50 research outputs found


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    The development of more advanced tecnology that causes the number of crime that occured in the city hapless increased, so also the case with the crime of morality from year to year which increased from Goverment officers law enforcement. Laws that make not only made in the symbol or the display of them, but these laws must apply in good order with the children and the guaranteed protection of their rights. Research is a formula problem : The factors that encourage criminal acts occured children obscenes? And how The effectiveness of efforts of legal protection provided by police in the resort town of Malang for the children as victims of criminal act of obscenes? This method of research to take a sociological approach to judicial engineering, collecting data such as interviews with law enforcement-related problems at carefully by Ipda jayanti Mandasari H, and Aiptu Eni S, observations directly to location of the city of Malang in Polres taking place as the primary data. Then the results of research data in the analysis Descriptive. From the results obtained in the research data about the factors that encourage criminal acts occured children obscenes influence by the internal factors and extern factors that is parents factors, psycological factors, fraternization among environmental factors, electronic media factors, and alcoholic drink factors. Meanwhile efforts effectiveness of the legal protection provided by the city of Malang Polres occured children as victims of criminal acts obscenes depends on the efforts made in the police to protect children as victims of criminal acts obscenes. This is visible in the process of investigation that the victim in proximity parents and investigators in the Counseling PPA Polres the city of Malang and when the victims are afraid they will be coming in a pschologist if needed, the investigators advise that the offender not to repeat act it, because the actual undertake acts that violate the law, provide assistance for the victims in accordance with the procedures in the set. There are several factors that become obstacles in the efforts to deal with legal protection to children as victims of criminal acts obscenes among others: a. Lack of socialization/briefings from the police made the community in efforts to make the community as a partner that police expected as a function of the community to control the performance of the police so they can run effectively. b. Lack of presidential Polres PPA in the city of Malang in providing information to the public on the importance of legal awareness about the rights of victims of criminal acts obscenes. c. The lack of police protection guarantee of the security and confidentiality of the identity of reporters. In conclusion, the laws that exist in the value has not been enough to protect the child victims of criminal acts, especially criminal acts of decency obscenes, until now proven that children who become victims of crime less serious attention from government, law enforcement and officer eventually people. Where is the need to be forged in the socialization of the parents to be more supervision of their children, the police should be more socializing in providing information/outreach to the community about the importance of the legal rights of the victims and legal steps have not been known to the victim to resolve cases that are faced

    Electronic word of mouth dan minat beli pada follower produk hijab Naihijab.id

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    The intense competition for selling hijab fashion in online shops makes businesses have to develop effective strategies so that their products can compete in the market. One strategy used to attract consumer buyers is to introduce their products through electronic word of mouth (eWom). This study aims to test eWom's ability to predict consumer buying interest. The subjects of this study were 361 followers of the Naihijab.id tiktok account, aged 17-24 years, which were obtained using the accidental sampling technique. The scale used is the EWOM scale and the purchase intention scale. A simple linear regression test results show that the hypothesis is accepted. Namely, eWom can predict buying interest in followers of the Naihijab. id tiktok account by 21.5%. Of the seven dimensions of eWOM, only four significantly predict purchase intention: platform assistance, positive self-enhancement, social benefits, and advice seeking. In contrast, the remaining three dimensions are insignificant in predicting purchase intention. The implications of this research show that for consumer buying interest to increase, Naihijab.id business owners need to strengthen several aspects of eWom that have a strong contribution to consumers and improve several aspects that are not significant

    Effect of Demography Factor and Employee Engagement to Organizational Commitment

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    Komitmen Organisasi adalah topik penting dari perilaku organisasi karena dapat mempengaruhi kepuasan kerja, kewarganegaraan organisasi, turn over, dan kinerja pekerjaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh faktor demografi (jenis kelamin, pengalaman bertahun-tahun) dan keterlibatan karyawan terhadap komitmen organisasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan karyawan bank sebanyak 200 orang, instrumen penelitian menggunakan rganizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ) dan Skala Keterlibatan Kerja Utrecht (UWES-17). Teknik analisis menggunakan regresi berganda dan T-test. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa faktor demografi dan keterlibatan karyawan secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap komitmen organisasi, selain itu ditemukan bahwa antara komitmen karyawan organisasi pria dan wanita tidak berbeda

    The Role of Gratitude for Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in Employees

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    The existence of employees for the organization is crucial for the fulfillment of organizational goals. Employees who voluntarily work more than expected will be able achieve these goals, with the gratitude they have. This study aims to see the role of gratitude on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), using quantitative correlational method. The study was conducted on 150 employees of Kediri District Health Office. This study uses simple regression analysis hypothesis testing. The results showed a positive effect of gratitude on OCB of 12.2%. Points to, the higher employee's gratitude, the higher their OCB and vice versa. Moreover, 87.8% of OCB employees are affected by other factors. This research aims as a reference for HRD, employees, and employees to increase the effectiveness of tasks completion to achieve joint goals

    The Effect of Role Stress on Burnout in IT Support

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    The widespread digitalization in society has resulted in technological advances in various fields growing rapidly so the number of workers in the field of Information and Communication Technology is increasing. However, it cannot be denied that the burden and demands of work in the IT field are very heavy and might cause burnout. The research aims to find out whether there is an influence of the multidimensional construct of role stress on burnout in IT Support workers. This research uses a quantitative correlational approach using simple linear regression analysis and multiple linear regression. 140 IT support workers aged 21 – 35 years who had experience in the IT field for at least 1 year participated in this study. The result of this study revealed that there is a positive and significant influence on the role of stress on burnout. The role ambiguity and role overflow dimensions have a positive effect on burnout, but the role conflict dimension does not affect burnout

    Pengaruh Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan

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    This study aims to determine the effect of Quality of Work Life (QWL) and work motivation on employee performance. Subjects in this study were 50 TB-HIV Cadres, consisting of 36 women and 14 men whose ages ranged from 18 to 63 years old. This study applied multiple linear regression in analyzing data obtained from Likert-scale questionnaires. The results show that the QWL is significantly influential on performance, with R Square 0.313 and p-value 0.000, meaning that the QWL affects performance with 31% contribution. Meanwhile, the rest was influenced by other variables. However, work motivation seems to have no effect on performance (p>0.05). The practical implication of this study would be the more the manager is taking care of their employee’s QWL, the higher the performance of their employee will be. This subsequently may result in more productive employee in improving services to the society.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas kehidupan kerja atau Quality of Work Life (QWL) dan motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah adalah Kader TB-HIV yang berjumlah 50 orang, terdiri dari 36 orang perempuan dan 14 orang laki-laki dengan rentang usia antara 18-63 tahun. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi linear ganda untuk menganalisis data yang diperoleh dari kuesioner-kuesioner berbentuk skala Likert. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kualitas kehidupan kerja secara signifikan berpengaruh terhadap kinerja. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari nilai R Square sebesar 0.313 dan nilai p sebesar 0.000 yang bermakna bahwa kualitas kehidupan kerja sebagai variabel bebas mempengaruhi variabel terikat yaitu kinerja sebesar 31%, sedangkan sisanya dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain. Sementara itu, motivasi kerja tidak memiliki efek terhadap kinerja (p>0,05). Implikasi praktis dari penelitian ini adalah semakin tinggi kehidupan kerja karyawan, maka semakin tinggi pula kinerja karyawan. Hal ini selanjutnya dapat membuat karyawan lebih produktif dalam meningkatkan pelayanan kepada masyarakat

    Development of Student Academic Performance Determinants Using Rasch Model Analysis

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    This study aims to develop an instrument to determine students' academic performance. In this case, a quantitative design was used, with a random sampling technique utilized in selecting 415 students from the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. Data analysis was also carried out using Rasch Model. Based on the fit item criteria analysis, 5 misfit elements were each observed for the Mean and Standard Deviation logit and MNSQ (Mean Square) outfit. This indicated that the most difficult and easiest questions were numbers 47 and 10, respectively. For regional and school origins, the items containing differential function questions were 2 and 9, respectively. The reliability of the measuring instrument, item, and person was also 83, 98, and 79. In addition, only 7 of the 67 utilized items did not meet the required criteria and the remaining were completely accepted