114 research outputs found

    Archival Activists and the Hybrid Archives of the Arab Left

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    Emergence of Palestine as a Global Cause

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    Snoede forskningsveje og sammenflettede historier:Palæstina i Skandinavien

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    Denne artikel snor sig rundt om et af hovedtemaerne i Jørgen Bæk Simonsens forskning: Mellemøstlig indvandring i Norden


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    We present a comparison of molecular clouds (MCs) from a simulation of supernova (SN) driven interstellar medium (ISM) turbulence with real MCs from the Outer Galaxy Survey. The radiative transfer calculations to compute synthetic CO spectra are carried out assuming that the CO relative abundance depends only on gas density, according to four different models. Synthetic MCs are selected above a threshold brightness temperature value, T-B,T-min = 1.4 K, of the J = 1 - 0 (CO)-C-12 line, generating 16 synthetic catalogs (four different spatial resolutions and four CO abundance models), each containing up to several thousands MCs. The comparison with the observations focuses on the mass and size distributions and on the velocity-size and mass-size Larson relations. The mass and size distributions are found to be consistent with the observations, with no significant variations with spatial resolution or chemical model, except in the case of the unrealistic model with constant CO abundance. The velocity-size relation is slightly too steep for some of the models, while the mass-size relation is a bit too shallow for all models only at a spatial resolution dx approximate to 1 pc. The normalizations of the Larson relations show a clear dependence on spatial resolution, for both the synthetic and the real MCs. The comparison of the velocity-size normalization suggests that the SN rate in the Perseus arm is approximately 70% or less of the rate adopted in the simulation. Overall, the realistic properties of the synthetic clouds confirm that SN-driven turbulence can explain the origin and dynamics of MCs.Peer reviewe

    The Origin of Massive Stars : The Inertial-inflow Model

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    We address the problem of the origin of massive stars, namely the origin, path, and timescale of the mass flows that create them. Based on extensive numerical simulations, we propose a scenario where massive stars are assembled by large-scale, converging, inertial flows that naturally occur in supersonic turbulence. We refer to this scenario of massive-star formation as the inertial-inflow model. This model stems directly from the idea that the mass distribution of stars is primarily the result of turbulent fragmentation. Under this hypothesis, the statistical properties of turbulence determine the formation timescale and mass of prestellar cores, posing definite constraints on the formation mechanism of massive stars. We quantify such constraints by analyzing a simulation of supernova-driven turbulence in a 250 pc region of the interstellar medium, describing the formation of hundreds of massive stars over a time of approximately 30 Myr. Due to the large size of our statistical sample, we can say with full confidence that massive stars in general do not form from the collapse of massive cores nor from competitive accretion, as both models are incompatible with the numerical results. We also compute synthetic continuum observables in the Herschel and ALMA bands. We find that, depending on the distance of the observed regions, estimates of core mass based on commonly used methods may exceed the actual core masses by up to two orders of magnitude and that there is essentially no correlation between estimated and real core masses.Peer reviewe

    Physical properties and real nature of massive clumps in the galaxy

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    Systematic surveys of massive clumps have been carried out to study the conditions leading to the formation of massive stars. These clumps are typically at large distances and unresolved, so their physical properties cannot be reliably derived from the observations alone. Numerical simulations are needed to interpret the observations. To this end, we generate synthetic Herschel observations using our large-scale star-formation simulation, where massive stars explode as supernovae driving the interstellar-medium turbulence. From the synthetic observations, we compile a catalogue of compact sources following the exact same procedure as for the Hi-GAL compact source catalogue. We show that the sources from the simulation have observational properties with statistical distributions consistent with the observations. By relating the compact sources from the synthetic observations to their 3D counterparts in the simulation, we find that the synthetic observations overestimate the clump masses by about an order of magnitude on average due to line-of-sight projection, and projection effects are likely to be even worse for Hi-GAL Inner Galaxy sources. We also find that a large fraction of sources classified as protostellar are likely to be starless, and propose a new method to partially discriminate between true and false protostellar sources.Peer reviewe

    A Novel Emission Spectrum From A Relativistic Electron Moving In A Random Magnetic Field

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    We calculate numerically the radiation spectrum from relativistic electrons moving in small scale turbulent magnetic fields expected in high energy astrophysical sources. Such radiation spectrum is characterized by the strength parameter a = \lambda_{B}} e|B|/mc^2, where \lambda_{B}} is the length scale of the turbulent field. When aa is much larger than the Lorentz factor of a radiating electron γ\gamma, synchrotron radiation is realized, while a1a\ll 1 corresponds to the so-called jitter radiation regime. Because for 1<a<γ1<a<\gamma we cannot use either approximations, we should have recourse to the Lienard-Wiechert potential to evaluate the radiation spectrum, which is performed in this paper. We generate random magnetic fields assuming Kolmogorov turbulence, inject monoenergetic electrons, solve the equation of motion, and calculate the radiation spectrum. We perform numerical calculations for several values of aa with γ=10\gamma = 10. We obtain various types of spectra ranging between jitter radiation and synchrotron radiation. For a7a\sim 7, the spectrum turns out to take a novel shape which has not been noticed up to now. It is like a synchrotron spectrum in the middle energy region, but in the low frequency region it is a broken power law and in the high frequency region an extra power law component appears beyond the synchrotron cutoff. We give a physical explanation of these features.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, accepted by ApJ