1,660 research outputs found

    Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) replication dynamics in HCMV-naive and -experienced immunocompromised hosts

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    Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) can infect both HCMV-naive and -experienced transplant patients. In this study, the growth rate of HCMV in HCMV-naive hosts (1.82 units/day; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.44-2.56 units/day) was shown to be significantly faster than the growth rate of virus in HCMV-experienced hosts undergoing recurrent infection (0.61 units/ day; 95% CI, 0.55-0.7 units/day; P93% (95% CI, 89%-98%) is required to eliminate viral growth during infection of HCMV-naive liver transplant recipients, whereas lower efficacy levels are sufficient to reduce the R-0 value to <1 in hosts with prior HCMV immunity

    Floristic diversity and vegetation analysis of Brassica nigra (L.) Koch communities

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    The floristic composition and species diversity of Brassica nigra communities were investigated in Beni Suef Governorate, Egypt. In 46 stands, a total of 49 species belonging to 42 genera and 18 families were recorded. Vegetation classification and ordination distinguished seven groups: two in reclaimed land only, three groups in old cultivated land only, and two that occurred in both types of land. The species that dominated these groups were Brassica nigra, Sonchus oleraceus, Beta vulgaris, Cichorium endivia, Euphorbia helioscopia and Anagallis arvensis. The highest species diversity was mainly in groups from reclaimed land, and in wheat compared to other crops. Edaphic factors, especially soil texture, CaCO3 and organic carbon, contributed significantly to explaining the distribution of some weed species, but not with that of B. nigra. The allelopathic potential of Brassica nigra reported in previous studies did not seem to play a role in community composition.Keywords: allelopathy, Brassica nigra, vegetation, TWINSPAN, weed diversit

    Single image defocus estimation by modified gaussian function

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    © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. This article presents an algorithm to estimate the defocus blur from a single image. Most of the existing methods estimate the defocus blur at edge locations, which further involves the reblurring process. For this purpose, existing methods use the traditional Gaussian function in the phase of reblurring but it is found that the traditional Gaussian kernel is sensitive to the edges and can cause loss of edges information. Hence, there are more chances of missing spatially varying blur at edge locations. We offer the repeated averaging filters as an alternative to the traditional Gaussian function, which is more effective, and estimate the spatially varying defocus blur at edge locations. By using repeated averaging filters, a blur sparse map is computed. The obtained sparse map is propagated by integration of superpixels segmentation and transductive inference to estimate full defocus blur map. Our adopted method of repeated averaging filters has less computational time of defocus blur map estimation and has better visual estimates of the final defocus recovered map. Moreover, it has surpassed many previous state-of-the-art proposed systems in terms of quantative analysis

    Physical enrichment of transposon mutants from saturation mutant libraries using the TraDISort approach

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    Transposon-insertion sequencing methods are finding their way into the molecular toolbox of many fields of microbiology. These methods can identify the genomic locations and density of transposon insertions in saturated transposon mutant libraries and can be used to make inferences on gene function. For example, where no insertions or very few insertions are identified within a gene in a mutant library grown under permissive conditions, the gene may be essential. Furthermore, where mutations are enriched or lost in a gene after passaging the library through a selective process, the gene is likely to be involved in the process. Typically, a fitness based selection such as a stress condition is used in these experiments and the processed sequencing data is used to identify genes required for fitness under the selection. Our research team recently expanded the utility of the transposon directed insertion sequencing (TraDIS) method by applying a physical separation of a transposon mutant library mediated by fluorescence activated cell sorting, rather than a fitness-based selection. This approach, which we have named “TraDISort” is significant because it allows the study of phenotypes that are not linked to cell survival. The TraDISort approach has a broad range of future applications, in drug development, metabolic engineering and in studies of basic bacterial cell physiology

    Glucose-targeted niosomes deliver vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) to the brain

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate glucose-bearing niosomes as a brain targeted delivery system for the vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP). To this end, VIP/125I-VIP-loaded glucose-bearing niosomes were intravenously injected to mice. Brain uptake was determined by measuring the radioactivity of 125I-labeled VIP using gamma-counting, after intravenous administration of VIP in solution or encapsulated in glucose-bearing niosomes or in control niosomes. VIP integrity was assessed by reversed-phase HPLC analysis of brain extracts. Distribution of 125I-VIP derived radioactivity was examined from serial brain slices. HPLC analysis confirmed the presence of intact VIP in brain after administration of VIP-loaded niosomes, but not after administration of VIP solution. Encapsulation within glucose-bearing niosomes mainly allowed a significantly higher VIP brain uptake compared to control niosomes (up to 86%, 5min after treatment). Brain distribution of intact VIP after injection of glucose-bearing niosomes, indicated that radioactivity was preferentially located in the posterior and the anterior parts of the brain, whereas it was homogeneously distributed in the whole brain after the administration of control vesicles. In conclusion, this novel vesicular formulation of VIP delivers intact VIP to particular brain regions in mice. Glucose-bearing vesicles might be therefore a novel tool to deliver drugs across the blood-brain barrier (BBB)

    Comparison of a fluorometric assay kit with high-performance liquid chromatography for the assessment of serum retinol concentration.

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    Background: Although high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is the commonly used method for the analysis of retinol in biological samples, simple and rapid test kits are available.Objectives: This study compared a rapid test kit (ICHECK Fluoro®) to HPLC for the assessment of serum retinol concentrations.Methods: For the analysis by HPLC, sample preparation included standard deproteinization and extraction phases. The analysis by ICHECK was performed by injecting serum into IEX reagent vials (n=89) and mixing manually for separation. After precipitation of the proteins, the vial was introduced into the chamber of the ICHECK Fluoro and analysed at 0 min (ICHECK0min) and 15 min later (ICHECK15min). Bland and Altman approach was applied to test the agreement between HPLC and ICHECK.Results: Mean HPLC, ICHECK0min and ICHECK15min values were 421.2±106.0 μg/L, 423.1±118.3 μg/L and 413.2±107.6 μg/L, respectively. Retinol concentrations significantly decreased in the IEX solution over time (p&lt;0.001). No significant proportional bias was observed between HPLC and ICHECK0min (r-0.038, p=0.73) and ICHECK15min (r=- 0.024, p=0.82). Fixed biases (HPLC minus ICHECK) for ICHECK0min and ICHECK15min were respectively -1.9±23.1 μg/l (p=0.45) and 8.0±22.7 μg/l (p=0.002).Conclusion: ICHECK Fluoro may offer a reliable mean for assessing serum retinol for measurements performed with no significant time delay.Keywords: HPLC, ICHECK Fluoro, serum retinol, test kit, vitamin A status

    Wearable contact lens biosensors for continuous glucose monitoring using smartphones

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    Low-cost, robust, and reusable continuous glucose monitoring systems that can provide quantitative measurements at point-of-care settings is an unmet medical need. Optical glucose sensors require complex and time-consuming fabrication processes, and their readouts are not practical for quantitative analyses. Here, a wearable contact lens optical sensor was created for the continuous quantification of glucose at physiological conditions, simplifying the fabrication process and facilitating smartphone readouts. A photonic microstructure having a periodicity of 1.6 μm was printed on a glucose-selective hydrogel film functionalized with phenylboronic acid. Upon binding with glucose, the microstructure volume swelled, which modulated the periodicity constant. The resulting change in the Bragg diffraction modulated the space between zero- and first-order spots. A correlation was established between the periodicity constant and glucose concentration within 0–50 mM. The sensitivity of the sensor was 12 nm mM–1, and the saturation response time was less than 30 min. The sensor was integrated with commercial contact lenses and utilized for continuous glucose monitoring using smartphone camera readouts. The reflected power of the first-order diffraction was measured via a smartphone application and correlated to the glucose concentrations. A short response time of 3 s and a saturation time of 4 min was achieved in the continuous monitoring mode. Glucose-sensitive photonic microstructures may have applications in point-of-care continuous monitoring devices and diagnostics at home settings

    Study on the preference of customers towards casual restaurant's reward program in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

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    This study aimed to identify customer’s preference for time rewards (immediate or delayed/accumulated) and their preference for types of rewards (monetary or non-monetary) as well as to determine the factors that motivate consumers of joining casual restaurant reward programs. Study was conducted on 400 respondents from Kota Kinabalu. Results showed that the majority of respondents prefer immediate reward compared to delayed or accumulated rewards. Majority respondents were also found to favor monetary rewards as compared to non-monetary rewards. Monetary savings and quality are identified as the main factors which motivates consumer to join casual restaurant reward program while exploration was found to be the least important factor. This study is able to help the restaurant industry that is working to build reward program for their restaurant

    Angiopoietin-2 in ischemic cardiac patients

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    Background: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most common cause of death globally according to WHO. Its known that ischemia and cardiac dysfunction promotes the angiogenesis and new vessel formation to compensate for the decreased blood supply through the diseased arteries.Angiopoietin-2(Ang-2) along with several other growth factors are responsible for the process of new vessel formation. Many patients have some degree of renal insufficiency post PCI mainly due to contrast media and are associated with rise in the serum Ang-2 level. Ang-2 is found to be decreased post PCI with the restoration of the normal blood flow. Many clinical trials relate the Ang-2 with the severity of CAD and renal function. Objectives: Highlight the serum levels of Ang-2 pre and post PCI and its validity to be used to diagnose and predict severity of CAD. Methods: We have searched literatures in PubMed, google scholar, Egyptian bank of knowledge and science direct. Conclusion: In this review we emphasize that Ang-2 is found to be an important marker for diagnosis and prognosis of CAD and is closely related to renal functions in ischemic cardiac patients candidate for PCI

    Personality traits and work performance level of paddy farmers in old granary areas, Malaysia

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    Rice is an essential ingredient in Malaysia's cuisine, and it's no surprise that it's a widely consumed staple grain. Although the self-sufficiency level is commendable at 60-70%, there is still room for improvement in rice production in old granary areas. Interestingly, these granaries have been around since 1967, yet the production rate is only 50%. A recent study delved into the personality traits of paddy farmers and their work performance in three old granary areas. This study tests four new personality traits found in North West Selangor using quantitative methods, based on the Iceberg Model of Competencies by Spencer and Spencer (1993). The results were fascinating as the farmers exhibited high levels of discipline, information seeking, investment, decision making, and networking. These positive traits were coupled with moderate problem-solving and risk-taking skills. By enhancing these traits, paddy yield can be increased to ensure Malaysia's food security and sustainability. This study sheds light on the potential for growth in the rice production industry