185 research outputs found

    The relationship between Bangladeshi immigrant parents and their children in Portugal: Focus on education and sociability aspect

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between immigrant Bangladeshi parents and their children in Portugal in terms of education and sociability of children. As this study was about the relationship in immigrant Bangladeshi families, four Bangladeshi immigrant families, who had been living in Lisbon, were purposively selected. Using the snowball sampling, four parents (3 fathers and one mother) and four children (son) were reached to collect the data. In this study, the qualitative research approach was followed, and data were gathered through semi-structured interview guides. The study findings showed that immigrant Bangladeshi parents and children have a positive relationship but with some diversifications. Though parents cannot support children in their studies directly due to language barriers, busy work schedules, and lack of knowledge about the Portuguese education system, they have diverse strategies such as sending children in private schools, recruiting private teachers and monitoring their study progress, etc. In sociability aspects, children’s attitudes were found to align with the parent’s expectations. Children and immigrant Bangladeshi parents were found highly influenced by religious belief and Bangladeshi culture with respect to dating and selecting life partners. Children were loyal to their parents, show respect, and recognizes the parent’s hardship. On the other hand, parents recognized their responsibility towards children’s education and sociability. It was recommended that both parents and children should develop a friendly and sharing relationship for better family functioning

    Photobiomodulation and Histamine H4 receptors in Müller glial cells: Dual approach for treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy

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    Diabetic retinopathy is one of the leading causes of blindness in diabetic patients. Müller cells are the primary glial cells of the retina and they are pivotal for the normal functioning of the retina. Histamine is involved in the blood-retinal barrier (BRB) breakdown that is associated with the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy, and recent evidence has specifically implicated an important role of histamine H4 receptor in vascular permeability. Photobiomodulation (PBM) refers to low-intensity infra-red light therapy which has shown promise in retinopathies. We have demonstrated, for the first time, the presence of the histamine H4 receptor on murine Müller cells, particularly on the end feet of these cells. The principal aims of this investigation were to confirm the presence and characterize the Histamine H4 receptor on human Müller cells and to determine whether H4 receptor antagonists or PBM near-infrared (NIR) wavelength 1068 nm has any therapeutic potential against diabetic retinopathy. Immunofluorescence (IF) analysis showed the presence of Histamine H4 receptor in the human Müller cells of the retina (Mio-1 cells), and this expression was upregulated in a high (4500 mg/L), versus low (3151 mg/L), glucose environment. IF analysis has also hinted at the presence of a modest nascent histamine pool in the retina through the presence of Histidine decarboxylase (HDC). Further pharmacological characterization of the receptor included the release of calcium from intracellular pools upon receptor activation with selective H4 receptor agonists, VUF8430 and ST-1006 of concentrations ranging from 10 nM – 100 µM. On testing the protective properties of H4 receptor agonist, VUF8430 (10 µM) and antagonist, JNJ7777120 (10 µM) against H2O2 induced (400 µM) oxidative and glyoxal-induced (2 mM) inflammatory damage in human Müller cells, they both showed no significant protection. However, pilot data showed that VUF8430 exacerbated inflammatory response. Single PBM treatment at 10 mW/sq cm2 power density against oxidative stress showed modest protection, but double PBM treatment of the cells both pre- and post-oxidative stress displayed complete glioprotection, and an anti-inflammatory effect upon TNF-alpha gliosecretion. In conclusion, this is the first demonstration that histamine H4 receptors are functionally expressed on human Müller cells, which indicates the therapeutic potential of neutral H4 receptor antagonists in diabetic retinopathy. The study also provides evidence for a new non-invasive therapeutic approach (antioxidant and anti-inflammatory) for diabetic retinopathy based on a PBM NIR1068 nm protocol

    Role of endogenous endothelin-1 in the pathogenesis of gastric mucosal injury induced by local ischemia and reperfusion in rats

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    Thesis (Ph. D. in Medical Sciences)--University of Tsukuba, (A), no. 1943, 1998.3.2

    Institutional Transformation Of Poverty-Focused Microfinance Institutions In Bangladesh, Nepal And Malaysia [HG178.33.M2 M215 2006 f rb].

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    Satu penemuan penyelidikan pada 1976 yang berkaitan dengan peranan kewangan mikro dalam mengurangkan kemiskinan di Jobra, Bangladesh telah mengembangkan satu gerakan kewangan mikro berfokuskan kemiskinan yang dipacu oleh pihak pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO). Akan tetapi, institusi-institusi kewangan mikro ini menghadapi beberapa cabaran yang hanya dapat diatasi menerusi laluan pengubahan yang bersesuaian. A research discovery in 1976 on the role of microfinance in reducing poverty in Jobra, Bangladesh facilitated the growth of an NGO-driven poverty-focused microfinance movement. However, these NGO-driven microfinance institutions (MFIs) face a number of challenges that can be overcome through the appropriate transformation route

    Socioeconomic State of Sample Layer Farmers in Bangladesh: An Investigation Based on Dhaka and Kishorganje Districts

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    The objective of the study was to establish how farm inputs influence poultry layer production in Bangladesh from a sample of 100 poultry farmers selected from Savar and Dhamrai Upazilla under Dhaka and Bajitpur and Kuliarchar Upazilla under Kishorganje district. The study was also carried out to understand the socio-economic characteristics of layer farmers categorizing them as small, medium and large farms. Data were analyzed with both descriptive and inferential statistics. The results show that all the production variables analyzed were positive and statistically significant. Results showed that among different input factors, doc size and feed input played crucial role in egg output

    The Challenges and Prospects of Inland Waterway Transportation System of Bangladesh

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    Bangladesh is crisscrossed by rivers and inland waterways have been playing a significant role to the transportation of goods. For nation’s economic prospects it is very important to develop the inland waterways transportation systems in Bangladesh. But inland waterways in Bangladesh are facing challenges due to many problems in spite of having good prospects. Therefore, the objective of the study is to examine the present IWT systems, its challenges and how it can contribute more than others transportation systems to our national economy. this paper is mainly based on secondary data. The data is collected from journal papers, internet, newspaper, books, and articles. Data is also gathered from different maritime authority’s website. The research findings indicate that the Bangladeshi inland waterways have huge prospects, but lack of knowledge gap of current condition of inland navigability, not conducting hydrographic survey after 1989, lack of poor management, inadequate inland port facilities, low quality vessel and poor inland connectivity are the reasons for all of this problem. Inland waterways transports are environmentally friendly than others transportation systems and many local business person, exporter, importer will be benefited by using IWT. But authority should have to utilize the inland water ways in a right manner. Adequate the depth and air draft should have to be maintained and the inland port facilities improvement and infrastructure development are necessary for IWT

    Krashen's Monitor Model in L2 Acquisition: A Critical Review

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    Stephen Krashen is well-known for a set of theories collectively known as the Monitor Model, which have made substantial contributions to the fields of language learning and writing. It is likely the most often quoted second language acquisition theory and has frequently dominated education discourse. Originally published around forty years ago, the Monitor Model contains a series of ideas which have evolved and are still debated today. Despite widespread criticism, the theory has had far-reaching effects on second language research and instruction since its inception. Controversies surrounding the Monitor Model propelled the discussion on what a theory of L2 acquisition ought to be. This paper evaluates Krashen's Monitor Model critically. It gives a thorough analysis of the model's underlying assumptions, explains each of the five hypotheses, and addresses objections to the theory based on relevant empirical evidence. It also evaluates some of Krashen's rebuttals to some of the objections made to his theories. The study reveals that despite the theoretical flaws, some of Krashen's fundamental assumptions appear to be valid. The research also concludes that Krashen's monitor model is still legitimate and relevant because its core concepts have survived in some form despite years of scathing criticism

    Scenario of Antibiotic Resistance in Developing Countries

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    Antibiotic resistance is an emerging global concern. It is an increasing threat to public health sectors throughout the world. This devastating problem has drawn attention to researchers and stakeholders after a substantial economic loss for decades resulting from the ineffectiveness of antibiotics to cure infectious diseases in humans and animals. The spectrum of antibiotic resistance varies between developed and developing countries due to having variations in treatment approaches. Antibiotic therapy in the developed countries is usually rational and targeted to specific bacteria, whereas in the developing countries, most of the cases, the use of antibiotics is indiscriminate to the disease etiology. In developing countries, many people are not aware of using antimicrobials. They usually get suggestions from drug sellers and quacks who do not have the authorization to prescribe a drug. If registered doctors and veterinarians are asked to prescribe, then dose, course, and withdrawal period might be maintained adequately. Antibiotic resistance transmission mechanisms between agricultural production systems, environment, and humans in developing countries are very complex. Recent research makes a window to find out the global situation of antibiotic use and resistance pattern. The antibiotic resistance scenario in selected developing countries has been summarized in this chapter based on published literature (Table 1). This chapter describes the judicial use of antibiotics and discussed maintaining proper antibiotic dose, course, drug withdrawal period, especially on food-producing animals. The book contains a few recommendations, suggested by the national multi-sectoral surveillance committee to avoid antibiotic resistance organisms in livestock and humans in the developing countries

    Virtual reality-based bioreactor digital twin for operator training

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    The use of immersive technologies and digital twins can enhance training and learning outcomes in various domains. These technologies can reduce the cost and risk of training and improve the retention and transfer of knowledge by providing feedback in real-time. In this paper, a novel virtual reality (VR) based Bioreactor simulation is developed that covers the set-up and operation of the process. It allows the trainee operator to experience infrequent events, and reports on the effectiveness of their response. An embedded complex simulation of the bioreaction effectively replicates the impact of operator decisions to mimic the real-world experience. The need to train and assess the skills acquired aligns with the requirements of manufacturing in a validated environment, where proof of operator capability is a prerequisite. It has been deployed at UK’s National Horizons Center(NHC) to train the trainees in biosciences