17 research outputs found

    Drought history affects grassland plant and microbial carbon turnover during and after a subsequent drought event

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    Drought periods are projected to become more severe and more frequent in many European regions. While effects of single strong droughts on plant and microbial carbon (C) dynamics have been studied in some detail, impacts of recurrent drought events are still little understood. We tested whether the legacy of extreme experimental drought affects responses of plant and microbial C and nitrogen (N) turnover to further drought and rewetting. In a mountain grassland, we conducted a 13C pulse-chase experiment during a naturally occurring drought and rewetting event in plots previously exposed to experimental droughts and in ambient controls (AC). After labelling, we traced 13C below-ground allocation and incorporation into soil microbes using phospholipid fatty acid biomarkers. Drought history (DH) had no effects on the standing shoot and fine root plant biomass. However, plants with experimental DH displayed decreased shoot N concentrations and increased fine root N concentrations relative to those in AC. During the natural drought, plants with DH assimilated and allocated less 13C below-ground; moreover, fine root respiration was reduced and not fuelled by fresh C compared to plants in AC. Regardless of DH, microbial biomass remained stable during natural drought and rewetting. Although microbial communities initially differed in their composition between soils with and without DH, they responded to the natural drought and rewetting in a similar way: gram-positive bacteria increased, while fungal and gram-negative bacteria remained stable. In soils with DH, a strongly reduced uptake of recent plant-derived 13C in microbial biomarkers was observed during the natural drought, pointing to a smaller fraction of active microbes or to a microbial community that is less dependent on plant C. Synthesis. Drought history can induce changes in above- vs. below-ground plant N concentrations and affect the response of plant C turnover to further droughts and rewetting by decreasing plant C uptake and below-ground allocation. DH does not affect the responses of the microbial community to further droughts and rewetting, but alters microbial functioning, particularly the turnover of recent plant-derived carbon, during and after further drought periods. © 2016 The Authors. Journal of Ecology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Ecological Societ

    Few multiyear precipitation-reduction experiments find a shift in the productivity-precipitation relationship

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    Well-defined productivity–precipitation relationships of ecosystems are needed as benchmarks for the validation of land models used for future projections. The productivity–precipitation relationship may be studied in two ways: the spatial approach relates differences in productivity to those in precipitation among sites along a precipitation gradient (the spatial fit, with a steeper slope); the temporal approach relates interannual productivity changes to variation in precipitation within sites (the temporal fits, with flatter slopes). Precipitation–reduction experiments in natural ecosystems represent a complement to the fits, because they can reduce precipitation below the natural range and are thus well suited to study potential effects of climate drying. Here, we analyse the effects of dry treatments in eleven multiyear precipitation–manipulation experiments, focusing on changes in the temporal fit. We expected that structural changes in the dry treatments would occur in some experiments, thereby reducing the intercept of the temporal fit and displacing the productivity–precipitation relationship downward the spatial fit. The majority of experiments (72%) showed that dry treatments did not alter the temporal fit. This implies that current temporal fits are to be preferred over the spatial fit to benchmark land-model projections of productivity under future climate within the precipitation ranges covered by the experiments. Moreover, in two experiments, the intercept of the temporal fit unexpectedly increased due to mechanisms that reduced either water loss or nutrient loss. The expected decrease of the intercept was observed in only one experiment, and only when distinguishing between the late and the early phases of the experiment. This implies that we currently do not know at which precipitation–reduction level or at which experimental duration structural changes will start to alter ecosystem productivity. Our study highlights the need for experiments with multiple, including more extreme, dry treatments, to identify the precipitation boundaries within which the current temporal fits remain valid

    Artificial Top Soil Drought Hardly Affects Water Use of Picea abies and Larix decidua Saplings at the Treeline in the Austrian Alps

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    This study quantified the effect of shallow soil water availability on sap flow density (Qs) of 4.9 ± 1.5 m tall Picea abies and Larix decidua saplings at treeline in the Central Tyrolean Alps, Austria. We installed a transparent roof construction around three P. abies and three L. decidua saplings to prevent precipitation from reaching the soil surface without notably influencing the above ground microclimate. Three additional saplings from each species served as controls in the absence of any manipulation. Roofing significantly reduced soil water availability at a 5–10 cm soil depth, while soil temperature was not affected. Sap flow density (using Granier-type thermal dissipation probes) and environmental parameters were monitored throughout three growing seasons. In both species investigated, three years of rain exclusion did not considerably reduce Qs. The lack of a significant Qs-soil water content correlation in P. abies and L. decidua saplings indicates sufficient water supply, suggesting that whole plant water loss of saplings at treeline primarily depends on evaporative demand. Future work should test whether the observed drought resistance of saplings at the treeline also holds for adult trees

    Data from: Land use in mountain grasslands alters drought response and recovery of carbon allocation and plant-microbial interactions

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    1. Mountain grasslands have recently been exposed to substantial changes in land-use and climate and in the near future will likely face an increased frequency of extreme droughts. To date is not known how the drought responses of carbon (C) allocation, a key process in the C cycle, are affected by land-use changes in mountain grassland. 2. We performed an experimental summer drought on an abandoned grassland and a traditionally managed hay meadow and traced the fate of recent assimilates through the plant-soil continuum. We applied two 13CO2 pulses, at peak drought and in the recovery phase shortly after rewetting. 3. Drought decreased total C uptake in both grassland types and led to a loss of aboveground carbohydrate storage pools. The belowground C allocation to root sucrose was enhanced by drought, especially in the meadow, which also held larger root carbohydrate storage pools. 4. The microbial community of the abandoned grassland comprised more saprotrophic fungal and Gram (+) bacterial markers compared to the meadow. Drought increased the newly introduced AM and saprotrophic fungi:bacteria ratio in both grassland types. At peak drought the 13C transfer into AM fungi, saprotrophic fungi and Gram (-) bacteria was more strongly reduced in the meadow than in the abandoned grassland, which contrasted the patterns of the root carbohydrate pools. 5. In both grassland types the C allocation largely recovered after rewetting. Slowest recovery was found for AM fungi and their 13C uptake. In contrast, all bacterial markers quickly recovered C uptake. In the meadow, where plant nitrate uptake was enhanced after drought, C uptake was even higher than in control plots. 6. Synthesis. Our results suggest that resistance and resilience (i.e. recovery) of plant C dynamics and plant-microbial interactions are negatively related, i.e. high resistance is followed by slow recovery and vice versa. The abandoned grassland was more resistant to drought than the meadow and possibly had a stronger link to AM fungi that could have provided better access to water through the hyphal network. In contrast, meadow communities strongly reduced C allocation to storage and C transfer to the microbial community in the drought phase, but in the recovery phase invested C resources in the bacterial communities to gain more nutrients for regrowth. We conclude that management of mountain grasslands increases their resilience to drought

    Land use and drought effects on grassland C dynamics

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    Data were collected from a common garden drought experiment in the Austrian Central Alps using intact vegetation-soil monoliths from an extensively managed meadow and a nearby abandoned grassland. The monoliths were installed in summer 2013 on the meadow site and pre-incubated until drought simulation was started in early summer 2014. The effects of land use on the response of plant C allocation and plant-microbial C transfer to drought and rewetting were studied by conducting two 13C pulse-chase labelling campaigns. A description of all data and abbreviations used in the excel file can be found in tab "0-README"

    Data from: Land use in mountain grasslands alters drought response and recovery of carbon allocation and plant-microbial interactions

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    1. Mountain grasslands have recently been exposed to substantial changes in land-use and climate and in the near future will likely face an increased frequency of extreme droughts. To date is not known how the drought responses of carbon (C) allocation, a key process in the C cycle, are affected by land-use changes in mountain grassland. 2. We performed an experimental summer drought on an abandoned grassland and a traditionally managed hay meadow and traced the fate of recent assimilates through the plant-soil continuum. We applied two 13CO2 pulses, at peak drought and in the recovery phase shortly after rewetting. 3. Drought decreased total C uptake in both grassland types and led to a loss of aboveground carbohydrate storage pools. The belowground C allocation to root sucrose was enhanced by drought, especially in the meadow, which also held larger root carbohydrate storage pools. 4. The microbial community of the abandoned grassland comprised more saprotrophic fungal and Gram (+) bacterial markers compared to the meadow. Drought increased the newly introduced AM and saprotrophic fungi:bacteria ratio in both grassland types. At peak drought the 13C transfer into AM fungi, saprotrophic fungi and Gram (-) bacteria was more strongly reduced in the meadow than in the abandoned grassland, which contrasted the patterns of the root carbohydrate pools. 5. In both grassland types the C allocation largely recovered after rewetting. Slowest recovery was found for AM fungi and their 13C uptake. In contrast, all bacterial markers quickly recovered C uptake. In the meadow, where plant nitrate uptake was enhanced after drought, C uptake was even higher than in control plots. 6. Synthesis. Our results suggest that resistance and resilience (i.e. recovery) of plant C dynamics and plant-microbial interactions are negatively related, i.e. high resistance is followed by slow recovery and vice versa. The abandoned grassland was more resistant to drought than the meadow and possibly had a stronger link to AM fungi that could have provided better access to water through the hyphal network. In contrast, meadow communities strongly reduced C allocation to storage and C transfer to the microbial community in the drought phase, but in the recovery phase invested C resources in the bacterial communities to gain more nutrients for regrowth. We conclude that management of mountain grasslands increases their resilience to drought

    Data from: Drought history affects grassland plant and microbial carbon turnover during and after a subsequent drought event

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    Drought periods are projected to become more severe and more frequent in many European regions. While effects of single strong droughts on plant and microbial carbon (C) dynamics have been studied in some detail, impacts of recurrent drought events are still little understood. We tested whether the legacy of extreme experimental drought affects responses of plant and microbial C and nitrogen (N) turnover to further drought and rewetting. In a mountain grassland we conducted a 13C pulse-chase experiment during a naturally occurring drought and rewetting event in plots previously exposed to experimental droughts, and in ambient controls. After labelling we traced 13C below-ground allocation and incorporation into soil microbes using phospholipid fatty acid (PLFAs) biomarkers. Drought history had no effects on the standing shoot and fine root plant biomass. However, plants with experimental drought history displayed decreased shoot N concentrations, and increased fine root N concentrations relative to those in ambient controls. During the natural drought plants with drought history assimilated and allocated less 13C below-ground; moreover, fine root respiration was reduced and not fuelled by fresh C compared to plants in ambient controls. Regardless of drought history microbial biomass remained stable during natural drought and rewetting. Although microbial communities initially differed in their composition between soils with and without drought history, they responded to the natural drought and rewetting in a similar way: gram-positive bacteria increased, while fungal and gram-negative bacteria remained stable. In soils with drought history a strongly reduced uptake of recent plant-derived 13C in microbial biomarkers was observed during the natural drought, pointing to a smaller fraction of active microbes or to a microbial community that is less dependent on plant C. Synthesis: Drought history can induce changes in above- versus below-ground plant N concentrations and affect the response of plant C turnover to further droughts and rewetting by decreasing plant C uptake and below-ground allocation. Drought history does not affect the responses of the microbial community to further droughts and rewetting, but alters microbial functioning, particularly the turnover of recent plant-derived carbon, during and after further drought periods

    Drought history affects grassland plant and microbial carbon turnover during and after a subsequent drought event

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    1. Drought periods are projected to become more severe and more frequent in many European regions. While effects of single strong droughts on plant and microbial carbon (C) dynamics have been studied in some detail, impacts of recurrent drought events are still little understood. 2. We tested whether the legacy of extreme experimental drought affects responses of plant and microbial C and nitrogen (N) turnover to further drought and rewetting. In a mountain grassland, we conducted a (13)C pulse‐chase experiment during a naturally occurring drought and rewetting event in plots previously exposed to experimental droughts and in ambient controls (AC). After labelling, we traced (13)C below‐ground allocation and incorporation into soil microbes using phospholipid fatty acid biomarkers. 3. Drought history (DH) had no effects on the standing shoot and fine root plant biomass. However, plants with experimental DH displayed decreased shoot N concentrations and increased fine root N concentrations relative to those in AC. During the natural drought, plants with DH assimilated and allocated less (13)C below‐ground; moreover, fine root respiration was reduced and not fuelled by fresh C compared to plants in AC. 4. Regardless of DH, microbial biomass remained stable during natural drought and rewetting. Although microbial communities initially differed in their composition between soils with and without DH, they responded to the natural drought and rewetting in a similar way: gram‐positive bacteria increased, while fungal and gram‐negative bacteria remained stable. In soils with DH, a strongly reduced uptake of recent plant‐derived (13)C in microbial biomarkers was observed during the natural drought, pointing to a smaller fraction of active microbes or to a microbial community that is less dependent on plant C. 5. Synthesis. Drought history can induce changes in above‐ vs. below‐ground plant N concentrations and affect the response of plant C turnover to further droughts and rewetting by decreasing plant C uptake and below‐ground allocation. DH does not affect the responses of the microbial community to further droughts and rewetting, but alters microbial functioning, particularly the turnover of recent plant‐derived carbon, during and after further drought periods