81 research outputs found

    Modifizierung von Kunststoffoberflächen durch Niederdruckplasmabehandlung zur Verbesserung der Adhäsionseigenschaften

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    Viele Kunststoffe besitzen nur schlechte Adhäsionseigenschaften. So lassen sich viele technisch wichtige Kunststoffe adhäsiv nur dann zufriedenstellend mit Adhäsionsklebstoffen kleben, wenn die Kunststoffteile vorbehandelt worden sind. Versuche mit einer Niederdruckplasmabehandlung führten zu brauchbaren Ergebnissen

    On the thermal inertia and time constant of single-family houses

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    Since the nineteen-seventies, electricity has become a common heating source in Swedish single-family houses. About one million smallhouses can use electricity for heating, about 600.000 have electricity as the only heating source. A liberalised European electricity market would most likely raise the Swedish electricity prices during daytime on weekdays and lower it at other times. In the long run, electrical heating of houses would be replaced by fuels, but in the shorter perspective, other strategies may be considered. This report evaluates the use of electricity for heating a dwelling, or part of it, at night when both the demand and the price are low. The stored heat is utilised in the daytime some hours later, when the electricity price is high. Essential for heat storage is the thermal time constant. The report gives a simple theoretical framework for the calculation of the time constant for a single-family house with furniture. Furthermore the “comfort” time constant, that is, the time for a house to cool down from a maximum to a minimum acceptable temperature, is derived. Two theoretical model houses are calculated, and the results are compared to data from empirical studies in three inhabited test houses. The results show that it was possible to store about 8 kWh/K in a house from the seventies and about 5 kWh/K in a house from the eighties. The time constants were 34 h and 53 h, respectively. During winter conditions with 0°C outdoor, the “comfort” time constants with maximum and minimum indoor temperatures of 23 and 20°C were 6 h and 10 h. The results indicate that the maximum load-shifting potential of an average single family house is about 1 kW during 16 daytime hours shifted into 2 kW during 8 night hours. Up-scaled to the one million Swedish single-family houses that can use electricity as a heating source, the maximum potential is 1000 MW daytime time-shifted into 2000 MW at night

    On the thermal inertia and time constant of single-family houses

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    Since the nineteen-seventies, electricity has become a common heating source in Swedish single-family houses. About one million smallhouses can use electricity for heating, about 600.000 have electricity as the only heating source. A liberalised European electricity market would most likely raise the Swedish electricity prices during daytime on weekdays and lower it at other times. In the long run, electrical heating of houses would be replaced by fuels, but in the shorter perspective, other strategies may be considered. This report evaluates the use of electricity for heating a dwelling, or part of it, at night when both the demand and the price are low. The stored heat is utilised in the daytime some hours later, when the electricity price is high. Essential for heat storage is the thermal time constant. The report gives a simple theoretical framework for the calculation of the time constant for a single-family house with furniture. Furthermore the “comfort” time constant, that is, the time for a house to cool down from a maximum to a minimum acceptable temperature, is derived. Two theoretical model houses are calculated, and the results are compared to data from empirical studies in three inhabited test houses. The results show that it was possible to store about 8 kWh/K in a house from the seventies and about 5 kWh/K in a house from the eighties. The time constants were 34 h and 53 h, respectively. During winter conditions with 0°C outdoor, the “comfort” time constants with maximum and minimum indoor temperatures of 23 and 20°C were 6 h and 10 h. The results indicate that the maximum load-shifting potential of an average single family house is about 1 kW during 16 daytime hours shifted into 2 kW during 8 night hours. Up-scaled to the one million Swedish single-family houses that can use electricity as a heating source, the maximum potential is 1000 MW daytime time-shifted into 2000 MW at night

    Cancer and Inflammation : Role of Macrophages and Monocytes

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    Macrophages are cells of the innate immune system that can be found in large quantities in cancer tumors and affect cancer progression by regulating growth and invasiveness of cancer cells. There are two main phenotypes of macrophages denoted M1 and M2. In this thesis, the M1 and M2 phenotype of human macrophages were characterized, and effects of the macrophages on the growth and invasiveness of colon and lung cancer cells were studied. Macrophages of the M1 phenotype, but not the M2 phenotype, inhibited growth of both colon and lung cancer cells, and the inhibition for some of the cancer cell lines was induced by cell cycle arrest in the G1/G0 and/or G2/M cell cycle phases. In the colon cancer cell line, the macrophage induced cell cycle arrest was found to attenuate the cytotoxic effect of the chemotherapeutic drug 5-FU. Macrophages were also shown to express high levels of proteases (matrix metalloproteinase-2 and 9) and high levels of proteins of the urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) system, in comparison to the lung cancer cell lines studied. Expression of these has been found to predict poor outcome in lung cancer, and the results suggest macrophages to be important contributors of these in lung tumors. Furthermore, the M1 phenotype was found to express higher levels of the uPA receptor than the M2 phenotype. Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) is a potent inflammatory molecule expressed by e.g. macrophages and monocytes, and inhibition of its expression has been shown to reduce the risk of colon cancer. Green tea and black tea was found to be potent inhibitors of PGE2 formation in human monocytes, and the inhibitory effects of green tea was likely due to its content of the polyphenol epigallocatechin gallate. Rooibos tea also inhibited PGE2 formation, but was less potent than green and black tea. The primary mechanism for the inhibition was via inhibition of expression of enzymes in the PGE2 formation pathway, and primarily microsomal prostaglandin synthase-1.Macrophages are cells of the immune system often found in large numbers in cancer tumors. They affect multiple aspects of cancer progression, including growth and spread of cancer cells, and the efficacy of treatments. There are two major macrophage phenotypes denoted M1 and M2, that have mainly pro- and anti-inflammatory properties, respectively. In this thesis, M1 and M2 macrophages were characterized and effects of them on different aspects of cancer progression were studied using culture of colon, and lung cancer cells. The M1 phenotype inhibited proliferation of cancer cells from both colon and lung. The growth inhibition was for some cell lines accompanied by cell cycle arrest. The macrophage induced cell cycle arrest was found to protect colon cancer cells from the cytostatic drug 5-fluorouracil. Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) contributes to colon cancer development and treatment of monocytes with tea extracts inhibited PGE2 formation via inhibition of expression of microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1. Proteases can degrade the extracellular matrix of a tumor to facilitate cancer cell invasion and metastasis. The M1 and M2 phenotypes of macrophages expressed several protease activity related genes to a greater extent than lung cancer cells, and M1 more so than the M2 phenotype

    Kostråd till diabetiker baseras inte på studier av diabetiker! : en kritik av ovetenskapen inom vetenskapen

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    Övervikten i Sverige började öka sedan nyckelhålsmärkningen infördes 1989. I USA som ligger före Sverige vad gäller övervikt ökar nu typ-2-diabetes. Som intresserad lekman undrar man förstås varför, och det är glädjande att även näringsexperter börjar intressera sig för tänkbara orsaker. Johan Hedbrant har studerat det vetenskapliga underlaget för kostråden och funnit häpnadsväckande brister. I två artiklar i Läkartidningen hänvisar Larsson, Rothenberg och Vessby till nyligen uppdaterade kostråd av Diabetes Nutrition Study Group (DNSG), och noterar en skillnad jämfört med en typ av dieter som visat sig ge stora fördelar vid övervikt och typ-2-diabetes. De senare bygger på en reduktion av kolhydratinnehållet, medan DNSG ekommenderar upp till 60 energiprocent kolhydrat. I skenet av råden att äta mer kolhydrat och tredubblingen av typ-2-diabetes, undrar man lite över vetenskapen bakom att rekommendera mer av det näringsämne typ-2-diabetiker inte tål

    Somatisk tinnitus : Hör vi ljudet av muskelspänningar?

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    Ungefär var tionde person rapporterar tinnitus, några få procent har besvärande problem. I denna översiktsartikel går Johan Hedbrant igenom forskningshistorien och diskuterar några moderna förklaringsmodeller för tinnitus och Ménières sjukdom. Tinnitus definieras som »en ljudupplevelse som inte förorsakats aven inre eller yttre akustisk källa och som inte är orsakat av en experimentell elektrisk stimulering. Tinnitus indelas i subjektiv och objektiv tinnitus, eller beskrivs utifrån det tillstånd som genererat ljudet. Den vanligaste formen är den subjektiva, ibland liknad vid fantomsmärta. I storleksordningen var tionde person rapporterar tinnitus, några få procent har tinnitus på en handikappande nivå

    En annorlunda dag om tinnitus

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    Det finns - nästan - lika många teorier om tinnitus som det finns forskare och vetenskapsman. Den gåtfulla sjukdomen penetrerades vid ett symposium i Lund, där många teorier stöttes och blöttes av 1 70-talet engagerade deltagare. Kan till exempel lösningen på gåtan om plötslig spädbarnsdöd stå fram som ett exempel för forskningen? D.v.s. att lösningen finns mitt framför ögonen på oss, men vi vill inte ta till oss den

    Towards a fully automated extraction and interpretation of tabular data using machine learning

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    Motivation A challenge for researchers at CBCS is the ability to efficiently manage the different data formats that frequently are changed. This handling includes import of data into the same format, regardless of the output of the various instruments used. There are commercial solutions available for this process, but to our knowledge, all these require prior generation of templates to which data must conform.A challenge for researchers at CBCS is the ability to efficiently manage the different data formats that frequently are changed. Significant amount of time is spent on manual pre- processing, converting from one format to another. There are currently no solutions that uses pattern recognition to locate and automatically recognise data structures in a spreadsheet. Problem Definition The desired solution is to build a self-learning Software as-a-Service (SaaS) for automated recognition and loading of data stored in arbitrary formats. The aim of this study is three-folded: A) Investigate if unsupervised machine learning methods can be used to label different types of cells in spreadsheets. B) Investigate if a hypothesis-generating algorithm can be used to label different types of cells in spreadsheets. C) Advise on choices of architecture and technologies for the SaaS solution. Method A pre-processing framework is built that can read and pre-process any type of spreadsheet into a feature matrix. Different datasets are read and clustered. An investigation on the usefulness of reducing the dimensionality is also done. A hypothesis-driven algorithm is built and adapted to two of the data formats CBCS uses most frequently. Discussions are held on choices of architecture and technologies for the SaaS solution, including system design patterns, web development framework and database. Result The reading and pre-processing framework is in itself a valuable result, due to its general applicability. No satisfying results are found when using mini-batch K means clustering method. When only reading data from one format, the dimensionality can be reduced from 542 to around 40 dimensions. The hypothesis-driven algorithm can consistently interpret the format it is designed for. More work is needed to make it more general. Implication The study contribute to the desired solution in short-term by the hypothesis-generating algorithm, and in a more generalisable way by the unsupervised learning approach. The study also contributes by initiating a conversation around the system design choices

    "Impact can come in many guises" : en kvalitativ studie om forskares erfarenheter av parallellpublicering

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    Self-archiving as a way to provide open access to research publications is gaining ground in the area of scholarly publishing. An increasing number of research funders and universities are mandating open access for output associated with their research, which calls for evaluation of the effects of the phenomenon. This two years master’s thesis aims to investigate researchers’ experiences of self-archiving. A qualitative web survey was conducted and answered by 41 researchers from several different countries, and a vast majority of the respondents concur with the principle of open access. Although self-archiving shows not to be a guarantee of increased impact for the single researcher, the study shows that might be the case. The results attest that self-archiving can generate for example increased number of collaboration, comments in social media and stronger professional profile, as well as a sense of personal progress. The results illuminate an ongoing change in scholarly communications as self-archiving shows to enable a more flexible and informal communication of research material