394 research outputs found

    Localisation of sentinel lymph nodes in patients with melanomas by planar lymphoscintigraphic and hybrid SPECT/CT imaging

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of the study was to assess the role ofplanar lymphoscintigraphy and fusion imaging of SPECT/CT in sentinellymph node (SLN) identification in patients with melanomas.MATERIAL AND METHODS: Planar and hybrid SPECT/low-doseCT lymphoscintigraphy were performed in 113 consecutive patientswith melanomas (59 men, 54 women, mean age 57.6 withrange 11–87 years, BMI 29.4 ± 12.5). The radiopharmaceuticalwas injected around the tumour (Group A, 59 patients), oraround the scar (Group B, 54 patients). Localisation of melanomas:head and neck 4, trunk 55, upper extremities 28, lowerextremities 26. Planar and SPECT/CT images were interpretedseparately by two nuclear medicine physicians. Abilities of thesetwo techniques to image SLN were compared.RESULTS: SLNs were detected on lymphoscintigraphy comprisingplanar and SPECT-CT images in 108 (95.6%) study patients;there was failure to detect SLNs in the remaining 5 (4.4%) patients. Planar images identified 253 SLNs in 100 (88.5%) pts,with a mean of 2.2 ± 1.7 (range 0–9 nodes) per patient. In theremaining 13 (11.5%) patients no SLNs were detected on planarimages. On SPECT-CT images, 334 hot nodes were detectedin 107 (94.7%) patients with a mean of 3.0 ± 2.1 (range 0–9)nodes per patient. In the remaining 6 (5.3%) patients, SPECT-CTwas negative.SPECT/CT visualised lymphatic drainage in 8 (7.1%) patientswith non-visualisation on planar imaging.CONCLUSIONS: In some patients with melanomas SPECT/CTimproves detection of sentinel lymph nodes. It can image nodesnot visible on planar scintigrams, exclude false positive uptakeand exactly localize SLNs.BACKGROUND: The aim of the study was to assess the role ofplanar lymphoscintigraphy and fusion imaging of SPECT/CT in sentinellymph node (SLN) identification in patients with melanomas.MATERIAL AND METHODS: Planar and hybrid SPECT/low-doseCT lymphoscintigraphy were performed in 113 consecutive patientswith melanomas (59 men, 54 women, mean age 57.6 withrange 11–87 years, BMI 29.4 ± 12.5). The radiopharmaceuticalwas injected around the tumour (Group A, 59 patients), oraround the scar (Group B, 54 patients). Localisation of melanomas:head and neck 4, trunk 55, upper extremities 28, lowerextremities 26. Planar and SPECT/CT images were interpretedseparately by two nuclear medicine physicians. Abilities of thesetwo techniques to image SLN were compared.RESULTS: SLNs were detected on lymphoscintigraphy comprisingplanar and SPECT-CT images in 108 (95.6%) study patients;there was failure to detect SLNs in the remaining 5 (4.4%) patients. Planar images identified 253 SLNs in 100 (88.5%) pts,with a mean of 2.2 ± 1.7 (range 0–9 nodes) per patient. In theremaining 13 (11.5%) patients no SLNs were detected on planarimages. On SPECT-CT images, 334 hot nodes were detectedin 107 (94.7%) patients with a mean of 3.0 ± 2.1 (range 0–9)nodes per patient. In the remaining 6 (5.3%) patients, SPECT-CTwas negative.SPECT/CT visualised lymphatic drainage in 8 (7.1%) patientswith non-visualisation on planar imaging.CONCLUSIONS: In some patients with melanomas SPECT/CTimproves detection of sentinel lymph nodes. It can image nodesnot visible on planar scintigrams, exclude false positive uptakeand exactly localize SLNs

    Alternative Transformations of Language Models

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    Tato práce poskytuje ucelený přehled poznatků z oblasti regulárních výrazů, konečných automatů a transformací z regulárního výrazu na konečný automat. Práce navrhuje nové transformace se zaměřením na minimalizaci počtu stavů a počtu pravidel konečných automatů. Koncept alternativních transformací je zpracován do algoritmů a prokázán matematickým důkazy. Cílem práce je obohatit transformace o nové alternativy na poli regulárních výrazů a konečných automatů. Pozornost je především věnována ekonomické stránce finálního konečného automatu. V rámci práce se podařilo sestrojit algoritmy, které jsou schopny transformovat regulární výrazy na konečné automaty. Práce zároveň poskytuje návod k jejich implementaci. Prezentuje obecný koncept transformací, který umožňuje tvořit méně rozsáhlé konečné automaty. Využitím uvedeného přístupu je možné rozšířit řadu transformací o alternativní verze.This thesis provides a summary of knowledge of regular expressions, finite automatas and transformation from regular expression to finite automata. The thesis proposes new transformation focused on minimal count of states and rules of finite automatas. Concept of alternative transformation is processed into algorithms and proved by mathematical proofs. The aim of thesis is to introduce approaches to transformation with new ones in the field of regular expressions and finite automatas. Great attention is dedicated to economic perspective of final finite automata. There were created algorithms, which are capable of transformation regular expression to finite automata. This work also provides a simple recipe for implementation of these structures. We introduced generic concept of transformation, that allows to create less complicated finite automatas. Using presented techniques it is possible to expand known transformation with new ones.

    The system of fast charging station for electric vehicles with minimal impact on the electrical grid

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    The searching and utilization of new energy sources and technologies is a current trend. The effort to increase the share of electricity production from renewable energy sources is characteristic for economically developed countries. The use of accumulation of electrical energy with a large number of decentralized storage units is most preferred, as well as the focus on the production of energy at the point of its consumption. Modern cogeneration units are a good example. This paper describes the accumulation of electrical energy for equalizing the power balance of electric charging stations with high instantaneous power. The possibility of re-utilization of electrical energy from the charged vehicle in the case of lack of electricity in the power grid is solved at the same time. This paper also deals with the selection of appropriate concept of accumulation system and its cooperation with both renewable and distribution networks. Details of the main power components including the results obtained from the system implementation are also described in this paper

    Comparison of standard and fast charging methods for electric vehicles

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    This paper describes a comparison of standard and fast charging methods used in the field of electric vehicles and also comparison of their efficiency in terms of electrical energy consumption. The comparison was performed on three-phase buck converter, which was designed for EV’s fast charging station. The results were obtained by both mathematical and simulation methods. The laboratory model of entire physical application, which will be further used for simulation results verification, is being built in these days

    I-131 false positive uptake in a huge parapelvic renal cyst

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    A male patient had undergone total thyroidectomy for thyroid papillary carcinoma. He was administered thyroablation activity of radioiodine. Whole body imaging after diagnostic activity of 131-I demonstrated intense radioiodine uptake in the right side of the upper abdominal region. The serum thyroglobulin level was low. Ultrasonography demonstrated a large irregular anechoic structure in the centre of the right kidney — a cyst in the parapelvic region. Renal cysts can lead to erroneous interpretation of radioiodine scintigraphy. Nuclear Med Rev 2011; 14, 1: 36–3

    Mediators and Cytokines in Persistent Allergic Rhinitis and Nonallergic Rhinitis with Eosinophilia Syndrome

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    Background: Patients with nonallergic rhinitis with eosinophilia syndrome (NARES) show typical symptoms of persistent allergic rhinitis (PAR). The aim of the present study was to compare nasal cytokine patterns between NARES and PAR. Methods: Nasal secretions of 31 patients suffering from NARES, 20 patients with PAR to house dust mite and 21 healthy controls were collected using the cotton wool method and analyzed for interleukin (IL)-1 beta, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-7, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12, IL-13, IL-17, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and macrophage inflammatory protein-1 beta (MIP-1 beta) by Bio-Plex Cytokine Assay as well as eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) and tryptase by UniCAP-FEIA. Results: NARES and PAR presented elevated levels of tryptase, while ECP was markedly increased solely in NARES compared to both the controls and PAR. Elevated levels of IL-1 beta, IL-17, IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha and MCP-1 were found in NARES compared to the controls as well as PAR. MIP-1 beta was elevated in NARES and PAR, while IL-4, IL-6 and G-CSF showed increased levels in NARES, and IL-5 was elevated in PAR only. Conclusions: In patients with NARES and PAR, eosinophils and mast cells appear to be the pivotal cells of inflammation, reflected by high levels of tryptase and ECP as well as IL-5 and GM-CSF as factors for eosinophil migration and survival. The elevated levels of proinflammatory cytokines in NARES may indicate the chronic, self-perpetuating process of inflammation in NARES which seems to be more pronounced than in PAR. IL-17 might be a factor for neutrophilic infiltration or be responsible for remodeling processes in NARES. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Base

    Validity And Reliability Of S3+ Accelerometer For Measuring The Walking And Running Speed With Polar RCX5 System

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    Cílem studie bylo ověřit validitu a reliabilitu akcelerometru S3+. Ten je volitelnou součástí nového modelu kardiotachometru Polar RX5. Čtyři vytrvalostní sportovci absolvovali na běhátkovém ergometru (0% sklon) stupňovaný zátěžový test s počáteční rychlostí 5 kmh-1 se zvýšením o 0,5 kmh-1 každých 200 metrů. Test byl prováděn do odmítnutí a od rychlosti 8 kmh-1 byla direktivně chůze vystřídána běžeckou lokomocí. Pro stanovení míry stability měření byl test za obdobných podmínek opakován. Výsledky studie ukázaly, že pro běžeckou lokomoci chybovost přístroje je v rozmezí chyby udávané výrobcem (3 %). Pro chůzi je chybovost vyšší (10 %). Spolehlivost měření byla ve všech sledovaných parametrech vysoká (r>0,80) kromě stability měření celkové vzdálenosti u chůze (r=0,53).The purpose of this study was to evaluate the validity and reliability of the accelerometer S3+. This is an optional part of the new model heart rate monitor Polar RX5. Four endurance athletes completed treadmill (0% slope) graded exercise tests with an initial speed of 5 kmh-1 with the increase of 0.5 kmh-1 every 200 meters. The test was conducted to rejection. From 8 kmh-1 walking was altered to running locomotion. The test was repeated under similar conditions to determine the degree of measurement stability. The study results showed that accuracy of running measurement is within the error provided by the manufacturer (3%). For walking, the error rate is higher (10%). Reliability of measurements was observed in all parameters is high (r> 0, 80) except to the overall stability of the measurement of walking distance (r = 0.53)

    Application of Optimal Control to CPMG Refocusing Pulse Design

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    We apply optimal control theory (OCT) to the design of refocusing pulses suitable for the CPMG sequence that are robust over a wide range of B0 and B1 offsets. We also introduce a model, based on recent progress in the analysis of unitary dynamics in the field of quantum information processing (QIP), that describes the multiple refocusing dynamics of the CPMG sequence as a dephasing Pauli channel. This model provides a compact characterization of the consequences and severity of residual pulse errors. We illustrate the methods by considering a specific example of designing and analyzing broadband OCT refocusing pulses of length 10 t180 that are constrained by the maximum instantaneous pulse power. We show that with this refocusing pulse, the CPMG sequence can refocus over 98% of magnetization for resonance offsets up to 3.2 times the maximum RF amplitude, even in the presence of +/- 10% RF inhomogeneity.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures; Revised and reformatted version with new title and significant changes to Introduction and Conclusions section