23 research outputs found

    TXRF Spektrometer zum Nachweis von Spurenelementen

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    The TXRF (total reflection X-ray fluorescence) spectrometer is a very useful instrument for measuring ultratrace elements in aqueous solutions, in metals, in minerals, in biological and environmental samples etc. Elements with atomic number >13 are detected simultaneously with a minimum detection limit of pg. The sample preparation is very simple and only few ?g or ?l sample material is required

    Fast Motion Model of Road Vehicles with Artificial Neural Networks

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    Nonlinear optimization-based motion planning algorithms have been successfully used for dynamically feasible trajectory planning of road vehicles. However, the main drawback of these methods is their significant computational effort and thus high runtime, which makes real-time application a complex problem. Addressing this field, this paper proposes an algorithm for fast simulation of road vehicle motion based on artificial neural networks that can be used in optimization-based trajectory planners. The neural networks are trained with supervised learning techniques to predict the future state of the vehicle based on its current state and driving inputs. Learning data is provided for a wide variety of randomly generated driving scenarios by simulation of a dynamic vehicle model. The realistic random driving maneuvers are created on the basis of piecewise linear travel velocity and road curvature profiles that are used for the planning of public roads. The trained neural networks are then used in a feedback loop with several variables being calculated by additional numerical integration to provide all the outputs of the original dynamic model. The presented model can be capable of short-term vehicle motion simulation with sufficient precision while having a considerably faster runtime than the original dynamic model

    A sportolói karrier és a tanulás kapcsolatának vizsgálata élvonalbeli labdarúgók körében

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    Kutatásunk elsődleges célja annak megállapítása volt, hogy az élvonalbeli labdarúgók értékrendjében mennyire fontos szerepet tölt be a tanulás, illet ve, hogy a középiskolai tanulmányi eredményük, továbbtanulási arányuk és a sportolói karrierjük hogyan függ össze. Ezenkívül arra is kíváncsiak voltunk, hogy a játékosok mivel szeretnének foglalkozni a sportpályafutásuk befejeztével, és hogy milyen mértékben befolyásolja választásukat a családi minta. Kutatásunk során élvonalbeli labdarúgókat kérdeztünk meg (N=100) és általunk készített, 26 kérdésből álló kérdőív vel. A válaszokat SPSS 21.0 program segítségével elemeztük. Eredményeink alapján elmondható, hogy a  mintát alkotó sportolók többsége érettségizett, továbbtanulást és a  diplomaszerzést 48%-ban ter vezték, ennek ellenére jelenleg a  felsőfokú tanulmányokat végzők aránya mindössze 15%. Akik nem tanulnak, azok többsége a profi sportot helyezi időrendben előtérbe, a  tanulás náluk az  aktív sportpályafutás befejeztével kap majd prioritást.. A  középiskolai eredmények és a  család tanulásról alkotott véleménye között lévő kapcsolat szignifikáns összefüggést mutat (p=0,000). Ezek szerint családi értékrend hatása a sportolói karrier befejezése utáni tanulás kapcsolatában is kimutatható. Érdemes a  kérdéskörrel több oldalról és módszerrel tovább foglalkozni, mivel fontos tudatosan ter vezni a sportolói karrier utáni életet. ----- The purpose of our study was to find out how much it is important for elite soccer players to carry on with their studis and also how their secondary school grades, entrance to higher education programs and their sport career correlate. It was also a  goal of this study to explore what goals players have after their sport career and how parental values are associated with their plans. Elite soccer players (N=100) answered 26 open and closed-ended questions. Data analysis was conducted with SPSS 21.0. According to the results, most of the elite players have already graduated with their secondary school leaving exam, 48% planned to carr y on with studies at higher education programs, however it is only 13%, who are currently doing so. The majorit y of our sample places soccer at highest importance and they plan to carry on with their studies once they leave the professional career. There is a strong correlation bet ween secondar y school grades and views of studying in the family (p<0,000). What that means is family values have a strong impact on how players relate to study not only during their sport career but also afterwards. It is important to focus more on this issue through different means and methods and also to help players to plan their live further on after their sport career

    Improved Metal-Free Approach for the Synthesis of Protected Thiol Containing Thymidine Nucleoside Phosphoramidite and Its Application for the Synthesis of Ligatable Oligonucleotide Conjugates

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    Oligonucleotide conjugates are versatile scaffolds that can be applied in DNA-based screening platforms and ligand display or as therapeutics. Several different chemical approaches are available for functionalizing oligonucleotides, which are often carried out on the 5′ or 3′ end. Modifying oligonucleotides in the middle of the sequence opens the possibility to ligate the conjugates and create DNA strands bearing multiple different ligands. Our goal was to establish a complete workflow that can be applied for such purposes from monomer synthesis to templated ligation. To achieve this, a monomer is required with an orthogonal functional group that can be incorporated internally into the oligonucleotide sequence. This is followed by conjugation with different molecules and ligation with the help of a complementary template. Here, we show the synthesis and the application of a thiol-modified thymidine nucleoside phosphoramidite to prepare ligatable oligonucleotide conjugates. The conjugations were performed both in solution and on solid phase, resulting in conjugates that can be assembled into multivalent oligonucleotides decorated with tissue-targeting peptides using templated ligation

    Structural Adaptation of the Single-Stranded DNA-Binding Protein C-Terminal to DNA Metabolizing Partners Guides Inhibitor Design

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    Single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) is a bacterial interaction hub and an appealing target for antimicrobial therapy. Understanding the structural adaptation of the disordered SSB C-terminus (SSB-Ct) to DNA metabolizing enzymes (e.g., ExoI and RecO) is essential for designing high-affinity SSB mimetic inhibitors. Molecular dynamics simulations revealed the transient interactions of SSB-Ct with two hot spots on ExoI and RecO. The residual flexibility of the peptide–protein complexes allows adaptive molecular recognition. Scanning with non-canonical amino acids revealed that modifications at both termini of SSB-Ct could increase the affinity, supporting the two-hot-spot binding model. Combining unnatural amino acid substitutions on both segments of the peptide resulted in enthalpy-enhanced affinity, accompanied by enthalpy–entropy compensation, as determined by isothermal calorimetry. NMR data and molecular modeling confirmed the reduced flexibility of the improved affinity complexes. Our results highlight that the SSB-Ct mimetics bind to the DNA metabolizing targets through the hot spots, interacting with both of segments of the ligands

    Magyar Gyógypedagógia 17 (1929) 09-10

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    A Magyar Gyógypedagógiai Társaság folyóirata 17. évfolyam, 9-10. szám, Budapest, 1929. Havi folyóirat a fogyatékosok (siketnémák, vakok, szellemileg gyengék, beszédhibások, idegesek, epileptikusok és nyomorékok) ügyeinek tárgyalására. 1939-től beolvadt a Magyar gyógypedagógiai tanárok közlönyébe

    The effect of conjugation on antitumor activity of vindoline derivatives with octaarginine, a cell-penetrating peptide

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    Some Vinca alkaloids (e.g. vinblastine, vincristine) have been widely used as antitumor drugs for a long time. Unfortunately, vindoline, a main alkaloid component of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don, itself, has no antitumor activity. In our novel research program we have prepared and identified new vindoline derivatives with moderate cytostatic activity. Here we describe the effect of conjugation of vindoline derivative with oligoarginine (tetra-, hexa- or octapeptides) cell-penetrating peptides on the cytostatic activity in vitro and in vivo. Br-Vindoline-(L)-Trp-OH attached to the N-terminus of octaarginine was the most effective compound in vitro on HL-60 cell line. Analysis of the in vitro activity of two isomer conjugates (Br-vindoline-(L)-Trp-Arg8 and Br-vindoline-(D)-Trp-Arg8 suggest the covalent attachment of the vindoline derivatives to octaarginine increased the antitumor activity significantly against P388 and C26 tumour cells in vitro. The cytostatic effect was dependent on the presence and configuration of Trp in the conjugate as well as on the cell line studied. The configuration of Trp notably influenced of the activity on C26 and P388 cells: conjugate with (L)-Trp was more active than conjugate with the (D)-isomer. In contrast conjugates had very similar effect on both the HL-60 and MDA-MB-231 cells. In preliminary experiments conjugate Br-vindoline-(L)-Trp-Arg8 exhibited some inhibitory effect on the tumor growth in P388 mouse leukemia tumor-bearing mice. Our results indicate that the conjugation of modified vindoline could result in an effective compound even with in vivo antitumor activity