120 research outputs found

    Prompt thermal emission in gamma-ray bursts

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    GRB spectra appear non-thermal, but recent observations of a few bursts with Fermi GBM have confirmed previous indications from BATSE of the presence of an underlying thermal component. Photospheric emission is indeed expected when the relativistic outflow emerging from the central engine becomes transparent to its own radiation, with a quasi-blackbody spectrum in absence of additional sub-photospheric dissipation. However, its intensity strongly depends on the acceleration mechanism - thermal or magnetic - of the flow. We aim to compute the thermal and non-thermal emissions produced by an outflow with a variable Lorentz factor, where the power injected at the origin is partially thermal (fraction epsilon_th) and partially magnetic (fraction 1-epsilon_th). The thermal emission is produced at the photosphere, and the non-thermal emission in the optically thin regime. Apart from the value of epsilon_th, we want to test how the other model parameters affect the observed ratio of the thermal to non-thermal emission. If the non-thermal emission is made by internal shocks, we self-consistently obtained the light curves and spectra of the thermal and non-thermal components for any distribution of the Lorentz factor in the flow. If the non-thermal emission results from magnetic reconnection we were unable to produce a light curve and could only compare the respective non-thermal and thermal spectra. In the different considered cases, we varied the model parameters to see when the thermal component in the light curve and/or spectrum is likely to show up or, on the contrary, to be hidden. We finally compared our results to the proposed evidence for the presence of a thermal component in GRB spectra. Focussing on GRB 090902B and GRB 10072B, we showed how these observations can be used to constrain the nature and acceleration mechanism of GRB outflows.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Origin of the bright prompt optical emission in the naked eye burst

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    The huge optical brightness of GRB 080319B (the "Naked Eye Burst) makes this event really challenging for models of the prompt GRB emission. In the framework of the internal shock model, we investigate a scenario where the dominant radiative process is synchrotron emission and the high optical flux is due to the dynamical properties of the relativistic outflow: if the initial Lorentz factor distribution in the jet is highly variable, many internal shocks will form within the outflow at various radii. The most violent shocks will produce the main gamma-ray component while the less violent ones will contribute at lower energy, including the optical range.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, proceedings of the conference "Deciphering the Ancient Universe with Gamma-Ray Bursts", Kyoto, Japan. Editors: N. Kawai, S. Nagatak

    Do Fermi-LAT observations imply very large Lorentz factors in GRB outflows ?

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    Recent detections of GeV photons in a few GRBs by Fermi-LAT imply huge bulk Lorentz factors to avoid a large gamma gamma optical depth at high energy. Estimates can be as high as Gamma ~ 1000 in the most extreme cases. This puts severe constraints on models of the central engine and the jet acceleration in GRBs. These estimates are however obtained from a simplified single zone model. We present here a more realistic calculation which takes into account the time, space and direction dependent photon field existing in an outflow with several relativistically moving emitting zones. The formalism is general and can be applied to many models of the prompt GRB emission. We present results obtained for a numerical implementation in the framework of the internal shock model. We show that (i) the minimum Lorentz factor Gamma_min in bright LAT GRBs is reduced by a factor ~ 2-3 compared to previous estimates if the GeV and MeV emission are produced in the same region, and by an additional factor ~ 2-8 if the GeV emission is produced at larger radii. We provide an improved approximate formula for Gamma_min which is in good agreement with our numerical results and can be directly applied to LAT GRB data; (ii) a delayed GeV onset can be due to the time evolution of the opacity. As an illustration of these two first results, we present a synthetic GRB that reproduces most features of GRB 080916C with a mean Lorentz factor of ~ 340, an optically thin regime for gamma gamma opacity at 3GeV in bin 'b', a variability timescale of 0.5s in the MeV lightcurve and a delayed onset of ~ 5s of the GeV emission; (iii) the gamma gamma opacity can smooth the short timescale variability in the GeV lightcurve. This last result implies that the observed variability at high energy is not necessarily a good test to distinguish between an internal and an external origin for the GeV emission in GRBs. [abridged]Comment: 23 pages, 11 figure

    Accounting for the XRT early steep decay in models of the prompt GRB emission

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    The Swift-XRT observations of the early X-ray afterglow of GRBs show that it usually begins with a steep decay phase. A possible origin of this early steep decay is the high latitude emission that subsists when the on-axis emission of the last dissipating regions in the relativistic outflow has been switched-off. We wish to establish which of various models of the prompt emission are compatible with this interpretation. We successively consider internal shocks, photospheric emission, and magnetic reconnection and obtain the typical decay timescale at the end of the prompt phase in each case. Only internal shocks naturally predict a decay timescale comparable to the burst duration, as required to explain XRT observations in terms of high latitude emission. The decay timescale of the high latitude emission is much too short in photospheric models and the observed decay must then correspond to an effective and generic behavior of the central engine. Reconnection models require some ad hoc assumptions to agree with the data, which will have to be validated when a better description of the reconnection process becomes available.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Evidence for a Photospheric Component in the Prompt Emission of the Short GRB120323A and its Effects on the GRB Hardness-Luminosity Relation

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    The short GRB 120323A had the highest flux ever detected with the Fermi/GBM. Here we study its remarkable spectral properties and their evolution using two spectral models: (i) a single emission component scenario, where the spectrum is modeled by the empirical Band function, and (ii) a two component scenario, where thermal (Planck-like) emission is observed simultaneously with a non-thermal component (a Band function). We find that the latter model fits the integrated burst spectrum significantly better than the former, and that their respective spectral parameters are dramatically different: when fit with a Band function only, the Epeak of the event is unusually soft for a short GRB, while adding a thermal component leads to more typical short GRB values. Our time-resolved spectral analysis produces similar results. We argue here that the two-component model is the preferred interpretation for GRB 120323A, based on: (i) the values and evolution of the Band function parameters of the two component scenario, which are more typical for a short GRB, and (ii) the appearance in the data of a significant hardness-intensity correlation, commonly found in GRBs, when we employee two-component model fits; the correlation is non-existent in the Band-only fits. GRB 110721A, a long burst with an intense photospheric emission, exhibits the exact same behavior. We conclude that GRB 120323A has a strong photospheric emission contribution, first time observed in a short GRB. Magnetic dissipation models are difficult to reconcile with these results, which instead favor photospheric thermal emission and fast cooling synchrotron radiation from internal shocks. Finally, we derive a possibly universal hardness-luminosity relation in the source frame using a larger set of GRBs L,i=(1.59+/-0.84).10^50 (Epeak,i)^(1.33+/-0.07) erg/s), which could be used as a possible redshift estimator for cosmology.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figures, Accepted by ApJ (April, 7th 2013

    How universal is the fractional-quantum-Hall edge Luttinger liquid?

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    This article reports on our microscopic investigations of the edge of the fractional quantum Hall state at filling factor ν=1/3\nu=1/3. We show that the interaction dependence of the wave function is well described in an approximation that includes mixing with higher composite-fermion Landau levels in the lowest order. We then proceed to calculate the equal time edge Green function, which provides evidence that the Luttinger exponent characterizing the decay of the Green function at long distances is interaction dependent. The relevance of this result to tunneling experiments is discussed.Comment: 5 page

    Was the "naked burst" GRB 050421 really naked ?

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    A few long gamma-ray bursts such as GRB 050421 show no afterglow emission beyond the usual initial steep decay phase. It has been suggested that these events correspond to "naked" bursts that occur in a very low density environment. We reconsider this possibility in the context of various scenarios for the origin of the afterglow. In the standard model where the afterglow results from the forward shock as well as in the alternative model where the afterglow comes from the reverse shock, we aim to obtain constraints on the density of the environment, the microphysics parameters, or the Lorentz factor of the ejecta, which are imposed by the absence of a detected afterglow. For the two models we compute the afterglow evolution for different values of the external density (uniform or wind medium) and various burst parameters. We then compare our results to the Swift data of GRB 050421, which is the best example of a long burst without afterglow. In the standard model we show that consistency with the data imposes that the external density does not exceed 1E-5 cm-3 or that the microphysics parameters are very small with epsilon_e <~ 1E-2 and epsilon_B <~ 1E-4. If the afterglow is caused by the reverse shock, we find that its contribution can be strongly reduced if the central source has mainly emitted fast-moving material (with less than 10 - 30 % of the kinetic energy at Gamma<100 and was located in a dense environment. The two considered scenarios therefore lead to opposite constraints on the circumburst medium. The high-density environment, favored by the reverse shock model, better corresponds to what is expected if the burst progenitor was a massive star.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, to appear in A&

    The origin of the late rebrightening in GRB 080503

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    GRB 080503, detected by Swift, belongs to the class of bursts whose prompt phase consists of an initial short spike followed by a longer soft tail. It did not show any transition to a regular afterglow at the end of the prompt emission but exhibited a surprising rebrightening after one day. We aim to explain this rebrightening with two different scenarios - refreshed shocks or a density clump in the circumburst medium - and two models for the origin of the afterglow, the standard one where it comes from the forward shock, and an alternative one where it results from a long-lived reverse shock. We computed afterglow light curves either using a single-zone approximation for the shocked region or a detailed multizone method that more accurately accounts for the compression of the material. We find that in several of the considered cases the detailed model must be used to obtain a reliable description of the shock dynamics. The density clump scenario is not favored. We confirm previous results that the presence of the clump has little effect on the forward shock emission, except if the microphysics parameters evolve when the shock enters the clump. Moreover, we find that the rebrightening from the reverse shock is also too weak when it is calculated with the multi-zone method. On the other hand, in the refreshed-shock scenario both the forward and reverse shock models provide satisfactory fits of the data under some additional conditions on the distribution of the Lorentz factor in the ejecta and the beaming angle of the relativistic outflow.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Inverse Compton cooling in Klein-Nishina regime and GRB prompt spectrum

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    Synchrotron radiation mechanism, when electrons are accelerated in a relativistic shock, is known to have serious problems to explain the observed gamma-ray spectrum below the peak for most Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs); the synchrotron spectrum below the peak is much softer than observed spectra. Recently, the possibility that electrons responsible for the radiation cool via Inverse Compton, but in the Klein-Nishina regime, has been proposed as a solution to this problem. We provide an analytical study of this effect and show that it leads to a hardening of the low energy spectrum but not by enough to make it consistent with the observed spectra for most GRBs (this is assuming that electrons are injected continuously over a time scale comparable to the dynamical time scale, as is expected for internal shocks of GRBs). In particular, we find that it is not possible to obtain a spectrum with \alpha>-0.1 (f_{\nu} \propto \nu^{\alpha}) whereas the typical observed value is \alpha\sim0. Moreover, extreme values for a number of parameters are required in order that \alpha\sim-0.1: the energy fraction in magnetic field needs to be less than about 10^{-4}, the thermal Lorentz factor of electrons should be larger than 10^6, and the radius where gamma-rays are produced should be not too far away from the deceleration radius. These difficulties suggest that the synchrotron radiation mechanism in internal shocks does not provide a self-consistent solution when \alpha>-0.2.Comment: 10 pages (single column), 2 figures, MNRAS in pres

    A detailed spectral study of GRB 041219A and its host galaxy

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    GRB 041219A is one of the longest and brightest gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) ever observed. It was discovered by the INTEGRAL satellite, and thanks to a precursor happening about 300 s before the bulk of the burst, ground based telescopes were able to catch the rarely-observed prompt emission in the optical and in the near infrared bands. Here we present the detailed analysis of its prompt gamma-ray emission, as observed with IBIS on board INTEGRAL, and of the available X-ray afterglow data collected by XRT on board Swift. We then present the late-time multi-band near infrared imaging data, collected at the TNG, and the CFHT, that allowed us to identify the host galaxy of the GRB as an under-luminous, irregular galaxy of about 5x10^9 M_Sun at best fit redshift of z=0.31 -0.26 +0.54. We model the broad-band prompt optical to gamma-ray emission of GRB 041219A within the internal shock model. We were able to reproduce the spectra and light curve invoking the synchrotron emission of relativistic electrons accelerated by a series of propagating shock waves inside a relativistic outflow. On the other hand, it is less easy to simultaneously reproduce the temporal and spectral properties of the infrared data.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS, Figure 5 in reduced qualit