15 research outputs found

    Attributes Influencing Meeting Planners\u27 Destination Selection A Case Of Orlando, Fl

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    The meetings, incentives, conventions, and exhibitions (MICE) industry generates billions of dollars in direct and indirect spending annually, and is considered one of the fastest growing segments of the tourism industry. Destinations that want to capitalize on this industry must understand what drives its planners. The current study used Orlando, Florida as a case study, and investigated whether there are differences between the three meeting planners\u27 types (association, corporate, 3rd party) in regards to destination selection attributes and the recent recession impact. The study further identified attributes that affect future bookings to Orlando. Data was collected from a nationwide survey of meeting planners with a usable sample of 2,388 completed phone surveys and 118 completed online questionnaires. Only one significant difference was found between the three meeting planners\u27 types. This research was performed in the midst of the recent recession. Some effects of the recent economic downturn on the events industry are decreased attendance and more conservative cost management. Most association meeting planners did not cancel or postponed their events, although all planners agree that attendance to their meetings decreased. Third party planners seemed to be the most sensitive to budget allocations. Recommendations for the Orlando Orange County Conventions and Visitor\u27s Bureau include marketing the variety and quality of its meeting facilities better, its extreme weather insurance and its website. It is also wise to pursue more local associations, because those can be the main source of income during recessions

    The Role of Inequality in Indonesia: Does Fiscal Decentralization Matter?

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    This research explores the role of inequality because inequality has long-term effects on social and economic conditions and has an impact on the decentralization process. There are two models developed in which inequality is the regressor of regional income and inequality is the regressor. The panel seemingly unrelated regression is applied to produce consistent coefficient parameters. The results of research on model 1 show that inequality has a negative effect on regional income and on model 2 shows that fiscal decentralization with government spending has a positive effect on inequality and special allocation funds have a negative effect on inequality. The implication of research is that fiscal decentralization can reduce the level of inequality if it is transferred and prioritizes poor or disadvantaged areas


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    Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) is a pandemic that is being felt by almost all countries, including Indonesia. Apart from having an impact on the safety of people's lives, it also has an impact on the political and economic aspects. There have been many efforts and policies taken by the central and regional governments to date, but it is still felt that they have not given the public hope when this pandemic will end soon. This has the potential to harm public trust (Trust Public) in the performance of the government to handle the covid-19 outbreak. The purpose of this paper is to describe the alternatives that the government should try to do to increase public trust


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    Pembelajaran biologi harus mampu bertransformasi tidak hanya sekedar menjadikan konten biologi sebagai pengetahuan, akan tetapi mampu mengoptimalkan potensi dari konten tersebut untuk dimanfaatkan dalam kehidupan dunia nyata. Untuk mengakomodasi tujuan tersebut pembelajaran harus berorientasi pada masa yang akan datang secara berkelanjutan (lifelong learning). Oleh karenanya, pada makalah ini penulis mengkaji hasil penelitian tentang perkembangan lifelong learning mahasiswa, khususnya Habits of mind selama mengikuti perkuliahan Keanekaragaman Tumbuhan dengan program pembelajaran inkuiri berorientasi entrepreneurship. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada mahasiswa semester V Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi di salah satu LPTK di Jawa Tengah, dengan jumlah sampel 31 orang. Data dijaring dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan lembar observasi dalam bentuk rubrik Habits of mind yang diadaptasi dari framework lifelong learning Marzano. Ada delapan item pada rubrik tersebut yang merepresentasikan data tentang Habits of mind yang terdiri dari tiga aspek, yaitu: self regulation, critical thinking, dan creative thinking. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa skor rata-rata Habits of mind mahasiswa mengalami perkembangan, yaitu data yang dihimpun sebelum diberikan program adalah 2,68; dan data setelah diberikan program adalah 3,28 dari skor total 4,00. Data tersebut diperkuat dengan hasil temuan pada kegiatan observasi selama proses pembelajaran. Secara rata-rata Habits of mind mahasiswa berdasarkan hasil observasi menunjukkan perkembangan pada setiap tahapnya, yaitu tahap I (2,23), tahap II (2,58), tahap III (3,18), dan tahap IV (3,55). Demikian juga dengan data perkembangan Habits of mind yang ditunjukkan pada setiap aspeknya, ketiga aspek menunjukkan perkembangan secara signifikan. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa program pembelajaran inkuiri berorientasi entrepreneurship yang diterapkan pada mata kuliah Keanekaragaman Tumbuhan dapat mengembangkan Habits of mind mahasiswa dengan baik.Keywords: habits of mind, inkuiri, entrepreneurship, keanekaragaman tumbuha

    Attributes Influencing Meeting Planners\u27 Destination Selection: A Case of Orlando, Florida

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    The current study used Orlando, Florida as a case study, and investigated whether there are differences between the three meeting planner types (association, corporate, third party) in regard to destination selection attributes. The study further identified attributes that affect future bookings to Orlando. Data were collected from a nationwide survey of meeting planners with a usable sample of 2,388 completed phone surveys and 118 completed online questionnaires. One significant difference was found between the three meeting planner types. This research was performed in the midst of the recent recession and explored the impact the recession has had on planning meetings. Some effects of the economic downturn on the events industry are decreased attendance and more conservative budgets. Most association meeting planners did not cancel or postponed their events, although all planners agree that attendance to their meetings decreased. Third-party planners seemed to be the most sensitive to budget allocations

    Micropropagation of Java Cardamom (Amomum compactum)

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    Java cardamom (Amomum compactum) is hardly propagated with rhizome without the mother plant.  In vitro culture could overcome the problem through mass propagation for seedling production or other purposes such as genetic material for mutation breeding. The aim of the research was to generate protocol of establishing Java cardamom micropropagation.  This research consisted of 4 aspects i.e. shoot induction of mother plant (without Plant Growth Regulator (PGR) and using PGR BAP (6-benzylaminopurine) 1000 ppm), explant origin selection (main stem, rhizome bud height >3 cm, rhizome bud height ≤3 cm and lateral rhizome), sterilization procedure establishment (4 methods differ in the use of  detergent, HgCl2, Alcohol, NaOCl, Ethanol, Iodine and soaking time in fungicide and bactericide) and shoot multiplication (MS 0, MS 0 + BAP 1 ppm and MS 0 + BAP 1 ppm + NAA 1 ppm). Result showed the application of 1000 ppm BAP to mature plant could induce shoot emergence.  The best explant source was rhizome bud that smaller or equal to 3 cm.  The highest survival rate (71%) was recorded when explants disinfected with 70% alcohol for 30 seconds and 0.1 % mercuric chloride for 5 minutes.  Java cardamom in vitro culture showed highest shoot multiplication rate in MS 0 + BAP 1 ppm medium (multiplier of 10 shoots/explant in 18 weeks).  Keywords: explant, in vitro propagation, Plant Growth Regulator, rhizome, shoot multiplicatio

    The Improvement of Prospective Teachers' Life-long Learning during the Plant Diversity Course with 5E+e Inquiry

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    Not a few students who have difficulty interpreting the material being studied in terms of life encourage the need for a paradigm shift in science learning, which is directed at lifelong learning. In this paper, an entrepreneurship-oriented 5E (Engagement, Explain, Exploration, Elaboration, and Evaluation) inquiry learning program is developed, which is also often called 5E+e. This research investigates the improvement of lifelong learning for the prospective teachers during the 5E+e inquiry in the plant diversity course. The quasi-experimental method with a one-group pretest-postest design was used. The research subjects were taken by purposive sampling, namely the fifth-semester students of the Biology Education Study Program at one of the Teachers Institution in Central Java with 31 participants. Data were gathered using a questionnaire filled out by students before (pre) and after (post) the treatment of the 5E+e inquiry learning and observation. The data analysis was carried out in both quantitative and qualitative-descriptive manners to make a comprehensive conclusion. The results revealed that the average lifelong learning score of prospective teachers compiled with rubrics had increased between before (2.68) and after being given the program (3.26) with a maximum score of 4.00. Thus, it can be concluded that the entrepreneurship-oriented inquiry learning program applied to the plant diversity course can increase the lifelong learning of prospective teachers

    Perkembangan Keterampilan Komunikasi dan Kolaborasi Mahasiswa dalam Pembelajaran Inkuiri Berorientasi Entrepreneurship pada Mata Kuliah Keanekaragaman Tumbuhan

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    The paradigm of learning science, including biology continues to show a fundamental shift. Biology is taught not only through conventional inquiry, but also inquiry that envisions the debriefing of student lifelong learning. One strategy that can build this vision is through entrepreneurship oriented inquiry learning programs. In the mechanism, learning is designed into four stages based on conformity with indicators of entrepreneurship, i.e. stage I (basic), stage II (development), stage III (advance), and stage IV (professional). In the learning experience, students are provided with a variety of skills in a comprehensive manner in accordance with the standards of lifelong learning, among which those that will be studied in this paper are Communication and Collaboration Skills. These two standards become important things to study, because learning biology must not only be scientific but also students must be able to communicate their ideas and be able to build teamwork in solving problems. This research was conducted on the V semester students of the Biology Education Department in one teachers college in Central Java who took part in the course on Plant Diversity. The samples involved in the data collection were 31 people. Data was collected using observation sheets and questionnaires in the form of the Communication & Collaboration rubric adapted from Marzano's framework lifelong learning. There are six items in the rubric that represent data, three of which are about Communication Skills and three about Collaboration. The results of the study showed that on average the Communication Skills of students based on the results of observations had developed at each stage, i.e. stage I (2.45), stage II (2.83), stage III (3.17), and stage IV (3.54). In accordance with the Collaboration data students showed significant developments, i.e. stage I (2.47), stage II (2.89), stage III (3.32), and stage IV (3.60). Based on the results of the questionnaire collected before and after learning, the data showed a significant increase in both communication and collaboration skills. Thus it can be concluded that entrepreneurship-oriented inquiry learning programs applied to plant diversity course can improve student Communication and Collaboration Skills wel