160 research outputs found

    Educação médica em Portugal

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    Copyright © Ordem dos Médicos 2016Medical education is an always evolving métier and mission. More than just emphasizing scientific knowledge, it is nowadays expected that it incorporates clinical reasoning, practical skills, and stimulates the development of character, compassion, and integrity. Most medical schools education results chiefly from tradition rather than evidence, and little has changed with regard to delivering top notch professionals in healthcare.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The antiageing efficacy of donkey milk in combination with pomegranate extract and UV protection: A traditional ingredient in a modern formulation.

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    Donkey milk, allegedly used by Cleopatra, is a complex, traditional cosmetic ingredient composed of hydrating substances. In this work, donkey milk was mixed with pomegranate extract and an optimised blend of UV filters in a cosmetic O/W emulsion. The antiageing efficacy of this synergistic blend was assessed by imaging, biomechanical and electrometric methods on 32 volunteers, after 28 days of application. The wrinkle count decreased by 32.9% and the wrinkle length was reduced by 9.6%. Skin hydration increased by 11.4%, while skin firmness and elasticity increased by 9.6% and 16.1%, respectively. Furthermore, skin colour homogeneity was enhanced. Thus, this product was proven to have antiageing effects, both by preventing photoageing and by diminishing existing signs of ageing

    Pickering Emulsions Stabilized by Calcium Carbonate Particles: A New Topical Formulation

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Pickering emulsions are systems composed of two immiscible fluids stabilized by solid organic or inorganic particles. Pickering emulsions are particularly useful in cosmetics, where the surfactants are unwanted, as well as in the pharmaceutical field, where transdermal and/or dermal drug delivery is difficult to achieve and controlled drug release is desired. Here, we studied calcium carbonate particles as stabilizers of Pickering emulsions for topical use. An optimized formulation was obtained using a Quality by Design approach. First, a screening experiment was performed to identify the formulation and process critical variables that affect the quality properties of the Pickering emulsion. The optimization of the production was then studied by establishing the design space. The final formulation was hereinafter investigated regarding the pH, rheological properties, and in vitro cytotoxicity assays. The results showed the formulation had a pH compatible with human skin and a shear thinning behavior. Moreover, this formulation showed a strong network structure, with a suitable spreadability on the skin, allowing an easy application. The in vitro assays were performed to assess the potential cytotoxicity of the calcium carbonate-stabilized emulsion and the particles themselves, and the results revealed that the formulation did not significantly affect the cell viability. In conclusion, the use of calcium carbonate particles as a stabilizer ingredient contributed to achieve an eco-friendly Pickering emulsion.This research was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal (UID/DTP/04138/2019, PTDC/MEC-DER/30198/2017, and CEECINST/00145/2018) and by Carbomin.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Atas do XXVIII Seminário de Investigação em Educação Matemática

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    Em 2017, realiza-se em Viseu, pela terceira vez, o Seminário de Investigação em Educação Matemática (SIEM), dinamizado pelo Grupo de Trabalho de Investigação (GTI) da Associação de Professores de Matemática (APM). Estes seminários aconteceram em 1992 e em 2002. Em 1992 realizou-se na Escola Superior de Educação de Viseu o III SIEM. Foi neste seminário que surgiu, de forma mais visível, o Grupo de Trabalho de Investigação, com a aprovação dos seus objetivos e linhas orientadoras. A ideia de constituir, no seio da Associação de Professores de Matemática, um grupo de trabalho dedicado à Investigação em Educação Matemática vinha de trás, do Encontro de Professores de Matemática (ProfMat) de 1989, em Viana do Castelo, por iniciativa de João Pedro da Ponte. Em 1992, Viseu sucedia, assim, ao SIEM das Caldas da Rainha, em 1990, e ao SIEM do Porto, no ano seguinte. A revista Quadrante, publicada pelo GTI, tem tantos anos quantos decorreram desde esse primeiro SIEM em Viseu, 25 anos. Pode dizer-se que a Quadrante nasceu em Viseu, na medida em que no seu número inaugural, que saiu nesse ano de 1992, publicou textos baseados em comunicações realizadas no III SIEM.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    OPTEXPLOR – new application for water resources management for private water supply utilities

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    This article presents the steps made for the development of a new water management system (WMS) for a private water utility in the south of Portugal, and its main results. The WMS is composed of a set of models representing the water resources, surface and groundwater, water quality models, economic models, and water allocation optimization models. The system was developed at the request of the regional water utility (Águas do Algarve, S.A.), which is responsible for distributing water to the entire Algarve region (most touristic area in Portugal, with about ten million tourists per year, and a local population of about four hundred thousand). Results clearly show that independently of the amount of water available, inter-annual exploration is always the best solution, if possible. When water scarcity is high, as in consecutive dry years, the water utility will need to call municipalities to use their systems to complement supply. The level of supply deficit is higher, in any case, for annual exploration management, and so are exploration costs. These results clearly show that water resources management needs careful inter-annual planning, even for a private water supply utility with very limited control over water exploration by other competing users

    Flower development and sex specification in wild grapevine

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    Background: Wild plants of Vitis closely related to the cultivated grapevine (V. v. vinifera) are believed to have been first domesticated 10,000 years BC around the Caspian Sea. V. v. vinifera is hermaphrodite whereas V. v. sylvestris is a dioecious species. Male flowers show a reduced pistil without style or stigma and female flowers present reflexed stamens with infertile pollen. V. vinifera produce perfect flowers with all functional structures. The mechanism for flower sex determination and specification in grapevine is still unknown.Results: To understand which genes are involved during the establishment of male, female and complete flowers, we analysed and compared the transcription profiles of four developmental stages of the three genders. We showed that sex determination is a late event during flower development and that the expression of genes from the ABCDE model is not directly correlated with the establishment of sexual dimorphism. We propose a temporal comprehensive model in which two mutations in two linked genes could be players in sex determination and indirectly establish the Vitis domestication process. Additionally, we also found clusters of genes differentially expressed between genders and between developmental stages that suggest a role involved in sex differentiation. Also, the detection of differentially transcribed regions that extended existing gene models (intergenic regions) between sexes suggests that they may account for some of the variation between the subspecies.Conclusions: There is no evidence of differences of expression levels in genes from the ABCDE model that could explain the shift from hermaphroditism to dioecy. We propose that sex specification occurs after floral organ identity has been established and therefore, sex determination genes might be having an effect downstream of the ABCDE model genes. For the first time a full transcriptomic analysis was performed in different flower developmental stages in the same individual. Our experimental approach enabled us to create a comprehensive catalogue of transcribed genes across developmental stages and genders that will contribute for future work in sex determination in seed plants.This work was supported by the funded project PTDC/AGR-GPL/119298/2010 from Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia and MRocheta, JLCoito and JCunha by the fellowships FRH/BPD/64905/2009, SFRH/BD/85824/2012 and SFRH/BPD/74895/2010, respectively. We are also grateful to Eng. Eiras- Dias, curator from Portuguese Ampelographic Collection (property of Instituto Nacional de Investigacao Agraria e Veterinaria, Dois Portos), for the collaboration in this work allowing the access to the Vitis collection

    Penso, comunico, resolvo

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    Esta brochura destina-se a alunos do ensino básico (1.º a 9.º anos), tendo como objetivo fornecer informação sobre as capacidades transversais que o novo Programa de Matemática português (2007) veio destacar.Escola Superior de Educação de Vise