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    Kapasitas diri menjadi sangat penting dimiliki oleh setiap perempuan yang bekerja sebagai pengusaha home industri olahan kacang kedelai di Kota Mataram. Pelatihan, pembinaan dan pendampingan yang dilakukan penyuluh diharapkan dapat mengembangkan kapasitas diri perempuan agar mampu melahirkan ide-ide untuk pengembangan usaha. Penelitian  ini bertujuan untuk  mengkaji kemampuan individu perempuan yang  berbisnis olahan hasil pertanian berbasis kedelai dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kapasitas diri. Lokasi penelitian dilaksanakan di Kota Mataram, yaitu Kecamatan Sekarbela, Kecamatan Selaparang dan Kecamatan Sandubaya. Metode yang diterapkan dalam studi ini yaitu desain deskriptif eksplanatori yang melibatkan metode survei melalui wawancara dan observasi. Hasil analisis menemukan bahwa perempuan memiliki kapasitas yang tergolong tinggi dan sangat tinggi dalam hal  kemampuan merencanakan bisnis, mengidentifikasi serta memecahkan masalah, memanfaatkan peluang, dan mempertahankan kelangsungan usaha. Karakteristik personal perempuan dan hubungannya dengan kapasitas diri menunjukkan bahwa adanya peningkatan pendidikan non formal, motivasi berusaha yang kuat, akses informasi yang memadai dan partisipasi aktif dalam kelompok secara signifikan berhubungan dengan penigkatan individu perempuan yang terlibat dalam pengolahan  hasil pertanian berbasis kedelai. Sedangkan karakteristik seperti umur, pendidikan formal, lama berusaha dan jumlah tanggungan keluarga tidak memiliki hubungan dengan kapasitas dir

    The Roles of Women on Decision-Making And Implementation of Corn Planting in Wera District Bima Regency

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    Women have a role in activities in the agricultural sector including in corn cultivation. Success in corn production cannot be separated from the contribution of women who also work in corn cultivation activities. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the role of women in decision making and in the implementation of corn cultivation, its impact and the factors that influence this which is carried out in Wera Regency, Bima Regency. Retrieval of data using survey methods through interviews with questionnaires on 68 respondents. Data analysis used descriptive statistical methods and multiple linear regression tests. The results showed that the role of women in making decisions and implementing corn cultivation was included in the high category. The impact of the role of women in decision making and implementation of cultivation can be observed significantly in the managerial and optimization of corn cultivation results. Internal and external factors have no significant effect on women's role in decision makin

    Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menyelesaikan Pecahan dengan Menggunakan Metode Latihan Siap Siswa Kelas III SD Negeri 002 Tembilahan Kecamatan Tembilahan

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    Masalah rendahnya hasil belajar harus segera diatasi mengingat pembelajaran Matematika di Kelas IIImerupakan salah satu pelajaran penting di sekolah dasar. Jika tidak diatasi, pembelajaran Matematika di kelasyang lebih tinggi akan lebih sulit diajarkan. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini penulis akan menerapkan metodelatihan siap. Dengan menerapkan metode pembelajaran ini diharapkan siswa akan lebih aktif, lebih rajin, danlebih kreatif dalam belajar, karena siswa diarahkan untuk berusaha menguasai materi pelajaran dengan caralatihan berulang-ulang. Berdasarkan hasil perbaikan pembelajaran Matematika pada siswa Kelas III SDN 002Tembilahan Kecamatan Tembilahan dengan menggunakan Metode Latihan Siap dapat disimpulkan bahwasebelum tindakan dilakukan, nilai rata-rata adalah 33,20, atau dengan kategori kurang baik; pada siklus Imenjadi 60,40, atau dengan kategori cukup baik; dan siklus II menjadi 78,80 atau kategori baik. Sebelumtindakan dilakukan, siswa yang tuntas belajar pada KKM 60 hanya 4 siswa atau 16,00%; siklus I menjadi 15siswa atau 60,00%: pada siklus II menjadi 25 siswa atau 100%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan metodelatihan siap berhasil mengatasi masalah rendahnya meningkatkan hasil belajar Matematika pada siswa KelasIII 002 Tembilahan Kecamatan Tembilahan pada siklus II tahun ajaran 2022/2023

    Factors Influencing the Use of Cyber Extension by Gender-Based Extensioners in Supporting Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture in NTB (Case Study of Mataram City)

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    This study aims to (1) understand the aspects that affect the use of Cyber ​​Extension, and (2) to analyze the use of Cyber ​​Extension. This study uses a descriptive approach. The object in the context of this research is field agricultural extension. The sample was then determined using a purposive sampling approach, namely the City of Mataram. Determining the number of respondents using a census technique by taking the total population of agricultural field extension agents in the city of Mataram with a total of 36 extension agents, with a total of 16 male extension agents and 20 female extension agents. The type of data collected includes qualitative data and quantitative data. originating from primary and secondary sources. In the implementation of interviews and observations were selected to collect data in the field, with the variables studied in the form of aspects that influence the use of Cyber ​​Extension and the use of Cyber ​​Extension. The data obtained were then analyzed by involving descriptive analysis with a scoring system and multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS software. The results of the study illustrate that: (1) The utilization of the Cyber ​​Extension website from the aspect of utilization as a source of information is in the high category and utilization as a medium for disseminating information is included in the low category; (2) the last education variable is an aspect that has a significant effect on increasing Cyber ​​Extension. While the variables of age, gender, income level, work experience, experience using the internet, ownership of information technology, training opportunities, perceptions, and motivation are not related to reducing the use of Cyber ​​Extensio

    The Effect Of Customer Satisfaction, Customer Trust On Custromer Loyalty Of The Card Users Of PT. Indosat Tbk

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    The research was conducted on Indosat GSM cellular card customers residing in the city of Bandung. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is an effect of customer satisfaction and customer trust on customer loyalty in the PT. Indosat Tbk, and how much the level of customer loyalty after using the service provider Indosat. This research was conducted with statistical and descriptive methods. It is intended that the study can obtain accurate results, so the results can be trusted. Population is both the card users of Indosat for at least 6 months and those who had used the service provider Indosat. The samples were 113 respondents. The method used was the accidental sampling. The process and analytical method employed a path analysis to test hypotheses about the effect of customer satisfaction and customer trust on customer loyalty. Questionnaire instruments were developed and were processed by using a computer-assisted program SPSS 14.0 for windows and Amos 5.0. The results showed that the best model is a Theoretical Model 2. In model 2 customer trust was described as an antecedent to affect customer loyalty as compared with a Theoretical Model 1 with customer satisfaction as an antecedent. The model shows a significant relationship of trust with satisfaction and customer loyalty. Key words: Satisfaction, Trust and Customer Loyalty

    Knowledge and Belief in the Letter of Paul the Persian

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    The actor's actions have a big influence on the community, as in this research the actor is referred to as the Sultan who leads the Bima community, so that the community continues to preserve the tradition of the Hanta Ua Pua ceremony. Actors or people who achieve their goals in circumstances where social norms require them to choose different tools or approaches. The decision regarding which tool or technique to use does not depend on currently applicable conventions. This research aims to answer research questions regarding how actors act in preserving the Hanta Ua Pua traditional ceremony tradition. The researcher uses a critical paradigm with a qualitative research approach method with an ethnographic research type. Determining the subjects selected using purposive techniques or research that selects subjects based on applicable criteria, used to select subjects. Data collection uses observation, interview and documentation techniques. Data analysis techniques use domain analysis, taxonomic analysis, comprehensive analysis and cultural theme analysis. The results of the research are as follows: (1) Accommodating Bima culture to the community, namely continuing to preserve Bima traditions through festivals and parades held every year by Bima actors and people. (2) Developing the arts of Tanah Bima, namely continuing to preserve various kinds of attractions and dances in accordance with Bima customs. (3) Interpreting the role of ulama in government so that ulama are responsible for transforming traditional Bima (Mbojo) values. (4) Contributing to preachers who broadcast Islam by inviting participants representing each sub-district and Islamic Community Organization in Bima

    Hubungan Kepatuhan Berobat dan Frekuensi Bangkitan terhadap Fungsi Kognitif pada Pasien Epilepsi di RSUD Sultan Syarif Mohamad Alkadrie Kota Pontianak

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    Latar Belakang: Epilepsi merupakan gangguan kronik otak yang menunjukkan gejala berupa serangan yang berulang yang terjadi akibat adanya ketidak normalan kerja sementara sebagian atau seluruh jaringan otak karena cetusan listrik yang hipereksitasi pada neuron sel-sel otak. Frekuensi bangkitan yang tinggi dan ketidakpatuhan berobat menjadi salah satu penyebab terjadinya gangguan fungsi kognitif pasien epilepsi. Gangguan kognitif ini dapat menurunkan kualitas hidup dan menyebabkan maladaptasi sosial pasien Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kepatuhan berobat dan frekuensi bangkitan terhadap fungsi kognitif pada penderita epilepsi di RSUD Sultan Syarif Mohamad Alkadrie kota Pontianak. Metodologi: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik dengan pendekatan potong lintang. Data diperoleh dari wawancara kepada penderita epilepsi dengan menggunakan kuesioner MMAS dan MoCa-ina. Sampel pada penelitian berjumlah 51 orang yang menjalani rawat jalan. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Chi Square. Hasil: Uji statistik menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara frekuensi bangkitan dengan fungsi kognitif pada pasien epilepsi (p=0.000) dan juga terdapat hubungan antara kepatuhan berobat dengan fungsi kognitif pada pasien epilepsi (p=0,000) Kesimpulan: Frekuensi bangkitan dan kepatuhan berobat berhubungan dengan fungsi kognitif pasien epilepsi di Poli Saraf RSUD Sultan Syarif Mohamad Alkadrie Kota Pontianak
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