62 research outputs found

    Discrete-Time Neural Network Output Feedback Control of Nonlinear Systems in Non-Strict Feedback Form

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    An adaptive neural network (NN)-based output feedback controller is proposed to deliver a desired tracking performance for a class of discrete-time nonlinear systems, which is represented in non-strict feedback form. The NN backstepping approach is utilized to design the adaptive output feedback controller consisting of: 1) a NN observer to estimate the system states with the input-output data, and 2) two NNs to generate the virtual and actual control inputs, respectively. The non-causal problem in the discrete-time backstepping design is avoided by using the universal NN approximator. The persistence excitation (PE) condition is relaxed both in the NN observer and NN controller design. The uniformly ultimate boundedness (UUB) of the closed-loop tracking error, the state estimation errors and the NN weight estimates is shown

    Neural-Network-Based State Feedback Control of a Nonlinear Discrete-Time System in Nonstrict Feedback Form

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    In this paper, a suite of adaptive neural network (NN) controllers is designed to deliver a desired tracking performance for the control of an unknown, second-order, nonlinear discrete-time system expressed in nonstrict feedback form. In the first approach, two feedforward NNs are employed in the controller with tracking error as the feedback variable whereas in the adaptive critic NN architecture, three feedforward NNs are used. In the adaptive critic architecture, two action NNs produce virtual and actual control inputs, respectively, whereas the third critic NN approximates certain strategic utility function and its output is employed for tuning action NN weights in order to attain the near-optimal control action. Both the NN control methods present a well-defined controller design and the noncausal problem in discrete-time backstepping design is avoided via NN approximation. A comparison between the controller methodologies is highlighted. The stability analysis of the closed-loop control schemes is demonstrated. The NN controller schemes do not require an offline learning phase and the NN weights can be initialized at zero or random. Results show that the performance of the proposed controller schemes is highly satisfactory while meeting the closed-loop stability

    Reinforcement Learning Neural-Network-Based Controller for Nonlinear Discrete-Time Systems with Input Constraints

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    A novel adaptive-critic-based neural network (NN) controller in discrete time is designed to deliver a desired tracking performance for a class of nonlinear systems in the presence of actuator constraints. The constraints of the actuator are treated in the controller design as the saturation nonlinearity. The adaptive critic NN controller architecture based on state feedback includes two NNs: the critic NN is used to approximate the strategic utility function, whereas the action NN is employed to minimize both the strategic utility function and the unknown nonlinear dynamic estimation errors. The critic and action NN weight updates are derived by minimizing certain quadratic performance indexes. Using the Lyapunov approach and with novel weight updates, the uniformly ultimate boundedness of the closed-loop tracking error and weight estimates is shown in the presence of NN approximation errors and bounded unknown disturbances. The proposed NN controller works in the presence of multiple nonlinearities, unlike other schemes that normally approximate one nonlinearity. Moreover, the adaptive critic NN controller does not require an explicit offline training phase, and the NN weights can be initialized at zero or random. Simulation results justify the theoretical analysi

    Reinforcement Learning-Based Output Feedback Control of Nonlinear Systems with Input Constraints

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    A novel neural network (NN) -based output feedback controller with magnitude constraints is designed to deliver a desired tracking performance for a class of multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) discrete-time strict feedback nonlinear systems. Reinforcement learning in discrete time is proposed for the output feedback controller, which uses three NN: 1) a NN observer to estimate the system states with the input-output data; 2) a critic NN to approximate certain strategic utility function; and 3) an action NN to minimize both the strategic utility function and the unknown dynamics estimation errors. The magnitude constraints are manifested as saturation nonlinearities in the output feedback controller design. Using the Lyapunov approach, the uniformly ultimate boundedness (UUB) of the state estimation errors, the tracking errors and weight estimates is shown

    Neuro Emission Controller for Minimizing Cyclic Dispersion in Spark Ignition Engines

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    A novel neural network (NN) controller is developed to control spark ignition (SI) engines at extreme lean conditions. The purpose of neurocontroller is to reduce the cyclic dispersion at lean operation even when the engine dynamics are unknown. The stability analysis of the closed-loop control system is given and the boundedness of all signals is ensured. Results demonstrate that the cyclic dispersion is reduced significantly using the proposed controller. The neuro controller can also be extended to minimize engine emissions with high EGR levels, where similar complex cyclic dynamics are observed. Further, the proposed approach can be applied to control nonlinear systems that have similar structure as that of the engine dynamics

    Neuro Control of Nonlinear Discrete Time Systems with Deadzone and Input Constraints

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    A neural network (NN) controller in discrete time is designed to deliver a desired tracking performance for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with unknown deadzones and magnitude constraints on the input. The NN controller consists of two NNs: the first NN for compensating the unknown deadzones; and the second NN for compensating the uncertain nonlinear system dynamics. The magnitude constraints on the input are modeled as saturation nonlinearities and they are dealt with in the Lyapunov-based controller design. The uniformly ultimate boundedness (UUB) of the closed-loop tracking errors and the neural network weights estimation errors is demonstrated via Lyapunov stability analysis

    Neural Network Controller for Manipulation of Micro-Scale Objects

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    A novel reinforcement learning-based neural network (RLNN) controller is presented for the manipulation and handling of micro-scale objects in a microelectromechanical system (MEMS). In MEMS, adhesive, surface tension, friction and van der Waals forces are dominant. Moreover, these forces are typically unknown. The RLNN controller consists of an action NN for compensating the unkoown system dynamics, and a critic NN to tune the weights of the action NN. Using the Lyapunov approach, the uniformly ultimate houndedness (UUB) of the closed-loop tracking error and weight estimates are shown by using a novel weight updates. Simulation results are presented to substantiate the theoretical conclusions

    Adaptive Critic-Based Neural Network Controller for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems with Unknown Deadzones

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    A multilayer neural network (NN) controller in discrete-time is designed to deliver a desired tracking performance for a class of nonlinear systems with input deadzones. This multilayer NN controller has an adaptive critic NN architecture with two NNs for compensating the deadzone nonlinearity and a third NN for approximating the dynamics of the nonlinear system. A reinforcement learning scheme in discrete-time is proposed for the adaptive critic NN deadzone compensator, where the learning is performed based on a certain performance measure, which is supplied from a critic. The adaptive generating NN rejects the errors induced by the deadzone whereas a second NN based critic generates a signal, which is used to tune the weights of the action generating NN so that the deadzone compensation scheme becomes adaptive whereas a third multilayer NN simultaneously approximate the nonlinear dynamics of the system. Using the Lyapunov approach, the uniform ultimately boundedness (UUB) of the closed-loop tracking error and weight estimates of action generating NN, critic NN and the third NN are shown by using a novel weight update

    Neural Network-Based Output Feedback Controller for Lean Operation of Spark Ignition Engines

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    Spark ignition (SI) engines running at very lean conditions demonstrate significant nonlinear behavior by exhibiting cycle-to-cycle dispersion of heat release even though such operation can significantly reduce NOx emissions and improve fuel efficiency by as much as 5-10%. A suite of neural network (NN) controller without and with reinforcement learning employing output feedback has shown ability to reduce the nonlinear cyclic dispersion observed under lean operating conditions. The neural network controllers consists of three NN: a) A NN observer to estimate the states of the engine such as total fuel and air; b) a second NN for generating virtual input; and c) a third NN for generating actual control input. For reinforcement learning, an additional NN is used as the critic. The uniform ultimate boundedness of all closed-loop signals is demonstrated by using Lyapunov analysis without using the separation principle. Experimental results on a research engine at an equivalence ratio of 0.77 show a drop in NOx emissions by around 98% from stoichiometric levels. A 30% drop in unburned hydrocarbons from uncontrolled case is observed at this equivalence ratio

    Subcellular Localization and RNA Interference of an RNA Methyltransferase Gene from Silkworm, Bombyx Mori

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    RNA methylation, which is a form of posttranscriptional modification, is catalyzed by S-adenosyl-L-methionone-dependent RNA methyltransterases (RNA MTases). We have identified a novel silkworm gene, BmRNAMTase, containing a 369-bp open reading frame that encodes a putative protein containing 122 amino acid residues and having a molecular weight of 13.88 kd. We expressed a recombinant His-tagged BmRNAMTase in E. coli BL21 (DE3), purified the fusion protein by metal-chelation affinity chromatography, and injected a New Zealand rabbit with the purified protein to generate anti-BmRNAMTase polyclonal antibodies. Immunohistochemistry revealed that BmRNAMTase is abundant in the cytoplasm of Bm5 cells. In addition, using RNA interference to reduce the intracellular activity and content of BmRNAMTase, we determined that this cytoplasmic RNA methyltransferase may be involved in preventing cell death in the silkworm