79 research outputs found

    Kinetics and protective role of autophagy in a mouse cecal ligation and puncture-induced sepsis

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    INTRODUCTION: It is not well understood whether the process of autophagy is accelerated or blocked in sepsis, and whether it is beneficial or harmful to the immune defense mechanism over a time course during sepsis. Our aim was to determine both the kinetics and the role of autophagy in sepsis. METHODS: We examined autophagosome and autolysosome formation in a cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) mouse model of sepsis (in C57BL/6N mice and GFP-LC3 transgenic mice), using western blotting, immunofluorescence, and electron microscopy. We also investigated the effect of chloroquine inhibition of autophagy on these processes. RESULTS: Autophagy, as demonstrated by increased LC3-II/LC3-I ratios, is induced in the liver, heart, and spleen over 24 h after CLP. In the liver, autophagosome formation peaks at 6 h and declines by 24 h. Immunofluorescent localization of GFP-LC3 dots (alone and with lysosome-associated membrane protein type 1 (LAMP1)), as well as electron microscopic examination, demonstrate that both autophagosomes and autolysosomes are increased after CLP, suggesting that intact autophagy mechanisms operate in the liver in this model. Furthermore, inhibition of autophagy process by chloroquine administration immediately after CLP resulted in elevated serum transaminase levels and a significant increase in mortality. CONCLUSIONS: All autophagy-related processes are properly activated in the liver in a mouse model of sepsis; autophagy appears to play a protective role in septic animals

    Prostaglandin D2 Reinforces Th2 Type Inflammatory Responses of Airways to Low-dose Antigen through Bronchial Expression of Macrophage-derived Chemokine

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    PGD2, a lipid mediator released from mast cells, is known to participate in allergic reactions. However, the mechanism by which PGD2 contributes to such reactions remains unclear. We established a novel experimental model of asthma that permitted direct assessment of the role of PGD2 in airway inflammation. Antigen-sensitized mice were exposed to aerosolized prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) 1 d before challenge with low-dose aerosolized antigen. Not only the numbers of eosinophils, lymphocytes, and macrophages but also the levels of IL-4 and IL-5 in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid were higher in PGD2-pretreated mice than in control mice. The expression of macrophage-derived chemokine (MDC), a chemoattractant for Th2 cells, was greater in PGD2-pretreated mice than in control. Injection of anti-MDC antibody into PGD2-pretreated mice markedly inhibited inflammatory cell infiltration as well as Th2 cyto-kine production after antigen challenge. These results indicate that PGD2 accelerates Th2 type inflammation by induction of MDC. Our results suggest that this mechanism may play a key role in the development of human asthma and that MDC might be a target molecule for therapeutic intervention

    Radiosynthesis and in vivo evaluation of two imidazopyridineacetamides, [11C]CB184 and [11C]CB190, as a PET tracer for 18 kDa translocator protein: direct comparison with [11C](R)-PK11195

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    Objective: We report synthesis of two carbon-11 labeled imidazopyridines TSPO ligands, [11C]CB184 and [11C]CB190, for PET imaging of inflammatory process along with neurodegeneration, ischemia or brain tumor. Biodistribution of these compounds was compared with that of [11C]CB148 and [11C](R)-PK11195. Methods: Both [11C]CB184 and [11C]CB190 having 11C-methoxyl group on an aromatic ring were readily prepared using [11C]methyl triflate. Biodistribution and metabolism of the compounds were examined with normal mice. An animal PET study using 6-hydroxydopamine treated rats as a model of neurodegeneration was pursued for proper estimation of feasibility of the radioligands to determine neuroinflammation process. Results: [11C]CB184 and [11C]CB190 were obtained via O-methylation of corresponding desmethyl precursor using [11C]methyl triflate in radiochemical yield of 73 % (decay-corrected). In vivo validation as a TSPO radioligand was carried out using normal mice and lesioned rats. In mice, [11C]CB184 showed more uptake and specific binding than [11C]CB190. Metabolism studies showed that 36 % and 25 % of radioactivity in plasma remained unchanged 30 min after intravenous injection of [11C]CB184 and [11C]CB190, respectively. In the PET study using rats, lesioned side of the brain showed significantly higher uptake than contralateral side after i.v. injection of either [11C]CB184 or [11C](R)-PK11195. Indirect Logan plot analysis revealed distribution volume ratio (DVR) between the two sides which might indicate lesion-related elevation of TSPO binding. The DVR was 1.15 ± 0.10 for [11C](R)-PK11195 and was 1.15 ± 0.09 for [11C]CB184. Conclusion: The sensitivity to detect neuroinflammation activity was similar for [11C]CB184 and [11C](R)-PK11195

    Investigation of irradiation effects on highly integrated leading-edge electronic components of diagnostics and control systems for LHD deuterium operation

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    High-temperature and high-density plasmas are achieved by means of real-time control, fast diagnostic, and high-power heating systems. Those systems are precisely controlled via highly integrated electronic components, but can be seriously affected by radiation damage. Therefore, the effects of irradiation on currently used electronic components should be investigated for the control and measurement of Large Helical Device (LHD) deuterium plasmas. For the precise estimation of the radiation field in the LHD torus hall, the MCNP6 code is used with the cross-section library ENDF B-VI. The geometry is modeled on the computer-aided design. The dose on silicon, which is a major ingredient of electronic components, over nine years of LHD deuterium operation shows that the gamma-ray contribution is dominant. Neutron irradiation tests were performed in the OKTAVIAN at Osaka University and the Fast Neutron Laboratory at Tohoku University. Gamma-ray irradiation tests were performed at the Nagoya University Cobalt-60 irradiation facility. We found that there are ethernet connection failures of programmable logic controller (PLC) modules due to neutron irradiation with a neutron flux of 3  ×  106 cm−2 s−1. This neutron flux is equivalent to that expected at basement level in the LHD torus hall without a neutron shield. Most modules of the PLC are broken around a gamma-ray dose of 100 Gy. This is comparable with the dose in the LHD torus hall over nine years. If we consider the dose only, these components may survive more than nine years. For the safety of the LHD operation, the electronic components in the torus hall have been rearranged

    Examination of the Effects of Heterogeneous Organization of RyR Clusters, Myofibrils and Mitochondria on Ca2+ Release Patterns in Cardiomyocytes

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    Spatio-temporal dynamics of intracellular calcium, [Ca2+]i, regulate the contractile function of cardiac muscle cells. Measuring [Ca2+]i flux is central to the study of mechanisms that underlie both normal cardiac function and calcium-dependent etiologies in heart disease. However, current imaging techniques are limited in the spatial resolution to which changes in [Ca2+]i can be detected. Using spatial point process statistics techniques we developed a novel method to simulate the spatial distribution of RyR clusters, which act as the major mediators of contractile Ca2+ release, upon a physiologically-realistic cellular landscape composed of tightly-packed mitochondria and myofibrils.We applied this method to computationally combine confocal-scale (~ 200 nm) data of RyR clusters with 3D electron microscopy data (~ 30 nm) of myofibrils and mitochondria, both collected from adult rat left ventricular myocytes. Using this hybrid-scale spatial model, we simulated reaction-diffusion of [Ca2+]i during the rising phase of the transient (first 30 ms after initiation). At 30 ms, the average peak of the simulated [Ca2+]i transient and of the simulated fluorescence intensity signal, F/F0, reached values similar to that found in the literature ([Ca2+]i 1 μM; F/F0 5.5). However, our model predicted the variation in [Ca2+]i to be between 0.3 and 12.7 μM (~3 to 100 fold from resting value of 0.1 μM) and the corresponding F/F0 signal ranging from 3 to 9.5. We demonstrate in this study that: (i) heterogeneities in the [Ca2+]i transient are due not only to heterogeneous distribution and clustering of mitochondria; (ii) but also to heterogeneous local densities of RyR clusters. Further, we show that: (iii) these structureinduced heterogeneities in [Ca2+]i can appear in line scan data. Finally, using our unique method for generating RyR cluster distributions, we demonstrate the robustness in the [Ca2+]i transient to differences in RyR cluster distributions measured between rat and human cardiomyocytes