152 research outputs found

    Triple iron isotope constraints on the role of ocean iron sinks in early atmospheric oxygenation

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    International audienceThe role that iron played in the oxygenation of Earth’s surface is equivocal. Iron could have consumed molecular oxygen when Fe3+-oxyhydroxides formed in the oceans, or it could have promoted atmospheric oxidation by means of pyrite burial. Through high-precision iron isotopic measurements of Archean-Paleoproterozoic sediments and laboratory grown pyrites, we show that the triple iron isotopic composition of Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic pyrites requires both extensive marine iron oxidation and sulfide-limited pyritization. Using an isotopic fractionation model informed by these data, we constrain the relative sizes of sedimentary Fe3+-oxyhydroxide and pyrite sinks for Neoarchean marine iron. We show that pyrite burial could have resulted in molecular oxygen export exceeding local Fe2+ oxidation sinks, thereby contributing to early episodes of transient oxygenation of Archean surface environments

    Highly dynamic and sex-specific expression of microRNAs during early ES cell differentiation.

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    International audienceEmbryonic stem (ES) cells are pluripotent cells derived from the inner cell mass of the mammalian blastocyst. Cellular differentiation entails loss of pluripotency and gain of lineage-specific characteristics. However, the molecular controls that govern the differentiation process remain poorly understood. We have characterized small RNA expression profiles in differentiating ES cells as a model for early mammalian development. High-throughput 454 pyro-sequencing was performed on 19-30 nt RNAs isolated from undifferentiated male and female ES cells, as well as day 2 and 5 differentiating derivatives. A discrete subset of microRNAs (miRNAs) largely dominated the small RNA repertoire, and the dynamics of their accumulation could be readily used to discriminate pluripotency from early differentiation events. Unsupervised partitioning around meloids (PAM) analysis revealed that differentiating ES cell miRNAs can be divided into three expression clusters with highly contrasted accumulation patterns. PAM analysis afforded an unprecedented level of definition in the temporal fluctuations of individual members of several miRNA genomic clusters. Notably, this unravelled highly complex post-transcriptional regulations of the key pluripotency miR-290 locus, and helped identify miR-293 as a clear outlier within this cluster. Accordingly, the miR-293 seed sequence and its predicted cellular targets differed drastically from those of the other abundant cluster members, suggesting that previous conclusions drawn from whole miR-290 over-expression need to be reconsidered. Our analysis in ES cells also uncovered a striking male-specific enrichment of the miR-302 family, which share the same seed sequence with most miR-290 family members. Accordingly, a miR-302 representative was strongly enriched in embryonic germ cells derived from primordial germ cells of male but not female mouse embryos. Identifying the chromatin remodelling and E2F-dependent transcription repressors Ari4a and Arid4b as additional targets of miR-302 and miR-290 supports and possibly expands a model integrating possible overlapping functions of the two miRNA families in mouse cell totipotency during early development. This study demonstrates that small RNA sampling throughout early ES cell differentiation enables the definition of statistically significant expression patterns for most cellular miRNAs. We have further shown that the transience of some of these miRNA patterns provides highly discriminative markers of particular ES cell states during their differentiation, an approach that might be broadly applicable to the study of early mammalian development

    Nanoparticles Supported on Sub-Nanometer Oxide Films : Scaling Model Systems to Bulk Materials

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    Ultrathin layers of oxides deposited on atomically flat metal surfaces have been shown to significantly influence the electronic structure of the underlying metal, which in turn alters the catalytic performance. Upscaling of the specifically designed architectures as required for technical utilization of the effect has yet not been achieved. Here, we apply liquid crystalline phases of fluorohectorite nanosheets to fabricate such architectures in bulk. Synthetic sodium fluorohectorite, a layered silicate, when immersed into water spontaneously and repulsively swells to produce nematic suspensions of individual negatively charged nanosheets separated to more than 60 nm, while retaining parallel orientation. Into these galleries oppositely charged palladium nanoparticles were intercalated whereupon the galleries collapse. Individual and separated Pd nanoparticles were thus captured and sandwiched between nanosheets. As suggested by the model systems, the resulting catalyst performed better in the oxidation of carbon monoxide than the same Pd nanoparticles supported on external surfaces of hectorite or on a conventional Al2O3 support. XPS confirmed a shift of Pd 3d electrons to higher energies upon coverage of Pd nanoparticles with nanosheets to which we attribute the improved catalytic performance. DFT calculations showed increasing positive charge on Pd weakened CO adsorption and this way damped CO poisoning

    ncPRO-seq: a tool for annotation and profiling of ncRNAs in sRNA-seq data

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    Summary: Non-coding RNA (ncRNA) PROfiling in small RNA (sRNA)-seq (ncPRO-seq) is a stand-alone, comprehensive and flexible ncRNA analysis pipeline. It can interrogate and perform detailed profiling analysis on sRNAs derived from annotated non-coding regions in miRBase, Rfam and RepeatMasker, as well as specific regions defined by users. The ncPRO-seq pipeline performs both gene-based and family-based analyses of sRNAs. It also has a module to identify regions significantly enriched with short reads, which cannot be classified under known ncRNA families, thus enabling the discovery of previously unknown ncRNA- or small interfering RNA (siRNA)-producing regions. The ncPRO-seq pipeline supports input read sequences in fastq, fasta and color space format, as well as alignment results in BAM format, meaning that sRNA raw data from the three current major platforms (Roche-454, Illumina-Solexa and Life technologies-SOLiD) can be analyzed with this pipeline. The ncPRO-seq pipeline can be used to analyze read and alignment data, based on any sequenced genome, including mammals and plants. Availability: Source code, annotation files, manual and online version are available at http://ncpro.curie.fr/. Contact: [email protected] or [email protected] Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics onlin

    Contribution of epigenetic landscapes and transcription factors to X-chromosome reactivation in the inner cell mass.

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    X-chromosome inactivation is established during early development. In mice, transcriptional repression of the paternal X-chromosome (Xp) and enrichment in epigenetic marks such as H3K27me3 is achieved by the early blastocyst stage. X-chromosome inactivation is then reversed in the inner cell mass. The mechanisms underlying Xp reactivation remain enigmatic. Using in vivo single-cell approaches (allele-specific RNAseq, nascent RNA-fluorescent in situ hybridization and immunofluorescence), we show here that different genes are reactivated at different stages, with more slowly reactivated genes tending to be enriched in H3meK27. We further show that in UTX H3K27 histone demethylase mutant embryos, these genes are even more slowly reactivated, suggesting that these genes carry an epigenetic memory that may be actively lost. On the other hand, expression of rapidly reactivated genes may be driven by transcription factors. Thus, some X-linked genes have minimal epigenetic memory in the inner cell mass, whereas others may require active erasure of chromatin marks

    The bipartite TAD organization of the X-inactivation center ensures opposing developmental regulation of Tsix and Xist

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    The mouse X-inactivation center (Xic) locus represents a powerful model for understanding the links between genome architecture and gene regulation, with the non-coding genes Xist and Tsix showing opposite developmental expression patterns while being organized as an overlapping sense/antisense unit. The Xic is organized into two topologically associating domains (TADs) but the role of this architecture in orchestrating cis-regulatory information remains elusive. To explore this, we generated genomic inversions that swap the Xist/Tsix transcriptional unit and place their promoters in each other’s TAD. We found that this led to a switch in their expression dynamics: Xist became precociously and ectopically upregulated, both in male and female pluripotent cells, while Tsix expression aberrantly persisted during differentiation. The topological partitioning of the Xic is thus critical to ensure proper developmental timing of X inactivation. Our study illustrates how the genomic architecture of cis-regulatory landscapes can affect the regulation of mammalian developmental processes

    A Novel Epigenetic Phenotype Associated With the Most Aggressive Pathway of Bladder Tumor Progression

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    International audienceBackground: Epigenetic silencing can extend to whole chromosomal regions in cancer. There have been few genome-wide studies exploring its involvement in tumorigenesis.Methods: We searched for chromosomal regions affected by epigenetic silencing in cancer by using Affymetrix microarrays and real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction to analyze RNA from 57 bladder tumors compared with normal urothelium. Epigenetic silencing was verified by gene re-expression following treatment of bladder cell lines with 5-aza-deoxycytidine, a DNA demethylating agent, and trichostatin A, a histone deacetylase inhibitor. DNA methylation was studied by bisulfite sequencing and histone methylation and acetylation by chromatin immunoprecipitation. Clustering was used to distinguish tumors with multiple regional epigenetic silencing (MRES) from those without and to analyze the association of this phenotype with histopathologic and molecular types of bladder cancer. The results were confirmed with a second panel of 40 tumor samples and extended in vitro with seven bladder cancer cell lines. All statistical tests were two-sided.Results: We identified seven chromosomal regions of contiguous genes that were silenced by an epigenetic mechanism. Epigenetic silencing was not associated with DNA methylation but was associated with histone H3K9 and H3K27 methylation and histone H3K9 hypoacetylation. All seven regions were concordantly silenced in a subgroup of 26 tumors, defining an MRES phenotype. MRES tumors exhibited a carcinoma in situ-associated gene expression signature (25 of 26 MRES tumors vs 0 of 31 non-MRES tumors, P < 10⁻¹⁴), rarely carried FGFR3 mutations (one of 26 vs 22 of 31 non-MRES tumors, P < 10⁻¹⁶), and contained 25 of 33 (76%) of the muscle-invasive tumors. Cell lines derived from aggressive bladder tumors presented epigenetic silencing of the same regions.Conclusions: We have identified an MRES phenotype characterized by the concomitant epigenetic silencing of several chromosomal regions, which, in bladder cancer, is specifically associated with the carcinoma in situ gene expression signature

    A Conserved Noncoding Locus Regulates Random Monoallelic Xist Expression across a Topological Boundary

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    cis-Regulatory communication is crucial in mammalian development and is thought to be restricted by the spatial partitioning of the genome in topologically associating domains (TADs). Here, we discovered that the Xist locus is regulated by sequences in the neighboring TAD. In particular, the promoter of the noncoding RNA Linx (LinxP) acts as a long-range silencer and influences the choice of X chromosome to be inactivated. This is independent of Linx transcription and independent of any effect on Tsix, the antisense regulator of Xist that shares the same TAD as Linx. Unlike Tsix, LinxP is well conserved across mammals, suggesting an ancestral mechanism for random monoallelic Xist regulation. When introduced in the same TAD as Xist, LinxP switches from a silencer to an enhancer. Our study uncovers an unsuspected regulatory axis for X chromosome inactivation and a class of cis-regulatory effects that may exploit TAD partitioning to modulate developmental decisions.Galupa et al. uncover elements important for Xist regulation in its neighboring TAD and reveal that these elements can influence gene regulation both within and between topological domains. These findings, in a context where dynamic, developmental expression is necessary, challenge current models for TAD-based gene-regulatory landscapes

    Naomi: a new modelling tool for estimating HIV epidemic indicators at the district level in sub-Saharan Africa.

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    INTRODUCTION: HIV planning requires granular estimates for the number of people living with HIV (PLHIV), antiretroviral treatment (ART) coverage and unmet need, and new HIV infections by district, or equivalent subnational administrative level. We developed a Bayesian small-area estimation model, called Naomi, to estimate these quantities stratified by subnational administrative units, sex, and five-year age groups. METHODS: Small-area regressions for HIV prevalence, ART coverage and HIV incidence were jointly calibrated using subnational household survey data on all three indicators, routine antenatal service delivery data on HIV prevalence and ART coverage among pregnant women, and service delivery data on the number of PLHIV receiving ART. Incidence was modelled by district-level HIV prevalence and ART coverage. Model outputs of counts and rates for each indicator were aggregated to multiple geographic and demographic stratifications of interest. The model was estimated in an empirical Bayes framework, furnishing probabilistic uncertainty ranges for all output indicators. Example results were presented using data from Malawi during 2016-2018. RESULTS: Adult HIV prevalence in September 2018 ranged from 3.2% to 17.1% across Malawi's districts and was higher in southern districts and in metropolitan areas. ART coverage was more homogenous, ranging from 75% to 82%. The largest number of PLHIV was among ages 35 to 39 for both women and men, while the most untreated PLHIV were among ages 25 to 29 for women and 30 to 34 for men. Relative uncertainty was larger for the untreated PLHIV than the number on ART or total PLHIV. Among clients receiving ART at facilities in Lilongwe city, an estimated 71% (95% CI, 61% to 79%) resided in Lilongwe city, 20% (14% to 27%) in Lilongwe district outside the metropolis, and 9% (6% to 12%) in neighbouring Dowa district. Thirty-eight percent (26% to 50%) of Lilongwe rural residents and 39% (27% to 50%) of Dowa residents received treatment at facilities in Lilongwe city. CONCLUSIONS: The Naomi model synthesizes multiple subnational data sources to furnish estimates of key indicators for HIV programme planning, resource allocation, and target setting. Further model development to meet evolving HIV policy priorities and programme need should be accompanied by continued strengthening and understanding of routine health system data