33 research outputs found

    Isolation, Characterization, and Molecular Identification of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria from Several Tropical Soils

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    The objectives of the research were: (i)  to isolate and characterize of phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) and (ii) to identify PSB based on molecular amplification of 16S rRNA gene.  Soil samples were collected from rhizosphere in Bogor, West Nusa Tenggara, and East Nusa Tenggara.  Several stages in this research were: (i) isolation PSB in Pikovskaya agar, (ii) morphological and biochemical characterization of PSB, (iii) measurement of  phosphatase enzymes, and (iv) measurement of secreting indole acetic acid phytohormone.   As many as 29 isolates of PSB have been collected and three isolates of them, namely: P 3.5 (East Nusa Tenggara), P 6.2 (West Nusa Tenggara), and P 10.1 (Citeureup, West Java) were chosen for further study.  There were many characteristics of isolate P 10.1: (i) it had capable to solubilize P with the value of highest solubilization index (1.80), (ii) it had the highest phosphatase enzyme (120.40 mg kg-1), and (iii) it had the highest pH decrease at each observation for six days.  Isolates P 3.5 and P 10.1 were the Gram-negative bacteria with coccus shapes and isolate P 6.2 was a Gram-negative bacteria with bacillus shape.  Deoxiribonucleat Acid (DNA) amplification of these bacteria employing 16S rRNA primers generated the 1,300bp-PCR product.  The results of the analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that isolates P 3.5 and P 10.1 has 98% similarity with Gluconacetobacter sp. strains Rg1-MS-CO and isolate P 6.2 has 97% similarity with Enterobacter sp. pp9c strains.Keywords: 16S rRNA, indole acetic acid, isolation, phosphatase enzymes, phosphate solubilizing bacteria[How to Cite : Hazra F and E Pratiwi. 2013. Isolation, Characterization, and Molecular Identification of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria from Several Tropical Soils. J Trop Soils, 18 (1): 67-74. doi: 10.5400/jts.2013.18.1.67][Permalink/DOI: www.dx.doi.org/10.5400/jts.2013.18.1.67

    Effectiveness of MZ2000 Mycorrhizal Biofertilizer on The Growth of Sengon Seedlings

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    Mycorrhizal biofertilizers contain fungi that are capable of entering and symbiotic mutualism into plant roots and increasing the ability of plants to absorb nutrients. Fertilizer effectiveness testing is needed to protect consumers from the adverse effects of using biofertilizers. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of MZ2000 mycorrhizal biofertilizers and to know mycorrhizal root infections in sengon seedlings in nurseries. The combination treatment of 30 g MZ2000 mycorrhizal biofertilizer with 5 g NPK fertilizer gave the best sengon growth results although it was not significantly different in several parameters compared to the combination treatment of MZ2000 fertilizer dosage and other NPK fertilizers, with the value of agronomic relativity (Relative Agronomic Effectiveness / RAE) 580.80% for high growth and 288.72% for growth in stem diameter and incremental benefit cost ratio (IBCR) analysis of farming by 2.48. So that the dosage of the combination treatment of mycorrhizal biofertilizers and NPK fertilizer is most agronomically and economically effective. With the effectiveness of the fertilizer, the MZ2000 mycorrhizal biofertilizer can be declared to have passed the field effectiveness test

    Exploration of Pectin – Utilizing Yeast From Soil of Bogor and Wleri Fruit Orchards

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    There is a high demand on pectin–utilizing yeasts for industrial, agricultural and environmental purposes. Further exploration of yeast from various sources are important to enrich yeast culture collections. Nine yeast strains were isolated from various soil sources sampled based on biological sampling in Bogor and Central Java. Enriched media containing pectin as carbon sources was employed for isolation of the yeast. The isolated yeast were identified according to the methods described in monographs by Kreger – Van Rij (1984), Barnett et.al (2000), Guilliermond and Tanner (2006) . The strains isolated were taxonomically separated into 3 groups. Group I contains 3 strains, and this group is closely related to Candida tropicalis. Group II contains 4 strains, and this group is included in this genus Rhodotorula. Group III contain 2 strains, and this group is closely related to Williopsis saturnus, which is a synonym of Hansenula saturnus. Pectinolytic enzymes (Polygalacturonase) were produced by all of the tested strains. Polygalacturonase was produced as high as 1.7 U.ml-1 by strain no. 111 of group I, 1.7 U.ml-1 by strains no. 123 of group II, and 1.0 U.ml-1 by strain no. 211 of group III.Key words : yeast, pectin, polygalacturonas

    Pertumbuhan Bibit Salak [Salacca zalacca (Gaertner) Voss] Pondoh yang Diinokulasi dengan Isolat Bakteri Potensial di Tanah Regosol Darmaga

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    ABSTRACTSnake fruit [Salacca zalacca (Gaertner) Voss] Pondoh is one of important fruits in Indonesia. The objective of the study was to determine the  influence of some selected potential microbes such as Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria, Cellulolytic Bacteria, and  N2-fixing Bacteria (Azospirillum)  ongrowth of seedling  of  snake  fruit  Pondoh.  A  study  was  conducted  in  the nursery. The  experiment used  a  completely  randomized  design  with  treatments namely:  K0  (without  inoculum);  A1 (Azospirillum inoculum dose 5 ml), A2 (inoculum 25 ml); F1 (BPF inoculum dose 5 ml), F2 (dose 25 ml); S1; BPS inoculums (dose 5 ml), S2 (dose 25 ml); C1 (mixed bacterial inoculum A+F+S dose 5 ml), and C2 (A+F+S dose 25 ml). Plant height, P, C/N soil ratio, N were measured in 10 months for observing the impact of treatments. Results showed that the effect of inoculation of A2 to the amount of  N-total  (0.99%)  was significantly  different  compared  to  soil  with  K0;  and  not significantly different  from  the  amount  of  N-total  inoculation  A1,  F1,  F2, S1,  S2,  C1,  and  C2.  F2  increased availability of P (20.79 ppm) in the soil higher than  K0, A1, F1; and not significantly different from A2, S1, S2, C1, and C2.  K0 treatment gave  C/N ratio of soil significantly different from A1, A2, F1, F2, S1, S2, C1 and C2; BPS which showed activity in overhauling C-organic in the soil. Inoculation A2  and F2  increased  plant  height  15.48% and 9.31%  higher  than  the  control.  Inoculation  of  C2 differed  significantly  in improving  the  fresh  weight  compared  to  control;  and  not significantly different  from  A1,  A2,  F1,  F2,  S1,  S2,  and  C1  and  able  to increase  the  dry  weight  of  71.12% compared to the control.Keywords: Azospirillum, Cellulolytic Bacteria, Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria, Snake Fruit ABSTRAKSalak Pondoh [Salacca zalacca (Gaertner) Voss] merupakan tanaman buah bernilai tinggi dan diminati  masyarakat.  Budidaya  salak  diawali  dengan pembibitan.  Penelitian  ini  bertujuan  menguji pengaruh  bakteri  potensial hasil  isolasi  dan  seleksi  dari  bakteri  pelarut  fosfat  (BPF), bakteri perombak  selulosa  (BPS),  dan  bakteri  pemfiksasi  N2  (Azospirillum) dalam  pertumbuhan  bibit tanaman  salak pondoh. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap satu faktor yang terdiri atas: K0 (tanpa inokulum/Kontrol);  A1  (inokulum  Azospirillum  5  ml), A2 (25  ml inokulum);  F1 (inokulum BPF dosis 5 ml), F2 (dosis 25 ml); S1 (inokulum BPS dosis 5  ml), S2 (dosis 25 ml); C1 (inokulum campuran A+F+S dosis 5 ml), dan C2 (dosis 25 ml).  Pengamatan dilakukan selama 10 minggu  sampai  bibit salak  Pondoh  memiliki dua daun.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan  inokulasi A2dan S2  nyata  jumlah N-total (0.99%) di dalam tanah dibandingkan  dengan K0; tetapi  tidak berbeda nyata dibandingkan dengan perlakuan lain. Inokulasi F2 nyata meningkatkan P tersedia (20.79 ppm) di dalam tanah dibandingkan dengan K0, A1, F1; dan tidak berbeda nyata dengan A2, S1, S2, C1, dan C2. Induksi dengan seluruh isolat nyata terhadap C/N rasio tanah; yang menunjukkan adanya aktivitas BPS dalam  merombak C-organik  di dalam tanah.  Inokulasi  A2  dan  F2  mampu meningkatkan tinggi tanaman 9.31% dan 15.48% lebih  besar  dibandingkan kontrol. Inokulasi C2 nyata meningkatkan bobot basah bibit salak pondoh dibandingkan kontrol; tetapi tidak berbeda nyata dengan perlakuan lain serta mampu meningkatkan bobot kering 71.12% dibandingkan kontrol.Kata kunci: Azospirillum, bakteri pelarut fosfat, bakteri perombak selulosa, Salak Pondo

    Exploration of Methanol Utilizing Microbes From Soil and Dung, as Source of Single Cell Protein

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    The objectives of this research were to explore methanol utilizing microbes by isolation. selection and collection ofmethanol utilizing microbes from soil and dung. further it will be produced as single cell protein.The experiment covers two steps. i.e. I) Sampling of soil and dungfrom Bogor. Cianjur and Karawang. 2) Laboratoryactivity. consisted of: isolation. selection. identification and collection. The microbes were isolated by using the medium ofTani. et al (/982) and its modification. whereas the methanol utilizing microbes were identified by using standard method ofBergeys Manual of Determinative Bacteriology edition Ijh (/994) and Balow et al. (/99 I). The microbes were then proliferatedby using Medium of Mimura et al. (1978) and its modification. Furthermore the cell were harvested and measured itsnitrogen content. The collection of methanol utilizing microbes was conducted with the standard procedure of soilmicrobiology.This research indicated that from 72 samples of soil and dung were obtained 56 isolates of methanol utilizing microbesthat diverse in number and types. Most of methanol utili:ing microbes were isolated from soil and dung by methanol medium 1% and /.5 % in pH 5 and 7. From 56 isolates were chosen 12 isolates to be identified and made as a data base. and then upt as culture collection at Indonesian Center for Biodiversity and Biotechnology (ICBB). Laboratory of Microbiology and Environmental Biotechnology PPLH. and Laboratory of Soil Biology. IPB. From the 12 isolates. 2 isolates were classified into methylotrophic group and they have big potency to be exploited in producing single cell protein. i.e. MelhylococCJIS capsulatus and Acidomonas methanolica. Between 2 isolates. Methylococcus capsulatus (T2M 1 P 1 Cianjur) have a big potency to be used as a source of single cell protein. due to their high content of protein. i.e. 6.4%. Both of the microbes were not pathogenic for human and animal

    Peran Kompos dan Mikoriza pada Pertumbuhan Tanaman Tomat (Solanum lycopersicum) di Tanah Berpasir

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    Kompos merupakan bahan pembenah tanah (amelioran) yang umum digunakan dan dapat ditingkatkan kualitasnya dengan penambahan mikrob fungsional seperti mikoriza. Mikoriza adalah kelompok fungi yang dapat bersimbiosis dengan tanaman pada sistem perakaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh pemberian kompos dan mikoriza terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman tomat (Solanum lycopersicum) pada tanah berpasir. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 11 perlakuan yang terdiri dari kontrol dan dua faktor perlakuan. Faktor pertama adalah persentase dosis kompos dan faktor kedua adalah dosis mikoriza. Faktor persentase dosis kompos terdiri atas 150% kompos (K1), 100% kompos (K2), 75% kompos (K3), 50% Kompos (K4), dan 25% Kompos (K5), sedangkan faktor dosis mikoriza terdiri atas 5g (M1) dan 2.5g (M2). Pertumbuhan tanaman diamati hingga fase vegetatif lalu dilakukan analisis kimia dan penghitungan persentase kolonisasi akar serta jumlah spora mikoriza. Perlakuan 150% kompos dengan dosis 2.5g mikoriza memilik nilai tinggi tanaman terbaik sebesar 74.70 cm dan jumlah helai daun sebanyak 314 helai. Kadar N-total tertinggi yaitu 0.30% terdapat pada kombinasi perlakuan 150% kompos dengan 5g mikoriza ataupun dengan 2.5g mikoriza. Persentase kolonisasi akar tertinggi sebesar 50% dan kadar P-tersedia tanah tertinggi yaitu 32.5 mg/100g pada perlakuan 150% kompos dengan dosis 5g mikoriza

    Detoksifikasi Aluminium dan Ketersediaan Fosforus dalam Tanah Masam Melalui Aplikasi Bahan Organik

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    Organic matter that is usually quite widely available around farmers' land can be one of the solutions in overcoming the problem of soil acidification and nutrient deficiencies in tropical highly weathered soils. However, one of the main problems in utilizing such organic matter on acidic soils is the diversity of its chemical composition, which affects the decomposition of the organic matter. In this study, a mixture of soil with five types of organic matter was incubated, namely cow manure, chicken manure, rice straw, legume plant residue, and their combination, with doses equivalent to 0, 7.5 and 15 tons/ha. Mixtures of soil with organic matter were incubated for 120 days under conditions of field capacity moisture. The aim was to evaluate the amelioration effect of the organic matter on soil acidification (exchangeable-Al and soil pH), available P, and phosphatase activity. The application of organic matter type and dose has a marked effect on decreasing the content of exchangeable Al and increasing soil pH, P-available, and phosphatase activity. Chicken manure application showed the best effect in lowering soil exchangeable-Al and increasing pH, available-P, and phosphatase activity.   Keywords: amelioration, manure, phosphatas

    Isolation, Carriers Selection and Inoculum Formulation of Thiobacillus spp.

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    One of problems in international trading of coal is high content of suljur. B iodesuljuration of coal using Thiobacillusspp is recognized as the most environmentally friendly to reduce the content. This research was aimed to collect and to isolateThiobacillus spp from coal, acid mine drainage, ex-coal mining soil and agriculture soil, on selected media. Colonies growingon the media were re-isolated for further characterization to find the most similar to Thiobacillus spp. In this experiment, the selected isolate (5, J 0, 20, 50, and J 00 ml) was cultured in 100 g of coal dust, rice husk charcoal, wood charcoal, andactivated charcoal, to find an appropriate inoculum for coal desulJuration. To observe their survival rate, they were reisolated onto 10 ml Thiobacillus broth medium. The re-isolations were observed at the 7, 14, 21 and 28 days of incubation. The results showed that ThiobaciIlus spp was found only in acid mine drainage. After characterization, the isolates were strongly similar to Thiobacillusferrooxidans. The most proper inoculum was 100 ml culture ofThiobacillus in 100 g rice husk charcoal. It had 100% survival rate after 20 days cultured in that carrier

    Pemurnian Gliserol dari Hasil Samping Produksi Biodiesel Minyak Kelapa Sawit (Purification of Glycerol from the By-Product of Palm Oil Biodiesel Production)

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    The process of making biodiesel made of palm oil produced as a by-product of glycerol with low purity levels, liquids, viscous blackish brown with a very alkaline pH (pH >10). Glycerol is often referred to as crude glycerol. The process of refining glycerol that is by adding phosphoric acid concentration range. The average value of the levels of glycerol from glycerol purification results on the phosphoric acid concentration of 2.5%, 5% and 7.5% (v/v) i.e. 81.2205%, 83.4609% and 80.7595%. Determination of the levels of glycerol results showed samples of glycerol rough after the addition of phosphoric acid with different concentrations of already existing standards. The result analysis of glycerol after purification by the addition of phosphoric acid at concentrations of 5% is most suitable for the process of improving  the purity of glycerol.Keywords: crude glycerol, purification, phosphate acid, glycerol conten


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    Serabut kelapa sawit memiliki C/N rasio yang tinggi sehingga dalam pemanfaatannya sebagai pupuk organik padat diperlukan proses pengomposan agar dapat menurunkan C/N rasio. Bahan penutup yang baik diperlukan dalam proses pengomposan guna menghasilkan pupuk organik padat yang efektif dan memenuhi syarat mutu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memproduksi pupuk organik padat dari limbah serabut kelapa sawit menggunakan bahan penutup geotekstil dengan pembanding penutup plastik, serta dilakukan pengujian kualitas fisik, kimia, dan biologi. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) 2 × 2. Faktor pertama merupakan bahan penutup (P), yang terdiri atas 2 taraf yaitu, bahan penutup geotekstil (P1) dan bahan penutup plastik (P2). Faktor kedua adalah penambahan mikrob (C), yang terdiri 2 taraf yaitu, tanpa penambahan mikrob (C0), dan dengan penambahan mikrob (C1). Proses pengomposan dilakukan selama 30 hari dan dilakukan pembalikan setiap 3 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produksi pupuk organik padat kualitas terbaik terdapat pada perlakuan dengan bahan penutup geotekstil yang menghasilkan warna coklat kehitaman dan beraroma seperti tanah, pH dan total hara makro (N+P2O5+K2O) yang telah memenuhi syarat berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Pertanian No. 261 Tahun 2019, serta total mikrob yang sangat tinggi