19 research outputs found


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    Background and: The Health System Development Plan is considered one of the most valuable services of the eleventh state in the field of health. The aim of this study was to determine the satisfaction rate of hospitalized mothers and nurses from implementation of health system development plan in Shoushtar Al-Hadi hospital. Methods: This descriptive-analytic study is a cross-sectional one. The study population consisted of 163 mothers who were hospitalized before delivery and 18 nurses from maternity wards who were selected by census method during three months. The data collection tool was demographic information and researcher-made questionnaire that measured the satisfaction of maternity hospitalized in the delivery sector and nurses' satisfaction. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient and Mann-Whitney test in SPSS-16 software. Results: 94 hospitalized mothers (56.3%) had relative satisfaction and 15 nurses (83.3%) had high satisfaction with the implementation of the health system reform plan. There was no significant relationship between the satisfactions of pregnant mothers with cesarean section with normal delivery (P> 0.05). There was a significant relationship between satisfaction of nurses in the ward of women with maternity ward (P <0.05). Conclusion: Most of the research samples were satisfied with the implementation of the Health System Development Plan, so it is suggested that this research be done in other hospitals in order to compare their results with each other. Keywords: Satisfaction, Health System Development Plan, Pregnant Mothers, Nurse

    Organizational outcomes of corporate volunteering: the qualitative study

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    Purpose: The aim of this paper is to identify benefits of corporate volunteer programs gained on employee behaviors’ side. Specifically, the following research question is posed: what benefits of corporate volunteer projects are there observed by employees participating in them?Methodology/approach: The paper is based on a qualitative study conducted in the form of semi-structured in-depth individual interviews with employees participating in volunteer programs.Findings: The study shows that corporate volunteering leads to positive effects on employees, including increased work meaningfulness, competence development and strengthen interpersonal relationships at work. Simultaneously, the study suggests that work meaningfulness plays focal role in the overall process.Implications: Results of the study deliver practical implications for companies implementing corporate volunteering. Volunteer programs should be organized in a way giving employees full autonomy in crafting their projects. The programs should also support and intensify employee interactions and favor volunteer actions requiring wide range of skills.Originality/value: The study contributes to theory development in the field of both corporate social responsibility and organizational behavior. Specifically, it gives an insight on how responsible business practices may strengthen employees’ sense of meaningfulness of work and subsequently improve their competences and mutual relations

    بررسي فراواني انواع جهش هاي ژن بتاگلوبين در ناقلان بتاتالاسمي مراجعه کننده به شبکه هاي بهداشتي درماني پاکدشت و ورامين

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    Background:&nbsp;Thalassemia is a genetic disorder of autosomal recessive and has high prevalence in Iran. This studywas therefore designed to identify the types of mutations in Beta-Thalassemia.Materials and Methods:&nbsp;The present descriptive study was aimed to investigate the frequency of mutations in beta-globin gene in carriers referred to a health care network. The study was carried out in Pakdasht and Varamin from 1997 to 2013. Ethical issues such as confidentiality of studied community were all considered.Results:&nbsp;The current study found that from a total of 26 mutations, IVSII-1 was the most frequent mutation (24.5%) followed by IVSI-5 mutation with a frequency of 14.4 percent. Furthermore, there was only limited evidence for an increased frequency of IVSI-25bpdel/N, c22/n, IVSII-848, and fr-36-37/N mutations and each with a frequency of 0.6 percent revealed the lowest frequency.Conclusion:&nbsp;In accordance with the results of recent studies in the Iranian population, IVSII-1assigned the most common mutation in our study. This combination of findings has important implications for developing a guide for faster access to the type of mutation in patients suffering from Thalassemia.زمينه و هدف: تالاسمي يک بيماري ژنتيکي است که وراثت آن از نوع اتوزومال مغلوب است و داراي شيوع زيادي در کشور ما مي‌باشد. اين پژوهش با هدف شناسايي انواع جهش‌هاي بتاتالاسمي طراحي شده ‌است. مواد و روش‌ها: اين مطالعه از نوع توصيفي‌ است که به بررسي فراواني انواع جهش‌هاي ژن بتاگلوبين در ناقلان بتاتالاسمي مراجعه کننده به شبکه‌هاي بهداشتي درماني پاکدشت و ورامين از سال 1376 تا 1392 پرداخته است. در کلیه مراحل انجام پژوهش، موازین اخلاقی نظیر محرمانه بودن نام بیماران این تحقیق، مراعات گردید. يافته‌ها: از مجموع 26 جهش، بيشترين فراواني جهش‌ها مربوط به جهشIVSII-1 فراواني 4/24% بود و در رتبه دوم جهش IVSI-5 با فراواني 14/4درصد قرار دارد. جهش‌های IVSI-25bpdel/N، c22/n, IVSII-848 و fr-36-37/N با فراواني عدد يک (0/6درصد) کمترين فراواني را بخود اختصاص داده‌اند. نتيجه گيري: در اين مطالعه&nbsp; IVSII-1 شايع‌ترين جهش شناسايي شد که با نتايج مطالعات سال‌هاي اخير در جمعيت ايراني مطابقت دارد. نتايج تحقيق، مي‌تواند به عنوان يک راهنما جهت امکان دسترسي سريع‌تر به نوع جهش در بیماران مبتلا به بتاتالاسمی به کار آيد. &nbsp

    The Employment of Learning Orientation in Promoting the Innovative Behavior for the Employees of the Directorate of Education in Najaf: A Survey

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    الغرض: يسعى البحث الحالي الى معرفة طبيعة العلاقة بين اتجاه التعلم (Learning orientation) وسلوك الابتكار(Innovative Behavior), وكذلك معرفة تأثير المتغير المستقل(اتجاه التعلم)&nbsp; بأبعاده الاربعة (الالتزام بالتعلم, مشاركة الرؤية, انفتاح الذهني, تبادل المعرفة) والذي تم قياسه باستخدام مقياس(Calantone, Cavusgil &amp; Zhao, 2002) على المتغير التابع(سلوك الابتكار) بأبعاده الستة (توليد الفكرة, البحث عن فكرة, اتصالات الفكرة, انشطة بدء التنفيذ, اشراك الاخرين, التغلب على العقبات) والذي تم قياسه باستخدام مقياس(Lukeš, &amp; Stephan, 2017). التصميم/المنهجية: تم تطبيق البحث على عينة من الموظفين العاملين في مديرية تربية النجف الاشرف وتم اختيار عينة عشوائية بسيطة مكونة من (93) موظفا, واعتمد البحث الحالي الاستبانة اداة رئيسة لجمع البيانات, وسعى البحث لاختبار علاقة الارتباط والتأثير لبيان العلاقة بين متغيرات البحث, وتم اعتماد عدة تحليلات احصائية&nbsp; لمعالجة البيانات منها الفا كور نباخ&nbsp; والمتوسط الحسابي&nbsp; الموزون والانحراف المعياري&nbsp; ومعامل الارتباط البسيط وتحليل الانحدار باستخدام البرنامج الاحصائي (SPSS&nbsp; VR.23). اهمية البحث: تبرز اهمية البحث الحالي من ندرة الدراسات التي تناولت العلاقة بين متغيرات اتجاه التعلم واسلوك الابتكار) وكذلك محاولة البحث الحالي دراسة ومعالجة مشكلة واقعية تؤثر بشكل مباشر على الافراد العاملين والمجتمع في مديرية تربية النجف الاشرف. النتائج: توصل البحث الى استنتاجات معرفية وتطبيقية&nbsp; منها وجود علاقة ارتباط ذات دلالة احصائية&nbsp; بين المتغير المستقل والمتغير التابع&nbsp; ووجود تأثير ذو دلالة احصائية بين&nbsp; اتجاه التعلم وسلوك الابتكار. التوصيات: -1على المنظمة قيد الدراسة الاهتمام باتجاه التعلم&nbsp; لدى العاملين وترسيخ هذا السلوك في ممارسات عملهم اليومي. -2على المنظمة قيد الدراسة تشجيع سلوك الابتكار بين العاملين بالشكل الذي يؤدي الى تحقيق التميز والنجاح التنظيمي.Purpose: The current research seeks to know the nature of the relationship between learning orientation and innovation behavior, as well as to know the effect of the independent variable (learning orientation) in its four dimensions (commitment to learning, sharing of visionOpen-mindedness, Intraorganizational knowledge sharing), which was measured using a scale (Calantone, Cavusgil &amp; Zhao, 2002)The dependent variable (innovation behavior) with its six dimensions (idea generation, idea search, idea communication, Implementation starting activities, engaging others, overcoming obstacles), which was measured using the scale (Lukeš, &amp; Stephan, 2017). Design /methodology: The research was applied to a sample of employees working in the in&nbsp; Education Directorate Najaf, and a simple random sample consisting of (93) employees was chosen. The current research adopted the questionnaire as a main tool for data collection, and the research aims to test the relationship and influence to find out the relationship between the research variables. Several statistical analyzes were adopted to process the data, including Cronbach's Alpha the weighted mean, standard deviation, simple correlation coefficient and regression analysis using the statistical program (SPSS VR.23). The importance of the research: The importance of the current research emerges from the lack of studies that dealt with the relationship between the variables of the learning orientation and innovation behavior) as well as the current research attempt to study and address a realistic problem that directly affects the working individuals and society in the in&nbsp; Education Directorate Najaf. Results: The research reached cognitive and applied conclusions, including the existence of a statistically significant correlation between the independent variable and the dependent variable and the presence of a statistically significant effect between the direction of learning and the behavior of innovation. Recommendations: 1-The organization under study should pay attention to the direction of learning among workers and instill this behavior in their daily work practices. 2-The organization under study is required to encourage innovation behavior among employees in a manner that leads to achieving organizational excellence and success

    Keep Others in mind:a way to proceed with ethical decisions under uncertainty

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    Abstract In the current global economy that is usually described as post-industrial, third wave and information-based, we should know how to explore on a sea of uncertainties. In such an environment, ethical decision-making due to ongoing dilemmas and difficulties is complex. So ethics should be understood as a learning process that constructs our identity. For this reason, this study is built on the idea of postmodern ethics. Postmodern ethics calls for rethinking and reexamination of our ethical assumptions with the hope that we can construct a new way of thinking. Among the different approaches in postmodern ethics, I choose Other-oriented ethics. This approach does not provide a set of codes and instructions, rather it offers a theoretical perspective for reconsidering the complexities of ethical decision-making by seeing the Other. Others are important in their otherness. It signifies radical uniqueness that cannot be conceptualized or thematized. This research aims to show how recognizing and understanding Others (through non-rational response to the presence of Others and infinite responsibility toward them) can be a strategy in hand for ethical decision-making. To achieving this aim, I focus on both the individual and the corporate level. Since the individual is produced as a subject in the social process, the role of corporations is very important to creating the venues of virtue or of vice for all the employees. By the Other-oriented ethical approach, researchers and practitioners may not receive a solution but they will be able to question everyday practices and accepted norms. It helps them to reconsider and reconceive the notion of ethics and responsibility in business ethical discourse on a continuous basis. Theoretically, this study introduces an alternative tale for ethical decision-making. Hence, the main contribution of this study is applying Other- oriented ethical approaches in ethical decision-making. This happens through fostering moral impulse, bridging the moral laxity gap and extending a dynamic stakeholder model in which the Others play the pivotal role in ethical decision making.Tiivistelmä Nykyisessä globaalissa taloudessa, jota yleensä kuvataan jälkiteollisuudeksi, kolmanneksi aalloksi ja tietopohjaiseksi, meidän pitäisi tietää, kuinka tutkia asioita epävarmuustekijöiden meressä. Tällaisessa ympäristössä eettinen päätöksenteko jatkuvista ongelmista ja vaikeuksista johtuen on monimutkaista. Etiikka tulisi siksi ymmärtää identiteettiämme rakentavana oppimisprosessina. Tästä syystä tämä tutkimus ammentaa postmodernista etiikasta. Postmoderni etiikka vaatii eettisten oletuksiemme uudelleenarviointia ja tutkimista toivoen, että pystymme rakentamaan uuden ajattelutavan. Postmodernin etiikan erilaisista lähestymistavoista valitsin niin sanotun Muihin suuntautuneen -etiikan. Tämä lähestymistapa ei tarjoa joukkoa koodeja ja ohjeita, vaan tarjoaa teoreettisen näkökulman eettisen päätöksenteon monimutkaisuuksien harkitsemiseen näkemällä Muut. Muut ovat tärkeitä toiseudessaan. Se merkitsee radikaalia ainutlaatuisuutta, jota ei voida käsitteellistää tai tematisoida. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on osoittaa, kuinka Muiden tunnistaminen ja ymmärtäminen (epärationaalisen vastauksen kautta muiden läsnäoloon ja ääretön vastuu heitä kohtaan) voi olla eettisen päätöksenteon kädessä oleva strategia. Tämän tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi keskityn sekä yksilö- että yritystasoon. Koska yksilö tuotetaan subjektina sosiaalisessa prosessissa, yritysten rooli on erittäin tärkeä hyveiden luomiseksi kaikille työntekijöille. Muihin suuntautuneen -eettisen lähestymistavan avulla tutkijat ja ammattilaiset eivät ehkä saa ratkaisua, mutta he pystyvät kyseenalaistamaan arjen käytännöt ja hyväksytyt normit. Se auttaa heitä jatkuvasti pohtimaan ja käsittelemään etiikkaa ja vastuuta liiketoiminnan eettisessä keskustelussa. Teoreettisesti tämä tutkimus esittelee vaihtoehtoisen tarinan eettiselle päätöksenteolle. Siksi tämän tutkimuksen pääkontribuutio on Muihin suuntautuneen -eettisen lähestymistavan soveltaminen eettiseen päätöksentekoon. Tämä tapahtuu edistämällä niin sanottu moraalista impulssia, kurottamalla yli moraalisen kuilun ja laajentamalla dynaamista sidosryhmämallia, jossa Muilla on keskeinen rooli eettisessä päätöksenteossa

    Intraperitoneal injection of buprenorphine on anxiety-like behavior and alteration in expression of Gfap and Nrf2 in methamphetamine treated rats

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    The effects of buprenorphine (BUP) on anxiety-like behavior and the expression of the glial fibrillary acidic protein (Gfap) and nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) in methamphetamine (METH)-treated rats were investigated in this study. Twenty-eight male Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups including control (saline), METH (10.00 mg kg(-1)), BUP (10.00 mg kg(-1)), and BUP+METH groups and treated for five days. On the final day of treatment, gene expression levels and anxiety were evaluated using elevated plus-maze (EPM). According to the results, five days of METH injection reduced open arm exploration in the EPM. In contrast, the open arm entries and the time spent in the open arms were increased in the BUP+METH group compared to the METH group. The expression levels of Gfap and Nrf2 were lower in METH-treated rats compared to controls, whereas Gfap and Nrf2 expression levels were higher in the METH+BUP-treated rats compared to the METH-treated rats, however, it was similar to the controls. These findings suggested that co-administration of BUP+METH could decrease anxiety-like behavior through increasing the activity of the antioxidant protection system and might have therapeutic potential for preventing anxiety in METH users. (c) 2022 Urmia University. All rights reserved

    Moral laxity:the cognitive gap between true and pseudo corporate social responsibility

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    Abstract Purpose: To succeed in today’s dynamic and unpredictable business world, businesses are increasingly required to gain the trust of and inform the society in which they operate about the social and environmental consequences of their actions. Corporations’ claims regarding the responsibility and ethicality of their actions, however, have been shown to be contradictory to some degree. We define corporations’ deceitful implementation of their corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies as pseudo-CSR. We argue that it is the moral characteristics of individuals, i.e. employees, managers and other decision-makers who ignore the CSR policies, which produce pseudo-CSR. Design/methodology/approach: This is a conceptual paper. Findings: The authors conceptualize the gap between true CSR and pseudo-CSR on a cognitive individual level as “moral laxity,” resulting from organization-induced lack of effort concerning individual moral development through ethical discourse, ethical sensemaking and subjectification processes. The absence of these processes prohibits individuals in organizations from constructing ethical identities to inhibit pseudo-CSR activities. Originality/value: This paper contributes to the literature on CSR by augmenting corporate-level responsibility with the hitherto mostly neglected, yet significant, role of the individual in bridging this gap

    The Effect of Family-Centered Empowerment Model Based on Multimedia Education on the Quality of Life of Children Aged 8-12 Years with Beta Thalassemia

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    Background and Aim: There is a correlation between disease and quality of life in patients with chronic disease and physical disorders have a direct effect on all aspects of quality of life. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the effect of family-centered empowerment model based on multimedia education on the quality of life of children with thalassemia. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, 120 patients along with their parents, who had medical records at the thalassemia center of Khatam al-Anbiya Hospital in Shoushtar, were selected according to the inclusion criteria and were divided into two groups of intervention and control (n=60) by random allocation. Subjects were matched in terms of age and gender. The data collection tools included Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (Ped-SQL) and researcher-made questionnaires of awareness and self-efficacy in the area of thalassemia. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS and Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon statistical tests and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Results: Out of 120 children who were included in the study, 87 were girls (72.5%), the mean age of these children was 9.74±2.25 years and disease duration was 5.35±4.47 years. In this study, in terms of children’s quality of life and its dimensions, after the implementation of the educational model, a significant increase was observed compared to pre-test phase only in the intervention group (P0.05). Conclusion: Based on the results of the present study, the implementation of family-centered empowerment programs based on multimedia education among parents of children with thalassemia improved the quality of life of these children by increasing the knowledge and self-efficacy of their parents. It is suggested that this program be implemented on a wider scale with better facilities for parents and the family members

    Frequency of beta-globin gene mutations in Thalassemia carriers referred to Varamin and Pakdasht healthcare networks

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    Background: Thalassemia is a genetic disorder of autosomal recessive and has high prevalence in Iran. This studywas therefore designed to identify the types of mutations in Beta-Thalassemia.Materials and Methods: The present descriptive study was aimed to investigate the frequency of mutations in beta-globin gene in carriers referred to a health care network. The study was carried out in Pakdasht and Varamin from 1997 to 2013. Ethical issues such as confidentiality of studied community were all considered.Results: The current study found that from a total of 26 mutations, IVSII-1 was the most frequent mutation (24.5%) followed by IVSI-5 mutation with a frequency of 14.4 percent. Furthermore, there was only limited evidence for an increased frequency of IVSI-25bpdel/N, c22/n, IVSII-848, and fr-36-37/N mutations and each with a frequency of 0.6 percent revealed the lowest frequency.Conclusion: In accordance with the results of recent studies in the Iranian population, IVSII-1assigned the most common mutation in our study. This combination of findings has important implications for developing a guide for faster access to the type of mutation in patients suffering from Thalassemia.Keywords: Beta-Thalassemia, beta globin gene, blood factors, mutations, Ira

    Organizational outcomes of corporate volunteering:the qualitative study

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    Abstract Purpose: The aim of this paper is to identify benefits of corporate volunteer programs gained on employee behaviors’ side. Specifically, the following research question is posed: what benefits of corporate volunteer projects are there observed by employees participating in them? Methodology/approach: The paper is based on a qualitative study conducted in the form of semi-structured in-depth individual interviews with employees participating in volunteer programs. Findings: The study shows that corporate volunteering leads to positive effects on employees, including increased work meaningfulness, competence development and strengthen interpersonal relationships at work. Simultaneously, the study suggests that work meaningfulness plays focal role in the overall process. Implications: Results of the study deliver practical implications for companies implementing corporate volunteering. Volunteer programs should be organized in a way giving employees full autonomy in crafting their projects. The programs should also support and intensify employee interactions and favor volunteer actions requiring wide range of skills. Originality/value: The study contributes to theory development in the field of both corporate social responsibility and organizational behavior. Specifically, it gives an insight on how responsible business practices may strengthen employees’ sense of meaningfulness of work and subsequently improve their competences and mutual relations