375 research outputs found

    Seismotectonics of the Horseshoe Abyssal Plain and Gorringe Bank, eastern Atlantic Ocean - constraints from ocean-bottom seismometer data

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    At the eastern end of the Azores-Gloria transform fault system to the southwest of Portugal, the plate boundary between Africa and Iberia is a region where deformation is accommodated over a wide tectonically-active area. The region has unleashed large earthquakes and tsunamis, including the Mw ~ 8.5 Great Lisbon earthquake of 1755. Although the source region of the 1755 earthquake is still disputed, most proposals include a source location in the vicinity of the Horseshoe Abyssal Plain (HAP), which is bounded by the 5000 m high Gorringe Bank (GB). In this study we characterise seismic activity in the region using data recorded by two local networks of ocean-bottom seismometers (OBS). The networks were deployed in the eastern HAP and at the GB. The dataset allowed the detection of 160 local earthquakes. These earthquakes cluster around the GB, to the SW of Cabo Sao Vicente, and in the HAP. Focal depths indicate deep-seated earthquakes, with depths increasing from 20-35 km (mean of 26.1 ± 7.2 km) at the GB to 15-45 km (mean 31.5 km ± 10.5 km) under the HAP. Seismic activity thus extends down to levels that are deeper than those mapped by active seismic profiling, with the majority of events occurring within the mantle. Thermal modelling suggests that temperatures of approximately 600 °C characterise the base of the seismogenic brittle lithosphere at ~45 km depth. The large source depth and thermal structure supports previous suggestions that catastrophic seismic rupture through the lithospheric mantle may indeed occur in the area

    Heat Flow Measurements at the Danube Deep-Sea Fan, Western Black Sea

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    Seafloor heat flow measurements are utilized to determine the geothermal regime of the Danube deep-sea fan in the western Black Sea and are presented in the larger context of regional gas hydrate occurrences. Heat flow data were collected across paleo-channels in water depths of 550–1460 m. Heat flow across levees ranges from 25 to 30 mW m−2 but is up to 65 mW m−2 on channel floors. Gravity coring reveals sediment layers typical of the western Black Sea, consisting of three late Pleistocene to Holocene units, notably red clay within the lowermost unit cored. Heat flow derived from the bottom-simulating reflector (BSR), assumed to represent the base of the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ), deviates from seafloor measurements. These discrepancies are linked either to fast sedimentation or slumping and associated variations in sediment physical properties. Topographic effects account of up to 50% of heat flow deviations from average values. Combined with climate-induced variations in seafloor temperature and sea-level since the last glacial maximum large uncertainties in the prediction of the base of the GHSZ remain. A regional representative heat flow value is ~30 mW m−2 for the study region but deviations from this value may be up to 100%

    Hydrothermal Activity at a Cretaceous Seamount, Canary Archipelago, Caused by Rejuvenated Volcanism

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    Our knowledge of venting at intraplate seamounts is limited. Almost nothing is known about past hydrothermal activity at seamounts, because indicators are soon blanketed by sediment. This study provides evidence for temporary hydrothermal circulation at Henry Seamount, a re-activated Cretaceous volcano near El Hierro island, close to the current locus of the Canary Island hotspot. In the summit area at around 3000–3200 m water depth, we found areas with dense coverage by shell fragments from vesicomyid clams, a few living chemosymbiotic bivalves, and evidence for sites of weak fluid venting. Our observations suggest pulses of hydrothermal activity since some thousands or tens of thousands years, which is now waning. We also recovered glassy heterolithologic tephra and dispersed basaltic rock fragments from the summit area. Their freshness suggests eruption during the Pleistocene to Holocene, implying minor rejuvenated volcanism at Henry Seamount probably related to the nearby Canary hotspot. Heat flow values determined on the surrounding seafloor (49 ± 7 mW/m 2 ) are close to the expected background for conductively cooled 155 Ma old crust; the proximity to the hotspot did not result in elevated basal heat flow. A weak increase in heat flow toward the southwestern seamount flank likely reflects recent local fluid circulation. We propose that hydrothermal circulation at Henry Seamount was, and still is, driven by heat pulses from weak rejuvenated volcanic activity. Our results suggest that even single eruptions at submarine intraplate volcanoes may give rise to ephemeral hydrothermal systems and generate potentially habitable environments

    Bathymetric and Seismic Data, Heat Flow Data, and Age Constraints of Le Gouic Seamount, Northeastern Atlantic

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    Until the year 2019 only around 15% of the Earth’s seafloor were mapped at fine spatial resolution (<800 m) by multibeam echosounder systems (Wölfl et al., 2019). Most of our knowledge of global bathymetry is based on depths predicted by gravity observations from satellite altimeters. These predicted depths are combined with shipboard soundings to produce global bathymetric grids. The first topographic map of the world’s oceans so produced (Smith and Sandwell, 1997) had a resolution between 1 and 12 km, and subsequent improvements in data and filtering techniques led to several updates. The latest bathymetric grid of the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO_2020) uses the SRTM15+V2.0 data set, which has a grid spacing of 15 arc sec, equivalent to about 500 × 500 m at the equator (Tozer et al., 2019). This resolution does not imply that reliable depth data are available for each grid cell. There are vast areas of the oceans where the accuracy of these grids is limited by lacking shipborne multibeam data, which are needed for calibrating and ground-truthing predicted depths (Smith and Sandwell, 1994). The resolution and accuracy of the bathymetric grids are critical factors for global estimates of the number and size distribution of seamounts, in particular for small edifices of <1,000 m height (Wessel, 2001; Hillier and Watts, 2007; Kim and Wessel, 2011). A case in point is Le Gouic Seamount, located in the NE Atlantic about 100 km SW of Tropic Seamount on ca. 152 Ma crust, close to magnetic isochrone M24 (Bird et al., 2007). The seamount belongs to the Canary Island Seamount Province (CISP; van den Bogaard, 2013), also termed Western Saharan Seamount Province (WSSP) by some workers (e.g., Josso et al., 2019). It is listed in the Kim and Wessel (2011) seamount census with the ID KW-00902, located at 21.26216 ◦ W/23.0199 ◦ N, with a height of 498 m; hence it appears as a tiny cone in pre-2019 bathymetric grids (Figure 1a). After first mapping of large parts of the seamount by the French oceanographic survey vessel “Beautemps-Beaupré” in 2013, it is represented at its full height in the actual GEBCO_2020 grid, which is based on the SRTM15+V2.0 data set (Tozer et al., 2019). In this data report we present new multibeam bathymetric data for Le Gouic Seamount, mapping its full extent for the first time. The data were obtained during a transit of R/V METEOR cruise M146 in 2018. We also present a reflection seismic profile across the seamount that was shot during the mapping, and seafloor heatflow data obtained on a profile near the northeastern seamount base and co-located on the reflection profile. On the basis of this data we can place constraints on the age of the seamount, and speculate about possible rejuvenated magmatic activity

    Thermal regime of the Costa Rican convergent margin: 1. Along-strike variations in heat flow from probe measurements and estimated from bottom-simulating reflectors

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    21 pages, 9 figures, 1 tableThe thermal structure of convergent margins provides information related to the tectonics, geodynamics, metamorphism, and fluid flow of active plate boundaries. We report 176 heat flow measurements made with a violin bow style probe across the Costa Rican margin at the Middle America Trench. The probe measurements are collocated with seismic reflection lines. These seismic reflection lines show widespread distribution of bottom-simulating reflectors (BSRs). To extend the spatial coverage of heat flow measurements we estimate heat flow from the depth of BSRs. Comparisons between probe measurements and BSR-derived estimates of heat flow are generally within 10% and improve with distance landward of the deformation front. Together, these determinations provide new information on the thermal regime of this margin. Consistent with previous studies, the margin associated with the northern Nicoya Peninsula is remarkably cool. We define better the southern boundary of the cool region. The northern extent of the cool region remains poorly determined. A regional trend of decreasing heat flow landward of the deformation front is apparent, consistent with the downward advection of heat by the subducting Cocos Plate. High wave number variability at a scale of 5–10 km is significantly greater than the measurement uncertainty and is greater south of the northern Nicoya Peninsula. These heat flow anomalies vary between approximately 20 and 60 mW m−2 and are most likely due to localized fluid flow through mounds and faults on the margin. Simple one-dimensional models show that these anomalies are consistent with flow rates of 7–15 mm yr−1. Across the margin toe variability is significant and likely due to fluid flow through deformation structures associated with the frontal sedimentary prismThis research was support by an NSF award (OCE‐0637120) to R.N.H. We thank R. von Huene, P. Fulton, and G. Spinelli for helpful comments. Heat flow data acquisition was funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG) through grant Vi 133/7‐1 to H.V. and I.G. and the SFB 574 “Volatiles and fluids in subduction zones” at Christan‐Albrechts University, Kiel. This is a contribution of the Barcelona Center for Subsurface Imaging (Barcelona‐CSI) supported by the Kaleidoscope project of REPSOLPeer Reviewe

    Bathymetric Mapping Of The Seafloor - A German Contribution To Completing The Map By 2030, Cruise No. MSM88/1 + MSM88/2, November 28, 2019 - January 14, 2020, Mindelo (Cabo Verde) - Mindelo (Cabo Verde) - Bridgetown (Barbados)

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    Despite over 100 years of acoustic seabed mapping, only around 15% of the seafloor has ever been directly mapped and little of the mapping performed has been systematic or over larger areas. The result is that our knowledge of seafloor structure is rudimentary and our understanding of the processes which form them has, in principle, advanced little since the advent of plate tectonics. Societally, the seafloor plays a vital role in humanity’s "life support system", for example providing habitat for marine organisms, stimulating mixing of ocean water as part of the overturning circulation system and increasingly being the site of industrial installations. It is scientifically and societally imperative that we bring the level of knowledge of the surface of our planet up to that of bodies like Moon and Mars that are mapped with a resolution better than 100 m per pixel. It is also essential that the data are made freely available to all to support research and conservation. The aim of this cruise was to map previously uncharted part of the tropical Atlantic using the ship’s multibeam system and to provide the data to global open databases as well as to acquire magnetic gradient data along the same tracks. Magnetic anomalies from so-called Oceanic Core Complexes challenged the conventional view that marine magnetic anomalies arose in the upper, extrusive layer of the oceanic crust, because the crust has been stripped away at these complexes. We therefore collected magnetic data simultaneously to the multibeam data in order to constrain the interpretation of the observed seabed morphology

    Thermal constraints on the frictional conditions of the nucleation and rupture area of the 1992 Nicaragua tsunami earthquake

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    The 1992 Nicaragua earthquake was a ‘tsunami earthquake’, which generated tsunamis disproportionately large for its surface wave magnitude Ms = 7.2. Seismological studies and tsunami simulation indicated that the event was a slow earthquake, which occurred on the plate boundary between the subducting Cocos plate and the overriding Caribbean plate. We present a finite element model that enables us to estimate for the first time the temperature and inferred frictional conditions in the rupture area of a tsunami earthquake. Direct and indirect observations are used to constrain all model parameters, and surface heat-flux measurements provide independent information to verify the model results. Furthermore, we used a genetic algorithm to perform a sensitivity analysis of all model parameters and to define the spatial range of thermally defined updip limit of the seismogenic zone. The earthquake nucleated in the seismogenic zone at temperatures of ∼150 °C and propagated updip towards the trench axis. The centroid or centre of mass of moment release was located in a region characterized by temperatures of ∼50 °C. Thus, the rupture propagated through a region where plate motion is normally accommodated by aseismic creep. Our observations support a model in which tsunami earthquakes nucleate in the seismogenic zone near its updip limit. However, in such an environment coupled asperities are perhaps too small to cause large earthquakes. Seamounts, however, are abundant on the incoming Cocos plate. Therefore, in addition to temperature-dependent metamorphic induration of sediments, increased normal stress by seamount subduction may contribute to accumulate stress sufficiently large to release enough energy near the updip limit of the seismogenic zone to promote dynamic slip along a normally aseismic décollement all way to the ocean

    Thermal regime of the Costa Rican convergent margin: 2. Thermal models of the shallow Middle America subduction zone offshore Costa Rica

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    At the Costa Rica margin along the Middle America Trench along‐strike variations in heat flow are well mapped. These variations can be understood in terms of either ventilated fluid flow, where exposed basement allows fluids to freely advect heat between the crustal aquifer and ocean, or insulated fluid flow where continuous sediment cover restricts heat advection to within the crustal aquifer. We model fluid flow within the subducting aquifer using Nusselt number approximations coupled with finite element models of subduction and explore its effect on temperatures along the subduction thrust. The sensitivity of these models to the initial thermal state of the plate and styles of fluid flow, either ventilated or insulated, is explored. Heat flow measurements on cool crust accreted at the East Pacific Rise are consistent with ventilated hydrothermal cooling that continues with subduction. These models yield much cooler temperatures than predicted from simulations initialized with conductive predictions and without hydrothermal circulation. Heat flow transects on warm crust accreted at the Cocos‐Nazca spreading center are consistent with models of insulated hydrothermal circulation that advects heat updip within the subducting crustal aquifer. Near the trench these models are warmer than conductive predictions and cooler than conductive predictions downdip of the trench. Comparisons between microseismicity and modeled isotherms suggest that the updip limit of microseismicity occurs at temperatures warmer than 100°C and that the downdip extent of microseismicity is bounded by the intersection of the subduction thrust with the base of the overriding crust