55 research outputs found

    Nematoder som nyttedyr i jordbærproduksjon

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    Nyttenematoder (insektpatogene nematoder: Steinernema og Heterorhabditis) kan brukes til mikrobiologisk bekjempelse av insektskadedyr. I dag finnes nematodene på markedet og brukes mest mot hærmygg i veksthus. I Norge er lite undersøkt om bruk på friland. I denne artikkelen omtales potensialet for bruk av nematoder mot rotsnutebiller (Otiorhynchus spp.) i jordbærfelt

    A 1-year follow-up study exploring the associations between perception of Illness and health-related quality of life in persons with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive respiratory disease with an increasing prevalence worldwide. Its potential consequences, including reduced function and reduced social participation, are likely to be associated with decreased health-related quality of life (HRQoL). However, illness perceptions and self-efficacy beliefs may also play a part in determining HRQoL in persons with COPD. The aim of this study was to explore the relationships between illness perceptions, self-efficacy, and HRQoL in a sample of persons with COPD in a longitudinal perspective. The context of the study was a patient education course from which the participants were recruited. Data concerning sociodemographic variables, social support, physical activity, illness perceptions, general self-efficacy, and HRQoL were collected before the course started and 1 year after completion. Linear regression was used in the analyses. The results showed that less consequences and less symptoms (identity) were associated with higher physical HRQoL (PCS) at baseline and at 1-year follow-up. Less emotional response was similarly associated with higher mental HRQoL (MCS) at both time points. Lower self-efficacy showed a borderline significant association with higher PCS at baseline, but was unrelated to MCS at both time points. Self-efficacy showed no influence on the associations between illness perceptions and HRQoL. In conclusion, the study showed that specific illness perceptions had a stable ability to predict HRQoL in persons with COPD, whereas self-efficacy did not. The associations between illness perceptions and HRQoL were not mediated by self-efficac

    Helminths associated with terrestrial slugs in some parts of Europe

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    A survey of helminths associated with terrestrial slugs focusing on the invasive Arion vulgaris and the native A. ater was conducted on populations from France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway and Poland. In total, 648 terrestrial slugs were collected from 18 sample sites, and identified by means of morphological examination, dissection of genitalia and molecular analysis using mitochondrial DNA. In addition to A. vulgaris and A. ater, also A. vulgaris/A. rufus hybrids and A. ater/A. rufus hybrids were collected. Helminth species were identified based on morphological features and sequencing of the 18S and ITS rDNA regions. The parasites included four nematode species: Alloionema appendiculatum, Angiostoma sp., Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita, Entomelas sp., two trematode species: Brachylaima mesostoma, Eurytrema sp., and one cestode (tapeworm) species: Skrjabinia sp. Alloionema appendiculatum was the most common helminth in the investigated slug populations. Furthermore, we found higher prevalence of trematodes in the invasive A. vulgaris compared with the native A. ater, while differences in the prevalence for nematodes were not as clear.publishedVersio

    A systematic review of social support for siblings of children with neurodevelopmental disorders

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    Background Social support is a protective factor for siblings of children with neurodevelopmental disorders. Aims We reviewed studies on social support received by siblings of children with neurodevelopmental disorders. Methods and procedures We conducted a pre-registered systematic review (CRD42020207686), searching PsycINFO, MEDLINE, Web of Science, and Scopus. Outcomes and results Fifteen articles were eligible for the review, 13 of which used cross-sectional designs. Two studies investigated sibling social support after an intervention. Multiple variables were negatively related to social support (e.g., sibling depression, loneliness, stress). Variables that were positively related to social support included prosocial behavior, competence (academic, social, and activity-related), problem-focused coping, and family quality of life. Potential moderators of the relationship between social support and psychosocial adjustment included the type of disorder of the affected sibling and the type of social support provider. We conclude with an overview of the reliability and validity of the seven social support measurements used across the studies. Conclusions and implications Lower levels of social support are associated with more negative psychosocial adjustment among siblings of children with neurodevelopmental disorders. We encourage future researchers to further investigate ways to increase social support for siblings to improve outcomes. Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.A systematic review of social support for siblings of children with neurodevelopmental disorderspublishedVersio

    Characterisation of ‘giant’ cysts of the potato cyst nematode, Globodera rostochiensis, present in potato fields in Kenya

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    Funding: This work was supported by Innovate UK project 105653 (RESOLVE), a Royal Society of Biology summer undergraduate project funded by AAB to KH and an SFC ODA GCRF Award via the University of St Andrews to JTJ. The James Hutton Institute receives funding from the Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division of the Scottish Government.Potato production in East Africa is seriously impacted by the potato cyst nematode (PCN), Globodera rostochiensis, where it has been recorded in at least three countries. In Kenya, it is widespread in all major potato-growing regions, often at very high densities. Consecutive cropping of potato on the same land and a sub-tropical climate have influenced PCN biology. For example, unusually large cysts have been regularly recovered. We have analysed the biological properties of these ‘giant cysts’. The giant cysts contained more eggs than those recovered from UK fields. Egg size did not differ from UK populations and there was no difference in overall lipid content or lipid profile in J2 from giant cysts, compared to control samples. The nematodes in giant cysts were also genetically indistinguishable from any other G. rostochiensis sampled. When grown under UK glasshouse conditions, the offspring of nematodes from giant cysts were no different in size from those grown from control cysts, indicating that gigantism is not a heritable trait and may simply reflect favourable conditions for PCN under Kenyan farming systems. To date, all the PCN tested from Kenya, including those from giant cysts, are avirulent on potato cultivars containing the resistance gene.Peer reviewe

    Phytophthora and nematode survey along the E39 coastal highway between Staurset and Stormyra in Norway 2022

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    Phytophthora- og nematode-forekomst ble kartlagt langs E39 mellom Staurset og Stormyra i Heim kommune (Trøndelag) i september 2022 i forbindelse med planlagt utvidelse av veien, samt langs foreslått ny vegtrasé som krever betydelige terrenginngrep. Phytophthora er en slekt med fremmende, invaderende planteskadegjørere som angriper og ødelegger røttene til tre- og urteaktige planter. Nematoder er en annen organismegruppe som parasitter planter og kan gi alvorlige tap i jordbruksavlinger eller skog. Innenfor disse to gruppene av jordboende planteskadegjørere er det noen få arter som har status som karanteneskadegjørere, mens de fleste blir betegnet som kvalitetsskadegjørere. Felles for dem er at man må unngå spredning til nye steder ifølge Matloven og Naturmangfoldloven, men i tillegg er det rapporteringsplikt til Mattilsynet for karanteneskadegjørere. Begge gruppene av planteskadegjørere kan spres ved flytting av jordmasser. Phytophthora-prøvene besto av jord-, blad- og en vevsprøve fra gråor som ble tatt ut i områder med trevegetasjon langs vassdrag både oppstrøms og nedstrøms for veiarbeidet. Nematodeprøvene ble tatt ut fra jordbruksareal og beitemark ved siden av veien. Totalt ble tre Phytophthora-arter påvist i 13 av totalt 20 Phytophthora-prøver tatt ut langs E39: Phytophthora gonapodyides (i 11 prøver), P. gregata (1 prøve) og en uidentifisert Phytophthora-art (1 prøve). Der Phytophthora ble påvist er det stor sannsynlighet for at massene som inneholder jord og røtter fra trevegetasjonen (hovedsakelig gråor) er forurenset. Phytophthora gonapodyides trenger man imidlertid ikke å ta hensyn til når det gjelder flytting av jord siden det er en svak skadegjører som er vanlig i norske vassdrag. Dermed er det bare restriksjoner på flytting av masser ved de to lokalitetene der P. gregata og den uidentifiserte Phytophthora-arten ble funnet. På disse stedene ble det også funnet skader på trær. Nematodeprøvene viste ingen funn av karanteneskadegjørere og heller ikke betydelige funn av andre planteparasittære nematoder. Karanteneskadegjørerne potetcystenematode [PCN] (Globodera rostochiensis og G. pallida) og rotgallnematode [RGN] (Meloidogyne chitwoodi og M. fallax) ble ikke funnet. Rotsårnematoden (Pratylenchus sp.), som kan være problematisk i mengder større enn 250 nematoder/250 ml jord, ble funnet i alle 12 nematodeprøvene, men i så lave antall at det ikke kan anses som et problem. Øvrige nematode-arter som ble funnet var også i så lave antall at de ikke kan anses å være problematiske. Flytting av jord fra jordbruks- og beitearealer kan derfor gjøres uten restriksjoner. I denne kartlegging av Phytophthora- og nematode-forekomst langs E39 mellom Staurset og Stormyra ble det gjort to funn av Phytophthora som innebærer restriksjoner på flytting av masser. Ved de to lokalitetene der P. gregata og den uidentifiserte Phytophthora-arten ble funnet, må massene forbli på/nær opphavsstedet. Dersom disse infiserte masser likevel må flyttes (f.eks. til deponier) er det spesielt viktig at massene ikke legges nær vassdrag eller verna naturområder. Etter at arbeidet er ferdige på steder med infisert jord, må jordrester på maskiner og utstyr vaskes bort før de flyttes til nye områder.Kartlegging av Phytophthora og nematoder langs E39 mellom Staurset og Stormyra 2022Phytophthora and nematode survey along the E39 coastal highway between Staurset and Stormyra in Norway 2022publishedVersio

    Biocontrol-based strategies for improving soil health and managing plant-parasitic nematodes in coffee production

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    Coffee is an important commodity for Kenya, where production is steadily declining, despite a global rise in demand. Of the various constraints affecting production, plant-parasitic nematodes are a significant, but often overlooked, threat. As a perennial crop, treating plantations once infected with nematodes becomes difficult. The current study evaluated the drenching application of two biocontrol agents, Trichoderma asperellum and Purpureocillium lilacinum, for their nematode control efficacy, as well as their impact on the soil nematode community structure on mature, established coffee trees in Kenya. Seven Arabica coffee field trials were conducted over two years on trees of various ages. All the fields were heavily infested with Meloidogyne hapla, the first report of the species on coffee in Kenya. Both fungal biocontrol agents were detected endophytically infecting roots and recovered from soil but not until six months after initial applications. The population densities of M. hapla had significantly declined in roots of treated trees 12 months after the initial application, although soil nematode density data were similar across treatments. Based upon the maturity index and the Shannon index, treatment with T. asperellum led to improved soil health conditions and enrichment of diversity in the microbial community. Application of P. lilacinum, in particular, led to an increased abundance of fungivorous nematodes, especially Aphelenchus spp., for which P. lilacinum would appear to be a preferred food source. The soils in the trials were all stressed and denuded, however, which likely delayed the impact of such treatments or detection of any differences between treatments using indices, such as the functional metabolic footprint, over the period of study. A longer period of study would therefore likely provide a better indication of treatment benefits. The current study positively demonstrates, however, the potential for using biologically based options for the environmentally and climate-smart management of nematode threats in a sustainable manner on established, mature coffee plantations

    Evolving dynamics of insect frass fertilizer for sustainable nematode management and potato production

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    Potato production faces major challenges from inadequate soil fertility, and nematode infestation, yet synthetic fertilizers and nematicides are costly and harmful to the environment. This study explored the potential of chitin-fortified black soldier fly-composted organic fertilizer (BSFCOF) as a multipurpose organic fertilizer amendment for enhancing potato yield and suppressing potato cyst nematodes (PCN). The BSFCOF was applied at a rate equivalent to 150 kg N ha-1 and fortified with chitin from black soldier fly pupal exuviae at inclusion rates equivalent to 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5% chitin. Data were collected on potato growth characteristics, PCN population densities, and soil chemical properties for two growing cycles. Results showed that chitin fortified BSFCOF significantly improved potato growth parameters, chlorophyll concentration, marketable tuber yield and number of marketable tubers. The marketable tuber yield achieved using chitin-fortified BSFCOF was 70 – 362%, and 69 – 238% higher than the values achieved using unfertilized soil during the first and second growing cycles, respectively. Soil amendment with chitin-fortified BSFCOF significantly reduced the number of cysts per 200 g soil-1, number of eggs and J2 per cyst-1, eggs g-1 soil and reproduction rate by 32 – 87%, 9 – 92%, 31– 98% and 31 – 98%, respectively. The PCN suppression increased with chitin inclusion rates. There were significantly higher values for soil pH, ammonium nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, available phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and cation exchange capacity in soil amended with BSFCOF compared to unamended soil. This study demonstrates that BSFCOF fortified with 5% chitin is an effective soil enhancer with multiple benefits, including improved soil fertility, potato performance, and effective management of potato cyst nematodes

    Overvåking- og kartleggingsprogram for furuvednematode og Monochamus 2022

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    Overvåkingsprogrammet i 2022 omfattet undersøkelse for tilstedeværelse av furuvednematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus) i hogstavfall fra furu og i furubukker av slekten Monochamus. I OK-programmets delaktivitet som omfattet kartlegging av furuvednematode i hogstavfall, ble det tatt 401 flisprøver fra hogstavfall og vindfall av furu (Pinus sylvestris) som hadde tegn på angrep av furubukker i slekten Monochamus. Prøvene ble tatt i Innlandet, Vestfold og Telemark, og Viken. Flisprøvene ble inkubert ved +25°C i to uker før nematoder ble ekstrahert med Baermann-trakt og undersøkt i mikroskop. Furuvednematoden B. xylophilus ble ikke påvist, men den naturlig forekommende arten Bursaphelenchus mucronatus kolymensis ble oppdaget i 16 flisprøver. Siden overvåkingen av furuvednematode startet i 2000, har alle de analyserte flisprøvene, totalt 8924, vært negative for furuvednematode. I OK-programmets delaktivitet som omfattet kartlegging av furuvednematode i furubukker, ble feller med attraktanter for fangst av voksne, flygende furubukker satt opp i Agder, Telemark, Viken (Østfold og Akershus), Hedmark og Trøndelag. Billene ble kuttet i biter og ekstrahert med en modifisert Baermann-trakt. Suspensjonen fra ekstraksjonene ble undersøkt i mikroskop for forekomst av Bursaphelenchus spp. Ingen furuvednematoder ble påvist i de 54 undersøkte billene. Bursaphelenchus mucronatus kolymensis ble ikke heller oppdaget.Overvåking- og kartleggingsprogram for furuvednematode og Monochamus 2022publishedVersio