2,111 research outputs found

    The Effect of Inquiry Learning on the Academic Achievement and Bilingual Verbal Cognition of Young Bilingual Students

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    The issues that prompt this study are based on current research indicating the positive effects of inquiry learning on the cognitive development of children. The purpose of this case study was to understand the effects of inquiry learning on the academic achievement and bilingual verbal cognition of 5th grade bilingual students in a French/English dual immersion program. The treatment group of students completed research projects through a guided inquiry learning approach, while the control group experienced the traditional problem-solving research approach. Empirical findings reported a significant mean increase in mathematics achievement, bilingual verbal cognitive ability, higher motivation to learn and increased self-efficacy in the treatment versus the control group of students


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    This publication is part of the Food Sense Guide to Eating Fresh Fruits and Vegetables and includes information on selecting, preparing, cooking, and storing beets

    Ferning in amniotic fluid: Is it a useful indicator of ruptured membranes?

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    The presence of arborized crystals (ferning) in amniotic fluid is both sensitive (74%-100%) and specific (77%-100%) for diagnosing rupture of membranes in laboring women who report loss of fluid (strength of recommendation [SOR]: A, multiple prospective cohort studies). However, it is much less sensitive and specific for women with fluid loss who aren't in labor (SOR: B, 1 prospective cohort study). Gross contamination of amniotic fluid with blood or antiseptic solutions may decrease the diagnostic accuracy of ferning, whereas contamination with meconium doesn't (SOR: C, bench research)

    ArchivesSpace Adventures: A Migration

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    On February 4, 2019, the University Archives and Southern Minnesota Historical Center at Minnesota State University, Mankato successfully launched a new archival tool for our patrons called ArchivesSpace. While this at first glance may not seem like a big deal, the journey that the archives undertook to transform this search tool from a set of static HTML pages (all 700+ of them) to an easy-to-use search engine contained danger around every corner. The team had to fend off lions, tigers, and bears and had to blaze a path through a thick forest of metadata and archival records. The journey traveled down a dark and scary path; the path less traveled. At the path’s end, the archives team used their superpowers and a little magic, and thus emerged triumphant with a bright and shiny new archival tool called ArchivesSpace. Okay, so maybe this is exaggerating a little bit. There were no lions, tigers or bears, no forests, no superpowers, no magic, but like any good story, this one has a great ending. A small archives unit from a mid-sized university archive used teamwork, investigative know-how, learned from others, and partnered with those, who had some serious technology skills, to transform all those webpages into a better search experience for the patrons. The journey that follows speaks of how in collaboration with the library systems team, archives staff successfully built a local ArchivesSpace instance

    Making asset investment decisions for wastewater systems that include sustainability

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    Effective integrated water management is a key component of the World Water Vision and the way in which aspirations for water equity may be realized. Part of the vision includes the promotion of sustainability of water systems and full accountability for their interaction with other urban systems. One major problem is that “sustainability” remains an elusive concept, although those involved with the provision of urban wastewater systems now recognize that decisions involving asset investment should use the “triple bottom line” approach to society, the economy, and the environment. The Sustainable Water Industry Asset Resource Decisions project has devised a flexible and adaptable framework of decision support processes that can be used to include the principles of sustainability more effectively. Decision mapping conducted at the outset of the project has shown that only a narrow range of criteria currently influence the outcome of asset investment decisions. This paper addresses the concepts of sustainability assessment and presents two case studies that illustrate how multicriteria decision support systems can enhance the assessment of the relative sustainability of a range of options when decisions are being made about wastewater asset investment