2,564 research outputs found

    The quantum algebra of superspace

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    We present the complete set of N=1N=1, D=4D=4 quantum algebras associated to massive superparticles. We obtain the explicit solution of these algebras realized in terms of unconstrained operators acting on the Hilbert space of superfields. These solutions are expressed using the chiral, anti-chiral and tensorial projectors which define the three irreducible representations of the supersymmetry on the superfields. In each case the space-time variables are non-commuting and their commutators are proportional to the internal angular momentum of the representation. The quantum algebra associated to the chiral or the anti-chiral projector is the one obtained by the quantization of the Casalbuoni-Brink-Schwarz (superspin 0) massive superparticle. We present a new superparticle action for the (superspin 1/2) case and show that their wave functions are the ones associated to the irreducible tensor multiplet.Comment: 20 pages;changes in the nomenclatur

    Permutation combinatorics of worldsheet moduli space

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    52 pages, 21 figures52 pages, 21 figures; minor corrections, "On the" dropped from title, matches published version52 pages, 21 figures; minor corrections, "On the" dropped from title, matches published versio

    Differences in client and therapist views of the working alliance in drug treatment

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    Background - There is growing evidence that the therapeutic alliance is one of the most consistent predictors of retention and outcomes in drug treatment. Recent psychotherapy research has indicated that there is a lack of agreement between client, therapist and observer ratings of the therapeutic alliance; however, the clinical implications of this lack of consensus have not been explored. Aims - The aims of the study are to (1) explore the extent to which, in drug treatment, clients and counsellors agree in their perceptions of their alliance, and (2) investigate whether the degree of disagreement between clients and counsellors is related to retention in treatment. Methods - The study recruited 187 clients starting residential rehabilitation treatment for drug misuse in three UK services. Client and counsellor ratings of the therapeutic alliance (using the WAI-S) were obtained during weeks 1-12. Retention was in this study defined as remaining in treatment for at least 12 weeks. Results - Client and counsellor ratings of the alliance were only weakly related (correlations ranging from r = 0.07 to 0.42) and tended to become more dissimilar over the first 12 weeks in treatment. However, whether or not clients and counsellors agreed on the quality of their relationship did not influence whether clients were retained in treatment. Conclusions - The low consensus between client and counsellor views of the alliance found in this and other studies highlights the need for drug counsellors to attend closely to their clients' perceptions of the alliance and to seek regular feedback from clients regarding their feelings about their therapeutic relationship

    An infinite genus mapping class group and stable cohomology

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    We exhibit a finitely generated group \M whose rational homology is isomorphic to the rational stable homology of the mapping class group. It is defined as a mapping class group associated to a surface \su of infinite genus, and contains all the pure mapping class groups of compact surfaces of genus gg with nn boundary components, for any g0g\geq 0 and n>0n>0. We construct a representation of \M into the restricted symplectic group Spres(Hr){\rm Sp_{res}}({\cal H}_r) of the real Hilbert space generated by the homology classes of non-separating circles on \su, which generalizes the classical symplectic representation of the mapping class groups. Moreover, we show that the first universal Chern class in H^2(\M,\Z) is the pull-back of the Pressley-Segal class on the restricted linear group GLres(H){\rm GL_{res}}({\cal H}) via the inclusion Spres(Hr)GLres(H){\rm Sp_{res}}({\cal H}_r)\subset {\rm GL_{res}}({\cal H}).Comment: 14p., 8 figures, to appear in Commun.Math.Phy

    On the homology of the Harmonic Archipelago

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    We calculate the singular homology and \v{C}ech cohomology groups of the Harmonic archipelago. As a corollary, we prove that this space is not homotopy equivalent to the Griffiths space. This is interesting in view of Eda's proof that the first singular homology groups of these spaces are isomorphic

    High density QCD on a Lefschetz thimble?

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    It is sometimes speculated that the sign problem that afflicts many quantum field theories might be reduced or even eliminated by choosing an alternative domain of integration within a complexified extension of the path integral (in the spirit of the stationary phase integration method). In this paper we start to explore this possibility somewhat systematically. A first inspection reveals the presence of many difficulties but - quite surprisingly - most of them have an interesting solution. In particular, it is possible to regularize the lattice theory on a Lefschetz thimble, where the imaginary part of the action is constant and disappears from all observables. This regularization can be justified in terms of symmetries and perturbation theory. Moreover, it is possible to design a Monte Carlo algorithm that samples the configurations in the thimble. This is done by simulating, effectively, a five dimensional system. We describe the algorithm in detail and analyze its expected cost and stability. Unfortunately, the measure term also produces a phase which is not constant and it is currently very expensive to compute. This residual sign problem is expected to be much milder, as the dominant part of the integral is not affected, but we have still no convincing evidence of this. However, the main goal of this paper is to introduce a new approach to the sign problem, that seems to offer much room for improvements. An appealing feature of this approach is its generality. It is illustrated first in the simple case of a scalar field theory with chemical potential, and then extended to the more challenging case of QCD at finite baryonic density.Comment: Misleading footnote 1 corrected: locality deserves better investigations. Formula (31) corrected (we thank Giovanni Eruzzi for this observation). Note different title in journal versio

    Area-charge inequality for black holes

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    The inequality between area and charge A4πQ2A\geq 4\pi Q^2 for dynamical black holes is proved. No symmetry assumption is made and charged matter fields are included. Extensions of this inequality are also proved for regions in the spacetime which are not necessarily black hole boundaries.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure

    Integrable theories and loop spaces: fundamentals, applications and new developments

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    We review our proposal to generalize the standard two-dimensional flatness construction of Lax-Zakharov-Shabat to relativistic field theories in d+1 dimensions. The fundamentals from the theory of connections on loop spaces are presented and clarified. These ideas are exposed using mathematical tools familiar to physicists. We exhibit recent and new results that relate the locality of the loop space curvature to the diffeomorphism invariance of the loop space holonomy. These result are used to show that the holonomy is abelian if the holonomy is diffeomorphism invariant. These results justify in part and set the limitations of the local implementations of the approach which has been worked out in the last decade. We highlight very interesting applications like the construction and the solution of an integrable four dimensional field theory with Hopf solitons, and new integrability conditions which generalize BPS equations to systems such as Skyrme theories. Applications of these ideas leading to new constructions are implemented in theories that admit volume preserving diffeomorphisms of the target space as symmetries. Applications to physically relevant systems like Yang Mills theories are summarized. We also discuss other possibilities that have not yet been explored.Comment: 64 pages, 8 figure

    Technical Note: Molecular characterization of aerosol-derived water soluble organic carbon using ultrahigh resolution electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry

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    Despite the acknowledged relevance of aerosol-derived water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) to climate and biogeochemical cycling, characterization of aerosol WSOC has been limited. Electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI FT-ICR MS) was utilized in this study to provide detailed molecular level characterization of the high molecular weight (HMW; m/z>223) component of aerosol-derived WSOC collected from rural sites in Virginia and New York, USA. More than 3000 peaks were detected by ESI FT-ICR MS within a m/z range of 223–600 for each sample. Approximately 86% (Virginia) and 78% (New York) of these peaks were assigned molecular formulas using only carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), nitrogen (N), and sulfur (S) as elemental constituents. H/C and O/C molar ratios were plotted on van Krevelen diagrams and indicated a strong contribution of lignin-like and lipid-like compounds to the aerosol-derived WSOC samples. Approximately 1–4% of the peaks in the aerosol-derived WSOC mass spectra were classified as black carbon (BC) on the basis of double bond equivalents calculated from the assigned molecular formulas. In addition, several high-magnitude peaks in the mass spectra of samples from both sites corresponded to molecular formulas proposed in previous secondary organic aerosol (SOA) laboratory investigations indicating that SOAs are important constituents of the WSOC. Overall, ESI FT-ICR MS provides a level of resolution adequate for detailed compositional and source information of the HMW constituents of aerosol-derived WSOC

    Bubble divergences: sorting out topology from cell structure

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    We conclude our analysis of bubble divergences in the flat spinfoam model. In [arXiv:1008.1476] we showed that the divergence degree of an arbitrary two-complex Gamma can be evaluated exactly by means of twisted cohomology. Here, we specialize this result to the case where Gamma is the two-skeleton of the cell decomposition of a pseudomanifold, and sharpen it with a careful analysis of the cellular and topological structures involved. Moreover, we explain in detail how this approach reproduces all the previous powercounting results for the Boulatov-Ooguri (colored) tensor models, and sheds light on algebraic-topological aspects of Gurau's 1/N expansion.Comment: 19 page