353 research outputs found

    A study of island network performance for streaming protocols

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    Nowadays video surveillance is a cornerstone of the security in the world. It provides real-time monitoring for alarm of the environment, for people as face recognition, for property as plate car numbers detection, and provides a recorded archive for investigation. With megapixel cameras becoming increasingly widespread, even the bandwidth exhaustion of corporate networks is becoming a real issue. In this research, study on the performance of the island network using streaming protocol of HTTP and RTSP to broadcast the IP camera when streaming executed on H264 and H.265 encoder was conducted. The research done on the real island network that build to use as test bed for the project, also used network emulator (NetEm) to inject the packet loss and delay to the island network to emulate real big network. Then the results were analysed by Wireshark packet analyser. Based on the results gained, it was found that HTTP over TCP has less packets when compared to RTSP. As a conclusion, Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a little superior and authoritative protocol to stream a video when compared to the RTSP protocol

    Factors that Affect the Success of CRM Systems in Libyan Firms

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    With an ever-increasing competition for marketing dominance, many firms have utilized the customer relationship management (CRM) system for improved business intelligence, better decision making, enhanced customer relations, and good quality of services and product offerings. We found the empirical support for CRM factors that affecting the success of CRM systems in Libyan firms from 100 respondents of different manufacturing firm which have implemented the CRM system. These findings should be of great interest to both researchers and practitioners

    Investigation of Sound Transmission Loss Through Sandwich Panel with Foam Core

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    في السنوات الماضية، تم زيادة طلب العملاء والمستهلكين للحصول على الاداء الصوتي. حيث اصبحت خصائص الاهتزاز والضوضاء من معايير التصميم المهمة. يتم اعتبار السلوك الاهتزاز- الصوتي في الشطائر المركب، موضوع بحث مهم لتوفير تصميم مناسب مع متطلبات المستهلك.  يستخدم طريقة شدة الصوت على نطاق واسع لقياس خسارة انتقال الصوت بين غرفتين. وتستخدم هذه الطريقة مع المواد المركبة التي تتكون من طبقتين من الصلب بينهما طبقة واحدة للأساس. يتم في هذا البحث وصف موجزا لطريقة شدة الصوت التي تعتمد على المعايير البريطانية [1]ISO140.  استخدمت طريقة العنصر ال محدودFEM من اجل المقارنة مع النتائج التجريبية. استخدم سمك مختلف لطبقة الاساس لدراسة تأثير ذلك على مقدار خسائر الانتقال الصوتي. وتظهر النتائج التجريبية والنظرية، أن قيمة خسارة الانتقال الصوتي تزداد بمعدلات (6 ديسيبل)، عندما يتضاعف سمك الاساس.In the past years, customer and consumer request are increased for performance sound. Where vibration and noise characteristics are made of important design criteria. The vibro- acoustic behavior is considered in the composite sandwich, important research topic to provide a suitable design with consumer requirements. The sound intensity method is widely using to measure the sound transmission loss between two rooms. This method are used with a composite materials, that are consist of two steel layers between them one layer for core. This paper provides a brief description of the sound intensity method and it is depended on ISO140[1]. Finite Element Method (FEM) are used to comparison with experimental results.The core of different thickness was used to study its effect on acoustic insulation. The experimental and theoretical results are shown, that the value of sound transmission loss are increased by rates of 6dB when the core thickness is doubled

    A New Proposed Variable Stiffness of the Vehicle Suspension System Passive Case: I

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    A theoretical analysis of  a new proposed variable stiffness model of the suspension system is studied to improve the traditional suspension system. The fundamental idea of system centered on variable stiffness mechanism by added subsystem to suspension system depended on control rotating arm balancing the force between sides, it consists of a vertical control strut. The variation of the load transfer by rotate arm has spring and damper at another side of it where the  point of rotation is  supplement  the body of car by sup system as vertical support. The investigations of the new variable by addition  stiffness to the suspension system for reaches improved performance better than the variable stiffness systems for equivalent or traditional. The expending principles to described the performance of the  characteristic behavior of system are fewer car body acceleration to ride comfort and lower suspension and tire deflection for  road holding considered

    Finite Element Analysis and Modelling of Perlon - Fiberglass of a Prosthetic socket

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    Finite element analysis can be a useful tool in investigating the mechanical interaction between the residual limb and its prosthetic socket, and in computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing of prosthetic sockets. The intention of this paper was to analyze prosthetic socket of distinct materials and for different geometry for optimum design solution by finite element analysis. The finite element method (FEM) is a very powerful tool for analysing the behaviour of structures, especially when the geometry and mechanics are too complex to be modelled with analytical methods. A modified three dimensional finite element model of socket was developed in workbench of ANSYS 14.0 to find out the stress distribution and deformation pattern under functionally appropriate loading condition during normal gait cycle.  A variety of materials were used for the analysis of the socket like The optimization technique results showed that the best optimal design of the prosthetic above knee socket is in lay-up 4perlon 2fiber glass 4perlon design under temperature 20 . This study focuses on the analysis of patellar tendon bearing prosthetic sockets with integrated compliant features designed to relieve contact pressure between the residual limb and socket. In this study, the numerical results of stress distribution model of the prosthetic above knee socket showed that the values of maximum stress according to Von-Mises criterion results are increased with the increasing of temperatures. The best designs results of the prosthetic above knee socket are (94.64%) in lamination lay-up 4-2-4 under 20  where it took from pervious study. The procedure developed through this work can be used by future researchers and prosthetic designers in understanding how to better design transfemoral prosthesis. Keywords: Prosthetic; Safety factor; Finite element model; Socke

    Using Early Exits for Fast Inference in Automatic Modulation Classification

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    Automatic modulation classification (AMC) plays a critical role in wireless communications by autonomously classifying signals transmitted over the radio spectrum. Deep learning (DL) techniques are increasingly being used for AMC due to their ability to extract complex wireless signal features. However, DL models are computationally intensive and incur high inference latencies. This paper proposes the application of early exiting (EE) techniques for DL models used for AMC to accelerate inference. We present and analyze four early exiting architectures and a customized multi-branch training algorithm for this problem. Through extensive experimentation, we show that signals with moderate to high signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) are easier to classify, do not require deep architectures, and can therefore leverage the proposed EE architectures. Our experimental results demonstrate that EE techniques can significantly reduce the inference speed of deep neural networks without sacrificing classification accuracy. We also thoroughly study the trade-off between classification accuracy and inference time when using these architectures. To the best of our knowledge, this work represents the first attempt to apply early exiting methods to AMC, providing a foundation for future research in this area


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    Background:Visualization and saving of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) and parathyroid glands (PGs) are the most important two points during thyroid surgery. The aim of the study is evatulation of the use of intra operative methylene blue spraying during thyroidectomy in saving RLN and PGs. Patient and methods: Our study was done in general surgery department of Zagazig University hospital from March 2017 to September 2018 and follow up for about 6 months, included (53) patients with different types of goiter operated by total thyroidectomy with intra operative methylene blue spraying. Patients with recurrent thyroid surgery, preoperative vocal cords paresis, or retrosternal goiter were excluded. The patients underwent complete history taking, clinical examination, laboratory investigations including serum calcium level,TSH,freeT3,T4, neck US, C.T neck in some cases and indirect laryngoscopy pre and post operatively to assess the vocal cords mobility pre-and postoperatively. Informed consent was taken from all patients. Results: the study involved (53) cases, 43 females (81.1%) and 10 males (18.9%); age ranged from 27 to 61 years (mean: 41,5 year),the patients had; 35 (66.04%) simple nodular goiters, 9(16.98%) solitary thyroid adenoma,5 (9.43%) papillary thyroid carcinoma and 4 (7.55%) Graves? disease. Patients mean dischargedwere 1.6 days (1?4 days) with no cases of wound complications or operative mortality. 4 cases (7.55%) suffered from transient hypocalcaemia, for a maximum of four days. the RLN can be visualized in 47 cases (88.7%) after spraying the MB firstly but in the remaining six cases(11.3%) the RLN was present in deeper level and need more dissection until it is detected and saved. No cases were encountered of RLN injury with vocal cords paralysis or hypoparathyroidis

    The Effect of Optimum Injector Position on the Humidification Process of Steadily Flowing Air Stream in a Cross Varying Duct

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    أجريت دراسة عملية وتحليلية لاستخدام حقن الماء في عملية ترطيب لهواء مستقر الجريان عبر مجرى متباعد من نفق هوائي. تهدف هذا البحث لدراسة الوضعية الامثل لحاقنة ماء منصوبة في مجرى هوائي منفرج المقطع وتخمين انعكاس ذلك على عملية خلط السائل والغاز في عملية ترطيب هواء. التجارب العملية تم اجرائها في نفق هوائي مربع المقطع بضلع 50cm يشتمل على جزء يتحول بالانفراج التدريجي الى مقطع مربع بضلع 63 cm يجري فيه الهواء بمتوسط سرعة 5 m/s بما يتوافق مع عدد رينولدز قدره 1.5 X 105. اعتمدت هذه الدراسة لنسب دفق كتلي بين 300 الى 600 ولمدى من درجات حرارة محيطية يقع بين 30oC و 45oC. اظهرت النتائج التجريبية انه عند اي موضع ضمن المقطع داخل المجرى المتباعد فأن الوضعية الامثل للحقن هي عند توجيه الرشة نحو قلب الجريان والتي تحقق أفضل ترطيب وتبريد للهواء. لقد كانت الوضعية الامثل للحقن المنفرد هي عند مركز المجرى مع اتجاه الجريان، اي عند زاوية تارجح 0o. كلما تحركت الحاقنة نحو الجدار كلما ضعف التاثير التبريدي للرش. عند درجة حرارة محيطية 45oC ونسبة دفق كتلي 300 كانت الزيادة القصوى للرطوبة 43.8% والتبريد الاقصى هو 15.2% عندما ثبتت الحاقنة عند مسافة 50 cm قبل المقطع المنفرج. اشتملت الدراسة ايضا تحليلا عدديا باستخدام الحزمة البرمجية ANSYS FLUENT 17.0 COMMERCIAL CFD، لتدقيق مطابقة معطيات الدراسة التحليلية مع النتائج التجريبية المستحصلة لنفس الظروف التشغيلية.Experimental and numerical investigations are carried out on the use of water injection in a humidification process of air traveling steadily through the divergent part of a wind tunnel. This work aims to study the optimum positioning of the water injector fixed at a divergent portion and to evaluate its impact on the liquid-gas mixing in an air humidification process. Experiments are conducted in a 50 cm square wind tunnel includes a gradually enlarged portion to 63 cm square having an air stream flowing at mean velocity of 5 m/s agrees with Reynolds number of 1.5X105 .This study adopts a mass flow ratio in a range of 300 to 600, and ambient temperatures between 30oC and 45oC. Experimental results showed that at any location within the divergent portion, the optimum position is realized when directing the spray towards the core of the flow which achieves the best humidification and cooling of the air. The optimum position for the single injection point is at the center of the duct with the axial direction of flow, i.e. at a yawing angle of 0o. As the injector moves close to the wall, the cooling getting poorer. At the ambient temperature of 45oC and flow ratio of 300, the maximum increase in relative humidity was 43.8%, corresponding to maximum cooling extent of 15.2% when the injector was fixed at 50 cm prior to the divergent portion. The study also implies a numerical analysis using ANSYS FLUENT 17.0 commercial CFD package, used to validate the conformity between experimental and numerical results obtained at the same operational conditions

    Modeling and Simulation of 5 DOF educational robot arm

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    Many universities and institutes experience difficulty in training people to work with expensive equipments. A common problem faced by educational institutions concerns the limited availability of expensive robotics equipments, with which students in the didactic program can work, in order to acquire valuable “ha nds on” experience. Therefore, the Robot Simulation Software (RSS) nowadays is paramount important

    Recurrent Neural Networks RNNs and Decision Tree DT Machine Learning-Based Approaches For Transmission System Faults Diagnosis

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    Accurate and prompt detection of system faults are crucial to maintain sufficient protection of system equipment, avoid false tripping, and cascaded failures.This paper presents a comprehensive study on the effectiveness of machine learning techniques for electrical fault detection and classification. Specifically, a comparative analysis is conducted between two prominent algorithms: Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and Decision Tree (DT). The study employs a dataset comprising real-world electrical fault scenarios to evaluate the performance of RNNs and DT in identifying and categorizing faults. While DT algorithm showed slightly better accuracy in some cases, the RNN exhibited better generalization capabilities and a lower risk of overfitting. The analysis involves various performance metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and confusion matrices to comprehensively assess the algorithms\u27 capabilities. The findings provide valuable insights into the strengths and limitations of each approach in the context of electrical fault management. This paper contributes to the selection of suitable techniques based on specific application requirements, advancing the field of predictive maintenance and fault mitigation in electrical systems. Keywords- Decision Tree, Electrical Faults, Fault Classification, Fault Detection, Machine Learning, Recurrent Neural Networks