6,788 research outputs found

    The complex network of global cargo ship movements

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    Transportation networks play a crucial role in human mobility, the exchange of goods, and the spread of invasive species. With 90% of world trade carried by sea, the global network of merchant ships provides one of the most important modes of transportation. Here we use information about the itineraries of 16,363 cargo ships during the year 2007 to construct a network of links between ports. We show that the network has several features which set it apart from other transportation networks. In particular, most ships can be classified in three categories: bulk dry carriers, container ships and oil tankers. These three categories do not only differ in the ships' physical characteristics, but also in their mobility patterns and networks. Container ships follow regularly repeating paths whereas bulk dry carriers and oil tankers move less predictably between ports. The network of all ship movements possesses a heavy-tailed distribution for the connectivity of ports and for the loads transported on the links with systematic differences between ship types. The data analyzed in this paper improve current assumptions based on gravity models of ship movements, an important step towards understanding patterns of global trade and bioinvasion.Comment: 7 figures Accepted for publication by Journal of the Royal Society Interface (2010) For supplementary information, see http://www.icbm.de/~blasius/publications.htm

    AGC 226067: A possible interacting low-mass system

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    We present Arecibo, GBT, VLA and WIYN/pODI observations of the ALFALFA source AGC 226067. Originally identified as an ultra-compact high velocity cloud and candidate Local Group galaxy, AGC 226067 is spatially and kinematically coincident with the Virgo cluster, and the identification by multiple groups of an optical counterpart with no resolved stars supports the interpretation that this systems lies at the Virgo distance (D=17 Mpc). The combined observations reveal that the system consists of multiple components: a central HI source associated with the optical counterpart (AGC 226067), a smaller HI-only component (AGC 229490), a second optical component (AGC 229491), and extended low surface brightness HI. Only ~1/4 of the single-dish HI emission is associated with AGC 226067; as a result, we find M_HI/L_g ~ 6 Msun/Lsun, which is lower than previous work. At D=17 Mpc, AGC 226067 has an HI mass of 1.5 x 10^7 Msun and L_g = 2.4 x 10^6 Lsun, AGC 229490 (the HI-only component) has M_HI = 3.6 x 10^6 Msun, and AGC 229491 (the second optical component) has L_g = 3.6 x 10^5 Lsun. The nature of this system of three sources is uncertain: AGC 226067 and AGC 229490 may be connected by an HI bridge, and AGC 229490 and AGC 229491 are separated by only 0.5'. The current data do not resolve the HI in AGC 229490 and its origin is unclear. We discuss possible scenarios for this system of objects: an interacting system of dwarf galaxies, accretion of material onto AGC 226067, or stripping of material from AGC 226067.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 6 pages, 4 figure

    Two-Stream Instability of Counter-Rotating Galaxies

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    The present study of the two-stream instability in stellar disks with counter-rotating components of stars and/or gas is stimulated by recently discovered counter-rotating spiral and S0 galaxies. Strong linear two-stream instability of tightly-wrapped spiral waves is found for one and two-armed waves with the pattern angular speed of the unstable waves always intermediate between the angular speed of the co-rotating matter (+Ω+\Omega) and that of the counter-rotating matter (Ω-\Omega). The instability arises from the interaction of positive and negative energy modes in the co- and counter-rotating components. The unstable waves are in general convective - they move in radius and radial wavenumber space - with the result that amplification of the advected wave is more important than the local growth rate. For a galaxy of co-rotating stars and counter-rotating stars of mass-fraction ξ<12\xi_* < {1\over 2}, or of counter-rotating gas of mass-fraction ξg<12\xi_g < {1\over 2}, the largest amplification is usually for the one-armed leading waves (with respect to the co-rotating stars). For the case of both counter-rotating stars and gas, the largest amplifications are for ξ+ξg12\xi_*+\xi_g \approx {1\over 2}, also for one-armed leading waves. The two-armed trailing waves usually have smaller amplifications. The growth rates and amplifications all decrease as the velocity spreads of the stars and/or gas increase. It is suggested that the spiral waves can provide an effective viscosity for the gas causing its accretion.Comment: 14 pages, submitted to ApJ. One table and 17 figures can be obtained by sending address to R. Lovelace at [email protected]

    Polarized radio emission over the southern Galactic plane at 2.4 GHz

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    Polarimetric results from the Parkes 2.4-GHz survey of the southern Galactic plane are presented. These take the form of a series of images, detailing the polarized intensity and vector position angles over the survey area. The observations were made using the 64-m Parkes radio telescope, and cover the Galactic plane within the region 238°≤l≤5°, with a latitude range of at least |b|≤5°, with some coverage to b = +7° and b = -8°. The resolution of the images is 10.4 arcmin. The rms noise of the polarized intensity images is 11 mJy beam area-1 (5.3 mK), and the rms variation in the vector position angles is of the order of several dgrees. The images show many polarized structures, over a wide range of intensities and angular sizes. Bright, extended regions of polarized emission (of the order of 5° across) are detected, including the Vela supernova remnant and a large 'cap' structure appearing to the north of Sgr A. A quasi-uniform 'background' component of faint, patchy emission is seen over the length of the survey. This faint component appears to originate over a range of distances, out to greater than 5 kpc, and shows considerable structure in the orientations of the polarization vectors. Several bright H II complexes are seen to exhibit bipolar, depolarizing 'plumes', several degrees in length, which are interpreted as outflows of low-density thermal material (with densities in the range 1-10 cm-3)

    Extraluminal Colonic Carcinoma Invading into Kidney: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Renal metastasis from primary colon cancer is very rare, comprising less than 3% of secondary renal neoplasms. There are just 11 cases reported in the medical literature of colonic adenocarcinoma metastatic to the kidney. Of these cases, none occurred via direct invasion. We report a unique case of a 51-year-old female with extraluminal colonic adenocarcinoma which directly invaded into the kidney. Additionally, we investigate the causal relationship between the site of invasion and a previous stab injury by reviewing the role of the peritoneum and Gerota's fascia in preventing the spread of metastatic cancer into the perirenal space. Due to the rarity of this event, we present this case including a review of the existing literature relative to the diagnosis and treatment

    A Radio and Optical Polarization Study of the Magnetic Field in the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    We present a study of the magnetic field of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), carried out using radio Faraday rotation and optical starlight polarization data. Consistent negative rotation measures (RMs) across the SMC indicate that the line-of-sight magnetic field is directed uniformly away from us with a strength 0.19 +/- 0.06 microGauss. Applying the Chandrasekhar-Fermi method to starlight polarization data yields an ordered magnetic field in the plane of the sky of strength 1.6 +/- 0.4 microGauss oriented at a position angle 4 +/- 12 degs, measured counter-clockwise from the great circle on the sky joining the SMC to the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). We construct a three-dimensional magnetic field model of the SMC, under the assumption that the RMs and starlight polarization probe the same underlying large-scale field. The vector defining the overall orientation of the SMC magnetic field shows a potential alignment with the vector joining the center of the SMC to the center of the LMC, suggesting the possibility of a "pan-Magellanic'' magnetic field. A cosmic-ray driven dynamo is the most viable explanation of the observed field geometry, but has difficulties accounting for the observed uni-directional field lines. A study of Faraday rotation through the Magellanic Bridge is needed to further test the pan-Magellanic field hypothesis.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Spectral Evolution of Circinus X-1 Along its Orbit

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    We report on the spectral analysis of Circinus X-1 observed by the ASCA satellite in March 1998 along one orbital period. The luminosity of the source (in the 0.1-100 keV band) ranges from 2.5×10382.5 \times 10^{38} erg s1^{-1} at the periastron (orbital phase 0.01) to 1.5×10381.5 \times 10^{38} erg s1^{-1} at orbital phase 0.3. From the spectral analysis and the lightcurve we argue that Cir X-1 shows three states along the orbital evolution. The first state is at the orbital phase interval 0.97-0.3: the luminosity becames super-Eddington and a strong flaring activity is present. In this state a shock could form in the inner region of the system due to the super-Eddington accretion rate, producing an outflow of ionized matter whose observational signature could be the prominent absorption edge at 8.7\sim 8.7 keV observed in the energy spectrum at these phases. In the second state, corresponding to the orbital phase interval between 0.3 and 0.7, the accretion rate is sub-Eddington and we observe a weaker outflow, with smaller hydrogen column: the absorption edge is now at 8.3\sim 8.3 keV with an optical depth a factor of 2.5 to 6 smaller. The third state corresponds to the orbital phase interval 0.78-0.97. In this state the best fit model to the spectrum requires the presence of a partial covering component, indicating that the emission from the compact object is partially absorbed by neutral matter, probably the atmosphere of the companion star and/or the accreting matter from the companion.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures. Accepted by Ap

    Corrosion Resistant Coatings for High Temperature Applications

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    Efforts to increase efficiency of energy conversion devices have required their operation at ever higher temperatures. This will force the substitution of higher-temperature structural ceramics for lower temperature materials, largely metals. Yet, many of these ceramics will require protection from high temperature corrosion caused by combustion gases, atmospheric contaminants, or the operating medium. This paper discusses examples of the initial development of such coatings and materials for potential application in combustion, aluminum smelting, and other harsh environments