92 research outputs found

    Where No Man Has Gone Before: A Critical Roadmap for the Use of Drones in Targeted Killing

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    In the ongoing War on Terror, the Obama Administration has relied heavily on a new form of military technology: the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, more popularly known as the drone. While the program has remained largely a covert operation, gradually more information about its effects, especially concerning civilian casualties, has begun to come to light. As a result of allegations over their allegedly indiscriminate use in Yemen and Pakistan, countries the U.S. is not at war with, a few questions arise. When do drones stop becoming a military precision tool for taking out Al-Qaeda senior command and move into a field of unchecked and rapidly proliferating military assassinations of terrorists and civilians alike? Have they crossed that line, and if so, are the actions of the United States legal under international law? In examining these key thoughts, the effectiveness and ultimately, alternatives to the Drone Doctrine must also be judged. This report finds that the drone program has become counterproductive and should be stopped. The indiscriminate killings of civilians are in violation of International Human Rights Laws and have caused an environment where to continue drone strikes will only result in a permanently damaged relationship with the people of Yemen and Pakistan. The only way to carry out a successful drone program is to have it in the open, overseen by the international community. Even when that happens, drones are not a complete counterterrorism strategy. Other methods for building infrastructure and state empowerment must be used in conjunction with drones to stop terrorism and violence at their roots

    Reconstruction of Kalli-Lõpe 10 kV Feeder

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    Magistritöö Energiakasutuse õppekavalMagistritöös on kirjeldatud ja analüüsitud Kalli-Lõpe 10 kV fiidri rekonstrueerimise elektriprojekti, projekteerimise protsessi ja projekteerimise käigus tekkinud probleemide lahendamist. Kalli-Lõpe 10 kV fiidri rekonstrueerimise projekt on Elektrilevi OÜ keskpinge võrgu rikkekindluse parandamise investeeriguprojekt. Elektriprojekti koostamisel on võetud aluseks Elektrilevi OÜ projekteerimisülesannne nr. 27188, Elektrilevi OÜ „Elektripaigaldise projekti koostamise juhend J352“, „Eesti Energia (0,4…20) kV võrgustandard“ ning Eesti Vabariigi seadused “Ehitusseadustik“, “Seadme ohutuse seadus”, õigusaktid ja standardid. Maakaablitrassi projekteerimisel lahendati maakaabli trassid riigitee 19205 Tammaru-Mihkli tee ja kohalikule omavalitsusele kuuluva Järve tee servas. Õhuliini üleminekuid maakaablisse projekteeriti kolm, millega seoses projekteeriti kolmele mastile liigpingepiirikud. Õhuliini rekonstrueerimisel on esitatud piirjuhtumite kohta mastide tugevusarvutused. Projekteerimise käigus teostati vajalikud muudatused lähteülesandest.The aim of this Master’s thesis is to describe and analyze the reconstruction project of Kalli-Lõpe 10 kV feeder. The reconstruction of Kalli-Lõpe 10 kV feeder is Elektrilevi OÜ investment project for improving the medium voltage network. The design of the electrical project is based on Elektrilevi OÜ's design task no. 27188, Elektrilevi OÜ “Elektripaigaldise projekti koostamise juhend J352”, “Eesti Energia (0,4…20) kV võrgustandard” and laws of the Republic of Estonia “Ehitusseadustik”, “Seadme ohutuse seadus”, legislations and standards. The underground cables’ route design were solved on the side of the state road 19205 Tammaru-Mihkli tee and local authority road Järve tee. Three overhead line transitions to the underground cable were designed, which required surge arresters to three masts. For the reconstruction design of overhead lines, the strength calculations for boundary cases are presented. Necessary changes to the design task were made in the work process

    Õpetajate hinnangud arvutipõhistele kontrolltöödele võrreldes paberkandjal kontrolltöödega

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    The Current State of Electrical Energy Storage Technologies

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    Bakalaureusetöö Tehnika ja Tehnoloogia õppekavalElektrienergia tarbimise, taastuvenergiaallikate kasutamise ja elektriautode tootmise tõusev trend on peamised põhjused, mis on teinud elektrienergia salvestustehnoloogiate kasutamise ja arendustöö oluliseks teemaks ühiskonnas. Antud bakalaureusetöö eesmärk on selgitada välja elektrienergia salvestustehnoloogiate hetkeseis. Töötsükli kestvuse järgi on jaotatud elektrienergia salvestustehnoloogiad kolme gruppi: lühiajalise, pikaajalise ja ülipikaajalise töötsükliga salvestustehnoloogiad. Lühiajalise töötsükliga salvestitest on kirjeldatud hooratas-energiasalvestit ja ülikondensaatorit. Kui enamus hooratas-energiasalvesteid leiab kasutust lühiajalise autonoomse toiteallikana, siis ettevõte Amber Kinetics on arendanud mudeli M32, mida on võimalik neljatunnise tühjenemisajaga rakendada ka pikaajalise töötsükli perioodiga kasutuseesmärkidel. Ülikondensaatori kõige potentsiaalsem arendus lähiajal on kombinatsioon mõne elektrokeemilise elektrienergia salvestustehnoloogiaga. Pikajaline töötsükkel on peamiselt elektrokeemilistel elektrienergia salvestustehnoloogiatel, millest on populaarseimad pliiakud ja liitiumioonakud. Ülipikaajalise töötsükliga elektrienergia salvestustehnoloogiatest leiab enim kasutust pumphüdroakumulatsioonijaam.The rising trend of electrical energy consuming, renewable energy usage and electric vehicle production are the main reasons why electrical energy storage technologies have become an important issue in our society. The aim of this thesis is to find out the current state of electrical energy storage technologies. According to the duration of the operating cycle, energy storage technologies are categorised into three: short term, daily term, and long term. Flywheel storage and ultracapacitor are the main short term operating cycle systems. As most flywheel energy storage systems are used as short term uninterruptible power source, the manufacturer Amber Kinetics has developed model M32 that has 4 hour discharge duration, which can also be applied as daily term storage system. The most promising development of ultracapacitor is its combination with electrochemical electrical energy storage. Electrochemical electrical energy storages are used mainly as daily term operating cycle systems, the main being lead-acid and lithium-ion battery storages. The most common long term operating cycle storage technology is pump hydroelectric energy storage

    Escherichia coil growth dynamics: A three-pool biochemically based description

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    A three-pool growth model of an individual Escherichia coli cell is described herein. The model is based on a previously developed chemically structured complex single cell growth model. The reduction in model complexity and the identification of the essential modes of motion, over the time scale of growth, is achieved by temporal decomposition and analysis of hierarchy in relaxation times. The three-pool model faithfully simulates the changes in cell size, cell shape, cell macromolecular composition, DNA initiation and termination periods, and the dependence of cell growth under abiotic glucose limitation. The predictions made by the reduced model compare favorably with both the experimental data and those of the full single cell model (SCM) without any parameter adjustments. The three-pool model has very few significant parameters and has the potential to find immediate practical use in bioreactor design and process control strategies. The model development illustrates the use of modal analysis to yield reduced physiologically realistic dynamic model of complex microbial system such as E. coll.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/37894/1/260310203_ftp.pd