175 research outputs found

    Evaluation of dipstick analysis among elderly residents to detect bacteriuria: a cross-sectional study in 32 nursing homes

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    Background: Up to half the residents of nursing homes for the elderly have asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU), which should not be treated with antibiotics. Thus, it is difficult to know if new symptoms in residents with bacteriuria are caused by urinary tract infection (UTI), or if bacteriuria only represents an ABU. This is especially difficult in the presence of non-urinary tract specific symptoms. The diagnostic uncertainty is likely to generate significant overtreatment with UTI antibiotics. Aim: The general aim was to clarify the association between symptoms, bacteriuria, dipstick urinalysis and urine Interleukin-6 (IL-6) among nursing home residents to improve the diagnostic procedure of a suspected lower UTI. Methods: In 2003 a study protocol including newly onset symptoms was completed, and single voided urine specimens collected for dipstick urinalysis and cultures from 651 residents of 32 participating Swedish nursing homes for the elderly. This data was used for a study of dipstick urinalysis (Paper I) and for a study of nonspecific symptoms and bacteriuria (Paper II). In 2012, similar data was collected for 421 elderly residents of 22 nursing homes, which also included an analysis of IL-6 in urine and urine specimens from another 59 residents with urinary catheters. The association between bacteriuria, IL-6 in urine, dipstick urinalysis and newly onset symptoms was analysed (Paper III). Antimicrobial resistance rates were described among residents of nursing homes in 2012 and compared with those from 2003 (Paper IV). Results: Paper I: The negative predictive value for predicting absence of bacteriuria was 88 (84-92)% when dipstick urinalysis for nitrite and leukocyte esterase were simultaneously negative. A positive dipstick or any combination thereof could not sufficiently predict bacteriuria. Papers II-III: New or increased nonspecific symptoms were common among elderly residents of nursing homes. Residents without nonspecific symptoms had positive urine cultures as often as those with nonspecific symptoms with a duration of up to one month. Paper III: Residents with positive urine cultures had higher concentrations of IL-6 in the urine. However, among residents with positive urine cultures there were no differences in IL-6 concentrations or dipstick findings between those with or without nonspecific symptoms. Paper IV: The average rates of antimicrobial resistance were low and did not increase between 2003 and 2012 in Escherichia coli (E. coli) urinary isolates among Swedish nursing home residents. Any antibiotic treatment during the last month and hospitalization during the last six months predicted higher resistance rates among E. coli. Conclusions: Nonspecific symptoms among elderly residents of nursing homes are unlikely to be caused by bacteria in the urine. Therefore, dipstick urinalysis, IL-6 in the urine and urine cultures are of little or no value in clarifying the aetiology of nonspecific symptoms. If there is a reason for testing for bacteriuria, dipstick urinalysis for nitrite and leukocyte esterase can rule out but cannot reliably rule in bacteriuria. Antimicrobial resistance in urinary pathogens among Swedish nursing home residents remained low. It is important to use antibiotics rationally to preserve the effectiveness of antibiotics

    Thinking outside the channel : modeling nitrogen cycling in networked river ecosystems

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    Author Posting. © Ecological Society of America, 2011. This article is posted here by permission of Ecological Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9 (2011): 229–238, doi:10.1890/080211.Agricultural and urban development alters nitrogen and other biogeochemical cycles in rivers worldwide. Because such biogeochemical processes cannot be measured empirically across whole river networks, simulation models are critical tools for understanding river-network biogeochemistry. However, limitations inherent in current models restrict our ability to simulate biogeochemical dynamics among diverse river networks. We illustrate these limitations using a river-network model to scale up in situ measures of nitrogen cycling in eight catchments spanning various geophysical and land-use conditions. Our model results provide evidence that catchment characteristics typically excluded from models may control river-network biogeochemistry. Based on our findings, we identify important components of a revised strategy for simulating biogeochemical dynamics in river networks, including approaches to modeling terrestrial–aquatic linkages, hydrologic exchanges between the channel, floodplain/riparian complex, and subsurface waters, and interactions between coupled biogeochemical cycles.This research was supported by NSF (DEB-0111410). Additional support was provided by NSF for BJP and SMT (DEB-0614301), for WMW (OCE-9726921 and DEB-0614282), for WHM and JDP (DEB-0620919), for SKH (DEB-0423627), and by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation for AMH, GCP, ESB, and JAS, and by an EPA Star Fellowship for AMH

    Stream denitrification across biomes and its response to anthropogenic nitrate loading

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2008. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Nature Publishing Group for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Nature 452 (2008): 202-205, doi:10.1038/nature06686.Worldwide, anthropogenic addition of bioavailable nitrogen (N) to the biosphere is increasing and terrestrial ecosystems are becoming increasingly N saturated, causing more bioavailable N to enter groundwater and surface waters. Large-scale N budgets show that an average of about 20-25% of the N added to the biosphere is exported from rivers to the ocean or inland basins, indicating substantial sinks for N must exist in the landscape. Streams and rivers may be important sinks for bioavailable N owing to their hydrologic connections with terrestrial systems, high rates of biological activity, and streambed sediment environments that favor microbial denitrification. Here, using data from 15N tracer experiments replicated across 72 streams and 8 regions representing several biomes, we show that total biotic uptake and denitrification of nitrate increase with stream nitrate concentration, but that the efficiency of biotic uptake and denitrification declines as concentration increases, reducing the proportion of instream nitrate that is removed from transport. Total uptake of nitrate was related to ecosystem photosynthesis and denitrification was related to ecosystem respiration. Additionally, we use a stream network model to demonstrate that excess nitrate in streams elicits a disproportionate increase in the fraction of nitrate that is exported to receiving waters and reduces the relative role of small versus large streams as nitrate sinks.Funding for this research was provided by the National Science Foundation

    A Novel Unstable Duplication Upstream of HAS2 Predisposes to a Breed-Defining Skin Phenotype and a Periodic Fever Syndrome in Chinese Shar-Pei Dogs

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    Hereditary periodic fever syndromes are characterized by recurrent episodes of fever and inflammation with no known pathogenic or autoimmune cause. In humans, several genes have been implicated in this group of diseases, but the majority of cases remain unexplained. A similar periodic fever syndrome is relatively frequent in the Chinese Shar-Pei breed of dogs. In the western world, Shar-Pei have been strongly selected for a distinctive thick and heavily folded skin. In this study, a mutation affecting both these traits was identified. Using genome-wide SNP analysis of Shar-Pei and other breeds, the strongest signal of a breed-specific selective sweep was located on chromosome 13. The same region also harbored the strongest genome-wide association (GWA) signal for susceptibility to the periodic fever syndrome (praw = 2.3×10−6, pgenome = 0.01). Dense targeted resequencing revealed two partially overlapping duplications, 14.3 Kb and 16.1 Kb in size, unique to Shar-Pei and upstream of the Hyaluronic Acid Synthase 2 (HAS2) gene. HAS2 encodes the rate-limiting enzyme synthesizing hyaluronan (HA), a major component of the skin. HA is up-regulated and accumulates in the thickened skin of Shar-Pei. A high copy number of the 16.1 Kb duplication was associated with an increased expression of HAS2 as well as the periodic fever syndrome (p<0.0001). When fragmented, HA can act as a trigger of the innate immune system and stimulate sterile fever and inflammation. The strong selection for the skin phenotype therefore appears to enrich for a pleiotropic mutation predisposing these dogs to a periodic fever syndrome. The identification of HA as a major risk factor for this canine disease raises the potential of this glycosaminoglycan as a risk factor for human periodic fevers and as an important driver of chronic inflammation

    Early life patterns of common infection: a latent class analysis

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    Early life infection has been implicated in the aetiology of many chronic diseases, most often through proxy measures. Data on ten infectious symptoms were collected by parental questionnaire when children were 6 months old as part of the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, United Kingdom. A latent class analysis was used to identify patterns of infection and their relationship to five factors commonly used as proxies: sex, other children in the home, maternal smoking, breastfeeding and maternal education. A total of 10,032 singleton children were included in the analysis. Five classes were identified with differing infectious disease patterns and children were assigned to the class for which they had a highest probability of membership based on their infectious symptom profile: ‘general infection’ (n = 1,252, 12.5%), ‘gastrointestinal’ (n = 1,902, 19.0%), ‘mild respiratory’ (n = 3,560, 35.5%), ‘colds/ear ache’ (n = 462, 4.6%) and ‘healthy’ (n = 2,856, 28.5%). Females had a reduced risk of being in all infectious classes, other children in the home were associated with an increased risk of being in the ‘general infection’, ‘mild respiratory’ or ‘colds/ear ache’ class. Breastfeeding reduced the risk of being in the ‘general infection’ and ‘gastrointestinal’ classes whereas maternal smoking increased the risk of membership. Higher maternal education was associated with an increased risk of being in the ‘mild respiratory’ group. Other children in the home had the greatest association with infectious class membership. Latent class analysis provided a flexible method of investigating the relationship between multiple symptoms and demographic and lifestyle factors
