283 research outputs found

    Users guide for guidance and control Launch and Abort Simulation for Spacecraft (LASS), volume 1

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    The mathematical models and computer program which are used to implement LASS are described. The computer program provides for a simulation of boost to orbit and abort capability from boost trajectories to a prescribed target. The abort target provides a decision point for engine shutdown from which the vehicle coasts to the vicinity of the selected abort recovery site. The simulation is a six degree of freedom simulation describing a rigid body. The vehicle is influenced by forces and moments from nondistributed aerodynamics. An adaptive autopilot is provided to control vehicle attitudes during powered and unpowered flight. A conventional autopilot is provided for study of vehicle during powered flight

    The health care experiences of adult survivors of child sexual abuse : a systematic review of evidence on sensitive practice [abstract]

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    This poster presentation was on display for the entire conference.Abstract of a poster presented at the 2008 Body Project conference at the University of Missouri-Columbia.I propose to present a poster representing findings from my article, just published in the January 2008 issue of the Journal of Trauma, Violence, and Abuse entitled, "The health care experiences of adult survivors of child sexual abuse: A systematic review of evidence on sensitive practice". This study was inspired by my work with adult survivors of child sexual abuse (CSA) as a practicing social worker/therapist. The women I worked with spoke of the impact that abuse has had on their physical health, health care utilization, perceptions about their bodies and health, and experiences with health care providers. They spoke of avoiding care because of trauma triggers related to being touched, disrobing, and being placed in vulnerable physical positioning by providers during the health care encounter. They spoke of having to explain repeatedly about extensive cervical scarring resulting from years of sexual abuse and fighting to avoid invasive tests requested by providers to "explain" these anomalies. They spoke of being dismissed by providers as they sought help for chronic pain not easily categorized or "cured"

    Promoting Environmental Justice Research and Practice for Social Workers in a Rural State: Methodology and Findings of a Pilot Qualitative Study

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    Environmental justice work is an emerging field of practice that recognizes the interrelationship between social, economic, racial, gender, and environmental injustice and the impact social workers can have for policy and practice. Despite inclusion of environmental justice knowledge and practice as critical elements of ethical social work, little research exists on the topic in the professional knowledge base. Additionally, little research exists to date that specifically examines environmental justice knowledge and practice in a rural area. This pilot study examines awareness and knowledge of environmental justice issues and practice amongst licensed social workers in a rural western state using focus group methodology. Findings of this pilot study are discussed, with implications for social work practice, education, policy work, and research rooted in rural settings. A second of the two-fold purpose of this article is to present the qualitative methodology utilized in hopes of building more pathways for the development of environmental justice knowledge through social work research

    Finnes det en medieeffekt pÄ det norske markedet? : en undersÞkelse av hvorvidt medieeksponering pÄvirker aksjekursene pÄ Oslo BÞrs

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    Oppgaven tar for seg selskapene pÄ Oslo BÞrs i perioden 2008-2012 og undersÞker hvorvidt det eksisterer en medieeffekt pÄ det norske markedet. Medieeffekten defineres som mÄlbar differanseavkastning mellom selskaper som har henholdsvis hÞy og lav eksponering i media og er uavhengig av nyhetens relevans, retning og alder. Medieeksponering mÄles som antall treff i norske papir- og nettaviser. Vi danner lang-kort portefÞljer hvor vi kjÞper aksjer med hÞy mediedekning og selger aksjer med lav mediedekning. Videre finner vi at hÞy mediedekningsgruppe har signifikant hÞyere avkastning enn lav mediedekningsgruppe i samme mÄned, og at denne avkastningen ser ut til Ä reversere i perioden etter mÄlt medieeksponering. NÊrmere undersÞkelser viser at den positive portefÞljeavkastningen ikke kan forklares av markeds- eller stÞrrelsesfaktoren. I undersÞkelsen av Oslo BÞrs kan vi likevel ikke entydig konkludere med at en medieeffekt alene kan forklare den positive portefÞljeavkastningen. Oslo BÞrs er preget av fÄ store selskaper. Disse selskapene hadde en god avkastning i perioden for vÄr analyse og mye tyder pÄ at den observerte effekten i stor grad ogsÄ kan tilskrives stÞrrelseseffekt. NÄr vi foretar undersÞkelser pÄ Oslo BÞrs hvor de 25 stÞrste selskapene representert ved OBX-indeksen ekskluderes, Þker derimot lang-kort portefÞljens avkastning. Dette taler for at observert effekt i det minste delvis skyldes medieeffekt. Signifikansen Þker ogsÄ betraktelig. Det mÄ nevnes at det kan vÊre flere risikofaktorer enn de vi tar hensyn til i oppgaven som kan vÊre med pÄ Ä forklare portefÞljens positive og signifikante avkastning

    Months-Long Spike in Aqueous Arsenic Following Domestic Well Installation and Disinfection: Short- and Long-Term Drinking Water Quality Implications

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    Exposure to high concentration geogenic arsenic via groundwater is a worldwide health concern. Well installation introduces oxic drilling fluids and hypochlorite (a strong oxidant) for disinfection, thus inducing geochemical disequilibrium. Well installation causes changes in geochemistry lasting 12 + months, as illustrated in a recent study of 250 new domestic wells in Minnesota, north-central United States. One study well had extremely high initial arsenic (1550 ”g/L) that substantially decreased after 15 months (5.2 ”g/L). The drilling and development of the study well were typical and ordinary; nothing observable indicated the very high initial arsenic concentration. We hypothesized that oxidation of arsenic-containing sulfides (which lowers pH) combined with low pH dissolution of arsenic-bearing Fe (oxyhydr)oxides caused the very high arsenic concentration. Geochemical equilibrium considerations and modeling supported our hypothesis. Groundwater equilibrium redox conditions are poised at the Fe(III)(s)/Fe(II)(aq) stability boundary, indicating arsenic-bearing Fe (oxyhydr)oxide mineral sensitivity to pH and redox changes. Changing groundwater geochemistry can have negative implications for home water treatment (e.g., reduced arsenic removal efficiency, iron fouling), which can lead to ongoing but unrecognized hazard of arsenic exposure from domestic well water. Our results may inform arsenic mobilization processes and geochemical sensitivity in similarly complex aquifers in Southeast Asia and elsewhere

    Empowerment for social justice : a grounded theory study of social work field instruction strategies

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    Title from PDF of title page (University of Missouri--Columbia, viewed on May 25, 2010).The entire thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appears in the short.pdf file; a non-technical public abstract appears in the public.pdf file.Dissertation advisor: Dr. Kim Anderson.Vita.Ph. D. University of Missouri--Columbia 2010.This study examines the process of student empowerment for social work practice that promotes social justice as it occurs in field education. Seventeen in-depth interviews were conducted with qualified field instructors and a model was constructed using grounded theory methodology. The model reflects perceptions of the meaning of social justice among field instructors. It also provides concrete practice and pedagogical strategies aimed at equipping future social workers to engage in the promotion of social justice, a foundational professional value. Environmental supports and barriers are also presented that significantly impact the process. Implications are provided for social work education, practice and research.Includes bibliographical references


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    Denne artikkelen er basert pĂ„ en kandidatavhandling, hvor utgangspunktet var en forestilling om at psykoterapi med ikkevestlige klienter kan vĂŠre utfordrende pĂ„ grunn av terapeutens og klientens ulike kulturbakgrunner. Avhandlingens kvalitative intervjuer med erfarne terapeuter satte imidlertid fokus pĂ„ betydningen av de non-spesifikke faktorer i den terapeutiske relasjon, og at disse er like viktige uavhengig av klientens kulturbakgrunn. Artikkelen presenterer en videre bearbeidelse av disse data, og beskriver to studenters voksende erkjennelse av at Ă„ vĂŠre psykoteraput dypest sett kan sies Ă„ dreie seg om Ă„ vĂŠre ’et profesjonelt medmenneske’. PĂ„ denne mĂ„ten omhandler ikke artikkelen ’demokrati’ i formal-politisk betydning, men snarere hvordan man som terapeut kan mĂžte den ikke-vestlige klient med en demokratisk holdning; en form for ’sinnelagsdemokrati’


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    Denne artikkelen er basert pĂ„ en kandidatavhandling, hvor utgangspunktet var en forestilling om at psykoterapi med ikkevestlige klienter kan vĂŠre utfordrende pĂ„ grunn av terapeutens og klientens ulike kulturbakgrunner. Avhandlingens kvalitative intervjuer med erfarne terapeuter satte imidlertid fokus pĂ„ betydningen av de non-spesifikke faktorer i den terapeutiske relasjon, og at disse er like viktige uavhengig av klientens kulturbakgrunn. Artikkelen presenterer en videre bearbeidelse av disse data, og beskriver to studenters voksende erkjennelse av at Ă„ vĂŠre psykoteraput dypest sett kan sies Ă„ dreie seg om Ă„ vĂŠre ’et profesjonelt medmenneske’. PĂ„ denne mĂ„ten omhandler ikke artikkelen ’demokrati’ i formal-politisk betydning, men snarere hvordan man som terapeut kan mĂžte den ikke-vestlige klient med en demokratisk holdning; en form for ’sinnelagsdemokrati’

    Differentiating Hydrothermal, Pedogenic, and Glacial Weathering in a Cold Volcanic Mars-Analog Environment

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    Although the current cold, dry environment of Mars extends back through much of its history, its earliest periods experienced significant water- related surface activity. Both geomorphic features (e.g., paleolakes, deltas, and river valleys) and hydrous mineral detections (e.g., clays and salts) have historically been interpreted to imply a "warm and wet" early Mars climate. More recently, atmospheric modeling studies have struggled to produce early climate conditions with temperatures above 0degC, leading some studies to propose a "cold and icy" early Mars dominated by widespread glaciation with transient melting. However, the alteration mineralogy produced in subglacial environments is not well understood, so the extent to which cold climate glacial weathering can produce the diverse alteration mineralogy observed on Mars is unknown. This summer, we will be conducting a field campaign in a glacial weathering environment in the Cascade Range, OR in order to determine the types of minerals that these environments produce. However, we must first disentangle the effects of glacial weathering from other significant alteration processes. Here we attempt a first understanding of glacial weathering by differentiating rocks and sediments weathered by hydrothermal, pedogenic, and glacial weathering processes in the Cascades volcanic range

    Hands on Testing (HOT) Pilot Project: Recommendations and Findings Final Report

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    This report includes findings from a pilot project with three main objectives: (1) to develop standardized measures for the HOT test (child and adult interview), (2) to test of the reliability/validity of the newly developed measures, (3) to pilot the HOT test using standardized actors and simulation. The SSW was granted two payback grants from the Child Welfare Professional Enhancement Program (CWPEP) for the purpose of enhancing the simulated interview component of HOT test (the final test of new child welfare workers) and increasing the objectivity of the grading process.Payback Grants further the mission of CWPEP in enhancing and supporting Oklahoma’s public child welfare workforce. Funding for Payback Grants comes from monies collected from former CWPEP students who do not honor their employment obligation to DHS and must repay the funds that were expended on their behalf. The federal title IV-E portion of the repayment fund is returned to DHS and the state share is placed in the CWPEP Payback Fund at OU. Payback Grants must be approved by the CWPEP participating universities, by OU Sponsored Programs and by DHS Child Welfare Services.N
