66 research outputs found

    Charge Makes a Difference: Molecular Ionic Bismuth Compounds

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    Key challenges in modern synthetic chemistry include the design of reliable, selective, and more sustainable synthetic methods, as well as the development of promising candidates for new materials. Molecular bismuth compounds offer valuable opportunities as they show an intriguing spectrum of properties that is yet to be fully exploited: a soft character, a rich coordination chemistry, the availability of a broad variety of oxidation states (at least +V to −I) and formal charges (at least +3 to −3) at the Bi atoms, and reversible switching between multiple oxidation states. All this is paired with the status of a non-precious (semi−)metal of good availability and a tendency towards low toxicity. Recent findings show that some of these properties only come into reach, or can be substantially optimized, when charged compounds are specifically addressed. In this review, essential contributions to the synthesis, analyses, and utilization of ionic bismuth compounds are highlighted

    Formation of iminium ions during the processing of metal halide perovskites †

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    Ammonium ions are a key component of many organic–inorganic metal halide materials. We show that the hexagonal perovskite (Me2NH2)PbI3 is rapidly transformed to iminium-based perovskites (Me2C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 11111111 00000000 11111111 00000000 00000000 00000000 NMeR)PbI3 (R = Me, Et), simply by stirring the material in the respective ketone at room temperature, triggering clear changes in the materials’ photophysical properties

    Näkökulmia järjestöjen tulevaisuuteen : Kolme skenaariota

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    Kun katsoo historiaa muutaman vuosikymmenen taaksepäin, huomaa järjestökentän toiminnassa tapahtuneet muutokset. Mennyttä voidaan tarkastella nykyhetkestä käsin. Tulevaisuuden muodostumisesta ei ole varmuutta. Tässä työssä hahmottamisen apuna on käytetty tulevaisuuden tutkimuksen menetelmiä. Työssä tarkasteltiin toimintaympäristön muutoksia ja sitä, millaista vastausta muutokset vaativat johtamistyöltä. Opinnäytetyössä pohdittiin, miten yhteiskunnan tämän hetkiset muutokset ja haasteet vaikuttavat järjestökentän tulevaisuuteen sekä mitä nämä muutokset vaativat johtamistyötä. Opinnäytetyössä päädytään esittämään kolme vaihtoehtoista skenaariota, joita järjestökentällä voidaan hyödyntää strategiaprosessien apuna ja johtamisen kompetenssin ylläpitämisessä. Skenaarioiden rakentamisenpohjaksi tutustuttiin aiheesta tehtyyn aikaisempaan tutkimukseen sekä sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon sekä järjestökentän tulevaisuuden tutkimuksiin ja ennakointeihin. Aineistoa kerättiin järjestöjohtajien teemahaastattelujen sekä tulevaisuusstudiotyöskentelyn avulla. Haastatteluaineisto analysoitiin aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysin avulla. Kaikki skenaarioiden rakentamiseksi hankittu aineisto jäsennettiin PESTEV-analyysin avulla. Analyysistä poimittiin trendit ja signaalit, joiden pohjalta muodostettiin skenaariot. Skenaarioiden muodostamisessa taustalla vaikuttavia tekijöitä olivat taloudellinen laskusuhdanne, väestön ikääntymisen myötä tapahtuva huoltosuhteen muuttuminen sekä kysymykset palveluiden järjestämisestä. Ympäristö muuttuu nopealla syklillä. Järjestökentällä resurssien riittävyydestä on huolta. Ihmisten osallistuminen toimintaan on muutoksessa. Sen luonne on muuttumassa lyhytkestoisemmaksi ja perinteinen järjestäytynyt yhdistystoiminta ei ole välttämätöntä. Toiminta on liukumassa kilpailutusten maailmaan, mutta samalla järjestöissä kannetaan huolta toimintaidean säilyttämisessä. Toiminnan arvopohja on vahvasti mukana arjessa. Tämä asettaa vaatimuksia johtamistyölle. Kunkin skenaarion yhteydessä on pohdittu millaisia edellytyksiä vaihtoehtoiset kuvat luovat johtamisen sekä resurssien näkökulmasta. Skenaarioiden avulla on tarkoitus tarjota näkökulmia ja haastaa lukijaa pohtimaan järjestökentän toiminnan muutosta.The future of non-profit organizations is unknown. To face the future most relevant way, it requires good leadership. This study is about the future of non-profit organizations and leadership challenges. This study is connected to futurology. The purpose of this study was examine aspects of the future of successful leadership and the challenges of non-profit organization´s field. The objective this study is to create three scenarios of field of non profit organizations in future. The aim is also find what relates to successful leadership in non-profit organizations. The study was qualitative research with futurology approach. The data were collected by studying previous studies, by interview and foresight studio workshop. The Interviewees were chosen on the basis of their background in non-profit organization and versatile experience. The analysis method used was content and PESTEV analysis. Three different scenarios which describe alternative directions of the non-profit organizations future have been presented as a result. According to the research, non-profit organizations management is demanding and requiring different skills. The hybrid-, brand- and knowledge- management are the skills the managers work are needed

    Long‐Term Cognitive Outcome in Anti–N‐Methyl‐D‐Aspartate Receptor Encephalitis

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    Objective: Cognitive dysfunction is a core symptom of anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) encephalitis, but detailed studies on prevalence, characteristics of cognitive deficits, and the potential for recovery are missing. Here, we performed a prospective longitudinal study to assess cognitive long-term outcome and identify clinical predictors. Methods: Standardized comprehensive neuropsychological assessments were performed in 43 patients with NMDAR encephalitis 2.3 years and 4.9 years (median) after disease onset. Cognitive assessments covered executive function, working memory, verbal/visual episodic memory, attention, subjective complaints, and depression and anxiety levels. Cognitive performance of patients was compared to that of 30 healthy participants matched for age, sex, and education. Results: All patients had persistent cognitive deficits 2.3 years after onset, with moderate or severe impairment in >80% of patients. Core deficits included memory and executive function. After 4.9 years, significant improvement of cognitive function was observed, but moderate to severe deficits persisted in two thirds of patients, despite favorable functional neurological outcomes (median modified Rankin Scale = 1). Delayed treatment, higher disease severity, and longer duration of the acute phase were predictors for impaired cognitive outcome. The recovery process was time dependent, with greater gains earlier after the acute phase, although improvements were possible for several years after disease onset. Interpretation: Cognitive deficits are the main contributor to long-term morbidity in NMDAR encephalitis and persist beyond functional neurological recovery. Nonetheless, cognitive improvement is possible for several years after the acute phase and should be supported by continued cognitive rehabilitation. Cognition should be included as an outcome measure in future clinical studies

    Long‐Term Cognitive Outcome in Anti–N‐Methyl‐D‐Aspartate Receptor Encephalitis

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    Objective Cognitive dysfunction is a core symptom of anti–N‐methyl‐D‐aspartate receptor (NMDAR) encephalitis, but detailed studies on prevalence, characteristics of cognitive deficits, and the potential for recovery are missing. Here, we performed a prospective longitudinal study to assess cognitive long‐term outcome and identify clinical predictors. Methods Standardized comprehensive neuropsychological assessments were performed in 43 patients with NMDAR encephalitis 2.3 years and 4.9 years (median) after disease onset. Cognitive assessments covered executive function, working memory, verbal/visual episodic memory, attention, subjective complaints, and depression and anxiety levels. Cognitive performance of patients was compared to that of 30 healthy participants matched for age, sex, and education. Results All patients had persistent cognitive deficits 2.3 years after onset, with moderate or severe impairment in >80% of patients. Core deficits included memory and executive function. After 4.9 years, significant improvement of cognitive function was observed, but moderate to severe deficits persisted in two thirds of patients, despite favorable functional neurological outcomes (median modified Rankin Scale = 1). Delayed treatment, higher disease severity, and longer duration of the acute phase were predictors for impaired cognitive outcome. The recovery process was time dependent, with greater gains earlier after the acute phase, although improvements were possible for several years after disease onset. Interpretation Cognitive deficits are the main contributor to long‐term morbidity in NMDAR encephalitis and persist beyond functional neurological recovery. Nonetheless, cognitive improvement is possible for several years after the acute phase and should be supported by continued cognitive rehabilitation. Cognition should be included as an outcome measure in future clinical studies. ANN NEUROL 2021;90:949–961Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100002347Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001659Peer Reviewe

    Optical and Electrical Properties of A3[VS4] (A = Na, K) Synthesized via a Straightforward and Scalable Solid-State Method

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    Two literature-known sulfido vanadates, Na3[VS4] and K3[VS4], were obtained through a straightforward and scalable synthetic method. Highly crystalline powders of both compounds were obtained from the homogeneous molten phases of starting materials via a─comparably rapid─solid-state technique. Low-temperature structure determination, ambient temperature powder diffraction, and solid-state NMR spectroscopy verify previous structural reports and indicate purity of the obtained samples. Both compounds show semiconductivity with the optical band gap values in the range of 2.1 to 2.3 eV. Experimental values of the ionic conductivity and dielectric constants are σ = 2.41·10–5 mS·cm–1, k = 76.52 and σ = 1.36·10–4 mS·cm–1, k = 103.67 at ambient temperature for Na3[VS4] and K3[VS4], respectively. It is demonstrated that Na3[VS4] depicts second-order nonlinear optical properties, i.e., second harmonic generation over a broad wavelength spectrum. The results introduce new aspects of sulfido vanadates as multifunctional candidates for potential optical and electrical applications

    Color Change Effect in an Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Material Based on a Porphyrin Diacid

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    Porphyrinic materials show a range of interesting and useful optical and electrical properties. The less well-known sub-class of porphyrin diacids has been used in this work to construct an ionic hybrid organic-inorganic material in combination with a halogenidometalate anion. The resulting compound, [H6TPyP][BiCl6]2[H_6TPyP][BiCl_6]_2 (1) (TPyP = tetra(4-pyridyl)porphyrin) has been obtained via a facile solution based synthesis in single crystalline form. The material exhibits a broad photoluminescence emission band between 650 and 850 nm at room temperature. Single crystals of [H6TPyP][BiCl6]2[H_6TPyP][BiCl_6]_2 show a photocurrent in the fA and a much higher dark current in the nA range. They also display an unexpected reversible color change upon wetting with different liquids. This phenomenon has been investigated with optical spectroscopy, SEM, XPS and NEXAFS techniques, showing that a surface-based structural coloration effect is the source of the color change. This stands in contrast to other materials where structural coloration typically has to be introduced through elaborate, multi-step processes or the use of natural templates. Additionally, it underscores the potential of self-assembly of porphyrinic hybrid compounds in the fabrication of materials with unusual optical properties

    The comorbidity profiles and medication issues of patients with multiple system atrophy:a systematic cross-sectional analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a complex and fatal neurodegenerative movement disorder. Understanding the comorbidities and drug therapy is crucial for MSA patients' safety and management.OBJECTIVES: To investigate the pattern of comorbidities and aspects of drug therapy in MSA patients.METHODS: Cross-sectional data of MSA patients according to Gilman et al. (2008) diagnostic criteria and control patients without neurodegenerative diseases (non-ND) were collected from German, multicenter cohorts. The prevalence of comorbidities according to WHO ICD-10 classification and drugs administered according to WHO ATC system were analyzed. Potential drug-drug interactions were identified using AiDKlinik®.RESULTS: The analysis included 254 MSA and 363 age- and sex-matched non-ND control patients. MSA patients exhibited a significantly higher burden of comorbidities, in particular diseases of the genitourinary system. Also, more medications were prescribed MSA patients, resulting in a higher prevalence of polypharmacy. Importantly, the risk of potential drug-drug interactions, including severe interactions and contraindicated combinations, was elevated in MSA patients. When comparing MSA-P and MSA-C subtypes, MSA-P patients suffered more frequently from diseases of the genitourinary system and diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue.CONCLUSIONS: MSA patients face a substantial burden of comorbidities, notably in the genitourinary system. This, coupled with increased polypharmacy and potential drug interactions, highlights the complexity of managing MSA patients. Clinicians should carefully consider these factors when devising treatment strategies for MSA patients.</p