11 research outputs found

    Gathering Galaxy Distances in Abundance with Roman Wide-Area Data

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    The extragalactic distance scale is fundamental to our understanding of astrophysics and cosmology. In recent years, the surface brightness fluctuation (SBF) method, applied in the near-IR, has proven especially powerful for measuring galaxy distances, first with HST and now with a new JWST program to calibrate the method directly from the tip of the red giant branch (TRGB). So far, however, the distances from space have been gathered slowly, one or two at a time. With the Roman Space Telescope, we have the opportunity to measure uniformly high-quality SBF distances to thousands of galaxies out to hundreds of Mpc. The impact of these data on cosmology and galaxy studies depends on the specifics of the survey, including the filter selection, exposure depth, and (especially) the sky coverage. While the baseline HLWAS survey in four filters plus the grism would yield useful data, the impact would be limited by the relatively small area. A more optimal approach would concentrate on the most efficient passband (F146), adopt an exposure time sufficient to measure good quality distances well out into the Hubble flow, and then maximize the sky coverage within the total time constraints. Grism observations over the same area can provide the needed information on redshifts and spectral energy distributions for compact sources, while colors for larger objects can be obtained from lower resolution surveys. The proposed plan will enable accurate determination of the physical properties of thousands of nearby galaxies, an independent measure of the Hubble constant H0H_0 with negligible statistical error, and competitive constraints on S8=σ8(Ωm/0.3)0.5S_8{\,=\,}\sigma_8(\Omega_m/0.3)^{0.5}. The resulting data set will be a phenomenal resource for a wide range of studies in astrophysics and cosmology.Comment: 5 pages; submitted to the call for Roman Core Community Survey white paper

    Science with the Einstein Telescope: a comparison of different designs

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    The Einstein Telescope (ET), the European project for a third-generation gravitational-wave detector, has a reference configuration based on a triangular shape consisting of three nested detectors with 10 km arms, where in each arm there is a `xylophone' configuration made of an interferometer tuned toward high frequencies, and an interferometer tuned toward low frequencies and working at cryogenic temperature. Here, we examine the scientific perspectives under possible variations of this reference design. We perform a detailed evaluation of the science case for a single triangular geometry observatory, and we compare it with the results obtained for a network of two L-shaped detectors (either parallel or misaligned) located in Europe, considering different choices of arm-length for both the triangle and the 2L geometries. We also study how the science output changes in the absence of the low-frequency instrument, both for the triangle and the 2L configurations. We examine a broad class of simple `metrics' that quantify the science output, related to compact binary coalescences, multi-messenger astronomy and stochastic backgrounds, and we then examine the impact of different detector designs on a more specific set of scientific objectives.Comment: 197 pages, 72 figure

    A study of globular clusters in a lenticular galaxy in Hydra I from deep HST/ACS photometry

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    We take advantage of exquisitely deep optical imaging data from HST/ACS in the F475W (gF475Wg_{F475W}) and F606W (VF606WV_{F606W}) bands, to study the properties of the globular cluster (GC) population in the intermediate mass lenticular galaxy PGC 087327, in the Hydra I galaxy cluster. We inspect the photometric (magnitudes and color) and morphometric (compactness, elongation, etc.) properties of sources lying in an area of 19×19\sim19\times19 kpc centered on PGC 087327, and compare them with four neighbouring fields over the same HST/ACS mosaic. This allowed us to identify a list of GC candidates and to inspect their properties using a background decontamination method. Relative to the four comparison fields, PGC 087327 shows a robust overdensity of GCs, NGC=82±9N_{GC}=82\pm9. At the estimated magnitude of the galaxy, this number implies a specific frequency of SN=1.8±0.7S_N=1.8\pm0.7. In spite of the short wavelength interval available with the gF475Wg_{F475W} and VF606WV_{F606W} passbands, the color distribution shows a clear bimodality with a blue peak at gF475WVF606W=0.47±0.05\langle g_{F475W}{-}V_{F606W} \rangle =0.47\pm0.05 mag and a red peak at gF475WVF606W=0.62±0.03\langle g_{F475W}{-}V_{F606W}\rangle =0.62\pm0.03 mag. We also observe the typical steeper slope of the radial distribution of red GCs relative to blue ones. Thanks to the unique depth of the available data, we characterize the GC luminosity function (GCLF) well beyond the expected GCLF turn-over. We find gF475WTOM=26.54±0.10g^{TOM}_{F475W} = 26.54\pm0.10 mag and VF606WTOM=26.08±0.09V^{TOM}_{F606W} = 26.08 \pm 0.09 mag, which after calibration yields a distance of DGCLF=56.7±4.3(statistical)±5.2(systematic)D_{GCLF} = 56.7 \pm 4.3(statistical) \pm 5.2(systematic) Mpc.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    The Wide-field Spectroscopic Telescope (WST) Science White Paper

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    The Wide-field Spectroscopic Telescope (WST) is proposed as a new facility dedicated to the efficient delivery of spectroscopic surveys. This white paper summarises the initial concept as well as the corresponding science cases. WST will feature simultaneous operation of a large field-of-view (3 sq. degree), a high multiplex (20,000) multi-object spectrograph (MOS) and a giant 3x3 sq. arcmin integral field spectrograph (IFS). In scientific capability these requirements place WST far ahead of existing and planned facilities. Given the current investment in deep imaging surveys and noting the diagnostic power of spectroscopy, WST will fill a crucial gap in astronomical capability and work synergistically with future ground and space-based facilities. This white paper shows that WST can address outstanding scientific questions in the areas of cosmology; galaxy assembly, evolution, and enrichment, including our own Milky Way; origin of stars and planets; time domain and multi-messenger astrophysics. WST's uniquely rich dataset will deliver unforeseen discoveries in many of these areas. The WST Science Team (already including more than 500 scientists worldwide) is open to the all astronomical community. To register in the WST Science Team please visit https://www.wstelescope.com/for-scientists/participat

    The Wide-field Spectroscopic Telescope (WST) Science White Paper

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    The Wide-field Spectroscopic Telescope (WST) is proposed as a new facility dedicated to the efficient delivery of spectroscopic surveys. This white paper summarises the initial concept as well as the corresponding science cases. WST will feature simultaneous operation of a large field-of-view (3 sq. degree), a high multiplex (20,000) multi-object spectrograph (MOS) and a giant 3x3 sq. arcmin integral field spectrograph (IFS). In scientific capability these requirements place WST far ahead of existing and planned facilities. Given the current investment in deep imaging surveys and noting the diagnostic power of spectroscopy, WST will fill a crucial gap in astronomical capability and work synergistically with future ground and space-based facilities. This white paper shows that WST can address outstanding scientific questions in the areas of cosmology; galaxy assembly, evolution, and enrichment, including our own Milky Way; origin of stars and planets; time domain and multi-messenger astrophysics. WST's uniquely rich dataset will deliver unforeseen discoveries in many of these areas. The WST Science Team (already including more than 500 scientists worldwide) is open to the all astronomical community. To register in the WST Science Team please visit https://www.wstelescope.com/for-scientists/participat

    The Wide-field Spectroscopic Telescope (WST) Science White Paper

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    The Wide-field Spectroscopic Telescope (WST) is proposed as a new facility dedicated to the efficient delivery of spectroscopic surveys. This white paper summarises the initial concept as well as the corresponding science cases. WST will feature simultaneous operation of a large field-of-view (3 sq. degree), a high multiplex (20,000) multi-object spectrograph (MOS) and a giant 3x3 sq. arcmin integral field spectrograph (IFS). In scientific capability these requirements place WST far ahead of existing and planned facilities. Given the current investment in deep imaging surveys and noting the diagnostic power of spectroscopy, WST will fill a crucial gap in astronomical capability and work synergistically with future ground and space-based facilities. This white paper shows that WST can address outstanding scientific questions in the areas of cosmology; galaxy assembly, evolution, and enrichment, including our own Milky Way; origin of stars and planets; time domain and multi-messenger astrophysics. WST's uniquely rich dataset will deliver unforeseen discoveries in many of these areas. The WST Science Team (already including more than 500 scientists worldwide) is open to the all astronomical community. To register in the WST Science Team please visit https://www.wstelescope.com/for-scientists/participat

    The Wide-field Spectroscopic Telescope (WST) Science White Paper

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    The Wide-field Spectroscopic Telescope (WST) is proposed as a new facility dedicated to the efficient delivery of spectroscopic surveys. This white paper summarises the initial concept as well as the corresponding science cases. WST will feature simultaneous operation of a large field-of-view (3 sq. degree), a high multiplex (20,000) multi-object spectrograph (MOS) and a giant 3x3 sq. arcmin integral field spectrograph (IFS). In scientific capability these requirements place WST far ahead of existing and planned facilities. Given the current investment in deep imaging surveys and noting the diagnostic power of spectroscopy, WST will fill a crucial gap in astronomical capability and work synergistically with future ground and space-based facilities. This white paper shows that WST can address outstanding scientific questions in the areas of cosmology; galaxy assembly, evolution, and enrichment, including our own Milky Way; origin of stars and planets; time domain and multi-messenger astrophysics. WST's uniquely rich dataset will deliver unforeseen discoveries in many of these areas. The WST Science Team (already including more than 500 scientists worldwide) is open to the all astronomical community. To register in the WST Science Team please visit https://www.wstelescope.com/for-scientists/participat

    The Wide-field Spectroscopic Telescope (WST) Science White Paper

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    The Wide-field Spectroscopic Telescope (WST) is proposed as a new facility dedicated to the efficient delivery of spectroscopic surveys. This white paper summarises the initial concept as well as the corresponding science cases. WST will feature simultaneous operation of a large field-of-view (3 sq. degree), a high multiplex (20,000) multi-object spectrograph (MOS) and a giant 3x3 sq. arcmin integral field spectrograph (IFS). In scientific capability these requirements place WST far ahead of existing and planned facilities. Given the current investment in deep imaging surveys and noting the diagnostic power of spectroscopy, WST will fill a crucial gap in astronomical capability and work synergistically with future ground and space-based facilities. This white paper shows that WST can address outstanding scientific questions in the areas of cosmology; galaxy assembly, evolution, and enrichment, including our own Milky Way; origin of stars and planets; time domain and multi-messenger astrophysics. WST's uniquely rich dataset will deliver unforeseen discoveries in many of these areas. The WST Science Team (already including more than 500 scientists worldwide) is open to the all astronomical community. To register in the WST Science Team please visit https://www.wstelescope.com/for-scientists/participat