591 research outputs found

    Controlling Tokamak Geometry with 3D Magnetic Perturbations

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    It is shown that small externally applied magnetic perturbations can significantly alter important geometric properties of magnetic flux surfaces in tokamaks. Through 3D shaping, experimentally relevant perturbation levels are large enough to influence turbulent transport and MHD stability in the pedestal region. It is shown that the dominant pitch-resonant flux surface deformations are primarily induced by non-resonant 3D fields, particularly in the presence of significant axisymmetric shaping. The spectral content of the applied 3D field can be used to control these effects

    Ungdom med innvandringsbakgrunn etter overgangen til videregående opplæring Tapte nettverk og svekket skoletrivsel?

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    Studien analyserer endringer i skoleengasjement, trivsel på skolen, faglig selvforståelse og sosiale relasjoner til venner, familie og lærer i forbindelse med overgangen til videregående skole, og undersøker om det er forskjell mellom ungdom med og uten innvandringsbakgrunn. Analysene er basert på en longitudinell surveyundersøkelse av 1660 Oslo-ungdommer født 1992, som ble intervjuet ved avslutningen av 10. trinn og midt i 2.trinn på vgs. Sammenlignet med unge med norskfødte foreldre opplever ungdom med innvandringsbakgrunn en sterkere nedgang i konsentrasjon og skoleengasjement, akademisk selvbilde, skoletrivsel, antall nære venner og faglig-sosial støtte fra en lærer i overgangen til videregående, særlig i studiespesialiserende studieretning. Nedgangen i skoletrivsel og akademisk selvbilde skyldes at enkelte påbegynner utdanningen med noe svakere resultater fra grunnskolen, men vel så mye at de opplever en nedgang i vennenettverk og faglig-sosial støtte fra læreren på sin nye videregående skole

    Evaluating the Utility of Beaver Reintroduction Programs for Enhancing Habitat for Rainbow Trout and Steelhead

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    Beaver reintroduction programs are increasingly being viewed as a way to enhance salmonid habitat and production. However, the actual effectiveness of using beavers as a habitat enhancement tool for ESA listed steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss populations is unknown. We examined the type of habitat, at both the microhabitat and mesohabitat levels, preferred by steelhead in three small streams in the upper Yakima Basin, WA through standard snorkel surveys and habitat measurements. Our results suggest that steelhead in small streams strongly prefer (relative to availability) microhabitats that have deeper water(\u3e 30 cm), slow stream velocities(\u3c 0 .05 mis), and complex cover types. Habitat partitioning among the size-classes (small\u3c 50 mm, medium 50-90 mm, large\u3e 90 mm total length, TL) principally operated around water depth and to a lesser extent around stream velocity, with larger steelhead (\u3e 90 mm TL) occupying slower and deeper water than smaller steelhead (\u3c 90 mm TL). Mesohabitat analyses indicate that all size-classes of steelhead avoid riffles and strongly prefer pool habitat, while only large steelhead (\u3e 90 mm TL) strongly prefer beaver pond habitat and small steelhead (\u3c 50 mm TL) prefer glides. Consequently, in small streams the creation of deep pool habitat, either through artificial means or through beaver reintroduction programs, will be beneficial for increasing the amount of highly preferred habitat for steelhead populations

    Geschlechtersegregation im Bildungssystem – Welche Rolle spielt die Berufsbildung?

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    Der Beitrag geht der Frage nach, inwieweit die im (Berufs)Bildungssystem vorhandene geschlechtsspezifische Verteilung von Männern und Frauen auf Bildungsgänge, von institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen des Bildungssystems beeinflusst wird. Dies wird im Beitrag für den Zugang zu vollqualifizierenden Bildungsgängen im Anschluss an die Sekundarstufe I (Allgemein- und Berufsbildung) anhand eines Vergleichs der Länder Deutschland, Norwegen und Kanada untersucht. Als Datenbasis für Deutschland kann dabei auf die BIBB-Übergansstudie zurückgegriffen werden

    Clinical outcome after mosaicplasty of knee articular cartilage defects of patellofemoral joint versus tibiofemoral joint

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    Background The purpose was to investigate survival of cartilage repair in the knee joint by osteochondral autograft transfer stratified by location of the lesion; patellofemoral joint (N = 26) versus the medial or lateral femoral condyles (N = 58). Methods For survival analyses, “failure” was defined as the event of a patient reporting a poor Lysholm score (below 65 points) or undergoing a knee replacement procedure. Results The survival distribution was not significantly different between the patellofemoral joint and the tibiofemoral joint groups. Conclusions The current study suggest that similar long-term outcome can be expected after OAT procedures for the patellofemoral or tibiofemoral joint.publishedVersio


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