455 research outputs found

    Hébergement alterné : seul garant du bien de l’enfant ?

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    En quête de l'identité de migrants toscans d'Avignon des XIVe-XVe siècle

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    Amené à m'intéresser à un ensemble de sources assez variées relatives à la présence toscane à Avignon vers le xive siècle, j'ai d'abord pensé tirer parti de ce corpus documentaire pour mener une enquête prosopographique décrivant les modalités du séjour à l'étranger de ces migrants et la place de ce séjour dans les parcours individuels. Il m'est apparu ensuite qu'en l'état actuel des études sur les migrations anciennes et des possibilités de recherche, il était préférable d'analyser la signif..

    Reflections about therapeutic internments and his specificity

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    [EN] There are cases treated in detention centers that present some specificities with respect to other affordable educational strategies from social component. This we refer to the need to address situations in which the same symptom of transgression resulting in an offense that carries a legal measure has other bases that generate and / or maintain, or etiology marking its expression and so much attention.The approach to interventions with children and young people is a seriously disruptive content submitted to numerous debates, discussions and disagreements. In this regard, therapeutic placements would be for those cases in which the intervention on symptom requires a specific and specialized perspective. Beyond clinical approaches, therapeutic placements should from the intervention on self-regulation problems (emotional, behavioral, and cognitive) and behavioral expression and as a key defining element. To this we add that we have observed in our practice in recent years an increase in problems related to the field of mental health and /or drug and alcohol consumption on children and young people entering the judicial context. This requires expertise and implement a therapeutic approach in centers for juvenile justice. It is particularly important in these cases performed from the beginning of internment clinical and social diagnostics to guide and design the specific educational and therapeutic intervention required for each particular case, in the interest of optimizing the operation and achieve higher levels of efficieny.[ES] Existen casos atendidos en los Centros de Internamiento que presentan algunas especificidades respecto a otros abordables desde estrategias educativas de componente social. Con ello nos referimos a la necesidad de atender situaciones en las que el mismo síntoma de trasgresión que deriva en un delito que conlleva una medida judicial, tiene otras bases que lo generan y/o mantienen, o una etiología que marca su expresión y por lo tanto su atención. El abordaje de intervenciones con menores y jóvenes seriamente disruptivos supone un contenido sometido a numerosos debates, reflexiones y discrepancias. En este sentido, los internamientos terapéuticos se destinarían a aquellos casos en los que la intervención sobre el síntoma necesita una perspectiva específica y especializada. Más allá de abordajes clínicos, los internamientos terapéuticos deberían partir de la intervención sobre los problemas de autorregulación (emocional, conductual y cognitiva), como manifestación comportamental clave y como elemento definitorio. A esto sumamos que durante los últimos años venimos observando en nuestra práctica profesional un incremento de las problemáticas relacionadas con el ámbito de la salud mental y/o el consumo de tóxicos en los menores y jóvenes que llegan al contexto judicial. Este hecho requiere implementar una especialización y abordaje terapéutico en los centros de internamiento de justicia juvenil. Resulta especialmente importante en estos casos realizar desde el inicio del internamiento un diagnóstico clínico y social para poder orientar y diseñar la intervención educativa y terapéutica específica que requiera cada caso particular, con el interés de optimizar la intervención y conseguir mayores niveles de eficaciaEstalayo Hernández, Á.; Rodríguez Ochoa, O.; García Ormaza, J. (2014). Reflexiones en torno a los internamientos terapéuticos y su especificidad. Revista sobre la infancia y la adolescencia. (7):11-24. doi:10.4995/reinad.2014.3333.SWORD1124

    Thermal and sound insulation performance assessment of vacuum insulated composite insulation panels for building façades

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    Composite insulation panels (CIPs) currently used in building façades require significant design changes e.g. increased thickness to realise higher thermal and sound insulation performance. This study deals with the manufacturing and characterisation of smart façade panels for achieving higher thermal and sound insulation dual characteristics in one panel without a significant increase in thickness. Prototype panels were manufactured using vacuum insulation core (VIC) combined with mass loaded vinyl (MLV) layers. Thermal transmission and weighted sound reduction index (R_w) was experimentally measured in the laboratory. The results were compared with a control panel made with extruded polystyrene (XPS) core. The VIC panel showed a 51% improvement in the centre of panel U-value compared to control XPS core panel of the same thickness. Integrating the two MLV layers inside of aluminium skins either side of the vacuum insulation panel led to 3dB improvement in R_w from 32 dB to 35 dB which could be further improved by optimising the MLV layer positioning in the CIP and better bonding between the MLV and the vacuum insulation panel. This shows that vacuum insulation core panels combined with MLV offers a solution to achieve smart building façade with excellent thermal and sound insulation performance

    Raman spectroscopy characterization of 10-cash productions from the late Chinese emperors to the Republic

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Montoya, Noemí, Montagna, Elena, Lee, Yu, Domenech Carbo, Mª Teresa, Doménech Carbó, Antonio. (2017). Raman spectroscopy characterization of 10-cash productions from the late Chinese emperors to the Republic.Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 48, 10, 1337-1345. DOI: 10.1002/jrs.5218 , which has been published in final form at http://doi.org/10.1002/jrs.5218. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.[EN] The use of Raman spectroscopy for discriminating monetary emissions, a recurrent problem in much archaeological studies, is described. The method involves the record of Raman signatures of tenorite and crystalline and defective cuprite in the patina based on the idea that subtle, mint-characteristic variations in the composition and metallography of the base metal during the manufacturing process are reflected in the variation in depth of the composition and crystallinity of the corrosion patina. The technique was applied to a series of 10-cash copper coins produced around the transition between the Kuang Hsu and Hsuan Tung last Chinese emperors and the first Republic whose averaged composition was 95 +/- 1% wt Cu plus 5 +/- 1% wt Zn often accompanied by traces of Sn and Pb. Raman data, corroborated by focusing ion beam-field emission scanning electron microscopy and voltammetry of immobilized particles measurements, suggested the possibility of discerning between different provincial and regular unified currency productions.MINECO, Grant/Award Number: CTQ2014-53736-C3-1-P and CTQ2014-53736-C3-2-PMontoya, N.; Montagna, E.; Lee, Y.; Domenech Carbo, MT.; Domenech Carbo, A. (2017). Raman spectroscopy characterization of 10-cash productions from the late Chinese emperors to the Republic. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. 48(10):1337-1345. https://doi.org/10.1002/jrs.5218S13371345481