58 research outputs found

    Compositional Model Conversion

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    This dissertation presents an initial work towards the development of a technique to convert compositional models from one modelling paradigm to another, by means of a pair of equivalent compositional modelling domain theories. The mapping between model fragments of the two domain theories is not necessarily in a one-to-one manner. It might be the case that a model fragment in one domain theory covers parts of several model fragments in the other domain theory. This is one of the major conversion problems that this technique will focus on. The compositional modelling of ecological systems is used as a testing domain for the implemented conversion technique. For this work, system dynamics and object-oriented representations are the two modelling paradigms adopted. The major intention of this conversion application, implemented in the C++ programming language, is to convert a system dynamics model, composed through a compositional modelling technique, to an object-oriented model. The resulting object-oriented model is expected to reflect the same scenario, but with a different representation, compared to the model produced within the system dynamics modelling paradigm

    Coordinated constraint relaxation using a distributed agent protocol

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    The interactions among agents in a multi-agent system for coordinating a distributed, problem solving task can be complex, as the distinct sub-problems of the individual agents are interdependent. A distributed protocol provides the necessary framework for specifying these interactions. In a model of interactions where the agents' social norms are expressed as the message passing behaviours associated with roles, the dependencies among agents can be specified as constraints. The constraints are associated with roles to be adopted by agents as dictated by the protocol. These constraints are commonly handled using a conventional constraint solving system that only allows two satisfactory states to be achieved - completely satisfied or failed. Agent interactions then become brittle as the occurrence of an over-constrained state can cause the interaction between agents to break prematurely, even though the interacting agents could, in principle, reach an agreement. Assuming that the agents are capable of relaxing their individual constraints to reach a common goal, the main issue addressed by this thesis is how the agents could communicate and coordinate the constraint relaxation process. The interaction mechanism for this is obtained by reinterpreting a technique borrowed from the constraint satisfaction field, deployed and computed at the protocol level.The foundations of this work are the Lightweight Coordination Calculus (LCC) and the distributed partial Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP). LCC is a distributed interaction protocol language, based on process calculus, for specifying and executing agents' social norms in a multi-agent system. Distributed partial CSP is an extension of partial CSP, a means for managing the relaxation of distributed, over-constrained, CSPs. The research presented in this thesis concerns how distributed partial CSP technique, used to address over-constrained problems in the constraint satisfaction field, could be adopted and integrated within the LCC to obtain a more flexible means for constraint handling during agent interactions. The approach is evaluated against a set of overconstrained Multi-agent Agreement Problems (MAPs) with different levels of hardness. Not only does this thesis explore a flexible and novel approach for handling constraints during the interactions of heterogeneous and autonomous agents participating in a problem solving task, but it is also grounded in a practical implementation

    Establishing a strategic framework of green procurement for the malaysian construction industry / Mohd Sallehuddin Mat Noor and Fadzil Hassan

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    Resource depletion has become the main issues in the last decades. The fact that world population increased into 7 billion in the year 2013, natural resources has become a crucial element in creating better quality of life through physical infrastructure development. In order to decrease the emission of carbon up to 20 percent in the year 2020, green procurement is believed to be one of the solution minimize the environmental impact through its nature of procuring service or product which can be controlled from the initiation steps until its demolition. The current problem in Malaysian construction industry is that it is at the junction in determining the growth of this sector. Megatrend in the global scale had influenced it through risk management, sustaining profitability, sustaining corporate social responsibility and growing bureaucracy, green procurement is believed to be the solution to the construction industry to grow steadily thus contributes to the nation’s economic and social growth. Most of the data that will be obtained are primary data, using document analysis, questionnaire and focus group that will be conducted to the respective bodies in construction industries. This research will be detailed up on its elements and the sub elements of the strategic framework within each element. It also will be tested in the real construction industry. Finally, this strategic framework will be validated to be used in the current industry. The anticipated finding is that to fill the knowledge gap by introducing a green procurement strategic framework for the industry restructuring a new type of procurement method

    Networked control system stability analysis of pipeline system with networked-induced delay

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    This paper presents the design of Networked Control Systems (NCS) for pipeline systems. NCS plays an important role in controlling and monitoring large-scale systems such as pipeline systems. To implement the NCS, one must derive the pipe model and consider the network communication constraints. Here, the pipeline model is divided into two sections for simplicity. For example, in a long pipeline system, one can use a higher number of sections in order to give a better result for the analysis. Then let’s consider a networked-induced delay as the network communication constraint. The discretize pipe dynamics model is derived to support the NCS scheme in the pipeline system. The stability analysis of the proposed NCS is derived by taking into account the small and the large networked-induced delay. Then the optimal LQR control is designed for both stabilizing and tracking. The stability region of the pipeline system in the NCS scheme with networked-induced delay is derived and depicted to provide stability information. The design of the proposed controller under network constraint (networked-induced delay) must consider the stability plot that is divided into the stable region and unstable region. In this research, let’s assume that it is possible to measure the exact time delay and then consider the allowable sampling time for the controller. The proposed controller is designed by considering the NCS scheme with time delay both for regulator and tracking problems. By using the proposed controller, the pipeline system can be controlled in the presence of network-induced delay, which commonly occurs in a distributed system. The simulation verifies the stability analysis of the proposed optimal control for the pipeline systems with the NCS scheme under networked induced dela

    Validity of instrument to measure mathematics teachers’ perceptions towards problem-based learning activities

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    Problem-based learning (PBL) is a proposed method for teaching mathematics in primary education in the education 4.0 era. This method enables teachers to conduct effective instruction by allowing students to explore alternative solutions to problems. This study was conducted to develop and validate an instrument for evaluating primary school mathematics teachers’ perceptions of PBL activities. This research is quantitative, and a questionnaire was employed to collect data. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively utilizing Cronbach’s alpha and exploratory factor analysis (EFA). It is determined that Cronbach’s alpha is 0.885, with a factor eigenvalue greater than 1. The Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO) value for each construct is 0.50, whereas Bartlett’s test value is statistically significant (<0.5). Each item has a factor loading of 0.50 or higher and a standard deviation of ≥60%. This study’s results indicated that this instrument can be used to investigate primary school mathematics teachers’ perceptions of PBL activities involving group division, generating ideas and learning issues, identifying problems, self-directed learning, synthesis and application, reflection, and assessment

    Challenges in Education and Training to Develop Malaysian Construction Workforce

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    Education and training have been central to the development of the Malaysian construction workforce. Notwithstanding the various initiatives introduced to promote education and training, critics are arguing that these have been ineffective. This paper critically reviews the phenomenon and identifies the causal factors. Throughout three key areas; (i) the context of the industry, (ii) the education and training provisions offered, and (iii) the challenges, meta-data analysis of literature was undertaken grounded on the concepts of strategic management ecosystems. Since it is crucial to ties several variable clusters in order to reach a comprehensive finding, the analysis was helped by the multi-layered thematic processes. The findings show that nine key factors at the construction industry level (external ecosystem), and two key factors in the education and training provisions (internal ecosystem) that are interrelated to each other have significantly affected the effectiveness of the education and training to develop the Malaysian construction workforce. These factors need to be addressed in a holistic and integrated manner to improve the predicament which resides in a public strategic management field. Aside from the context-centric findings, the paper posits for subsequent empirical exploration as validation is of concerned. However, it may open up education and training literature to recognised possible multidisciplinary research, education, and practice while addressing challenges such as law, government policy, and standards’ development

    Pemuliharaan warisan terpinggir: menanggap peranan medium sinema

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    Amalan pemuliharaan warisan kesenian dan kebudayaan sesuatu masyarakat yang wujud di Malaysia adalah sebahagian daripada proses memperkasakan jati diri bangsa Malaysia yang terkenal dengan kerencaman etniknya. Amalan ini sering dikaitkan dengan impak fenomena ‘globalisasi budaya’. Hal ini berupaya ‘menenggelamkan’ budaya peribumi supaya menjadi semakin tidak signifikan lagi dalam arus modenisasi. Peranan filem dalam membentuk daya fikir masyarakat bertujuan agar masyarakat menghayati dan mengingati budaya bangsanya. Ini telah menimbulkan persoalan mengenai kemampuan filem dalam menyemai aspirasi perubahan sesebuah bangsa. Amnesia ini boleh dan sedang dicegah oleh sebilangan kecil intelektual seni dan budaya yang gigih membentuk daya imaginasi dan daya fikir masyarakat dengan menggunakan kerangka ‘voyage-in’ atau ‘mengarus-balik’ yang dikemukakan oleh Edward Said (1993). Makalah ini menyorot perjuangan pemuliharaan 2 antologi tarian zapin dan wayang kulit dalam filem Zaleha Ayam Patah dan Wayang. Hasil analisis kritis wacana menunjukkan pendidikan anak bangsa adalah strategi terampuh sebagai warisan kebudayaan dan kesenian masyarakat Melayu yang kian terpinggir

    A Finite State Machine Fall Detection Using Quadrilateral Shape Features

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    A video-based fall detection system was presented; which consists of data acquisition, image processing, feature extraction, feature selection, classification and finite state machine. A two-dimensional human posture image was represented by 12 features extracted from the generalisation of a silhouette shape to a quadrilateral. The corresponding feature vectors for three groups of human pose were statistically analysed by using a non-parametric Kruskal Wallis test to assess the different significance level between them. From the statistical test, non-significant features were discarded. Four selected kernel-based Support Vector Machine: linear, quadratics, cubic and Radial Basis Function classifiers were trained to classify three human posture groups. Among four classifiers, the last one performed the best in terms of performance matric on testing set. The classifier outperformed others with high achievement ofaverage sensitivity, precision and F-score of 99.19%, 99.25% and 99.22%, respectively. Such pose classification model output was further used in a simple finite state machine to trigger the falling event alarms. The fall detection system was tested on different fall video sets and able to detect the presence offalling events in a frame sequence of videos with accuracy of 97.32% and low computional time