76 research outputs found

    Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Pelaksanaan Pengangkatan Anak Ditinjau Dari Hukum Islam Dan Undang-undang No 23 Tahun 2002 Tentang Perlindungan Anak

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    Transparent and resolute regulation on adoption is highly needed, both in its regulation and in its protection. Today, the Government Regulation No. 54/2007 on the Implementation of Adoption, Law No. 23/2002 on Child Protection, and the Compilation of the Islamic Law regulate wajibah will for an adopted child. Discussion about adoption is usually related to adat (customary) law, the Islamic law, and western law in which people have different methods in different places in its implementation so that it is interesting to be analyzed. A research on child protection law about the implementation of adoption, viewed from the Islamic Law and Law No. 23/2002 on Child Protection, is a descriptive analysis which describes, explains, and analyzes laws theoretically and practically from the field

    Kinetic desorption models for the release of nanosilver from an experimental nanosilver coating on polystyrene food packaging

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    To predict the kinetic desorption of silver from an experimental nanosilver coated polystyrene food packaging material into food simulants (0, 1, 2 and 3% acetic acid (HAc) in distilled water (dH2O)) at 4 temperatures (10, 20, 40 and 70 °C), 5 sorption models were examined for their performance. A pseudo-second order kinetic sorption model was found to provide the best prediction of an unseen desorption validation dataset with R2 = 0.90 and RMSE = 3.21. Poor predictions were witnessed for desorption at 70 °C, potentially due to re-adsorption of the silver back onto the polystyrene substrate, as shown in the kinetic migration experiments. Similarly, the temperature dependence of the desorption rate constant was satisfactorily described using the Arrhenius equation with the exception of the 70 °C scenario. The use of sorption models identified scenarios that may limit human exposure to nanosilver migrating from this experimental nanocoating, i.e. low temperature applications. Industrial relevance: The use of antimicrobial packaging has the potential to reduce food spoilage and risk from pathogenic microorganisms while reducing food waste by extending the shelf life of food products. Coating of antimicrobial silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) to polymer surfaces is a highly advantageous technology as microbial contamination predominantly occurs on the surface of fresh and processed food products. However, uncertainty related to the potential release of nanoparticles from food packaging materials, subsequent potential human exposure and toxicology is a barrier to the uptake of these novel materials. In the European Union, where the safety assessment of these materials is stringent, mathematical models used to predict the worst case migration of nanoparticles from food packaging materials have supported the acceptance of some nanomaterials for use in food packaging. The performance of a number of desorption models was evaluated to predict the release of AgNPs from AgNP coated polystyrene. The model identified factors that influenced migration and possible industrial applications for the developed material to minimise human exposure. The study highlights the potential benefits of using predictive models to assess migration of NPs from polymers into food simulants instead of time consuming and expensive migration studies

    Penyalahgunaan Fungsi Ruang Publik sebagai Sarana Penunjang Aktivitas Penghuni Hunian Vertikal Kota

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    PENYALAHGUNAAN FUNGSI RUANG PUBLIK SEBAGAI SARANA PENUNJANG AKTIVITAS PENGHUNI HUNIAN VERTIKAL KOTA IRFAN S HASIM, AFANDI SOBRY SAPUTRA, FAJAR TRI KUSUMA, YUNI FITRIANI, PANCA OKTA NUGRAHA Jurusan Teknik Arsitektur,Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Institut Teknologi Nasional Email : [email protected] ABSTRAK Urbanisasi dan bertambahnya kepadatan penduduk membuat semakin bertambah pula kebutuhan akan hunian, khususnya di daerah perkotaan, namun terbatasnya lahan dan mahalnya harga tanah menjadi kendala tersendiri. Hunian vertikal kota khususnya rumah susun menjadi salah satu alternatif, terutama dalam mengatasi permasalahan kepadatan penduduk di kampung kota agar dapat memenuhi kebutuhan akan hunian yang lebih layak, lebih sehat, dan lebih nyaman. Ruang publik adalah hal yang sangat penting pada rumah susun karena merupakan pusat interaksi antara penghuni sehingga banyak aktivitas yang terjadi di dalamnya, tetapi seringkali disalahgunakan. Kajian ruang publik ini dilihat dari latar belakang penghuni rumah susun, besaran standar ruang publik, besaran unit hunian, dan sarana prasarana yang menunjang kegiatan pada rumah susun. Metode studi dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif analitif secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ruang publik yang disalahgunakan adalah ruang publik yang berada dekat dengan unit hunian. Penghuni merasa dapat meklaim wilayah ruang publik tersebut demi tercapainya kebutuhan dan Kenyamanan ruang mereka pribadi. Kata kunci : Rumah susun; Ruang publik; Penyalahgunaan Fungsi Ruang ABSTRACT Urbanization and Increasing of population makes the occupancy is also need to increased, particularly in urban areas. But limited space and the expensive prices of land become obstacles. Vertical housing especially flats in particular city became one of the alternatives to solve the problems of overcrowding in the hometown in order to meet the need for more decent housing, healthier, and more comfortable. Public space is an important thing in the vertical housing because it is the main place that the occupants can interact each other with so much activity going on it. but it is often misused. This study will observes misuse of public space in the flats seen from the background of residents, a standard amount of public space, the amount of residential units, and infrastructure that support the activities of the flats. The methods that we used was descriptive analitive in qualitative and quantitative study. The results showed that public space that is located close to the residential units is most misused. Occupants feel that they can claim the public space area to achieve the needs and comfort of their personal space

    Guaranteed result for the differential game of two pursuers and one evader on a cylinder

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    We study a pursuit differential game of two pursuers and one evader on a cylinder. We reduce the differential game to a differential game of two groups of countably many pursuers and one group of countably many evaders in R 2 where all the players from each group are controlled by one control parameter subjected to geometric constraint. We obtain an estimate from above for the value of the game and construct strategies for the pursuers

    Bilateral intra-industry trade flows and intellectual property rights protections: further evidence from the United Kingdom

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    This paper investigates the relationship between the United Kingdom's (hereafter referred as UK) bilateral intra-industry trade (IIT) and foreign intellectual property rights (IPRs) protections. The empirical investigation is based on pooled UK data and benefits from the theoretical distinction between horizontal and vertical IIT. It also estimates a gravity equation for international trade using both fixed and random effects models. We then extend the analysis by employing the GMM system for dynamic panel models. The principal findings suggest that the UK's IIT is stimulated when the level of a trading partner's IPRs and its imitative ability are considered jointly. However, when IPRs and imitation abilities are considered separately, their disparate effects are not an important factor in determining UK IIT flows

    Establishment of Wolbachia strain wAlbB in Malaysian populations of Aedes aegypti for dengue control

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    Dengue has enormous health impacts globally. A novel approach to decrease dengue incidence involves the introduction of Wolbachia endosymbionts that block dengue virus transmission into populations of the primary vector mosquito, Aedes aegypti. The wMel Wolbachia strain has previously been trialed in open releases of Ae. aegypti; however, the wAlbB strain has been shown to maintain higher density than wMel at high larval rearing temperatures. Releases of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes carrying wAlbB were carried out in 6 diverse sites in greater Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, with high endemic dengue transmission. The strain was successfully established and maintained at very high population frequency at some sites or persisted with additional releases following fluctuations at other sites. Based on passive case monitoring, reduced human dengue incidence was observed in the release sites when compared to control sites. The wAlbB strain of Wolbachia provides a promising option as a tool for dengue control, particularly in very hot climates

    Inference of financial networks using the normalised mutual information rate

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    In this paper we study data from financial markets using an information theory tool that we call the normalised Mutual Information Rate and show how to use it to infer the underlying network structure of interrelations in foreign currency exchange rates and stock indices of 14 countries world-wide and the European Union. We first present the mathematical method and discuss about its computational aspects, and then apply it to artificial data from chaotic dynamics and to correlated random variates. Next, we apply the method to infer the network structure of the financial data. Particularly, we study and reveal the interrelations among the various foreign currency exchange rates and stock indices in two separate networks for which we also perform an analysis to identify their structural properties. Our results show that both are small-world networks sharing similar properties but also having distinct differences in terms of assortativity. Finally, the consistent relationships depicted among the 15 economies are further supported by a discussion from the economics view point