177 research outputs found

    Prostate cancer, PI3K, PTEN and prognosis

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    Loss of function of the PTEN tumour suppressor, resulting in dysregulated activation of the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) signalling network, is recognized as one of the most common driving events in prostate cancer development. The observed mechanisms of PTEN loss are diverse, but both homozygous and heterozygous genomic deletions including PTEN are frequent, and often accompanied by loss of detectable protein as assessed by immunohistochemistry (IHC). The occurrence of PTEN loss is highest in aggressive metastatic disease and this has driven the development of PTEN as a prognostic biomarker, either alone or in combination with other factors, to distinguish indolent tumours from those likely to progress. Here, we discuss these factors and the consequences of PTEN loss, in the context of its role as a lipid phosphatase, as well as current efforts to use available inhibitors of specific components of the PI3K/PTEN/TOR signalling network in prostate cancer treatment.</jats:p

    Mechanisms of PTEN loss in cancer: it’s all about diversity

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    PTEN is a phosphatase which metabolises PIP₃, the lipid product of PI 3-Kinase, directly opposing the activation of the oncogenic PI3K/AKT/mTOR signalling network. Accordingly, loss of function of the PTEN tumour suppressor is one of the most common events observed in many types of cancer. Although the mechanisms by which PTEN function is disrupted are diverse, the most frequently observed events are deletion of a single gene copy of PTEN and gene silencing, usually observed in tumours with little or no PTEN protein detectable by immunohistochemistry. Accordingly, with the exceptions of glioblastoma and endometrial cancer, mutations of the PTEN coding sequence are uncommon (<10%) in most types of cancer. Here we review the data relating to PTEN loss in seven common tumour types and discuss mechanisms of PTEN regulation, some of which appear to contribute to reduced PTEN protein levels in cancers.The authors declare they have no conflict of interest with publication of this manuscript. Work in the NRL laboratory is funded by Medical Research Scotland (Grant number: 1034-2016), Prostate Cancer UK (PG14-006), CRUK (C50604/A28050) and PTEN Research

    Type II phosphoinositide 5-phosphatases have unique sensitivities towards fatty acid composition and head group phosphorylation

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    AbstractThe catalytic properties of the type II phosphoinositide 5-phosphatases of Lowe's oculocerebrorenal syndrome, INPP5B, Synaptojanin1, Synaptojanin2 and SKIP were analysed with respect to their substrate specificity and enzymological properties. Our data reveal that all phosphatases have unique substrate specificities as judged by their corresponding KM and VMax values. They also possessed an exclusive sensitivity towards fatty acid composition, head group phosphorylation and micellar presentation. Thus, the biological function of these enzymes will not just be determined by their corresponding regulatory domains, but will be distinctly influenced by their catalytic properties as well. This suggests that the phosphatase domains fulfil a unique catalytic function that cannot be fully compensated by other phosphatases

    Evolutionary Conservation of the PA-X Open Reading Frame in Segment 3 of Influenza A Virus

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    PA-X is a fusion protein of influenza A virus encoded in part from a +1 frameshifted X open reading frame (X-ORF) in segment 3. We show that the X-ORFs of diverse influenza A viruses can be divided into two groups that differ in selection pressure and likely function, reflected in the presence of an internal stop codon and a change in synonymous diversity. Notably, truncated forms of PA-X evolved convergently in swine and dogs, suggesting a strong species-specific effect

    The F-box protein Cdc4/Fbxw7 is a novel regulator of neural crest development in Xenopus laevis.

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    BACKGROUND: The neural crest is a unique population of cells that arise in the vertebrate ectoderm at the neural plate border after which they migrate extensively throughout the embryo, giving rise to a wide range of derivatives. A number of proteins involved in neural crest development have dynamic expression patterns, and it is becoming clear that ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation is partly responsible for this. RESULTS: Here we demonstrate a novel role for the F-box protein Cdc4/Fbxw7 in neural crest development. Two isoforms of Xenopus laevis Cdc4 were identified, and designated xCdc4alpha and xCdc4beta. These are highly conserved with vertebrate Cdc4 orthologs, and the Xenopus proteins are functionally equivalent in terms of their ability to degrade Cyclin E, an established vertebrate Cdc4 target. Blocking xCdc4 function specifically inhibited neural crest development at an early stage, prior to expression of c-Myc, Snail2 and Snail. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate that Cdc4, an ubiquitin E3 ligase subunit previously identified as targeting primarily cell cycle regulators for proteolysis, has additional roles in control of formation of the neural crest. Hence, we identify Cdc4 as a protein with separable but complementary functions in control of cell proliferation and differentiation

    Influence of PB2 host-range determinants on the intranuclear mobility of the influenza A virus polymerase

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    Avian influenza A viruses often do not propagate efficiently in mammalian cells. The viral polymerase protein PB2 is important for this host restriction, with amino-acid polymorphisms at residue 627 and other positions acting as ‘signatures’ of avian- or human-adapted viruses. Restriction is hypothesized to result from differential interactions (either positive or inhibitory) with unidentified cellular factors. We applied fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) to investigate the mobility of the viral polymerase in the cell nucleus using A/PR/8/34 and A/Turkey/England/50-92/91 as model strains. As expected, transcriptional activity of a polymerase with the avian PB2 protein was strongly dependent on the identity of residue 627 in human but not avian cells, and this correlated with significantly slower diffusion of the inactive polymerase in human but not avian nuclei. In contrast, the activity and mobility of the PR8 polymerase was affected much less by residue 627. Sequence comparison followed by mutagenic analyses identified residues at known host-range-specific positions 271, 588 and 701 as well as a novel determinant at position 636 as contributors to host-specific activity of both PR8 and Turkey PB2 proteins. Furthermore, the correlation between poor transcriptional activity and slow diffusional mobility was maintained. However, activity did not obligatorily correlate with predicted surface charge of the 627 domain. Overall, our data support the hypothesis of a host nuclear factor that interacts with the viral polymerase and modulates its activity. While we cannot distinguish between positive and inhibitory effects, the data have implications for how such factors might operate

    PA-X antagonises MAVS-dependent accumulation of early type I interferon messenger RNAs during influenza A virus infection

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    The sensing of viral nucleic acids by the innate immune system activates a potent antiviral response in the infected cell, a key component of which is the expression of genes encoding type I interferons (IFNs). Many viruses counteract this response by blocking the activation of host nucleic acid sensors. The evolutionarily conserved influenza A virus (IAV) protein PA-X has been implicated in suppressing the host response to infection, including the expression of type I IFNs. Here, we characterise this further using a PA-X-deficient virus of the mouse-adapted PR8 strain to study activation of the innate immune response in a mouse model of the early response to viral infection. We show that levels of Ifna4 and Ifnb1 mRNAs in the lungs of infected mice were elevated in the absence of PA-X and that this was completely dependent on MAVS. This therefore suggests a role for PA-X in preventing the accumulation of early type I IFN mRNAs in the lung during IAV infection

    The genetics of virus particle shape in equine influenza A virus

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    Background Many human strains of influenza A virus produce highly pleomorphic virus particles that at the extremes can be approximated as either spheres of around 100 nm diameter or filaments of similar cross-section but elongated to lengths of many microns. The role filamentous virions play in the virus life cycle remains enigmatic. Objectives/Methods Here, we set out to define the morphology and genetics of virus particle shape in equine influenza A virus, using reverse genetics and microscopy of infected cells. Results and Conclusions The majority of H3N8 strains tested were found to produce filamentous virions, as did the prototype H7N7 A/eq/Prague/56 strain. The exception was the prototype H3N8 isolate, A/eq/Miami/63. Reassortment of equine influenza virus M genes from filamentous and non-filamentous strains into the non-filamentous human virus A/PR/8/34 confirmed that segment 7 is a major determinant of particle shape. Sequence analysis identified three M1 amino acid polymorphisms plausibly associated with determining virion morphology, and the introduction of these changes into viruses confirmed the importance of two: S85N and N231D. However, while either change alone affected filament production, the greatest effect was seen when the polymorphisms were introduced in conjunction. Thus, influenza A viruses from equine hosts also produce filamentous virions, and the major genetic determinants are set by the M1 protein. However, the precise sequence determinants are different to those previously identified in human or porcine viruses

    Effects of mutations in the effector domain of influenza A virus NS1 protein.

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    OBJECTIVE: The multifunctional NS1 protein of influenza A virus has roles in antagonising cellular innate immune responses and promoting viral gene expression. To better understand the interplay between these functions, we tested the effects of NS1 effector domain mutations known to affect homo-dimerisation or interactions with cellular PI3 kinase or Trim25 on NS1 ability to promote nuclear export of viral mRNAs. RESULTS: The NS1 dimerisation mutant W187R retained the functions of binding cellular NXF1 as well as stabilising NXF1 interaction with viral segment 7 mRNAs and promoting their nuclear export. Two PI3K-binding mutants, NS1 Y89F and Y89A still bound NXF1 but no longer promoted NXF1 interactions with segment 7 mRNA or its nuclear export. The Trim25-binding mutant NS1 E96A/E97A bound NXF1 and supported NXF1 interactions with segment 7 mRNA but no longer supported mRNA nuclear export. Analysis of WT and mutant NS1 interaction partners identified hsp70 as specifically binding to NS1 E96A/E97A. Whilst these data suggest the possibility of functional links between NS1's effects on intracellular signalling and its role in viral mRNA nuclear export, they also indicate potential pleiotropic effects of the NS1 mutations; in the case of E96A/E97A possibly via disrupted protein folding leading to chaperone recruitment

    Comprehensive characterisation of transcriptional activity during influenza A virus infection reveals biases in cap-snatching of host RNA sequences.

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    Macrophages in the lung detect and respond to influenza A virus (IAV), determining the nature of the immune response. Using terminal-depth cap analysis of gene expression (CAGE), we quantified transcriptional activity of both host and pathogen over a 24-h time course of IAV infection in primary human monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs). This method allowed us to observe heterogenous host sequences incorporated into IAV mRNA, "snatched" 5' RNA caps, and corresponding RNA sequences from host RNAs. In order to determine whether capsnatching is random or exhibits a bias, we systematically compared host sequences incorporated into viral mRNA ("snatched") against a complete survey of all background host RNA in the same cells, at the same time. Using a computational strategy designed to eliminate sources of bias due to read length, sequencing depth, and multimapping, we were able to quantify overrepresentation of host RNA features among the sequences that were snatched by IAV. We demonstrate biased snatching of numerous host RNAs, particularly small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs), and avoidance of host transcripts encoding host ribosomal proteins, which are required by IAV for replication. We then used a systems approach to describe the transcriptional landscape of the host response to IAV, observing many new features, including a failure of IAV-treated MDMs to induce feedback inhibitors of inflammation, seen in response to other treatments.IMPORTANCE Infection with influenza A virus (IAV) infection is responsible for an estimated 500,000 deaths and up to 5 million cases of severe respiratory illness each year. In this study, we looked at human primary immune cells (macrophages) infected with IAV. Our method allows us to look at both the host and the virus in parallel. We used these data to explore a process known as "cap-snatching," where IAV snatches a short nucleotide sequence from capped host RNA. This process was believed to be random. We demonstrate biased snatching of numerous host RNAs, including those associated with snRNA transcription, and avoidance of host transcripts encoding host ribosomal proteins, which are required by IAV for replication. We then describe the transcriptional landscape of the host response to IAV, observing new features, including a failure of IAV-treated MDMs to induce feedback inhibitors of inflammation, seen in response to other treatments