493 research outputs found

    Analysis of greenhouse gas mitigation performance in UK urban areas

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    As the threat of irreversible climate change has increased over time, the UK has continued to set increasingly ambitious policies to reduce its carbon emission. An assessment of mitigation progress to date at the local authority level clarifies the factors that have affected greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on the path to carbon neutrality. This research uses regression analyses between local authorities’ GHG emission redcutions and selected explanatory variables (including population density, household income, and manufacturing employment) identified from the literature to explore mitigation performance over time, focusing on GHG emissions changes between 2005 and 2016. Substantial and relatively consistent GHG emissions reductions were achieved in this time frame, with average total reductions across UK local authorities of 31.2%. Population density was moderately-to-strongly correlated with the success of transportation GHG emissions mitigation, though this sector has seen the smallest percentage declines over this period. Local authorities with densities below 25 inhabitants per hectare were generally among the poorest performers in transportation GHG mitigation. This underscores the need to support remote working and electrification of personal transportation in areas where public/active transportation options are not viable alternatives. Furthermore, consideration of population density in conjunction with domestic and urban planning will allow for future emissions reductions to occur across the UK. Fundamentally, GHG emissions reductions to date are largely driven by historic factors (density), shifting economic structures (deindustrialisation), and centralised initiatives (decarbonisation of electricity generation)

    Development of multi-functional streetscape green infrastructure using a performance index approach

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    This paper presents a performance evaluation framework for streetscape vegetation. A performance index (PI) is conceived using the following seven traits, specific to the street environments - Pollution Flux Potential (PFP), Carbon Sequestration Potential (CSP), Thermal Comfort Potential (TCP), Noise Attenuation Potential (NAP), Biomass Energy Potential (BEP), Environmental Stress Tolerance (EST) and Crown Projection Factor (CPF). Its application is demonstrated through a case study using fifteen streetvegetation species from the UK, utilising a combination of direct field measurements and inventoried literature data. Our results indicate greater preference to small-to-medium size trees and evergreen shrubs over larger trees for streetscaping. The proposed PI approach can be potentially applied two-fold: one, for evaluation of the performance of the existing street vegetation, facilitating the prospects for further improving them through management strategies and better species selection; two, for planning new streetscapes and multi-functional biomass as part of extending the green urban infrastructure

    Embed systemic equity throughout industrial ecology applications: How to address machine learning unfairness and bias

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    \ua9 2024 The Authors. Journal of Industrial Ecology published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Society for Industrial Ecology. Recent calls have been made for equity tools and frameworks to be integrated throughout the research and design life cycle —from conception to implementation—with an emphasis on reducing inequity in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) applications. Simply stating that equity should be integrated throughout, however, leaves much to be desired as industrial ecology (IE) researchers, practitioners, and decision-makers attempt to employ equitable practices. In this forum piece, we use a critical review approach to explain how socioecological inequities emerge in ML applications across their life cycle stages by leveraging the food system. We exemplify the use of a comprehensive questionnaire to delineate unfair ML bias across data bias, algorithmic bias, and selection and deployment bias categories. Finally, we provide consolidated guidance and tailored strategies to help address AI/ML unfair bias and inequity in IE applications. Specifically, the guidance and tools help to address sensitivity, reliability, and uncertainty challenges. There is also discussion on how bias and inequity in AI/ML affect other IE research and design domains, besides the food system—such as living labs and circularity. We conclude with an explanation of the future directions IE should take to address unfair bias and inequity in AI/ML. Last, we call for systemic equity to be embedded throughout IE applications to fundamentally understand domain-specific socioecological inequities, identify potential unfairness in ML, and select mitigation strategies in a manner that translates across different research domains

    Dedicated versus mainstreaming approaches in local climate plans in Europe

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    Cities are gaining prominence committing to respond to the threat of climate change, e.g., by developing local climate plans or strategies. However, little is known regarding the approaches and processes of plan development and implementation, or the success and effectiveness of proposed measures. Mainstreaming is regarded as one approach associated with (implementation) success, but the extent of integration of local climate policies and plans in ongoing sectoral and/or development planning is unclear. This paper analyses 885 cities across the 28 European countries to create a first reference baseline on the degree of climate mainstreaming in local climate plans. This will help to compare the benefits of mainstreaming versus dedicated climate plans, looking at policy effectiveness and ultimately delivery of much needed climate change efforts at the city level. All core cities of the European Urban Audit sample were analyzed, and their local climate plans classified as dedicated or mainstreamed in other local policy initiatives. It was found that the degree of mainstreaming is low for mitigation (9% of reviewed cities; 12% of the identified plans) and somewhat higher for adaptation (10% of cities; 29% of plans). In particular horizontal mainstreaming is a major effort for local authorities; an effort that does not necessarily pay off in terms of success of action implementation. This study concludes that climate change issues in local municipalities are best tackled by either, developing a dedicated local climate plan in parallel to a mainstreamed plan or by subsequently developing first the dedicated and later a mainstreaming plan (joint or subsequent “dual track approach”). Cities that currently provide dedicated local climate plans (66% of cities for mitigation; 26% of cities for adaptation) may follow-up with a mainstreaming approach. This promises effective implementation of tangible climate actions as well as subsequent diffusion of climate issues into other local sector policies. The development of only broad sustainability or resilience strategies is seen as critical.We thank the many council representatives that supported the datacollection. Special thanks to Birgit Georgi who helped in setting up this large net work of researchers across the EU-28. We also thank the EU COST Action TU 0902 (ledbyRichardDawson) that established the core research network and the positive engagement and interaction of th emembers of this group. OH is Fellow of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research and was funded by the UK EPSRC LC Transforms: Low Carbon Transitions of Fleet Operations in Metropolitan Sites Project (grant number EP/N010612/1). EKL was supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Czechia, within the National Sustainability Program I (NPU I) (grant number LO1415). DG ac-knowledges support by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), Italy ("Departments of Excellence" grant L. 232/2016). HO was supported by the Ministry of Education and Research, Estonia (grantnumberIUT34-17). MO acknowledges funding from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), Spain (grant number IJCI-2016-28835). SS acknowledges that CENSE's research is partially funded by the Science Foundation, Portugal (grant number UID/AMB/04085/2019). The paper reflects only the views of the authors. The European Union, the European Environment Agency or other supporting bodies are not liable for any use that may be made of the information that is provided in this manuscript

    Costs of sea dikes – regressions and uncertainty estimates

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    Failure to consider the costs of adaptation strategies can be seen by decision makers as a barrier to implementing coastal protection measures. In order to validate adaptation strategies to sea-level rise in the form of coastal protection, a consistent and repeatable assessment of the costs is necessary. This paper significantly extends current knowledge on cost estimates by developing – and implementing using real coastal dike data – probabilistic functions of dike costs. Data from Canada and the Netherlands are analysed and related to published studies from the US, UK, and Vietnam in order to provide a reproducible estimate of typical sea dike costs and their uncertainty. We plot the costs divided by dike length as a function of height and test four different regression models. Our analysis shows that a linear function without intercept is sufficient to model the costs, i.e. fixed costs and higher-order contributions such as that due to the volume of core fill material are less significant. We also characterise the spread around the regression models which represents an uncertainty stemming from factors beyond dike length and height. Drawing an analogy with project cost overruns, we employ log-normal distributions and calculate that the range between 3x and x∕3 contains 95 % of the data, where x represents the corresponding regression value. We compare our estimates with previously published unit costs for other countries. We note that the unit costs depend not only on the country and land use (urban/non-urban) of the sites where the dikes are being constructed but also on characteristics included in the costs, e.g. property acquisition, utility relocation, and project management. This paper gives decision makers an order of magnitude on the protection costs, which can help to remove potential barriers to developing adaptation strategies. Although the focus of this research is sea dikes, our approach is applicable and transferable to other adaptation measures

    Thermal Conductivity of Spin-1/2 Chains

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    We study the low-temperature transport properties of clean one-dimensional spin-1/2 chains coupled to phonons. Due to the presence of approximate conservation laws, the heat current decays very slowly giving rise to an exponentially large heat conductivity, Îș eT∗/T\kappa ~ e^{T^*/T}. As a result of an interplay of Umklapp scattering and spinon-phonon coupling, the characteristic energy scale T∗T^* turns out to be of order ΘD/2\Theta_D/2, where ΘD\Theta_D is the Debye energy, rather than the magnetic exchange interaction JJ -- in agreement with recent measurements in SrCuO compounds. A large magnetic field strongly affects the heat transport by two distinct mechanisms. First, it induces a LINEAR spinon--phonon coupling, which alters the nature of the T−>0T -> 0 fixed point: the elementary excitations of the system are COMPOSITE SPINON-PHONON objects. Second, the change of the magnetization and the corresponding change of the wave vector of the spinons strongly affects the way in which various Umklapp processes can relax the heat current, leading to a characteristic fractal--like spiky behavior of Îș\kappa when plotted as a function of magnetization at fixed T.Comment: 16 pages, RevTex4, 2 figures included; revised refs. and some useful comments on experimental relevance. On July 12 2005, added an appendix correcting an error in the form of the phonon propagator. The main result is unchange

    Asymmetric Heat Flow in Mesoscopic Magnetic System

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    The characteristics of heat flow in a coupled magnetic system are studied. The coupled system is composed of a gapped chain and a gapless chain. The system size is assumed to be quite small so that the mean free path is comparable to it. When the parameter set of the temperatures of reservoirs is exchanged, the characteristics of heat flow are studied with the Keldysh Green function technique. The asymmetry of current is found in the presence of a local equilibrium process at the contact between the magnetic systems. The present setup is realistic and such an effect will be observed in real experiments. We also discuss the simple phenomenological explanation to obtain the asymmetry.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure
