41 research outputs found

    Ecological Value of Cementery in Jakarta

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    Cemetery Parks currently have a highly demand by urban community. The fact that settlement competing with the park. The study of green open space of cemetery was relatively limited to be observed. The objective of the study was to determine the potential of Cemetery Parks in absorbing carbon. The research was conducted in Tanah Kusir and Kampung Kandang cemetery parks. The methodology employed applied to Quadran typology. The balanced ecological assessment for both parks showed that the carbon absorbtion demonstrating significant results. And related trees as for Glodogan (Polyathea longifolia), Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum) and Tanjung (Mimusops elengi), achieving gradual levels of carbon absorbtion

    Analisis Zonasi Hijau di Jakarta

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    Rapid development and increasing population causes the green open space in Jakarta is decreasing in size every year. Green open space is one of the keys to the sustainability of a city. The purpose of this study was to analyze the area of green space, green space distribution, and deviation between the green zone plan of the Regional Regulation of RDTR PZ and existing green space in Jakarta using Geographic Information Systems. Based on satellite imagery in 2018, the area of green space in Jakarta is 3,473.94 ha (5.31%). The highest green space area in 2018 is in the green belt zone (H4) of 1,557.88 ha and the lowest in the urban forest zone (H1) is 235.13 ha. The green zoning plan based on the Regional Regulation on RDTR and PZ is only 7,520.96 ha (11.51%) and is far from the mandate stipulated in Law Number 26 Year 2007 and the Jakarta 2030 RTRW of 30%. The highest area of green open space in the Regional Regulation of RDTR and PZ is in the green belt zone (H4) of 4,539.40 ha and the lowest in the urban forest zone (H1) is 17,58 ha. Based on the comparison of the area of green space in 2018 with the green plan RDTR and PZ it is known that there are 4 administrative city areas that experience a shortage of green space, namely South Jakarta, East Jakarta, West Jakarta and North Jakarta, while for Central Jakarta it has exceeded the green plan specified

    Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Dampak Industri Semen di Wilayah Kabupaten Boolang, Mongondow, Sulawesi Utara

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    Industri semen adalah salah satu bidang industri besar yang ada di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia yang memberikan dampak positif maupun dampak negatif untuk kelestarian lingkungan serta masyarakat yang berada disekitarnya. Industri yang berupa prodak suatu barang atau jasa dari suatu pemanfaatan dan pengolahan sumber daya alam menghasilkan berbagai dampak  di berbagai aspek yaitu aspek ekonomi, aspek lingkungan, dan aspek sosial.   Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis persepsi masyarakat akibat adanya kegiatan industri semen di wilayah strategis baru yaitu wilayah Boolang, Mongondow, Sulawesi Utara. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan tabulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa mayoritas masyarakat belum merasakan adanya perubahan dampak berarti dari adanya industri semen. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah belum adanya dampak positif berarti dari adanya industri semen di wilayah Kabupaten Boolang, Mongondiw, Sulawesi Utar


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    The cement industry is a large industry that can have an impact on the surrounding environment. In the area of Boolang Regency, Mongondow, North Sulawesi, there is a foreign cement industry that has only been operating for about 2 years. Therefore, it is necessary to study the environmental impacts that have occurred around the cement industry. The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of the physical environment, especially water, on the production activities of the cement industry in Boolang Regency, Mongondow, North Sulawesi. The research method used was a laboratory test and the data were processed using STORET. The results showed that the water quality in the residents' wells was in very good condition, while the surface quality of the river water around the cement industry area could be categorized as lightly polluted


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    Transit Oriented Development (TOD) menjadi konsep yang popular pada perkembangan perkotaan di Indonesia. TOD merupakan konsep penataan ruang dan transportasi terintegrasi untuk menciptakan ruang kota yang kompak, guna lahan tercampur, dan kawasan transit publik yang berada dalam jarak berjalan kaki. Kawsan TOD diharapkan dapat memberi solusi pada permasalahan kronis transportasi di Jakarta. Penelitian ini fokus pada kawasan TOD Lebak Bulus  yang dijadikan sebagai stasiun pusat  terpadu dari jaringan Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Jakarta. Pertanyaan penelitian adalah bagaimana daya dukung lingkungan pada kawasan Lebak Bulus untuk mendukung pengembangan ruang dan transportasi berbasis konsep TOD. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah: (1) analisis daya dukung lingkungan berdasarkan kemampuan lahan dan mengeksplorasi perubahan dinamis guna lahan dan mobilitas perkotaan di Jakarta, serta (2) analisis dokumen rencana penataan ruang terhadap kawasan ini. Data dan informasi diperoleh dari Sistem Informasi Geografis terhadap perubahan guna lahan dan mobilitas perkotaan tahun 2017.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kawasan stasiun pusat Lebak Bulus yang memiliki luas 18,9 ha ini memiliki daya dukung lingkungan yang baik untuk dikembangkan sebagai kawasan TOD. Komposisi guna lahan saat ini masih didominasi oleh sarana transportasi, terminal, 44% dan perumahan 34,57%. Rencana Detail Tata Ruang (RDTR) pada kawasan ini  membagi dominasi zonasi untuk fasilitas umum 88,74%, dan perumahan 9,02%. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah daya dukung lingkungan kawasan Lebak Bulus dapat ditingkatkan dengan melakukan penataan berbasis TOD dan perlu dilakukan peninjauan ulang atas RDTR Kawasan Lebak Bulus.

    Settlement land management based on land capability in Batu City

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    Urban expansion occurs in big cities in Indonesia, including Batu City. An increase in the built-up area occurred in Batu City by 554.4 ha or 2.78%, and a decrease in agricultural land by 341.1 ha occurred in 2008-2018. If the Batu City government does not pay attention to the availability of environmental services or consider the geomorphological conditions of Batu City for developing settlements. In that case, it will have an environmental impact. The environmental problem in Batu City during the 2009-2019 period was an increase in greenhouse gases by 0.75% per year. Batu City is located in a hilly area. It is necessary to explore land capability in Batu City so that land use planning follows its environmental services and is sustainable. This study aimed to determine the land capability for settlements in Batu City based on the Regulation of the State Minister for the Environment Number 17 of 2009 concerning Guidelines for Determining Environmental Supporting Capacity in Regional Spatial Planning. This study used a geographic information system (GIS) and ArcGIS 10.8 software. The method used was overlapping soil texture, slope, drainage, effective soil depth, erosion, and flood potential maps. Batu City has a slope of 30-45% and a total area of 6,581.03 ha or 33% of the area of Batu City. The largest erosion rate reached 10,326.33 ha or 52% of the total area of Batu City. Erosion occurs on land used for agriculture or moorland. Soil protection and erosion control measures are strongly recommended. The area around Batu City, 1,174.28 ha, experienced considerable erosion, and 2,631.62 ha of land in Batu City is used for settlements. Land capability analysis can determine the starting point or basis for settlement land management in Batu City, which has a slope of more than 15%. There are only 461.9 ha of land management for settlement which follows the regional spatial planning and land capability in Batu City, spread over three different districts

    Evironmental Management at the Household, the case of Bekasi City

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    The households have significant roles in managing the environment. The increasing of household numbers will automatically increase the demand and consumption of the resources, namely electricity, water, and land-use (space). The household also is a significant contributor to the solid waste in the city. The changing of lifestyle, consumption patterns and awareness of environment directly affects the environmental management at the household level. This paper examined the environmental management at the household level, in three aspects: (1) consumption of electricity and water, (2) green open space, and (3) waste management. This research using the quantitative method with data obtained from the survey on 30 respondents, all of the respondents are the household mother, with the assumption of they who manage the resources consumption and the environment in the household. This research found that the level of knowledge, attitude, and behavior in the waste management, water and electricity consumption and green open space management are good

    Studi Komparasi Perencanaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Perkotaan Antara Jakarta dan Singapura

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    Green open space has functions ecologically, economically, and socially to improve the quality of urban life.  Urban green space is one of the keys to sustainability. The purpose of this study was to analyze green open space planning in Jakarta and Singapore using a comparative study method. The study locations were chosen in Jakarta and Singapore because they are geographically located in Southeast Asia but have a vastly different area of ​​green open space. Singapore has the largest area of ​​green open space in the world, amounting to 47% of the total area and Jakarta only has a range of 5 to 10% because of the baseline of green open space that has not been officially set by the Government. Green open space planning in Jakarta has decreased from 1965 to the present due to the rapid development of residential and commercial areas. On the other hand, Singapore's success in increasing the area of ​​green space is due to its strong political policy in greening which is directly led by the Prime Minister and supported by all stakeholders. The vision of Singapore as a Garden City is clearly stated in the Green and Blue Master Plan and implemented in government programs. Cooperation between stakeholders in Singapore continues to make public awareness about successful greening. Jakarta needs a strong political policy to increase green open space by formulating a green open space Master Plan that is integrated with a network of roads, blue spaces, and increased cooperation between stakeholders.Green open space has functions ecologically, economically, and socially to improve the quality of urban life.  Urban green space is one of the keys to sustainability. The purpose of this study was to analyze green open space planning in Jakarta and Singapore using a comparative study method. The study locations were chosen in Jakarta and Singapore because they are geographically located in Southeast Asia but have a vastly different area of ​​green open space. Singapore has the largest area of ​​green open space in the world, amounting to 47% of the total area and Jakarta only has a range of 5 to 10% because of the baseline of green open space that has not been officially set by the Government. Green open space planning in Jakarta has decreased from 1965 to the present due to the rapid development of residential and commercial areas. On the other hand, Singapore's success in increasing the area of ​​green space is due to its strong political policy in greening which is directly led by the Prime Minister and supported by all stakeholders. The vision of Singapore as a Garden City is clearly stated in the Green and Blue Master Plan and implemented in government programs. Cooperation between stakeholders in Singapore continues to make public awareness about successful greening. Jakarta needs a strong political policy to increase green open space by formulating a green open space Master Plan that is integrated with a network of roads, blue spaces, and increased cooperation between stakeholders

    Kajian Pemanfaatan Ruang Kota Berkelanjutan (Studi Kasus di Kota Denpasar)

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    Abstract: The rapid development of tourism and the population growth of the population caused the problem on the spatial utilization of Denpasar City. The spatial utilization that occurred has not been in accordance with the objectives to be achieved. The fact is that the economy continues to grow, but ignores the existing environmental aspects. This study aims to analyzethe impact of spatial utilization on environmental and economic aspects as well as to formulate the sustainable urbanspatial utilization. This research uses spatial analysis technique and calculate sustainability index of environmental and economic. The results show that during the period of 2011 to 2015 the land use for settlements, tourism, and rice fields is not in accordancewith the spatial plan of Denpasar City 2011-2031. The impact of spatial utilization on environmental and economical aspects leads to unsustainable. This is evident from the environmental index value of the year 2011 that is 1.065 continues to decline to 1.056 in 2015. The economic index value which tends to decrease that is 1.012 in 2011 down to 0.992 in 2015. The formulation of sustainable urban spatial utilization should be done by planning the vertical building, implementation of autonomous traditionalrules, the implementation of perennial rice field, the utilization of vacant land and establishment of task control unit of traditional village. Abstrak:Pesatnya perkembangan pariwisata dan pertumbuhan penduduk menyebabkan permasalahan pada pemanfaatan ruang Kota Denpasar. Pemanfaatan ruang yang terjadi belum sesuai dengan tujuan yang ingin dicapai. Fakta yang terjadi yaitu perekonomian terus mengalami pertumbuhan, namun mengabaikan aspek lingkungan yang ada. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak pemanfaatan ruang pada aspek lingkungan dan ekonomi serta merumuskan pemanfaatan ruang Kota Denspasar yang berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis spasial dan menghitung indeks keberlanjutan lingkungan dan ekonomi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan selama kurun waktu 2011 sampai 2015 penggunaan lahan untuk pemukiman, pariwisata, dan sawah belum sesuai dengan RTRW Kota Denpasar 2011-2031. Dampak pemanfaatan ruang pada aspek lingkungan dan ekonomi mengarah pada tidak berkelanjutan. Hal tersebut terlihat dari nilai indeks lingkungan tahun 2011 yaitu 1,065 terus menurun menjadi 1,056 pada 2015. Nilai indeks ekonomi cenderung mengalami penurunan yaitu 1,012 tahun 2011 menjadi 0,992 tahun 2015. Rumusan pemanfaatan ruang kota berkelanjutan dilakukan dengan merencanakan bangunan vertikal, penerapan aturan adat secara otonom, penerapan sawah abadi, pemanfaatan lahan kosong dan pembentukan satuantugas pengendalian ruang adat