184 research outputs found

    Time-to-Passage Judgments in Nonconstant Optical Flow Fields

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    The time until an approaching object will pass an observer (time to passage, or TTP) is optically specified by a global flow field even in the absence of local expansion or size cues. Kaiser and Mowafy have demonstrated that observers are in fact sensitive to this global flow information. The present studies investigate two factors that are usually ignored in work related to TTP: (1) non-constant motion functions and (2) concomitant eye rotation. Non-constant velocities violate an assumption of some TTP derivations, and eye rotations may complicate heading extraction. Such factors have practical significance, for example, in the case of a pilot accelerating an aircraft or executing a roll. In our studies, a flow field of constant-sized stars was presented monocularly on a large screen. TIP judgments had to be made on the basis of one target star. The flow field varied in its acceleration pattern and its roll component. Observers did not appear to utilize acceleration information. In particular, TTP with decelerating motion were consistently underestimated. TTP judgments were fairly robust with respect to roll, even when roll axis and track vector were decoupled. However, substantial decoupling between heading and track vector led to a decrement in performance, in both the presence and the absence of roll


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    habilitationsschriftDie Untersuchung von genregulatorischen Mechanismen im Endothelin- und Renin- Angiotensin-System stellt den Fokus dieser Habilitationsschrift dar, wobei (a) Protein-DNA-Interaktionen auf Promotorebene sowie Beeinflussung dieser durch Signaltransduktionswege, (b) Promotorpolymorphismen und (c) epigenetische Aspekte analysiert wurden. Wir konnten den Promotor des humanen Prionenproteins sowie drei isoformspezifische Promotoren des humanen Endothelin-Konvertierungsenzyms-1 (ECE-1) klonieren und funktionell - beispielsweise bezüglich transkriptioneller Startpunkte und cis-Elementen -charakterisieren. Dabei konnte unter anderem demonstriert werden, dass der im Rahmen der Herzentwicklung essentielle Transkriptionsfaktor Nkx2-5 die ECE- 1a-, -1b-und -1c-Isoformen positiv reguliert, wobei Protein-DNA-Interaktionen, Promotoraktivitäten und die mRNA-Ebene analysiert wurden. Damit konnten wir erstmalig eine direkte molekulare Verbindung zwischen dem Endothelinsystem und Nkx2-5 aufzeigen, welcher eine wahrscheinliche Bedeutung in der Pathogenese angeborener Herzfehler zukommt. Bezüglich des ECE-1b-Promotors konnten wir zwei single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) identifizieren und beim Menschen die signifikante Assoziation dieser mit essentieller arterieller Hypertonie aufzeigen. Darüber hinaus konnte gezeigt werden, dass einer dieser Polymorphismen die Bindungsaffinität und die Transaktivierungsaktivität des Transkriptionsfaktors E2F-2 verändert, womit erstmalig eine Verbindung zwischen essentieller Hypertonie und Zellzyklusregulation demonstriert werden konnte. Im humanen ECE-1c-Promotor wurde unter anderem der Methylierungsstatus sowie der funktionelle Effekt einer in vitro-Methylierung analysiert. Weiterhin konnte die ausgeprägte funktionelle Relevanz eines [CpG]m-[CA]n-Mikrosatellitenpolymorphismus nachgewiesen werden. Bezüglich des Renin-Angiotensin-Systems (RAS) konnte das zuvor unbekannte Protein ATBP (AT2R binding protein) durch uns kloniert werden, welches an den zytoplasmatischen Bereich des Angiotensin-AT2-Rezeptors (AT2R) bindet und antiproliferative Eigenschaften dieses Rezeptors vermittelt. Kürzlich konnten wir als erste Arbeitsgruppe die Signaltransduktion des Renin-/ Prorenin-Rezeptors (RER) basierend auf Protein-Protein- und Protein-DNA-Interaktionen aufschlüsseln und nachweisen, dass der Transkriptionsfaktor PLZF ein direktes Adapterprotein des RER darstellt, nach Rezeptoraktivierung in den Zellkern transloziert und dort zielgenabhängig als Aktivator aber auch Repressor fungieren kann. Schließlich konnten wir eine neue Formel - die sog. GED (Gene Expression’s CT Difference)-Formel - zur Auswertung von real-time PCR-Daten mathematisch herleiten und experimentell validieren.Analysis of gene regulatory mechanisms within the endothelin and renin- angiotensin system represents the focus of this habilitation. These mechanisms can be grouped into (a) signal transduction pathways and their downstream protein-DNA interactions on the promoter level, (b) promoter polymorphisms and (c) epigenetic aspects. Our group was able to clone and functionally characterise - e.g. regarding transcriptional start sites and cis-elements - the promoter of the human prion protein as well as three isoform-specific promoters of the human endothelin-converting enzyme-1 (ECE-1) gene. We could establish the first molecular link between the transcription factor Nkx2-5, which is essential for cardiac development, and the endothelin system, an interaction which is likely involved in the pathogenesis of congenital heart defects. Furthermore, two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified in the human ECE-1b promoter region which could be associated with human arterial hypertension. In addition, we were able to demonstrate that one of these SNPs alters the affinity for and the transactivation potential of the transcription factor E2F-2, thereby linking essential hypertension and cell cylce regulation. In the human ECE-1c promoter the basal methylation status and functional effects of an in vitro methylation were analysed. Additionally, the strong regulatory impact of a polymorphic [CpG]m-[CA]n microsatellite repeat within the human ECE-1c promoter was revealed. Regarding the renin- angiotensin system (RAS) a previously unknown adapter protein of the angiotensin AT2 receptor (AT2R), named ATBP (AT2R binding protein), was discovered mediating for example the antiproliferative effects of this receptor. Recently, our group deciphered the signal transduction cascade of the renin/ prorenin receptor (RER) in which the transcription factor PLZF acts as a direct adapter protein of the RER. Finally, a novel formula, called GED (Gene Expression’s CT Difference), for the analysis of real-time PCR data was mathematically derived and experimentally validated

    Die Ausdifferenzierung nationaler Innovationssysteme: Deutschland und Ă–sterreich im Vergleich

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    'Ausgehend von der Debatte über nationale Innovationssysteme und den zahlreichen Varianten zur systemischen Analyse von Innovationsprozessen, schlägt dieser Artikel ein integriertes Analysekonzept vor, indem er argumentiert, dass es nicht zur Herausbildung autonomer Innovationssysteme auf lokaler, regionaler oder gar europäischer und internationaler Ebene gekommen ist, sondern dass sich vielmehr das nationale Innovationssystem territorial ausdifferenziert hat. Im empirischen Teil wird am Beispiel Deutschlands und Österreichs das Ausmaß der Ausdifferenzierung nationaler Innovationssysteme in Richtung auf die europäische/ internationale Ebene oder auf die regionallokale Ebene anhand der von Lundvall eingeführten Indikatoren überprüft: formale Institutionen und Normen, Finanzsystem, Public Policies, Forschungs- und Bildungssystem sowie Unternehmensaktivitäten. Der Beitrag kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass die nationalen Innovationssysteme einem beständigen Wandel unterliegen. Diese Ausdifferenzierung variiert wiederum innerhalb der Indikatoren und zwischen den Untersuchungsstaaten. Insgesamt soll dieser Ansatz ermöglichen, die Dynamik des gesamten Ausdifferenzierungsprozesses zu verdeutlichen, da er die wachsende Bedeutung sowohl der regionalen als auch der internationalen Ebene erfasst.' (Autorenreferat)'Starting from the debate about national systems of innovation and the various systemic analyses of innovation processes, this article proposes an integrated framework of analysis which argues that neither autonomous local or regional nor European or global systems of innovation have emerged, but rather that national systems of innovation have undergone a territorial transformation process. In its empirical part, the article investigates for the cases of Germany and Austria the extent to which the national innovation systems have been reconfigurated towards territorial levels above and below the national level according to Lundvall's indicators, i. e. formal institutions and norms, financial systems, public policies, science and education systems, and business activities. The article concludes that national systems of innovation are subject to continuous transformation. This territorial transformation in turn varies among indicators as well as across countries. Overall, the suggested approach allows for a better understanding of the whole transformation process since it captures the increasing significance of both the regional and international levels.' (author's abstract

    Emphysema and secondary pneumothorax in young adults smoking cannabis

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    Background: We observed a remarkable increase in the number of young patients who presented with lung emphysema and secondary spontaneous pneumothorax (SSP) at our institution for over a period of 30 months; most of them have a common history of marijuana abuse. Study design: Retrospective case series. Methods: Seventeen young patients presented with spontaneous pneumothorax with bullous lung emphysema were systematically evaluated over a period of 30 months. All were regular marijuana smokers. Clinical history, chest X-ray, CT-scan, lung function test, and laboratory and histological examinations were assessed. We compared the findings of this group (group I) with the findings of non-marijuana smoking patients (group II) in the same period. The findings of this series were also compared with the findings of 75 patients presented with pneumothorax in a previous period from January 2000 till March 2002 (group III). Results: In group I, there were 17 patients: the median age of the patients was 27 years (range 19-43 years), 16 males and 1 female. All were living in Switzerland. All but one smoked marijuana daily for a mean of 8.8 years and tobacco for 11.8 years. CT-scan showed multiple bullae at the apex or significant bullous emphysema with predominance in the upper lobes only in two patients. Only two patients had reduced forced first second expiratory volume (FEV1) and one reduced vital capacity (VC) below the predicted 50%. This correlated with the subjectively asymptomatic condition of the patients. All but two patients were treated by video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) for prevention of relapsing pneumothorax. Histology showed severe lung emphysema, inflammation, and heavily pigmented macrophages. In group II, there were 85 patients: there were 78 males, the median age was 24 years (range 17-40 years), 74 patients smoked tobacco for 13.4 years but no marijuana. CT-scan in 72 patients showed only small bullae at the apex but no significant emphysema; other clinical, laboratory, and histopathological findings showed no significant difference in group I. In group III, there were 75 patients: there were 71 males and 4 females. Mean age was 25 years (range 16-46 years). Six smoked marijuana daily for a mean of 3.2 years, and 62 smoked tobacco for 14 years. CT-scan done in 59 patients showed few small bullae at the apex but no significant lung emphysema. The presence of lung emphysema on CT-scan in group I was significantly different than in groups II and III (p = 0.14). No significant difference was found among all groups in the form of clinical, laboratory, and histopathological findings. Conclusions: In case of emphysema in young individuals, marijuana abuse has to be considered in the differential diagnosis. The period of marijuana smoking seems to play an important role in the development of lung emphysema. This obviously quite frequent condition in young and so far asymptomatic patients will have medical, financial, and ethical impact, as some of these patients may be severely handicapped or even become lung transplant candidates in the futur

    The nuts and bolts of multimodal anaesthesia in the 21st century: a primer for clinicians.

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW This review article explores the application of multimodal anaesthesia in general anaesthesia, particularly in conjunction with locoregional anaesthesia, specifically focusing on the importance of EEG monitoring. We provide an evidence-based guide for implementing multimodal anaesthesia, encompassing drug combinations, dosages, and EEG monitoring techniques, to ensure reliable intraoperative anaesthesia while minimizing adverse effects and improving patient outcomes. RECENT FINDINGS Opioid-free and multimodal general anaesthesia have significantly reduced opioid addiction and chronic postoperative pain. However, the evidence supporting the effectiveness of these approaches is limited. This review attempts to integrate research from broader neuroscientific fields to generate new clinical hypotheses. It discusses the correlation between high-dose intraoperative opioids and increased postoperative opioid consumption and their impact on pain indices and readmission rates. Additionally, it explores the relationship between multimodal anaesthesia and pain processing models and investigates the potential effects of nonpharmacological interventions on preoperative anxiety and postoperative pain. SUMMARY The integration of EEG monitoring is crucial for guiding adequate multimodal anaesthesia and preventing excessive anaesthesia dosing. Furthermore, the review investigates the impact of combining regional and opioid-sparing general anaesthesia on perioperative EEG readings and anaesthetic depth. The findings have significant implications for clinical practice in optimizing multimodal anaesthesia techniques (Supplementary Digital Content 1: Video Abstract, http://links.lww.com/COAN/A96)

    Changes in lung volume estimated by electrical impedance tomography during apnea and high-flow nasal oxygenation: A single-center randomized controlled trial.

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    BACKGROUND Previous studies concerning humidified, heated high-flow nasal oxygen delivered in spontaneously breathing patients postulated an increase in functional residual capacity as one of its physiological effects. It is unclear wheter this is also true for patients under general anesthesia. METHODOLOGY The sincle-center noninferiority trial was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT NCT03478774). This secondary outcome analysis shows estimated differences in lung volume changes using electrical impedance tomography between different flow rates of 100% oxygen in apneic, anesthetized and paralyzed adults prior to intubation. One hundred and twenty five patients were randomized to five groups with different flow rates of 100% oxygen: i) minimal-flow: 0.25 l.min-1 via endotracheal tube; ii) low-flow: 2 l.min-1 + continuous jaw thrust; iii) medium-flow: 10 l.min-1 + continuous jaw thrust; iv) high-flow: 70l.min-1 + continuous jaw thrust; and v) control: 70 l.min-1 + continuous video-laryngoscopy. After standardized anesthesia induction with non-depolarizing neuromuscular blockade, the 15-minute apnea period and oxygen delivery was started according to the randomized flow rate. Continuous electrical impedance tomography measurements were performed during the 15-minute apnea period. Total change in lung impedance (an estimate of changes in lung volume) over the 15-minute apnea period and times to 25%, 50% and 75% of total impedance change were calculated. RESULTS One hundred and twenty five patients completed the original study. Six patients did not complete the 15-minute apnea period. Due to maloperation, malfunction and artefacts additional 54 measurements had to be excluded, resulting in 65 patients included into this secondary outcome analysis. We found no differences between groups with respect to decrease in lung impedance or curve progression over the observation period. CONCLUSIONS Different flow rates of humidified 100% oxygen during apnea result in comparable decreases in lung volumes. The demonstrated increase in functional residual capacity during spontaneous breathing with high-flow nasal oxygenation could not be replicated during apnea under general anesthesia with neuromuscular blockade

    Lower alpha frequency of intraoperative frontal EEG is associated with postoperative delirium: A secondary propensity-matched analysis.

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    BACKGROUND Postoperative delirium (POD) is a serious complication of surgery, especially in the elderly patient population. It has been proposed that decreasing the amount of anesthetics by titrating to an EEG index will lower POD rate, but clear evidence is missing. A strong age-dependent negative correlation has been reported between the peak oscillatory frequency of alpha waves and end-tidal anesthetic concentration, with older patients generating slower alpha frequencies. We hypothesized, that slower alpha oscillations are associated with a higher rate of POD. METHOD Retrospective analysis of patients` data from a prospective observational study in cardiac surgical patients approved by the Bernese Ethics committee. Frontal EEG was recorded during Isoflurane effect-site concentrations of 0.7 to 0.8 and peak alpha frequency was measured at highest power between 6 and 17 Hz. Delirium was assessed by chart review. Demographic and clinical characteristics were compared between POD and non-POD groups. Selection bias was addressed using nearest neighbor propensity score matching (PSM) for best balance. This incorporated 18 variables, whereas patients with missing variable information or without an alpha oscillation were excluded. RESULT Of the 1072 patients in the original study, 828 were included, 73 with POD, 755 without. PSM allowed 328 patients into the final analysis, 67 with, 261 without POD. Before PSM, 8 variables were significantly different between POD and non-POD groups, none thereafter. Mean peak alpha frequency was significantly lower in the POD in contrast to non-POD group before and after matching (7.9 vs 8.9 Hz, 7.9 vs 8.8 Hz respectively, SD 1.3, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION Intraoperative slower frontal peak alpha frequency is independently associated with POD after cardiac surgery and may be a simple intraoperative neurophysiological marker of a vulnerable brain for POD. Further studies are needed to investigate if there is a causal link between alpha frequency and POD

    Influence of the Side Chain Structure on the Electronic Structure and Self-Organization Properties of Low Band Gap Polymers

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    The properties of low band gap polymers in devices such as solar cells are strongly influenced by their morphology and ability of self-organization in thin films and interface properties. We study the influence of alkyl and alkoxy side chain position for four conjugated, alternating oligothiophene-benzothiadiazole copolymers on the molecular orientation in thin films and electronic interface properties using photoemission, X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) at the sulfur K edge, and polarization modulation-infrared reflection–absorption spectroscopy (PMIRRAS). The interface charge transfer (ICT) model is used to explain interface properties of the polymers on substrates with different work functions. We find that the position of the side chains has a significant influence on the orientation and thus on self-organization properties of the polymers in thin films, whereas the electronic structure is less affected. The preferred molecular orientation is further affected by annealing, leading to a higher degree of ordering. Results from complementary methods with different surface sensitivities (XAS in total electron yield and fluorescence mode and PMIRRAS) are discussed
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