 50 will be fivefold. The progressive aging of the population leads to increased risk of disease, causing major disruptions to functional level and loss of skills. In the process of aging, life expectancy plays a very important role, causing an exponential increase in disease risk, all that, as a result of a longer exposure of the body to the effects of time, during which, there is a bigger risk of decreased reserves of the physiological systems, causing major disruptions at functional level and loss of skills. Among the disorders and diseases in the elderly, it should be noted those cognitive disorders known, according to DSM-5 (Manual of Diagnostic and Statistical Mental Disorders), as major neurocognitive disorder when it causes dementia or minor neurocognitive disorder when it brings a mild impairment. Major Neurocognitive disorder causes functional limitation, and reduces ability to perform daily activities, while minor neurocognitive disorder does not alter the functional ability to perform such activities. In both cases, there is a cognitive disorder (CD), defined as the set of reductions of different intellectual abilities that can be associated with several sensory, motor and personality disorders, due to a series o pathogenic causes, which include apart from those of organic nature, others of social and behavioral type. The consequences of aging related to cognitive impairment, produce a significant reduction or even a total loss of some capabilities, which leads to dependence. Disability in the elderly means a reduction in their autonomy and causes a change in habits and lifestyles joined to the inability to carry out the activities of daily living. For this reason, CI supposes an important health problem because of its magnitude and severity, and also due to the consequences in the quality of life in those people affected by this disease, their families and caregivers. The condition of dependence, in many cases, can be caused mainly by DC. Although the age is the most important factor in the development of cognitive disorders, there are other aspects of sociodemographic, clinical and behavioral nature which can accelerate the mentioned disorder. Numerous studies show that old age itself is not a risk factor for mental illness; however, age is positioned as the most decisive factor in the onset of cognitive decline. But there are other factors of sociodemographic, clinical and behavioral type that can be associated with cognitive decline and be responsible for the increased risk of developing CD in the population and therefore cause limitations in the functional capacity of the elderly. Many researchers from various fields, alerted by the devastating numbers of cognitively affected, direct their studies to those characteristics that can be associated to DC, so that we can intervene in them in order to alleviate the negative effects caused by this CD. OBJECTIVE Identify the factors related to the CI and dependence for basic activities of daily life, in people over 64 years. DESIGN Cross study in order to describe and observe the association of aspects related with CI and dependence, in 200 people over 64 years, of which 100 institutionalized and 100 noninstitutionalized. RESULTS The average age in the institutionalized group was higher than those living in their homes, predominating in both cases females. 93% of institutionalized people lived alone with no spouse. The predominant civil status in both groups was the widowhood. The prevalence of CI in the institutionalized group was 47%, higher than the prevalence of non-institutionalized group that was 8% (p <0.001). Among institutionalized people with CI, 70.3% had functional dependence in basic activities of daily living, higher than non-institutionalized group, in which of those with CI only 14.6% had both conditions. The institutionalized group had a higher incidence of anxiety and depression, being significant associated with CI. The dependence and educational activities were the only variables in both groups which were associated with the CI. Institutionalization (OR= 5.368), age (OR= 1.066) and dependence (OR= 5.036) were associated negatively with the CI. Learning activities (OR= 0.227) were positively associated. CONCLUSIONS Institutionalized population has a higher prevalence of CI with respect to the general population. A significant number of institutionalized people suffering CI also present functional dependence. There are clinical aspects related to the CI, as well as behavioral ones, that can predict the CI. Comparison of results with another studies in residential institutions, requires caution, given the heterogeneity between centers, in questions such as the admission criteria and levels of care. 5 Conducting educational activities can promote cognitive status in older people through training. It is important to include cognitive stimulation programs aimed at the older population, especially in residential institutions

    Teatro na escola: possibilidades de desenvolvimento de adolescentes

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    A arte, em todas as suas formas, é um produto histórico cultural da humanidade e, ao mesmo tempo, elemento essencial na constituição do humano do ser. Contudo, a arte, ainda que inserida no rol das disciplinas escolares obrigatórias no Brasil, tende a ser compreendida na escola como um conhecimento de menor importância e desnecessário à plena formação dos cidadãos. Este artigo apresenta parte dos resultados de uma pesquisa qualitativa realizada em uma escola pública da cidade de Curitiba, Paraná, com a qual pretendeu-se contribuir para a produção de conhecimentos sobre o papel das artes no desenvolvimento do ser humano. Os participantes da pesquisa foram 15 adolescentes com idades entre 12 e 14 anos. Partindo-se do pressuposto de que o ser humano é uma unidade indivisível complexa na qual inter-relacionam-se as dimensões afetiva, cognitiva, social e motora, o estudo investigou as possibilidades de desenvolvimento propiciadas pela realização de atividades teatrais na instituição escolar, fundamentando-se principalmente nas ideias do psicólogo russo, criador da psicologia histórico cultural, Lev Vygotsky

    Schools and psychosocial development according to the perceptions of young individuals with ADHD

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    Individuals with ADHD seem to have a peculiar neurological functioning. Their cerebral hyperactivity, sometimes accompanied by physical hyperactivity, make individuals attention capabilities to become unstable, generating difficulties to adapt to the traditional school system. However, these individuals often prove to be creative and sensitive, and occasionally brilliant. This study investigated the perceptions of adolescents and young adults with ADHD diagnosis regarding the schools role in their psychosocial development, with an emphasis to identity aspects. A total of 21 former and current students were interviewed; data were videotaped and qualitatively analyzed. As evidenced in the literature, a high number of grade failures, expulsions, and compulsory transfers were observed among the participants as well as learning and behavioral disorders. Poor academic performance and negative labeling contributed to the individuals diminished perceptions concerning their abilities, who ended up building predominantly negatively self beliefs. The reports revealed the poor treatment delivered by schools to these students and a lack of alternatives to develop their potential and facilitate their adaptation to the school environment.Las personas con TDAH parecen poseer un funcionamiento psicológico peculiar. Su hiperactividad cerebral, acompañada algunas veces de hiperactividad física, causa inestabilidad en su capacidad de atención, generando dificultades en su adaptación al sistema escolar tradicional. Por otro lado, se muestran sensibles y creativas e, incluso, a veces geniales. El objetivo de este estudio es investigar las percepciones de adolescentes y jóvenes adultos con diagnóstico de TDAH acerca del papel de la escuela en su desarrollo psicosocial, principalmente los referidos a los aspectos de su identidad. Se entrevistaron a 21 alumnos y ex alumnos, siendo estos datos grabados en video y analizados cualitativamente. Se destaca el número de reprobaciones, expulsiones y transferencias obligatorias entre los participantes, como señala la literatura especializada, así como los denominados problemas de aprendizaje y comportamiento. Un desempeño académico insatisfactorio y rótulos prejuiciosos contribuyeron para que tengan una percepción disminuida de sus capacidades, habiendo construido creencias predominantemente negativas sobre si mismos. Los relatos denuncian la falta de interés de la escuela en el trato con estos alumnos y en la búsqueda de alternativas que ayuden a desarrollar sus potencialidades y faciliten su adaptación al ambiente escolar.Pessoas com TDAH parecem ter funcionamento neurológico peculiar. Sua hiperatividade cerebral, acompanhada eventualmente de hiperatividade física, causa instabilidade na capacidade atencional, gerando dificuldades no ajustamento à sistemática escolar tradicional. Entretanto, mostram-se sensíveis e criativas, até geniais. Este estudo objetivou investigar as percepções de adolescentes e jovens adultos com diagnóstico de TDAH acerca do papel da escola em seu desenvolvimento psicossocial, principalmente quanto aos aspectos identitários. Foram entrevistados 21 alunos e ex-alunos, tendo sido os dados gravados em vídeo e analisados qualitativamente. Destaca-se o número de reprovações, expulsões e transferências compulsórias entre os participantes, como evidencia a literatura, bem como problemas de aprendizagem e de comportamento. Desempenho acadêmico insatisfatório e rotulações pejorativas contribuíram para uma percepção diminuída de suas capacidades, tendo construído crenças predominantemente negativas sobre si mesmos. Os relatos denunciam a precariedade da escola no trato com esses alunos e na busca de alternativas que desenvolvam suas potencialidades, facilitando sua adaptação ao ambiente escola

    Teatro na escola: possibilidades de desenvolvimento de adolescentes

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    A arte, em todas as suas formas, é um produto histórico cultural da humanidade e, ao mesmo tempo, elemento essencial na constituição do humano do ser. Contudo, a arte, ainda que inserida no rol das disciplinas escolares obrigatórias no Brasil, tende a ser compreendida na escola como um conhecimento de menor importância e desnecessário à plena formação dos cidadãos. Este artigo apresenta parte dos resultados de uma pesquisa qualitativa realizada em uma escola pública da cidade de Curitiba, Paraná, com a qual pretendeu-se contribuir para a produção de conhecimentos sobre o papel das artes no desenvolvimento do ser humano. Os participantes da pesquisa foram 15 adolescentes com idades entre 12 e 14 anos. Partindo-se do pressuposto de que o ser humano é uma unidade indivisí­vel complexa na qual inter-relacionam-se as dimensões afetiva, cognitiva, social e motora, o estudo investigou as possibilidades de desenvolvimento propiciadas pela realização de atividades teatrais na instituição escolar, fundamentando-se principalmente nas ideias do psicólogo russo, criador da psicologia histórico cultural, Lev Vygotsky