10 research outputs found

    Creencias de docentes acerca del bullying

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    Se analizaron las creencias de docentes de educación básica acerca del bullying, para lo cual se seleccionaron las tres escuelas secundarias públicas de Sonora donde se encontró la mayor frecuencia de reportes de bullying por los estudiantes en un estudio previo realizado por Valdés et al. (2013). Participaron 45 docentes de estas escuelas, 15 fueron entrevistados y el resto respondió una encuesta con preguntas abiertas. Los docentes definieron el bullying como violencia directa, que involucra a estudiantes u otros actores. Consideran de forma no sistémica la acción de los factores asociados al bullying y ubican en la familia y el contexto social la explicación del fenómeno. Desplazan la responsabilidad de las intervenciones hacia otros actores y consideran estrategias de intervención aisladas. Se concluye que las creencias de los docentes acerca del bullying reducen el margen de acción para que este problema reciba atención en el ámbito escolar.In this paper the results of an analysis on the beliefs held by basic-education teaching staff regarding bullying are analyzed; to carry out the analysis, the three public high schools with the highest incidence of ‘bullying’ by students in Sonora were selected; these results were from a previous study by Valdés et al., in 2013. From these schools, 15 teaching staff (from a total of 45) were interviewed; the remainder answered a survey with open questions. Teachers defined ‘bullying’ as direct violence involving students or other stakeholders. The staff considered the factors associated with bullying as non-systemic; in their opinion, the family and social context were the explanation for the phenomenon. They placed the responsibility for ‘bullying’ on other actors and considered the intervention strategies to be isolated. The conclusion is that the beliefs of teachers regarding ‘bullying’ reduce the scope for action against this problem within the educational environment

    Meksikos akademinės bendruomenės mokymo, mokslinių tyrimų ir išorinių institucijų dalyvavimo kryptys

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    Some results of the international survey Academic Profession in the Knowledge based Society (APKIS) applied in Mexico are presented. The orientation of the teaching, research, and external engagement activities, and the differentiating effect of some variables, was analyzed in a sample of 3,757 full-time academics of 116 Higher Education Institutions. Referencing the international surveys of 1992 and 2007, it was found that there are changes and continuities in the activities of Mexican academics. The type of institution variable has a generalized differentiating impact on the orientation of the activities.Straipsnyje pateikiami kai kurie Meksikoje atliekamos tarptautinės apklausos „Akademinė profesija žinių visuomenėje“ (angl. Academic Profession in the Knowledge based Society) rezultatai. 3 757 visu krūviu dirbančių mokslininkų ir dėstytojų iš 116 aukštųjų mokyklų imties analizuojamos mokymo, mokslinių tyrimų ir išorinių institucijų dalyvavimo kryptys bei diferencijuojamasis kai kurių kintamųjų poveikis. Lyginant su 1992 ir 2007 metų tarptautinių apklausų rezultatais nustatyta, kad Meksikos akademinės bendruomenės veikloje esama pokyčių ir tęstinumo. Be to, institucijos tipo kintamuoju, kuris lemia generalizuotą diferencijuojamąjį poveikį veiklos kryptims

    Resveratrol activates antioxidant protective mechanisms in cellular models of Alzheimer’s disease inflammation

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    Resveratrol is a natural phenolic compound with known benefits against neurodegeneration. We analyzed in vitro the protective mechanisms of resveratrol against the proinflammatory monomeric C-reactive protein (mCRP). mCRP increases the risk of AD after stroke and we previously demonstrated that intracerebral mCRP induces AD-like dementia in mice. Here, we used BV2 microglia treated with mCRP for 24 h in the presence or absence of resveratrol. Cells and conditioned media were collected for analysis. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) has also been implicated in AD progression and so LPS was used as a resveratrol-sensitive reference agent. mCRP at the concentration of 50 µg/mL activated the nitric oxide pathway and the NLRP3 inflammasome pathway. Furthermore, mCRP induced cyclooxygenase-2 and the release of proinflammatory cytokines. Resveratrol effectively inhibited these changes and increased the expression of the antioxidant enzyme genes Cat and Sod2. As central mechanisms of defense, resveratrol activated the hub genes Sirt1 and Nfe2l2 and inhibited the nuclear translocation of the signal transducer NF-ĸB. Proinflammatory changes induced by mCRP in primary mixed glial cultures were also protected by resveratrol. This work provides a mechanistic insight into the protective benefits of resveratrol in preventing the risk of AD induced by proinflammatory agents

    Teaching and Research of Academics in Mexico: Preferences and dedication according to the international survey APIKS

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    The objective of this paper is to analyze the preferences and time of dedication to teaching and research activities of different types of academics from Mexico who have been exposed, unequally, to public and institutional policies oriented mainly to stimulate and recognizes cientific productivity and, to a lesser extent, teaching. Based on the results of the international survey Academic Profession in the Knowledge-based Society (APIKS) answered by 4,631 academics from 127 higher education institutions (HEIs), changes are noted in terms of preference and dedication of full-time scholars to the activities they perform, compared to the previous survey, in accordance with the aspirations to receive the benefits of public policy programs that are aimed at this population. This preference for research has also permeated those hired as part-time professor, and it was even identified that 7% of this type of academic has recognition as a researcher.To carry out the project in Mexico, financial support was received from PADES 2019 from the Undersecretary of Higher Education of the country

    Acute respiratory illnesses in the first 18 months of life

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    To help assess the causes and frequency of acute respiratory illnesses (ARI) during the first 18 months of life in Chile, a cohort of 437 children born in good health between May 1991 and April 1992 was followed at an urban health clinic in northern Santiago. Information was obtained from medical checkups performed at the clinic, from emergency health care services, from private physicians, and from interviews with each child's mother when the child was enrolled in the study and when it was 6, 12, and 18 months old. Follow-up was completed for 379 (87%) of the children. ARI accounted for 67% of all 3762 episodes of illness recorded for these children in the 18-month study period, 1384 (55%) of the ARI episodes affecting the upper respiratory tract and the remaining 1144 (45%) affecting the lower. The overall rate of ARI observed was 33 episodes per 100 child-months of observation. The incidences of upper, lower, and total ARI episodes decreased significantly in the third six months o

    Developing scientific competence in graduate students: a teacher’s perspective

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    Se realizó un estudio con enfoque cuantitativo de tipo explicativo con el propósito de determinar las variables que, desde la percepción de los docentes, se relacionan con el desarrollo de la competencia científi ca en estudiantes de postgrado en ciencias naturales e ingenierías en Sonora (México). A través de un muestreo aleatorio se seleccionaron a 86 docentes de tres instituciones de educación superior. Los resultados evidenciaron que la importancia que se le otorga en el currículo de postgrado a las competencias científi cas explica un R2=.26 del desarrollo de competencias científi cas de los estudiantes, y que aunque no alcanza poder explicativo, sí se encuentra relación positiva entre el tiempo que el docente dedica a la tutoría y el desarrollo académico que percibe en los [email protected]@[email protected] quantitative-based and explanatory study was done with the objective of determining variables related with scientifi c competence in graduate students enrolled in natural sciences and engineering programs in Sonora, Mexico. Eighty-fi ve university teachers from three university institutions were randomly selected. Results show that emphasis on scientifi c competence by graduate programs is R2=.26. Though not enough explanatory power was found in scientifi c competence development, there is a positive relationship between the time a teacher devotes to tutorial hours and the academic performance observed in students

    Creencias sobre enseñanza y aprendizaje en docentes universitarios

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    Con el objetivo de determinar las variables que influyen en la presencia de creencias de docentes universitarios acerca de la enseñanza orientada al aprendizaje y al estudiante, se desarrolló un estudio explicativo de corte cuantitativo. Se utilizó un muestreo aleatorio y se seleccionaron 105 docentes. Se empleó el cuestionario de McCombs y Whisler (1997) adaptado para educación superior. Los resultados evidenciaron que las creencias de los docentes orientadas por nuevos paradigmas de aprendizaje conviven con creencias de corte tradicional y que las variables grado académico y horas de capacitación docente contribuyen a la presencia de creencias centradas en el aprendizaje y el estudiante.Avec l´objectif de déterminer les variables qui ont une influence dans la présence de croyances des enseignants universitaires par rapport aux enseignements orientés à l´apprentissage et à l´étudiant, on a développé une étude explicatif de type quantitatif. On a utilisé un échantillonnage aléatoire et on a choisi 105 enseignants. On a employé le questionnaire de McCombs et Whisler (1997) adapté pour l´éducation supérieur. Les résultats ont montrés que les croyances des enseignants orientées par des nouveaux paradigmes d´apprentissage vivent avec les croyances de genre traditionnel et les variables de degré académique et les heures de capacitation d´enseignants contribuent à la présence de croyances centrées dans l´apprentissage et l´étudiant.A fim de determinar as variáveis que influenciam a presença de crenças de professores universitários sobre o ensino orientado à aprendizagem e ao estuante, se desenvolveu um estudo explicativo de corte quantitativo. Utilizou-se uma amostra aleatória e foram selecionados 105 professores. Empregou-se o questionário McCombs e Whisler (1997), adaptado para o ensino superior. Os resultados evidenciaram que as crenças dos professores orientadas por novos paradigmas de aprendizagem convivem com crenças de características tradicionais e que as variáveis grau acadêmico e horas de formação de professores contribuem para a presença de crenças centradas na aprendizagem e no estudante.This paper describes the result of a quantitative, explanatory study that was carried out in order to determine the variables that influence the presence of beliefs about learning- and student-oriented teaching in university teachers. A random sample of 105 teachers participated, using a higher education adaptation of the McCombs & Whisler (1997) survey. The results show that beliefs related to new paradigms coexist with traditional beliefs, and that variables such as the level of scholarly education and hours of teacher training contribute to the presence of beliefs that focus on learning and students