143 research outputs found

    Logistics by Ship

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    According to Carbone and De Martino, a port is an entity involved in delivering value to the end consumer. A requirement for good port performance is the ability to compete through cargo handling in addition to connectivity with the overall supply chain. The types of logistics entities in each port are different, making coordination between them is difficult. In each of these relationships, the operators of a specific port create a logistical value, which relates to the efficient and effective receipt of goods for consumers. (Lee, E.S. & Song, D.W. (2010). Knowledge management for maritime logistics value: discussing conceptual issues. Maritime Policy and Management. Vol. 37 No. 6, p. 226-242)) During the last decade there have been three trends in the development of logistics: integration; specialization; and innovation. This article explores recent studies concerning supply chain integrations designed to create value for consumers. This is followed by a discussion of studies exploring developments from logistics coverage to supply chain management, in order to identify the predominant directions currently being promoted in ports with regards to value creation for consumers, especially consumers of goods transported by sea. Finally, the study considers the value created by port logistics in Indonesia. Keywords: Logistics; Ships; Transi

    Shaken Baby Syndrome: Who Are the True Experts

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    Shaken baby syndrome is a serious form of child maltreatment, often involving infants younger than six months of age. It commonly occurs, yet it is frequently overlooked in its most chronic form and underdiagnosed in its most serious expression. Section II of this article will discuss the symptoms, presentation, and clinical findings of shaken baby syndrome. It will conclude by looking at recommendations from the U.S. Advisory Board on Child Abuse and Neglect. Section III delves into the history, function and statistics of Child Death Review Teams on a national level. The discussion ends by examining Ohio\u27s proposed legislation concerning these review teams. Section IV will take a look at Ohio\u27s standard for presentation of scientific evidence via expert testimony. The debate centers around the proposition that Ohio\u27s judiciary should reconsider its views regarding expert testimony. The argument encourages the judiciary to consider in its decision as to admissibility what the medical community has acknowledged in terms of expertise in this particular area. While this article is not aimed at finding fault with any particular court, nor is it an attempt at refuting sound medical evidence supporting a recognized diagnosis of shaken baby syndrome, the courts are urged to explore the possibility that physicians involved in a cooperative, multi-disciplined approach are more able to provide the trier of fact with an accurate diagnosis of shaken baby syndrome

    Shaken Baby Syndrome: Who Are the True Experts

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    Shaken baby syndrome is a serious form of child maltreatment, often involving infants younger than six months of age. It commonly occurs, yet it is frequently overlooked in its most chronic form and underdiagnosed in its most serious expression. Section II of this article will discuss the symptoms, presentation, and clinical findings of shaken baby syndrome. It will conclude by looking at recommendations from the U.S. Advisory Board on Child Abuse and Neglect. Section III delves into the history, function and statistics of Child Death Review Teams on a national level. The discussion ends by examining Ohio\u27s proposed legislation concerning these review teams. Section IV will take a look at Ohio\u27s standard for presentation of scientific evidence via expert testimony. The debate centers around the proposition that Ohio\u27s judiciary should reconsider its views regarding expert testimony. The argument encourages the judiciary to consider in its decision as to admissibility what the medical community has acknowledged in terms of expertise in this particular area. While this article is not aimed at finding fault with any particular court, nor is it an attempt at refuting sound medical evidence supporting a recognized diagnosis of shaken baby syndrome, the courts are urged to explore the possibility that physicians involved in a cooperative, multi-disciplined approach are more able to provide the trier of fact with an accurate diagnosis of shaken baby syndrome


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    Propinsi Sumatera Selatan memiliki sumber daya perkebunan yang luas. Komoditi utama yang dominan salah satunya adalah karet. Pemanfaatan cangkang biji karet saat ini belum terlaksana dengan maksimal. Penggunaan energi fosil saat ini sangat pesat dan ketersediaannya semakin berkurang. Hal ini menjadikan biobriket menjadi salah satu energi alternatif masa depan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui komposisi yang sesuai dengan bahan baku yaitu cangkang biji karet dan perekat damar supaya didapatkan biobriket dengan kualitas yang optimal dengan melakukan analisa nilai kalor, kadar air lembab dan kandungan zat terbang. Hasil penelitian didapatkan rasio komposisi pencampuran masing-masing bahan baku mempengaruhi parameter yang dianalisa dimana nilai optimum untuk masing-masing parameter adalah Kalori 6813 kkal/kg, kadar air lembab 4,92% dan kandungan zat terbang 34,36%.Kata kunci : Bio Briket, Cangkang Biji Karet, Dama

    MEMS 411: Rock-Collecting Rover

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    This project was a MEMS 411 Senior Design project completed for a potential future WashU Rocketry Team rover contest. The rover was required to be battery operated, controlled by an RC transmitter/receiver, and utilize micro-servo motors for actuation. The rover was required to be navigated via 1st person camera. The rover needed to weigh less than 3.5 lbs, and able to fit into a 5.36 diameter and 8.5 long cylinder. The rocks needed to be stored inside the rover and to be collected without using adhesive

    Literasi Kesehatan Dan Perilaku Mencari Informasi Kesehatan Internet Pada Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas

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    Didorong oleh kemajuan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, organisasi kesehatan masyarakat menyusun langkah untuk membantu menutup kesenjangan dalam akses informasi kesehatan. Mayoritas masyarakat menggunakan aplikasi kesehatan untuk mengatur perilakunya dalam menjaga dan meningkatkan kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat literasi kesehatan dengan perilaku pencarian kesehatan internet pada siswa SMA. Penelitian ini merupakan studi analitik kuantitatif yang menargetkan siswa SMA, menggunakan kuesioner online HLS-EU-Q-16 ditambah dengan pertanyaan perilaku pencarian kesehatan internet yang telah diterjemahkan dan divalidasi, yang dibagikan secara daring mulai 6 Juli dengan total respon 515 siswa. Lebih dari separuh responden menunjukkan tingkat melek huruf yang cukup tinggi. Tingkat literasi kesehatan mereka memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan usia, lokasi sekolah menengah, dan perilaku pencarian kesehatan internet mereka. Profil internet harian responden adalah: pengguna smartphone, memiliki setidaknya satu cara koneksi internet, menggunakan setidaknya satu aplikasi yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan, dan menggunakan internet secara kasar selama 7-12 jam. Mayoritas dari mereka memasang aplikasi informasi kesehatan. Penggunaan data bulanan memengaruhi jenis dan / atau jumlah aplikasi kesehatan yang digunakan. Kemampuan mengakses informasi kesehatan berdampak positif bagi siswa sekolah menengah dalam mencari dan memahami informasi kesehatan yang berkualitas, yang mengarah pada tingkat literasi kesehatan yang mebih tinggi


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    The purpose of this research is to determine the effectiveness of activated carbon from bagasse with activator subtances HCl and CaCl2 in reducing the parameters of COD and TSS and increasing the DO and PH parameters in the tofu processing waste. The optimum conditions in reducing the COD and TSS parameters and increasing the DO and PH parameters in the tofu processing waste are 12 hours of circulation time with a fixed bed reactor. The results of the study with the use of 0.3 M HCl activator has a better ability than 0.2 M CaCl in reducing COD and TSS values and increasing DO and PH values.The results ofusing activator substances HCL 0.3 M has a better ability than 0.2 M CaCl in reducing COD and TSS values and increasing DO and PH values. The decrease in COD value from 123.7 mg / L to 41.6 mg / L or 66.37%, a decrease in TSS value from 335 mg / L to 103.8 mg / L or 69.1%, an increase in DO value from 1.86 mg / L to 7.6 mg / L or 75.52%, and the increase in pH value from 3.53 to 4.66

    Effect of Tomato Juice Volume on Coagulation Time and Latex Weight

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    Natural latex clumping takes longer than using chemicals. Another alternative is needed to coagulate the latex by adding acid from natural ingredients. Tomatoes (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill) have 29.32 mg of ascorbic acid and 0.54 g of citric acid every 100 grams, they have the potential to be used as a natural latex coagulator. The research method add tomato juice to fresh latex to break down the emulsion and form rubber lumps. After mixing, the weight of the latex is weighed. The constant variables are the latex volume of 10 ml, and the tomato juice volume of 5,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90 and 100 ml respectively. The higher the volume of tomato juice, the faster it will clot. The best volume of tomato juice is 100 ml with a clumping time of 52 minutes. Increasing the volume of tomato juice increased the weight of latex to 13.1 grams and reduced the pH of latex to 4.9. Giving tomato juice every 5 ml accelerated clumping up to 360 minutes (6 hours) compared without tomato juice