8,325 research outputs found

    Development of an Advanced Force Field for Water using Variational Energy Decomposition Analysis

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    Given the piecewise approach to modeling intermolecular interactions for force fields, they can be difficult to parameterize since they are fit to data like total energies that only indirectly connect to their separable functional forms. Furthermore, by neglecting certain types of molecular interactions such as charge penetration and charge transfer, most classical force fields must rely on, but do not always demonstrate, how cancellation of errors occurs among the remaining molecular interactions accounted for such as exchange repulsion, electrostatics, and polarization. In this work we present the first generation of the (many-body) MB-UCB force field that explicitly accounts for the decomposed molecular interactions commensurate with a variational energy decomposition analysis, including charge transfer, with force field design choices that reduce the computational expense of the MB-UCB potential while remaining accurate. We optimize parameters using only single water molecule and water cluster data up through pentamers, with no fitting to condensed phase data, and we demonstrate that high accuracy is maintained when the force field is subsequently validated against conformational energies of larger water cluster data sets, radial distribution functions of the liquid phase, and the temperature dependence of thermodynamic and transport water properties. We conclude that MB-UCB is comparable in performance to MB-Pol, but is less expensive and more transferable by eliminating the need to represent short-ranged interactions through large parameter fits to high order polynomials

    Robust propagation direction of stresses in a minimal granular packing

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    By employing the adaptive network simulation method, we demonstrate that the ensemble-averaged stress caused by a local force for packings of frictionless rigid beads is concentrated along rays whose slope is consistent with unity: forces propagate along lines at 45 degrees to the horizontal or vertical. This slope is shown to be independent of polydispersity or the degree to which the system is sheared. Further confirmation of this result comes from fitting the components of the stress tensor to the null stress constitutive equation. The magnitude of the response is also shown to fall off with the -1/2 power of distance. We argue that our findings are a natural consequence of a system that preserves its volume under small perturbations.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. Some extra clarification and minor improvements. To appear in EPJ-

    Evaluation of Mobility Modes on Lunar Exploration Traverses - Marius Hills, Copernicus Peaks, and Hadley Apennines Missions

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    Energy and time costs of lunar walking or riding traverses, and scientific tasks on J-type missions, and capabilities of A7L suits and life support system

    Simultaneous measurement of multiple parameters of a subwavelength structure based on the weak value formalism

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    A mathematical extension of the weak value formalism to the simultaneous measurement of multiple parameters is presented in the context of an optical focused vector beam scatterometry experiment. In this example, preselection and postselection are achieved via spatially-varying polarization control, which can be tailored to optimize the sensitivity to parameter variations. Initial experiments for the two-parameter case demonstrate that this method can be used to measure physical parameters with resolutions at least 1000 times smaller than the wavelength of illumination

    The quality of material care provided by grandparents for their orphaned grandchildren in the context of HIV/AIDS and poverty: a study of Kopanong municipality, Free State

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    A pervasive argument in the literature on AIDS orphans in South Africa is that grandparents, who often care for their orphaned grandchildren, lack the material means to provide adequate care. This study investigated that claim in an area of ubiquitous poverty and very high unemployment. It is based on the analysis of data obtained from two surveys carried out by the HSRC in the semi-rural municipality of Kopanong in the Free State. The first study was a census which targeted the whole population. The second, smaller survey sampled households which accommodated orphaned and vulnerable children. Based on four proxy indicators for material care: possession of birth certificates, uptake of welfare grants, levels of school attendance, and the number of meals consumed daily, the study revealed that there was very little difference in the quality of care provided by grandparents and other carers, including biological parents. Indeed, since the old age pension is much higher than the child support grant and the foster care grant it may be that grandparents who are pensioners generally have higher incomes than most other adults. In line with the findings of other research, the study found that poverty is a major problem confronting all carers in the area. It concludes that interventions thatprimarily target orphans overlook the material needs of all poor children. It therefore joins the calls of other researchers for greater state support for all poor children, irrespective of whether they are orphans and who their carers are

    Volume-controlled buckling of thin elastic shells: Application to crusts formed on evaporating partially-wetted droplets

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    Motivated by the buckling of glassy crusts formed on evaporating droplets of polymer and colloid solutions, we numerically model the deformation and buckling of spherical elastic caps controlled by varying the volume between the shell and the substrate. This volume constraint mimics the incompressibility of the unevaporated solvent. Discontinuous buckling is found to occur for sufficiently thin and/or large contact angle shells, and robustly takes the form of a single circular region near the boundary that `snaps' to an inverted shape, in contrast to externally pressurised shells. Scaling theory for shallow shells is shown to well approximate the critical buckling volume, the subsequent enlargement of the inverted region and the contact line force.Comment: 7 pages in J. Phys. Cond. Mat. spec; 4 figs (2 low-quality to reach LANL's over-restrictive size limits; ask for high-detailed versions if required

    Welfare and Trade without Pareto

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    Head, Keith Mayer, Thierry Thoenig, Mathias Welfare and Trade without Pareto American Economic Review 104 5 310-16 2014 10.1257/aer.104.5.310 https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/aer.104.5.31

    Understanding brønsted-acid catalyzed monomolecular reactions of Alkanes in Zeolite Pores by combining insights from experiment and theory

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    Acidic zeolites are effective catalysts for the cracking of large hydrocarbon molecules into lower molecular weight products required for transportation fuels. However, the ways in which the zeolite structure affects the catalytic activity at BrOnsted protons are not fully understood. One way to characterize the influence of the zeolite structure on the catalysis is to study alkane cracking and dehydrogenation at very low conversion, conditions for which the kinetics are well defined. To understand the effects of zeolite structure on the measured rate coefficient (k(app)), it is necessary to identify the equilibrium constant for adsorption into the reactant state (Kads-H+) and the intrinsic rate coefficient of the reaction (k(int)) at reaction temperatures, since k(app) is proportional to the product of Kads-H+ and k(int). We show that Kads-H+ cannot be calculated from experimental adsorption data collected near ambient temperature, but can, however, be estimated accurately from configurational-bias Monte Carlo (CBMC) simulations. Using monomolecular cracking and dehydrogenation of C-3-C-6 alkanes as an example, we review recent efforts aimed at elucidating the influence of the acid site location and the zeolite framework structure on the observed values of k(app) and its components, Kads-H+ and k(int)

    Triumph of hope over experience: learning from interventions to reduce avoidable hospital admissions identified through an Academic Health and Social Care Network.

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    BACKGROUND: Internationally health services are facing increasing demands due to new and more expensive health technologies and treatments, coupled with the needs of an ageing population. Reducing avoidable use of expensive secondary care services, especially high cost admissions where no procedure is carried out, has become a focus for the commissioners of healthcare. METHOD: We set out to identify, evaluate and share learning about interventions to reduce avoidable hospital admission across a regional Academic Health and Social Care Network (AHSN). We conducted a service evaluation identifying initiatives that had taken place across the AHSN. This comprised a literature review, case studies, and two workshops. RESULTS: We identified three types of intervention: pre-hospital; within the emergency department (ED); and post-admission evaluation of appropriateness. Pre-hospital interventions included the use of predictive modelling tools (PARR - Patients at risk of readmission and ACG - Adjusted Clinical Groups) sometimes supported by community matrons or virtual wards. GP-advisers and outreach nurses were employed within the ED. The principal post-hoc interventions were the audit of records in primary care or the application of the Appropriateness Evaluation Protocol (AEP) within the admission ward. Overall there was a shortage of independent evaluation and limited evidence that each intervention had an impact on rates of admission. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the frequency and cost of emergency admission there has been little independent evaluation of interventions to reduce avoidable admission. Commissioners of healthcare should consider interventions at all stages of the admission pathway, including regular audit, to ensure admission thresholds don't change

    Geologic Mapping of the V-36 Thetis Regio Quadrangle: 2008 Progress Report

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    As a result of mapping, eleven material stratigraphic units and three structural units have been identified and mapped. The material units include (from older to younger): tessera terrain material (tt), material of densely fractured plains (pdf), material of fractured and ridged plains (pfr), material of shield plains (psh), material of plains with wrinkle ridges (pwr), material of smooth plains of intermediate brightness (psi), material of radardark smooth plains (psd), material of lineated plains (pli) material of lobate plains (plo), material of craters having no radar-dark haloes (c1), and material of craters having clear dark haloes (c2). The morphologies and probably the nature of the material units in the study area are generally similar to those observed in other regions of Venus [2]. The youngest units are lobate plains (plo) which here typically look less lobate than in other areas of the planet. Close to them in age are smooth plains which are indeed smooth and represented by two varieties mentioned above. Lineated plains (pli) are densely fractured in a geometrically regular way. Plains with wrinkle ridges, being morphologically similar to those observed in other regions, here occupy unusually small areas. Shield (psh) plains here are also not abundant. Locally they show wrinkle ridging. Fractured and ridged plains (pfr), which form in other regions, the so called ridge belts, are observed as isolated areas of clusters of ridged plains surrounded by other units. Densely fractured plains (pdf) are present in relatively small areas in association with coronae and corona-like features. Tessera terrain (tt) is dissected by structures oriented in two or more directions. Structures are so densely packed that the morphology (and thus nature) of the precursor terrain is not known. Structural units include tessera transitional terrain (ttt), fracture belts (fb) and rifted terrain (rt). Tessera transitional terrain was first identified and mapped by [4] as areas of fractured and ridged plains (pfr) and densely fractured plains (pdf) deformed by transverse faults that made it formally resemble tessera terrain (tt). The obvious difference between units tt and ttt is the recognizable morphology of precursor terrain of unit ttt. Fracture belts are probably ancient rift zones [3]. Rifted terrain (rt), as in other regions of Venus, is so saturated with faults that according to the recommendation of [1, 5] it should be mapped as a structural unit