522 research outputs found

    EMS in manufacture

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    Práce se zabývá environmentálními aspekty a dopady výrobní společnosti SLB spol. s r.o. Výstup této práce může být použit pro zavádění systému environmentálního managementu v této společnosti. Obsahuje výpis základních zákonných požadavků vztahující se na SLB spol. s r.o. a stručný popis jejich plnění. Na konci práce jsou sepsány návrhy k zavedení preventivních opatření k ochraně životního prostředí.This work considers with environmental aspects and impacts of manufacture in SLB spol. s r.o. (spol. s r.o. means Ltd) company. Output of this work can be used for starting environmental management system in this company. It contains abstract of base legal demands which refers to SLB spol. s r.o. and short declaration of their fulfilling. In the end of the work there are drafts to antipollution measures.

    Analysing the Impact of Natural Hazards in Small Economies: The Caribbean Case

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    This paper analyses the impact of natural disasters in the Caribbean. The economic impact of natural disasters in the region has been significant, resulting in widespread destruction of the productive economy. This paper presents the main macroeconomic impact of disasters, e.g., a deteriorating fiscal balance, a collapse of growth and a worsening external balance, as a consequence of damage resulting from the event. By making special reference to the small-island developing state nature of many countries in the region, valuable lessons of the impact of such disasters on the capital stock can be learnt, particularly as the interruption of production of goods and services can be particularly devastating in an environment where few large sectors (agriculture, tourism) dominate the economic landscape.natural disasters, Caribbean, diversification, trade, environment

    Economic legacy effects of armed conflict: insights from the Civil War in Aceh, Indonesia

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    The province of Aceh in Indonesia provides a promising case for studying the economic legacy effects of conflict given subnational district-level data on violence and gross domestic product. We demonstrate specific negative economic legacy effects of armed conflict despite a general peace dividend: whilst all districts in Aceh grow faster after conflict ends in 2005 than during the conflict, the districts that suffered relatively more from violence during the war grow relatively more slowly during peacetime than districts that experienced relatively little violence. These negative legacy effects are relatively short-lived, however, and are no longer statistically significant from 2009 onwards

    The causal effects of the Indian Ocean tsunami and armed conflict on Aceh’s economic development

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    This PhD thesis investigates the causal long-term economic effects of the Indian Ocean Tsunami and the armed conflict in Aceh, Indonesia (chapters 2, 3 and 4). It also contains an analysis of land use change and the consequences for soil-organic carbon (SOC) in Eastern Panama that is unrelated to previous chapters. Chapter 2 stands at the core of my PhD thesis; it is the equivalent of a job market paper. In chapter 1, I provide an introduction to and summary of my PhD thesis. In particular, I describe why I believe that I make original contributions to knowledge that are significant and rigorous. In chapter 2, I carry out a quasi-experimental analysis investigating the causal effects of Tsunami flooding on long-term per capita economic output. The existing literature suggests that natural disasters are growth depressing in the short-term, and in the longterm, natural disasters either cause a continued shortfall of economic output, or an eventual convergence to the pre-disaster counterfactual trend. I picked the Indian Ocean Tsunami in Aceh as a case study for this PhD thesis, because I posit that if there is one case for which there is evidence that goes against the conventional wisdom, namely in the form of increased economic output in the long run, it probably is Aceh. The reason why I expect to see creative destruction is that Aceh received a windfall of aid and was the stage of the largest reconstruction effort the developing world has ever seen. I conclude that natural disasters are not necessarily the cause of output reductions and that they can be windows of opportunity for the economy. In chapter 3, I investigate the reasons behind the creative destruction, and take a closer look at different sectors and subcomponents of the economy. I examine three channels through which the Tsunami may have affected per capita economic output. First, I find that the Tsunami causally accelerated the structural transformation process, a process through which people and the economy move out of agriculture, and into more productive sectors such as services. Second, I show that the Tsunami brought with it a windfall of aid and other funds, which allowed for a building back better of physical capital and increased capital formation. Third, I show that aggregate private consumption not only was smoothed in a reaction to the Tsunami, but even boosted to sustainably higher levels, compared to the no-Tsunami counterfactual. In chapter 4, I investigate whether the 30 years long armed conflict in Aceh left any negative economic legacy effects, once the fighting stopped and the peace agreement was signed. The separatist war took a toll on the Acehnese economy. Even though the conflict has ended, did the negative economic effects also end? Aceh’s economy has higher per capita growth rates in times of peace than in times of war, which can be either a sign of a peace dividend or creative destruction from the Tsunami. But does the armed conflict leave a negative legacy for future growth rates, even after peace has officially been declared? I find that that peacetime growth rates are negatively affected by the wartime conflict intensity. Using violence data on the incidence of killings, injuries, and other ‘measurable human suffering’, I assess whether districts that were heavily affected by armed conflict grew systematically differently from those that were spared from the brunt of the violence. I find that there are severe negative economic legacy effects of violence, and the more violence occurred in a district during the separatist war, the slower it was growing during times of peace. Chapter 5, topically unrelated to the previous chapters, is looking at land use change in Eastern Panama and the consequences for soil organic carbon (SOC). In this chapter, I compare SOC concentrations of primary forests to two competing land use alternatives: Forest-to-pasture conversion for cattle grazing versus indigenous forest-to-crop conversion. I find that both land use changes reduce SOC concentrations significantly, yet the pasture land use has lower levels of SOC than indigenous crop cultivation. The soil carbon levels of secondary forests are not statistically different from primary forests, implying that the forest conversions are reversible, in terms of their impact on SOC, which suggests that allowing secondary forests to re-grow in former cultivated areas in the Eastern part of Panama holds promise for climate change mitigation. In the concluding chapter 6, I present a summary of the main findings and an outline for future research

    From the Constitutionalization of the Principle of Legality nulla poene, nullum crimen sine lege Principle within the Weimar Constitution to its Reversal to a Principle of nullum crimen sine poena by the Nazi Regime

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    The principle of Legality (nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege) is the most fundamental principle of German criminal code since it was codified in the Bavarian Criminal Code 1813 for the first time. With the Foundation of the German Empire in 1871 it became an integral part of the new German Penal Code Reichsstrafgesetzbuch). It was constitutionalized in 1919 as a fundamental right with Art. 116 of the Weimar Constitution. It was unchallenged till the Nazi regime came to power. Not within the Empowerment Act but with other legal measures resulting from the burning of the Parliament (”Reichstagsbrand”) on 28 February 1933 till 1935 on, the Nazi regime changed the principle step by step from nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege to nullum crimen sine poena. They made Analogy in disfavor of the accused person possible and they stated criminal offences with retroactivity. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court of Justice (Reichsgericht) accepted the new provisions and used it as a basis for its sentences. After WW II the allies nullified the Nazi provisions. With Art. 103 § 2 of the new (West-)German constitution from 1949 nulla poena sine lege has been constitutionalized again. The Paper deals with that development with a special focus on the role of the Reichsgericht as the highest body of judges, who were trained in the times before the Nazis came to [email protected]ät zu Berlin (Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany)Bahar A., Der Reichstagsbrandprozess, [in:] Lexikon der Politischen Strafprozesse, (Hrsg.) K. Groenewold, A. Ignor, A. Koch, https://www.lexikon-der-politischen-straf prozesse.de/glossar/reichstagsbrand-prozess-1933Deiseroth D., Der Reichstagsbrand-Prozess – ein rechtsstaatliches Verfahren?, „Kritische Justiz” 2009, vol. 42, no. 3.Goldschmidt J., Die Rechtsgrundlagen der deutschen Strafgewalt gegen Ausländer im besetzten Feindesgebiet, „Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft” 1916, no. 37.Heger M., Die Mauerschützenprozesse – Ein Ausdruck von Siegerjustiz?, „Deutsch-Georgische Strafrechtszeitschrift” 2021, no. 3Naucke W., Deutsches Kolonialstrafrecht 1886–1918, „Rechtshistorisches Journal” 1988, no. 7.Paiusco S., Nullum Crimen Sine Lege, the European Convention on Human Rights and the Foreseeability of the Law, Baden-Baden 2021.Raithel T., Strenge I., Die Reichstagsbrandverordnung. Grundlegung der Diktatur mit den Instrumenten des Weimarer Ausnahmezustandes, „Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte” 2000, no. 48.Werle G., Justiz-Strafrecht und polizeiliche Verbrechensbekämpfung im Dritten Reich, Berlin 1989.20292

    Sexualverbrechen sind nicht grenzüberschreitend

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    Evaluation of Internal Accounting Guidelines for Dealing with Fixed Assets and Proposals to their Improvement

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    Diplomová práce navrhuje na základě provedené komparace vypracovaných analýz stávajícího stavu interních účetních směrnic pro nakládání s dlouhodobým majetkem u obcí Pavlov a Heřmanice opatření vedoucí k jejich zlepšení. Navržené nové vnitřní účetní směrnice jsou provedeny s ohledem na platnou legislativu a s ohledem na zkvalitnění podmínek účetní evidence.The diploma thesis proposes measures based on comparison of the processed analyzes of the current state to improve the status of the internal accounting guidelines for the management of fixed assets of the municipalities Pavlov and Heřmanice. The proposed new internal accounting directives are carried out with respect to the law and in the light to improve the conditions of the accounting records.

    Zum Gewalt-Begriff von § 113 StGB

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    The judgment of the Bundesgerichtshof (Federal Court of Justice) from the 4th September 1964 and the "New Citizenship Clause" as part of the German law of jurisdiction in criminal cases – a German-Polish case and its implications for the legal development

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    In its judgment of the 4th September 1964 the German Federal Court of Justice had to deal with a German-Polish case of murder. The accused persons were members of the German minority in Poland and lived in the Western part of Poland, when German troops occupied that territory in the autumn of 1939. Short after the invasion they killed the members of a Jewish family living in the same territory. Both, the perpetrators as well as the victims were Polish nationals, when the crime was committed. The perpetrators have got the German nationality in the following. It is not clear, whether they have been naturalized by German authorities during WW II, but if not, they were seen as German nationals with the Getting-into-Force of the German Basic Law (Constitution), because they were refugees from Poland to Germany. Therefore, Article 116 § 1 Basic Law naturalized them as German nationals. For the criminal case it was crucial whether the later naturalization can give the German Justice system jurisdiction over a case which happened before the perpetrator has reached the German nationality, as it was (and still is) stated in section 4 (resp. today section 7) of the German Criminal Code. The paper should deal with the implications of this so-called "New Citizenship Clause" and with the circumstances of the case and the following cases at Western German Courts against German people for committing murder in the occupied Polish territories during WWII. Shortly after the named case, the Auschwitz trial started in Frankfurt. On that background, the paper reflects on the situation between West and East Germany as [email protected]ät zu Berlin(Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany)Dalcke A., Fuhrmann E., Strafrecht und Strafverfahren, Berlin 1961.Geilke G., Die polnische Strafgesetzgebung seit 1944, Berlin 1955.Geilke G., Staatsangehörigkeitsrecht von Polen, Berlin 1952.Hegler A., Prinzipien des Internationalen Strafrechts, Berlin 1906, Nachdruck 2012.Jeßberger F., Der transnationale Geltungsbereich des deutschen Strafrechts, Tübingen 2011.Jescheck H.-H., Zur Reform der Vorschriften des StGB über das Internationale Strafrecht, „Internationales Recht und Diplomatie“ 1956, 75-95.Jescheck H.-H., Weigend T., Strafrecht Allgemeiner Teil, 5. Auflage, Berlin 1996.Lackner K., StGB mit Erläuterungen, 19. Auflage, München 1991.Lackner K., Kühl K., Strafgesetzbuch, 29. Auflage, München 2018.Leipziger Kommentar Reichs=Strafgesetzbuch, Band 1, 5. Auflage, Berlin und Leipzig 1933.Leipziger Kommentar Strafgesetzbuch, Band 1, 10. Auflage, Berlin 1985.Leipziger Kommentar Strafgesetzbuch, Band 1, 11. Auflage, Berlin 1992.Leipziger Kommentar Strafgesetzbuch, Band 1, 13. Auflage, Berlin 2019.Meyer H., Lehrbuch des Deutschen Strafrechts, 5.Auflage, Erlangen und Leipzig 1895.Müller S., John T., Die Mörder sind unter uns: Der Ulmer Einsatzgruppenprozess 1958, Stuttgart 2008.Riedel J., 50 Jahre Zentrale Stelle in Ludwigsburg. Ein Erfahrungsbericht über die letzten zweieinhalb Jahrzehnte, Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2008.Rieß P., Entwicklungstendenzen in der deutschen Strafprozessgesetzgebung seit 1950, "Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtsdogmatik" 2009, no. 10.Sinn A., Jurisdiktionskonflikte bei grenzüberschreitender Kriminalität, Osnabrück 2012.von Bar L., Gesetz und Schuld im Strafrecht: Fragen des deutschen Strafrechts und seiner Reform, Berlin 1906.von Olshausen J.,Niethammer E., Kommentar zum StGB für das Deutsche Reich, Berlin 1927.Werle G., Wandres T., Auschwitz vor Gericht, München 1995.Zehetgruber C., Eine kritische Betrachtung der Anknüpfungspunkte des § 7 StGB, "Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtsdogmatik" 2020, no. 7-8.19214116

    Modelling a Neolithic Population Bottleneck in Finland: a Genetic Simulation

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