22 research outputs found

    Deviance-related responses along the auditory hierarchy: combined FFR, MLR and MMN evidence

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    The mismatch negativity (MMN) provides a correlate of automatic auditory discrimination in human auditory cortex that is elicited in response to violation of any acoustic regularity. Recently, deviance-related responses were found at much earlier cortical processing stages as reflected by the middle latency response (MLR) of the auditory evoked potential, and even at the level of the auditory brainstem as reflected by the frequency following response (FFR). However, no study has reported deviance-related responses in the FFR, MLR and long latency response (LLR) concurrently in a single recording protocol. Amplitude-modulated (AM) sounds were presented to healthy human participants in a frequency oddball paradigm to investigate deviance-related responses along the auditory hierarchy in the ranges of FFR, MLR and LLR. AM frequency deviants modulated the FFR, the Na and Nb components of the MLR, and the LLR eliciting the MMN. These findings demonstrate that it is possible to elicit deviance-related responses at three different levels (FFR, MLR and LLR) in one single recording protocol, highlight the involvement of the whole auditory hierarchy in deviance detection and have implications for cognitive and clinical auditory neuroscience. Moreover, the present protocol provides a new research tool into clinical neuroscience so that the functional integrity of the auditory novelty system can now be tested as a whole in a range of clinical populations where the MMN was previously shown to be defectiv

    Desenvolupament transversal de la competència informacional al segon semestre del Grau de Psicologia.

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    Podeu consultar la Vuitena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/66524Buscar, seleccionar i gestionar informació especialitzada de manera estratègica, fent ús de diferents tecnologies i fonts d'informació és una de les competències transversals de la UB. Cinc assignatures del segon semestre de Psicologia van elaborar un pla d’actuació per treballar-la coordinadament. Els estudiants que van seguir aquesta formació van obtenir notables resultats quan s'enfrontaven a exercicis pràctics específics (identificació de paraules clau o factors d'impacte), però van mostrar mancances a l’hora de resoldre tasques que requerien la cerca avançada, l’ús de l'estil APA, la identificació de títols de revistes científiques o el coneixement global dels usos i recursos d'informació. No obstant, els estudiants que van rebre la formació van ser lleugerament més competents que els seus companys de darrer curs del grau (que no havien rebut aquesta formació coordinada, però que se'ls hi suposa experiència en cerca documental, atesa les demandes de les diferents assignatures que han cursat). D’altra banda, l'avaluació de la competència informacional no va resultar independent de la resta de competències avaluades ja que va correlacionar positivament, tant en la tasca de defensa oral, com en la puntuació de l'examen final de continguts bàsics de l'assignatura (valors rxy entre 0,09 i 0,18).Buscar, seleccionar i gestionar informació especialitzada de manera estratègica, fent ús de diferents tecnologies i fonts d'informació és una de les competències transversals de la UB. Cinc assignatures del segon semestre de Psicologia van elaborar un pla d’actuació per treballar-la coordinadament. Els estudiants que van seguir aquesta formació van obtenir notables resultats quan s'enfrontaven a exercicis pràctics específics (identificació de paraules clau o factors d'impacte), però van mostrar mancances a l’hora de resoldre tasques que requerien la cerca avançada, l’ús de l'estil APA, la identificació de títols de revistes científiques o el coneixement global dels usos i recursos d'informació. No obstant, els estudiants que van rebre la formació van ser lleugerament més competents que els seus companys de darrer curs del grau (que no havien rebut aquesta formació coordinada, però que se'ls hi suposa experiència en cerca documental, atesa les demandes de les diferents assignatures que han cursat). D’altra banda, l'avaluació de la competència informacional no va resultar independent de la resta de competències avaluades ja que va correlacionar positivament, tant en la tasca de defensa oral, com en la puntuació de l'examen final de continguts bàsics de l'assignatura (valors rxy entre 0,09 i 0,18)

    Fast Detection of Unexpected Sound Intensity Decrements as Revealed by Human Evoked Potentials

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    The detection of deviant sounds is a crucial function of the auditory system and is reflected by the automatically elicited mismatch negativity (MMN), an auditory evoked potential at 100 to 250 ms from stimulus onset. It has recently been shown that rarely occurring frequency and location deviants in an oddball paradigm trigger a more negative response than standard sounds at very early latencies in the middle latency response of the human auditory evoked potential. This fast and early ability of the auditory system is corroborated by the finding of neurons in the animal auditory cortex and subcortical structures, which restore their adapted responsiveness to standard sounds, when a rare change in a sound feature occurs. In this study, we investigated whether the detection of intensity deviants is also reflected at shorter latencies than those of the MMN. Auditory evoked potentials in response to click sounds were analyzed regarding the auditory brain stem response, the middle latency response (MLR) and the MMN. Rare stimuli with a lower intensity level than standard stimuli elicited (in addition to an MMN) a more negative potential in the MLR at the transition from the Na to the Pa component at circa 24 ms from stimulus onset. This finding, together with the studies about frequency and location changes, suggests that the early automatic detection of deviant sounds in an oddball paradigm is a general property of the auditory system

    The Role of the Human Auditory Middle Latency Response in Auditory Novelty Detection

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    One way of structuring the huge amount of sound input reaching the human ear, is extracting sound objects, which are formed by stimuli having a certain regularity in common. Mismatching stimuli are detected pre-attentively and can trigger an involuntary attention switch towards them. The auditory-event related potential which reflects the process of detecting mismatching sounds is called mismatch negativity (MMN), usually peaks at 150 to 250 ms from stimulus onset and has bilateral sources in auditory and prefrontal cortex. MMN is elicited by deviants violating auditory regularities, like in a simple “oddball paradigm”, which is composed of unchanging repetitive “standard” sounds and rare, randomly occurring, deviating sounds (so called deviants), as well as by violations of more complex auditory regularities. Recently it has been shown that also the middle latency response (MLR), which is an earlier auditory evoked potential (AEP), reflects the occurrence of deviating sounds in an oddball paradigm. The objective of the present thesis was to examine the role of the middle latency response in the auditory deviance detection system. The first study showed that lower intensity deviants of an oddball paradigm elicited a slight negativity at the transition from the Na to the Pa wave, in comparison to the response elicited by physically identical standard stimuli. In addition, an MMN was elicited. In the second study a hypercomplex invariance, more concretely, a feature-conjunction paradigm with two types of standard stimuli, each with a distinct combination of stimulus frequency and stimulus source location, and two types of deviant stimuli, each with the frequency of one standard stimulus, and the location of the other, were presented. In order to compare the results with MLRs elicited by stimuli of a simple auditory regularity, an additional simple oddball paradigm with frequency deviants was presented. The Nb wave of the MLR was enhanced in response to frequency deviants compared to standard stimuli of the simple oddball paradigm. However, comparison of the MLRs to deviants and standards of the feature-conjunction paradigm yielded no differences. An MMN was elicited in both paradigms. In the third study the application of a variation of the multi-feature paradigm for MLR studies and the MLR in response to frequency-intensity double deviants were probed. Frequency-intensity double deviants elicited a significant enhancement of the MLR, which was as large as the sum of the enhancements elicited by the frequency and intensity single deviants. The results of the present thesis suggest that the early deviance detection at the level of the MLR occurs only for simple auditory regularities, as in the case of feature repetitions in the simple oddball paradigm, or in the multi-feature paradigm, where formation of the standard trace does not require extracting feature-combinations. Furthermore, the results suggest that deviations in frequency and intensity are processed independently from each other. Based on evidence from the present thesis and from other studies, we conclude that the regularity encoding and deviance detection of stimuli presented in more complex auditory regularities than the simple oddball or the multi-feature paradigm require higher-order brain mechanisms than those reflected in the MLR. This goes in line with the hypothesis of a hierarchically organized auditory novelty system. Concerning the cellular mechanisms underlying auditory deviance detection, it has been proposed that stimulus-specific adaptation (SSA) to stimulus probabilities observed in animal auditory subcortical and cortical structures could be the single neuron correlate of the deviance-related activity in the human AEP due to its similar characteristics to MMN. However, since the latencies of the MLR better match the latencies of SSA, it is probable that the deviance-related modulations in the MLR represent a more direct correlate of the early cellular SSA, than MMN.El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es analizar el papel de la respuesta de latencia media del potencial evocado auditivo en el proceso de detección de la novedad auditiva. Más concretamente, y en base a la hipótesis de que el sistema de la novedad auditivo funciona de una manera jerárquica, el objetivo es estudiar el nivel de complejidad de las regularidades codificadas durante la respuesta de latencia media. Para este fin, se registraron las respuestas de latencia media en respuesta a paradigmas de la novedad auditiva con diferentes grados de complejidad. Al mismo tiempo, se analizó el potencial de disparidad con el fin de obtener una comparación directa entre la respuesta de latencia media y los potenciales evocados auditivos de larga latencia de estímulos estándar, desviados y, cuando fuera posible, estímulos de control. Basada en pruebas por la presente tesis y otros estudios relacionados, se concluye que la codificación de regularidad y de la detección de desviación de estímulos presentados en paradigmas auditivos poco complejos, como el paradigma “oddball” o el paradigma “multi-feature”, está reflejada por modulaciones de la respuesta de latencia media. En cambio, la codificación de regularidad y de la detección de desviación de estímulos presentados en paradigmas auditivos más complejos, como el paradigma “feature conjunction”, requiere mecanismos cerebrales de orden superior a los que se refleja en la respuesta de latencia media, como se indica por la provocación del potencial de disparidad. Esto corrobora la hipótesis de que el sistema de la novedad auditiva trabaja de forma jerárquica

    Euthymic patients with predominantly manic polarity avoid happy faces in a dot probe task

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    Background: Some studies suggest a mood-congruent attentional bias in bipolar patients. However, for euthymic patients, especially in dependence on the predominant polarity, there is little and inconsistent data. A clearer understanding of emotion-related attentional biases and their relationship to dysfunctional emotion regulation could help improving the diagnostics and treatment of bipolar disorder (BD). Twenty bipolar patients in a depressive state (BP-acute-D), 32 euthymic patients with manic (BP-euth-M) or depressive (BP-euth-D) predominant polarity, and 20 healthy control participants (HC) performed a dot-probe task (DPT) with happy and sad faces presented for 250 ms or 1250 ms in two different runs. Emotion regulation strategies were assessed with two questionnaires. Results: In the short presentation condition of the DPT, BP-euth-M showed less attention for happy faces than HC (p = .03, r = − 0.48). BP-acute-D scored lower in cognitive reappraisal and putting into perspective and higher in suppression, catastrophizing, and rumination than HC. BP-euth-M scored higher in rumination and BP-euth-D lower in putting into perspective and higher in catastrophizing than HC. In BP-euth-D and HC, bias scores for sad faces in the longer presentation condition and reappraisal scores correlated positively. Conclusions: Results of the DPT suggest an avoidance of happy faces for BP-euth-M which we interpret as a protection mechanism for triggers of mania. That individuals who apply more reappraisal show more selective attention to sad faces could on the one hand reflect a mental effort in reevaluating the sad emotional input and on the other hand a greater tolerance for it

    ABRs to standards, deviants and controls.

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    <p>Grand-average response (N = 23) to deviants and standards <b>(A)</b>, deviants and controls <b>(B)</b> and standards and controls <b>(C)</b> at FCz. The grey shaded bars denote the time window of the mean amplitudes used for statistics.</p

    Deviance-related changes in the MLR.

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    <p>Grand-average response (N = 23) at FCz, FC3 and Fz elicited by deviants and standards. The grey shaded fields mark the time window of the mean amplitudes used for statistics. The difference waveforms reveal a negative displacement of the response to deviants compared to the one to standards.</p

    MLRs to the same physical stimulus presented in different conditions.

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    <p><b>A</b>−<b>C.</b> Grand-average MLR responses (N = 23) to deviants, standards and controls at Fz. The grey shaded areas and the framed area mark the time windows of the mean amplitudes used for statistics. <b>D.</b> Mean amplitudes from 21 to 27 ms after stimulus onset (grey shaded field in A−C) in response to deviant (dev), standard (std) and control (con) at Cz, FCz, Fz, FC3 and FC4.</p

    Fast Detection of Unexpected Sound Intensity Decrements as Revealed by Human Evoked Potentials

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    The detection of deviant sounds is a crucial function of the auditory system and is reflected by the automatically elicited mismatch negativity (MMN), an auditory evoked potential at 100 to 250 ms from stimulus onset. It has recently been shown that rarely occurring frequency and location deviants in an oddball paradigm trigger a more negative response than standard sounds at very early latencies in the middle latency response of the human auditory evoked potential. This fast and early ability of the auditory system is corroborated by the finding of neurons in the animal auditory cortex and subcortical structures, which restore their adapted responsiveness to standard sounds, when a rare change in a sound feature occurs. In this study, we investigated whether the detection of intensity deviants is also reflected at shorter latencies than those of the MMN. Auditory evoked potentials in response to click sounds were analyzed regarding the auditory brain stem response, the middle latency response (MLR) and the MMN. Rare stimuli with a lower intensity level than standard stimuli elicited (in addition to an MMN) a more negative potential in the MLR at the transition from the Na to the Pa component at circa 24 ms from stimulus onset. This finding, together with the studies about frequency and location changes, suggests that the early automatic detection of deviant sounds in an oddball paradigm is a general property of the auditory system