146 research outputs found

    Differential effects of left/right neuropathy on rats’ anxiety and cognitive behavior

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    Chronic pain is frequently accompanied by a deterioration of emotional behavior and cognitive function. A small number of studies in humans concluded that pain-associated negative affect is more pronounced when pain is localized in the left side of the body. It has been suggested that such side bias results from cortical function lateralization. It is not known, however, if other pain-associated behavioral changes are differentially affected by left- and right-sided pain. To test this hypothesis, the performance of rats with a unilateral spared nerve injury neuropathy installed in the left (SNI-L) or in the right (SNI-R) side was compared in anxiety (elevated-plus maze) and cognitive (spatial working and reference memory, attentional set-shifting task, and delay-to-signal impulsivity task) behavioral paradigms. Results show that SNI-L animals presented an increased anxiety-like profile while maintaining preserved cognitive function. On the contrary, SNI-R animals presented cognitive deficits in all tasks except in the reference memory, but displayed a normal anxiety-like profile. Our results show that left- and right-sided neuropathic pain differentially affects emotional behavior, which is in accordance with previous observations in human subjects, both in experimentally induced pain and in chronic pain conditions. Additionally, our results demonstrate that the cognitive function deteriorationThis work was funded by the Portuguese Science Foundation Project PTDC/SAU-NEU/108557/2008, COMPETE and FEDER, and Grant SFRH/BD/29166/200

    O câncer infantil no âmbito familiar: revisão integrativa

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    OBJETIVOS: caracterizar a produção científica em artigos on-line acerca das repercussões do câncer infantil no âmbito familiar. Trata-se de revisão integrativa da literatura, realizada mediante busca na base de dados LILACS, MEDLINE, BDENF e na biblioteca virtual SCIELO, com os descritores família, criança, câncer, enfermagem oncológica, publicados entre 2008 e 2014, que possibilitou a identificação de 26 artigos. Para análise dos dados, foram estabelecidas as seguintes categorias temáticas: alterações e sentimentos de familiares frente à descoberta do câncer na criança; desafios no tratamento do filho com câncer; relacionamento família e equipe de enfermagem durante a hospitalização da criança com câncer. Concluiu-se que o processo de adoecimento infantil e a hospitalização provocam alterações no âmbito familiar e demanda atenção da enfermagem, tanto a criança quanto a sua família, o que é fundamental no processo de recuperação e tratamento frente ao diagnóstico de câncer


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    Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa que objetiva identificar na literatura como a enfermagem vem abordando a pessoa com Doença Falciforme. A busca das referências foi desenvolvida na base de dados da Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde - BVS, tendo como critérios de inclusão: artigos publicados nos últimos 4 anos, nos idiomas: inglês, espanhol, francês e português. Após leitura analítica das referências, foram selecionados 19 artigos para a análise. Os resultados obtidos apontaram que ainda são incipientes as produções de enfermagem relacionadas ao cuidado da pessoa com doença falciforme, no que se refere à avaliação para atenuar a dor e a ocorrência da mesma, na perspectiva da prevenção e autocuidado envolvendo a família e a equipe de enfermagem, principalmente, no contexto hospitalar

    Asymmetric c-fos expression in the ventral orbital cortex is associated with impaired reversal learning in a right-sided neuropathy

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    BACKGROUND: Recently we showed that unilateral peripheral neuropathic lesions impacted differentially on rat's emotional/cognitive behavior depending on its left/right location; importantly, this observation recapitulates clinical reports. The prefrontal cortex (PFC), a brain region morphofunctionally affected in chronic pain conditions, is involved in the modulation of both emotion and executive function and displays functional lateralization. To test whether the PFC is involved in the lateralization bias associated with left/right pain, c-fos expression in medial and orbital areas was analyzed in rats with an unilateral spared nerve injury neuropathy installed in the left or in the right side after performing an attentional set-shifting, a strongly PFC-dependent task. RESULTS: SNI-R animals required more trials to successfully terminate the reversal steps of the attentional set-shifting task. A generalized increase of c-fos density in medial and orbital PFC (mPFC/OFC), irrespectively of the hemisphere, was observed in both SNI-L and SNI-R. However, individual laterality indexes revealed that contrary to controls and SNI-L, SNI-R animals presented a leftward shift in c-fos density in the ventral OFC (VO). None of these effects were observed in the neighboring primary motor area. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrate that chronic neuropathic pain is associated with a bilateral mPFC and OFC hyperactivation. We hypothesize that the impaired performance of SNI-R animals is associated with a left/right activity inversion in the VO, whose functional integrity is critical for reversal learning.This work was granted by the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) project PTDC/SAU-NEU/108557/2008 and grant SFRH/BPD/80118/2011

    A prevalência da polifarmácia em idosos com sintomas depressivos: uma revisão integrativa

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    Introdução: Os idosos e as múltiplas doenças que os acometem com o aumento da idade, ocasionam o aumento e o consumo de medicamentos e o risco de polifarmácia, que a Organização Mundial da Saúde define como tomar vários medicamentos ao mesmo tempo ou administrar um número excessivo de medicamentos, sejam eles prescritos, isentos de prescrição ou outros medicamentos tradicionais. A definição de polifarmácia mais adotada na literatura é o uso de cinco ou mais medicamentos. Objetivo: Elencar a verificação da prevalência da polifarmácia em idosos com sintomas depressivos, evidenciando como se dá todo o processo de enfermagem. Método: Revisão integrativa realizada entre os meses de fevereiro a abril de 2022. Critérios de inclusão: artigos dos últimos 5 anos publicados nas bases LILACS, MEDLINE, IBECS e BDENF nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol. Os critérios de exclusão foram aqueles que não abordavam o tema do estudo, os artigos não encontrados ou que se repetiam entre as bases. Resultados: A busca resultou em 76 artigos e com aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão foram selecionados 12 estudos com textos completos, para uma discussão acerca do tema, sendo categorizada em duas partes sendo: ações para detecção da polifarmácia e sintomas depressivos entre idosos com uso da polifarmácia. Conclusões: As medidas essenciais são o rastreamento e diagnóstico precoce da polifarmácia, para uma implantação com eficiência de medidas de intervenção e, nesse processo, a enfermagem é essencial no desenvolvimento dessas medidas, atuando como educadora em saúde e promoção de saúde. É possível, pelo uso da tecnologia e inovação, facilitar esse processo de prevenção e reeducação na administração de medicamentos. O tema é de extrema importância e necessita de estudos aprofundados na área

    Building up of a nested granite intrusion: magnetic fabric, gravity modelling and fluid inclusion planes studies in Santa Eulália Plutonic Complex (Ossa Morena Zone, Portugal)

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    The Santa Eulália Plutonic Complex (SEPC), located in the Ossa Morena Zone (south Portugal), is composed of a medium- to coarse-grained pink granite (G0-type) and a central grey medium-grained biotite granite (G1-type). Available Rb–Sr data indicates an age of 290 Ma. An emplacement model for the SEPC is proposed, taking into account magnetic fabric, 2D gravity modelling and fluid inclusion planes studies. The G0 and G1 types demonstrate different magnetic behaviour: G0 is considered a magnetite-type granite and G1 is an ilmenite-type granite. The formation of G0 required oxidized conditions related to the interaction of mafic rocks with a felsic magma. The 2D gravity modelling and subvertical magnetic lineations show that the feeder zone of the SEPC is located in the eastern part of the pluton, confirming the role of the Assumar and Messejana Variscan faults in the process of ascent and emplacement. The magma emplacement was controlled by ENE–WSW planar anisotropies related to the final brittle stages of the Variscan Orogeny. The emplacement of the two granites was almost synchronous as shown by their gradational contacts in the field. The magnetic fabric however suggests emplacement of the G0-type first, closely followed by emplacement of the G1-type, pushing the G0 laterally which becomes more anisotropic towards the margin. The G1-type became flattened, acquiring a dome-like structure. The SEPC is a nested pluton with G0-type granite assuming a tabular flat shape and G1-type forming a rooted dome-like structure. After emplacement, SEPC recorded increments of the late Variscan stress field documented by fluid inclusion planes in quartz


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    The remnants of quilombolas form an ethnic and cultural group organized under a logic of extractive and agricultural economy coupled with the conception of common use of natural resources. This article evaluates the socio-economic and productive aspects of the quilombola community of Abacatal, Ananindeua, State of Pará. A field research was done using questionnaires with 39 workers. The results indicate that most farmers were born in the community, and have a low level of education, no higher than incomplete fundamental schooling. The families’ monthly income are low and supplemented by income transfer from the Federal Government. The residences have a good infrastructure, but the sanitation conditions are poor. Agricultural practices are traditional and have low-level technology, being developed in small areas. The main activity is fruit culture in 53.8%of the production units. Commercialization is done in a farmers’ market in Ananindeua. The access to services of technical assistance, rural extension and rural credit is incipient and restricts innovations in agricultural procedures. Near the urban center of Ananindeua, it suggests a need for alternative models of agriculture that permit to take advantage of market opportunities, but that respect local traditions and environmental conditions. The strengthening of the social capital and institutional actions constitute fundamental elements for sustainability of agriculture in this quilombola community.Keywords: Family agriculture; traditional communities; systems of production; social organization; Amazon.Os remanescentes de quilombos constituem grupo étnico e cultural organizado sob uma lógica de economia extrativista e agrícola combinada à concepção de uso comum dos recursos naturais. Neste artigo analisam-se os aspectos socioeconômicos e produtivos da comunidade quilombola do Abacatal, Ananindeua, estado do Pará. Foi realizada pesquisa de campo por meio de aplicação de questionários estruturados com 39 produtores. Os resultados indicam que a maioria nasceu na própria comunidade e possuem baixo nível de escolaridade, predominando o ensino fundamental incompleto. Os rendimentos mensais são baixos e complementados pelas políticas de transferência de renda do Governo Federal. As residências possuem boa infraestrutura, mas as condições gerais de saneamento ainda são precárias. As práticas agrícolas são tradicionais e de baixo nível tecnológico, sendo desenvolvidas em pequenas áreas. A principal atividade é a fruticultura desenvolvida em 53,8% das unidades de produção. A comercialização é realizada na feira do produtor em Ananindeua. O acesso aos serviços de assistência técnica, extensão rural e ao crédito rural é incipiente e limita inovações nas práticas agrícolas. A proximidade com o centro urbano de Ananindeua sugere a necessidade de modelos alternativos de agricultura que permitam aproveitar as oportunidades de mercado, mas que respeitem as tradições e as condições ambientais da localidade. O fortalecimento do capital social e de ações institucionais constitui elementos fundamentais para a sustentabilidade da agricultura nessa comunidade quilombola.Palavras-chave: agricultura familiar, comunidades tradicionais, sistemas de produção, organização social, Amazônia

    Measurement of the top quark pair production cross section in pppp collisions at s=7\sqrt{s}=7 TeV in dilepton final states with ATLAS

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    A measurement of the production cross section of top quark pairs (ttbar) in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider is reported. Candidate events are selected in the dilepton topology with large missing transverse energy and at least two jets. Using a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35 pb^-1, a ttbar production cross section of 171 +/- 20(stat.) +/- 14(syst.) +8-6(lum.) pb is measured for an assumed top quark mass of 172.5 GeV. A second measurement requiring at least one jet identified as coming from a b quark yields a comparable result, demonstrating that the dilepton final states are consistent with being accompanied by b-quark jets. These measurements are in good agreement with Standard Model predictions.Peer Reviewe

    Performance of the ATLAS Trigger System in 2010

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    Proton-proton collisions at sqrt{s} = 7 TeV and heavy ion collisions at sqrt{s_NN} = 2.76 TeV were produced by the LHC and recorded using the ATLAS experiment's trigger system in 2010. The LHC is designed with a maximum bunch crossing rate of 40 MHz and the ATLAS trigger system is designed to record approximately 200 of these per second. The trigger system selects events by rapidly identifying signatures of muon, electron, photon, tau lepton, jet, and B meson candidates, as well as using global event signatures, such as missing transverse energy. An overview of the ATLAS trigger system, the evolution of the system during 2010 and the performance of the trigger system components and selections based on the 2010 collision data are shown. A brief outline of plans for the trigger system in 2011 is presentedPeer Reviewe

    Performance of Missing Transverse Momentum Reconstruction in Proton-Proton Collisions at 7 TeV with ATLAS

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    The measurement of missing transverse momentum in the ATLAS detector, described in this paper, makes use of the full event reconstruction and a calibration based on reconstructed physics objects. The performance of the missing transverse momentum reconstruction is evaluated using data collected in pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV in 2010. Minimum bias events and events with jets of hadrons are used from data samples corresponding to an integrated luminosity of about 0.3 inverse nb and 600 inverse nb, together with events containing a Z boson decaying to two leptons (electrons or muons) or a W boson decaying to a lepton (electron or muon) and a neutrino, from a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of about 36 inverse pb. An estimate of the systematic uncertainty on the missing transverse momentum scale is presented.Peer Reviewe